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Chasing His Honey Badger
Chasing His Honey Badger
Chasing His Honey Badger
Ebook256 pages3 hours

Chasing His Honey Badger

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Honey Badger Princess Rana Morn has anosmia - she can't smell a thing. And honey badger don't care, except the condition prevents her from ever knowing who her true mate is. With two so-called 'mates' in her past, this shifter strictly guards her heart now. The reward of finding her forever love just isn't worth the risk of more pain.

After years of captivity and relentless experiments, Brice Bunson has no fear. That is, until he meets his mate and realizes she may never know they are a match. But with the help of his eager and nosy siblings, Brice is sure he has what it takes both in determination and charm to eventually claim Rana's heart.

Yet before Brice and Rana can sort out their pairing, The Company mounts a new threat that threatens them all. This battle of the heart will quickly become a battle for everyone's lives.

PublisherGolden Angel
Release dateApr 1, 2019
Chasing His Honey Badger

Golden Angel

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    Book preview

    Chasing His Honey Badger - Golden Angel

    Chasing His Honey Badger

    Book 5 of the Big Bad Bunnies Series

    By Golden Angel

    Copyright © 2019 by Golden Angel LLC

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

    may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

    without the express written permission of the publisher

    except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


    I have a lot of people to thank for helping me with this book:

    My amazing alpha readers, who are invaluable in helping me catch mistakes, continuity issues, and working through problems with me. Katherine, Nick, Marie, Karen, Marta, Annie, and Jessie – you all make these books so much better!

    My beta readers Natra and Maram.

    Thank you all for being such great cheerleaders, helping me with mistakes, continuity issues, and constantly asking questions.

    Miranda for your quick editing skills, words of support, and general awesomeness.

    Eris Adderly for the absolutely stunning cover.

    My husband for his continued loved and support.

    And, as always, a big thank you to all of you for buying and reading my work… if you love it, please leave a review!

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16


    About the Author


    It was a perfect day to be a bad ass biker chick. 

    Rana knew it was silly to feel like a bad ass biker chick, or even call herself one in her head, but that didn't stop her. When she had her bike rumbling between her legs, her cousins at her side, and the open road in front of her, she felt like she was in a movie. The camera would start on the darkened visor of her helmet, showing just a hint of dark eyes and long lashes, and then slowly pan out to see her and all her cousins in formation, driving down the road. 

    Fucking sexy as hell and not to be messed with. 

    Which, of course, meant they drew men's attention wherever they went. Some guys just liked the idea of a biker chick, but other guys wanted the challenge. And others wanted to knock her and her cousins down a peg for daring to infringe on what they saw as male territory. They were her favorite. 

    The only thing more satisfying than a perfect day on the open road was when they were doing so after leaving a misogynist shit-gibbon tied up naked and covered in honey in the middle of a parking lot. It lent an extra layer of satisfaction to the day. Another dickwad who wouldn't be harassing female bikers anymore in fear of underestimating them. Might not even harass other females period after that kind of humiliation. 

    His buddies seemed to think she and the girls had taken things too far, but they had been too scared to try and stop them. 

    Honey badgers don't give a fuck!

    In the back of her mind, her honey badger churred in amusement at the familiar anthem, which was basically her cete's motto. 

    Seeing the turn up ahead, Rana whooped inside her helmet. Last major stop before their final destination, Cryus Peak, and seeing her cousin Jacqueline! 

    They were picking up some supplies and a few things for Jacqueline from Lakewood, which was basically the headquarters for the leader of all North American shifters, Eli Mansfield. After this they'd drive for the rest of the afternoon and evening, only stopping for dinner, until they got to Cryus Peak. 

    As much as she was enjoying the ride, she was also hella excited to see Jacqueline. Plus, she'd heard a lot about Cryus Peak, but she'd never actually been there. It was basically a fortress in a mountain and Jacqueline's pack had retreated there after they'd been attacked on pack lands. The Company, as the bad guys were called—and how uncreative was that name? Rana did not approve—was still after the alpha's mate and her family, so for the foreseeable future the pack was staying at the Peak. 

    Pulling into Lakewood, they were met in the parking lot by Eli and several of his soldiers, along with the things they were picking up for Jacqueline. Rana smirked inwardly when she saw Kurt sauntering over to them. The cheetah shifter was a total glutton for punishment. The twins, Sara and Cara, perked up as soon as they saw Tall, Dark, and Brooding—their nickname for him. They were completely identical except for their hair, which they were constantly changing, and they liked to fuck with Kurt whenever possible. He seemed to enjoy it. 

    Grinning in amusement, Rana shook her head as they made a beeline for him. Kurt frowned at them as they practically pounced on him, immediately demanding he referee their latest fight—who had the better boobs. Yeah, big hardship for the guy. 

    After loading up the saddle bags, Rana was chatting with Eli when he came sauntering up. 

    Tall, tanned, with sun-streaked brown hair, blue eyes, and the kind of smile that made a woman think wicked thoughts. There was a lot of swagger in his walk and Rana immediately had the impression that he was a total player. 

    Play? Asked her honey badger with interest. 

    Not today, unfortunately, but they'd be back in a month to stay at Lakewood for a bit. Maybe he'd be amenable to being her boy toy during her visit. 

    He directed his smile right at her and Rana smiled back. 

    Play! Her honey badger demanded. Patience was not a honey badger virtue, but she really didn't have the time. Although maybe she could make some time... 

    Hello, he said, focusing on her rather than Eli. I heard you're going to Cryus Peak and...

    He suddenly cut off, his eyes widening in shock as he ground to a halt. Rana felt her heart sink a little. Crap, had he recognized her? Realized who she was? 

    You're my mate! he said, actually managing to sound sincerely shook. She had to give him credit for that even though it made her want to punch him in the face even more. Old hurts welled up and she shoved them away, making herself laugh. 

    Oh geez... not another one, she said, rolling her eyes upward as if her stomach hadn't just turned into a little ball of fury and pain. Her honey badger chittered, confused because it wanted to play with the pretty man, but the pretty man had just upset her. The urge to flee was overwhelming, especially since the ass just stood there, staring at her like he was legitimately shocked and confused. If she wasn't so pissed, she'd applaud his performance. Eli, it was good to see you, I'm outta here.

    She didn't even wait for Eli's response, striding quickly to her bike and jamming her helmet over her head with no care for the multitude of braids in her hair. That was going to be a bitch later when they were all dusty from the road, but right now she just needed to get away, as fast as she could. 

    Seeing her moving, the rest of her cousins immediately hopped to, although they obviously didn't know what was wrong. Rana led them back out onto the road. There would be questions later. The pretty man had no idea how close he'd come to being their second honey-covered victim of the day. 


    She'd thought assholes were well beyond pretending to be her mate, taking advantage of her anosmia. The doctors weren't sure why she couldn't smell, although they thought it might have been from that time her older sister accidentally dropped her on her head as a baby, causing her nasal passages to heal incorrectly. Growing up she'd thought it was just an inconvenience. The kids who dared to try and tease her about it quickly learned that making fun of a honey badger was a seriously bad idea. 

    Then, when she was eighteen, she'd met her mate. 

    At least, that's what he said. That's what he'd pretended to be. Fortunately, her cousins had been more suspicious and had sent Saskia in as a honey badger honey pot. Rana was beautiful, but Saskia was gorgeous. She got her long black hair from her father’s side of the family and her bright green eyes from her mother’s; standing at five feet and five inches, she was perfectly proportioned with the most amazing hourglass figure and a bosom that everyone wanted to use for a pillow. She looked like a wet dream come to life and it was common for her cousins to subject any serious boyfriend to the Saskia-test. 

    Rana's so-called mate had failed. Dismally. 

    They hadn't just left him naked and covered in honey afterwards, they'd put him on an ant hill. 

    So, when mate #2 came around, Rana was more suspicious. But unlike Joey, Mick passed the Saskia test. Thankfully, she had still insisted on waiting and getting to know each other better. It turned out he'd heard about Joey's failure. When she found out about his other girlfriend, Rana hadn't even had the heart to go to his honey-punishment. 

    After that, she just did boy toys. 

    It didn't stop the men from claiming to be her mate, but when they realized she wasn't having any of it, they would slink back to where they came from. If they were lucky. If they weren't lucky and she was in a bad mood... out came the honey. 

    Eli's soldier was just lucky that she was in a good mood, because Eli sure as hell wouldn't have stopped her if that was the route she'd wanted to take. He was probably doling out a punishment of his own, right now. Her honey badger sighed. 

    Too bad really. He had definitely been a pretty man. 

    Maybe if he apologized when they came back to Lakewood, she would take him for a ride—and not on her bike. 

    Chapter 1

    Cryus Peak was ridiculously cool.

    The long and winding road went about halfway up the mountain, leading to a large clearing in front of massive doors that were set right into the mountainside. Knowing they were coming, Jacqueline was standing outside waiting for them with a big grin on her face, hand in hand with her boyfriend, Jordan. That was another reason for the visit—Jordan was about to get the Saskia test. Jacqueline had said it wasn't necessary, but her cousins were going to make sure she was taken care of anyway.

    The big bear shifter was smiling down at Jacqueline as she watched her family ride up, obviously happy to see her happy. That was always a good sign. Rana's heart ached a little in envy even though she was happy for her cousin. Just looking at the two of them and the way Jordan was totally focused on Jacqueline made her pretty sure that he wasn't going to fall for the honey badger honey pot. 

    Next to them was another couple. Rana immediately recognized Steele, the pack alpha, which meant the petite blonde at his side was his mate Bethany. She was gesturing at the motorcycles in a way that made Rana think she was getting ideas, while Steele had a pained expression on his face. Since Rana and her cousins were used to seeing that expression courtesy of their own antics, she had a feeling she was really going to like Steele's mate. From what Jacqueline had described, Rana had already thought Bethany would be a like-minded female. 

    Apparently, she had a super badass backstory too, although Jacqueline hadn't gone into detail over the phone because some of it was Top Secret. She'd promised to fill Rana and the others in once they arrived and didn't have to worry about anyone hacking their communications. Of course, the extra precaution had just made all of them even more wildly curious. Rana couldn't wait to get the full story. 

    All of the motorcycles came to a halt as one.... and then the mountainside echoed with feminine screams as Jacqueline let go of Jordan's hand and came racing toward her cousins. They met in the middle with an almost audible bang that had the on-lookers all wincing. Rana was right in the middle of the honey badger pile-on, squealing as she got her arms around Jacqueline's middle. Someone elbowed her in the ribs, someone else clipped her cheek, but it didn't matter. 

    Hug fest! 

    There were a few tears, a lot of shoving as they all jockeyed to be able to get their arms directly around Jacqueline, and pretty much endless cursing. Eventually Jacqueline reached her limit. 


    Honey badgers went tumbling back as Jacqueline emerged from the center of them, laughing and elbowing her way back out of the pile. Giggling, everyone managed to right themselves. 

    Shaking her head, Jacqueline was still grinning when she gestured her pack leader forward. Having done this before, Steele had stayed well out of the way, as had Jordan. The blonde woman was bouncing on her feet, looking like she had a million questions to ask. 

    My father sends his regards, Rana said as she came to a halt in front of Steele, inclining her head. Thankfully, Steele liked ceremony about as much as honey badgers did. 

    Snorting at her pack princess manners, he stepped forward and engulfed her in a huge hug. Tell you father I say hello. Stepping back, he grabbed the blonde's hand and brought her forward. This is my mate, Bethany. Bethany, this is Rana, daughter of the Dallas cete's alpha. I'm sure you're all going to get along far too well. Please try to keep the mayhem to a minimum. 

    Hello! Bethany held out the hand that Steele wasn't holding, her blue eyes bright with curiosity. She was shorter than Rana, but well-muscled and looked like she could probably hold her own in a fight. The fact that Steele already had a look of resignation on his face meant that he was anticipating shenanigans. 


    Great to meet you, Rana said, shaking Bethany's hand enthusiastically. We've all been wondering if Steele was ever going to meet a woman who could handle him. 

    Who, Mr. Bossy-pants here? Hard to handle? Bethany snickered and rolled her eyes. She knew her mate well, although she seemed more amused at his dictatorial tendencies than anything else. It's a good thing he's phenomenal in the sack or else he'd be intolerable. 

    Rana laughed out loud, absolutely delighted by the alpha’s blunt and brazen mate. Sighing, Steele pinched the bridge of his nose. I'm going to have the biggest headache by the end of all of this. I just know it.

    Please, you love it when we visit, Rana said, punching his bicep and then dancing away to say hello to Jordan. 

    Technically she'd met him before—he was Steele's beta after all—but she hadn't interacted with him much then and she hadn't seen him since he and Jacqueline had become an item. The big bear shifter was a bit on the serious side in Rana's opinion... but most people were compared to honey badgers. Rana watched as each of her cousins approached Jordan in turn, already testing him. He was more amused by their antics than anything else—and when Saskia flirted with him, he was polite, but he retreated fast.

    Thank goodness. 

    This was gearing up to a low-actual-drama, high-fun-drama trip!

    Then Rachel sidled up to her, her almond eyes wide with both interest and a touch of anxiety. What the heck could make her wild cousin feel anxious?

    Rana... Rachel's eyes were practically glued to Steele's mate as she whispered. "The blonde smells weird."

    Weird how? Rana whispered back, frowning. While her cousins often acted as her nose, none of them had ever said anything like that before. Glancing around at the others, she could see that Rachel was far from the only one to be disturbed. Everyone who had met Bethany was now looking at her with various combinations of interest and wariness. 

    Like... unnatural, Rachel's voice went even quieter. I've never smelled anything like it. My honey badger is going nuts because it can't figure out what she is.

    Well shit. 


    Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

    The sense of urgency riding Brice was unnerving. As soon as Eli had explained why Rana had reacted the way she had, and why she'd left him, Brice had jumped into action. He was going to follow her to Cryus Peak, of course. But he wasn't doing it fast enough for his beast, which was doing the mental equivalent of trying to claw its way out of his head so it could shift and go racing after her. 

    Chill out, Behemoth!

    Behemoth did not chill out. It bellowed, peeved at him. The creature was a part of Brice and yet somehow separate too. Sometimes he wondered if other shifters experienced their animal sides the same way he did, but he didn't feel comfortable asking. He was already kind of an outsider. 

    He and his siblings hadn't been born shifters. Instead, they'd been kidnapped when Brice was only fifteen, imprisoned, and experimented on. The combination of multiple shifter lines in their genes, even though they were all human, had apparently made them ideal test subjects. The Company had taken them, killed their parents, and then successfully turned them into monsters. 

    Although Brice didn't mind the monster part so much.

    He and Behemoth did okay sharing the same headspace and being able to shift into a nearly bullet-proof vicious bunny the size of a grizzly bear, with a turtle shell under all his fluffy white fur for extra protection,

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