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Kylie in the City: Episode 3
Kylie in the City: Episode 3
Kylie in the City: Episode 3
Ebook37 pages35 minutes

Kylie in the City: Episode 3

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Choosing to follow her dreams and moving to the Big Apple had been a big risk for single Mormon girl, Kylie McKay. Now that she's an actual resident of the City that Never Sleeps, she's found that being Mormon and single so far away from Utah and everything she knows is much more of a challenge than she had anticipated.

As Kylie figures out what is most important to her, she’s left to make some big decisions regarding her future and the type of woman she’s trying to become; a woman of integrity. But through her misadventures of life and love she discovers being a woman of integrity isn’t exactly a cake walk when it comes to feelings of the heart. From stumbling through complications in her recent past with her comically disastrous dating life, to forging a friendship with someone she never thought possible, she comes closer to finding out who she really is and ultimately unmasking her true self.

PublisherLaura Keysor
Release dateApr 30, 2019
Kylie in the City: Episode 3

Laura Keysor

Laura Keysor is the author of both Kylie in the City, and Starboard Academy series. She also has a few series in various genres in the works for the upcoming year. So stay tuned for some brand spanking new releases! When she’s not writing, she’s hanging out at the beach with her face buried in a good book. Some of her favorite things include cool stories she discovers in history, archaeology, Indiana Jones, anything Jane Austen, BBC period dramas, traveling as much as possible, and warm chocolate croissants.

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    Book preview

    Kylie in the City - Laura Keysor

    Kylie in the City

    Episode 3


    Laura Keysor

    Copyright 2014 by Laura Keysor

    Smashwords Edition


    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the vendor and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents may have been inspired by genuine events but have been written and used fictitiously. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior permission in writing from Laura Keysor.


    Chapter 1

    I had been back in the city a few weeks after spending Christmas with my family in Utah for two weeks. It had been the longest two weeks of my life. I hadn’t had a chance to talk to Jake before leaving. He avoided me like the plague before I left. I hadn’t seen Scott either after chasing down Jake after he kissed me. I guess running after another guy the second after another one puts his lips on yours isn’t exactly an awesome thing to do to someone. When I couldn’t find Jake, I ran back into the building; but Scott was nowhere to be found. I’d been dreading coming back to the city because of it all.

    I had no idea how either one of them was going to take what I had to say to each of them. I had used my time in Utah to sort some things out; and finally after some majorly heartfelt prayers, I had my answer. I knew what I planned to do was the right thing. I felt peace--which was something I hadn’t felt in a very long time. I had been so caught up with everything that I hadn’t taken the time to really think about what I was doing, let alone figure out if what I had been doing was the right thing for me during this past year or so. It was definitely time for a change in perspective.

    I had an audition for another off Broadway play later that afternoon; but first, I had plans to meet Megan for lunch and catch up. We had things to talk about. She had snuck in early this morning around 3:00 am, which was completely unusual for responsible Megan. She had some ‘splaining to do! My curiosity had been driving me nuts all morning. Our schedules were completely opposite, and we had been like two passing ships in the night

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