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SpyCam: The Time Team
SpyCam: The Time Team
SpyCam: The Time Team
Ebook104 pages1 hour

SpyCam: The Time Team

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After tragedy strikes on the Cam and her friend's previous mission, an important discovery leads them to believe there may be a way to retrieve what was lost. The Agents go on their most dangerous mission yet traveling through time and stopping the notorious supervillain Shardstorm from enacting his plan that might ruin time... and the world as they know it... forever.

PublisherZoe Wynns
Release dateApr 26, 2019
SpyCam: The Time Team

Zoe Wynns

UNC student who occasionally writes novels.Thanks to everyone who's checked out my work! You can contact me at for any inquiries.

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    SpyCam - Zoe Wynns


    The Time Team

    By Zoe Wynns

    Stop Right Here! This book is the fourth in a series. If you haven’t read the first, second, and third books, SpyCam: The President Plot, SpyCam: The Android Attack, and SpyCam: The School Secret, you can download them from these links:

    Or search the names on the iBook store. This book will make more sense and be more enjoyable if you’ve already read the first three.

    Praise for Zoe Wynns

    "Zoe Wynns is a talented young writer who is off to a terrific start with SpyCam: The President Plot.  This is an entertaining and well-paced read, driven by spirited 14-year-old Cam and her plucky BFF, Stella. Zoe's novel has suspense, adventure and a lot of heart — a combination that will leave readers eager to take more fictional journeys with Cam and crew!"

    —Tracie Fellers (fiction and nonfiction author with work in Long Story Short:  Flash Fiction by Sixty-Five of North Carolina's Finest Writers, and 27 Views of Raleigh)

    "Zoe Wynns is an amazing author. Her first two books were well written and interesting. I have read Journey to the End five times. Her book, Flicker, Fade, Soar, that I recently just finished, was awesome. This new book is obviously another masterpiece. Keep going Zoe!"

    -Caleb McLamb (CEO of M-Tech)

    Zoe Wynns has done it again. Her SpyCam books are the sort of chair-gripping page-turners that grab you at the prologue and continue to hold on after the final page has been read. But it’s not only the 394 unexpected plot twists that make her writing impossible to put down; her characters, too, are unforgettable. Whether it’s selfless Cam, spunky Stella, or power-crazed Shardstorm, Zoe’s characters don’t just come alive off the page -- they jump out at you with every witty remark or infamous almost-kiss, throwing confetti into the air (or in Shardstorm’s case, bombs). In short? Zoe’s novels are the rare, wonderful kind that will touch your heart and stay there forever.

    -Luna Hou (winner of Wake County’s annual Teen Poetry Contest)

    If you are into spies, youth fiction, and adventure, Zoe Wynns is an up-and-coming author you should definitely check out. Her SpyCam series features a strong, bright female protagonist who faces a world of conquering the bad guys with ingenuity, humor and a minimum of blood and gore. Wholesome excitement that will keep you turning pages until the end... and then you start the next book!

    -Kathryn Tinsley, former college psychology instructor

    This book has been republished in 2019 with minor edits, but the original message to readers has been left below.

    I am fifteen years old. SpyCam: The Time Team is my seventh self-published book. Feel free to send me feedback if you find a mistake in the book, but know that I tried my best, worked very hard on the book, and I am very proud of the final novel. Thank you for downloading or purchasing this book.

    If you enjoy this book, feel free to download my six other self-published books. Journey to the End is available on Kindle, iBooks, and Smashwords. Flicker, Fade, Soar is available on iBooks and Smashwords. SpyCam: The President Plot, SpyCam: The Android Attack and SpyCam: The School Secret are available on iBooks and Smashwords. Awaken Illusionia is also available on iBooks and Smashwords.

    Now, in 2019, I’m sixteen years old! I’ve written a total of eight books, and you can check them out on iBooks or Smashwords.

    Please rate this book or write a quick review if you enjoy it! Thanks in advance!

    I hope you enjoy SpyCam: The Time Team!

    This is a work of fiction. While some businesses and places do exist that I’ve mentioned, any interactions inside those places or any descriptions of those places are purely fictional. All persons are fictional, and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

    This book is published by Smashwords. No part of this book may be copied or reproduced without the consent of Zoe Wynns. All questions to

    Summary: Cam goes back in time with her spy friends to rescue her best friend who was murdered by the supervillain Shardstorm.

    Smashwords Edition License Notes:

    Thank you for downloading this eBook. This book remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy from their favorite authorized retailer. Thank you for your support.

    Copyright © 2019 Zoe Wynns.


    The time machine sputtered and spit out sparks as the supervillain approached it.

    This doesn’t look like it’s in very good working condition, the villain growled as he gave the shimmering surface of the portal a poke.

    It always does that, Father, one of his sons spoke up hesitantly, letting his sandy-blonde hair dangle in his face, shielding his deep, dark blue eyes from seeing what the father was about to do.

    It does not, snapped the supervillain. When my scientists completed it, it didn’t spark at all.

    The villain grew bored of playing with the shimmering surface. When will my second and third in command arrive?

    His sandy-haired son checked his watch furtively, but his other son, a tan, handsome young man with blue eyes like the ocean and light brown hair as soft as silk, spoke up first. They say they’re already here.

    Like they’d been summoned by his words, a man and a woman walked through the low doorway. The woman was tall, with black hair so frizzy it looked like she’d put her finger in a socket and gray eyes so hard they might well have been made out of stone.

    Beside her, an even taller man flipped his dark blonde hair out of his face as he strode, his dark brown eyes glittering with malice. His once-handsome face was marred by scars from the bomb that had almost killed him… and almost killed that pesky girl Cam.

    Well, this time, the villain thought, there wouldn’t be an almost.

    Do you understand that there’s a chance you won’t make it out of this alive? the supervillain asked the scarred man.

    Anything for the pursuit of your most high goal, the tall scarred

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