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Ebook188 pages2 hours


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About this ebook

Alzhir is a semi philosophical science-fiction novel that is made up of 4 parts each of which has its special topics;
1st part: you may find some philosophical topics with a new and different look, and also some scientific hypothetical thoughts about space and Big Bang:
2nd part: you will find a new look to the social problems that exist in today`s world. As well as predictions about the future technologies can be found.
3rd part: In this part you are going to read some thoughts about (or a new look to) beliefs and social-ethic problems.
4th part: this part has so many philosophical thoughts, predictions about future technologies and some hypothetical ideas about time, space and matter.
So, if you like everything in one book, this book is for you. Otherwise, it is not worth wasting your time.

PublisherDavid Azad
Release dateApr 19, 2019

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    Book preview

    Alzhir - David Azad


    David Azad


    Dear reader! This book you are going to read is a new genre of fiction; it’s a semi-philosophical sci-fi. So, I hope you’ll love it.

    If any of you would like, you might translate this book into any language except Turkish, Azeri, and print, publish and sell it. No royalty will be requested! So, feel free translating and selling it as your own book.

    And also, if someone would like to help me improve translations, please, let me know.

    Have a good reading!

    All people judge themselves if the things which have been done are true or wrong. But, I judge myself if the things have been done or not. Why do we concern when we do something, or think about something if they are right or wrong? Our thoughts about good and bad, right and wrong are changing time by time. It’s obvious that the vast majority of things which are now classified as right and wrong by most of the people, have been understood in a different way in some past periods of history. It’s all about what we use for comparing. While we are improving our thoughts for comparison are also being altered. Who knows, perhaps, the conceptions which we consider are innovative will be considered the most ignorant thoughts. All I attempt to say is that everything has been taught us had better be questioned. We don’t have to accept the thoughts which always say That is good, and that one is bad without any questioning. All the ethical rules that humans have accepted will be utterly different in the future. I think, the last comparing criterion of humans will be something that will take all of the instinctive needs of all the living critters into consideration. But saying foolish stuff such as If you don’t want people to do it to you, then you also don’t do it as a solution to a problem after causing its emergence is just ridiculous. It’s ridiculous, because it tries to edify people with the feeling of a great benefit that gratifies their egos. It sounds like we say: I do favors, because, I want people to do me favors. I don’t do evils, because I don’t want people to do me evils". It’s like we do it to ourselves. This can’t be the rule of ethics. Which thought we suppose is the best will show our ignorance, our lack of intelligence, our illiteracy in the very near future. That’s why we must question everything we have been taught. I want the history to be written again by changing the ideas with wiser ones.

    Now we should replace the thought saying: I think, therefore, I am with the thought saying: I think, I feel, and I build up these abilities of mine, therefore, I am trying to become, or with any idea of wise people. Thinking that We are at the highest point of our improvement is an ancient habit of mankind. However, in fact, we are not at the highest point of our improvement and we will never be there, we will never reach that point. But, not desiring to improve not only stops us where we are, but also, it pushes us into the past. What I mean by saying improvement is intellectual, emotional and social-ethic progress of a human. I think, those are the most important ones.

    I am incapable of grasping;

    1. Why do people hate one another? If social-ethic rules increase it instead of intervening, they had better be questioned.

    2. Why aren’t people curious, and aren’t eager to know? If we asked someone they would probably say We want to know. Knowledge is everything for us, whereas, in reality the truth is wholly different. The number of the people who really want to know is just a few. For the rest ones, knowing something is one of the means of domineering and ruling other people.

    3. Why don’t people take the emotions serious? Feeling, emotional thinking give us the most part of our knowledges. If you think that the information about taste is less important than the knowledge about Quantum Physics, you are wrong. It’s all about where you are applying this information.

    Knowing tastes, scents and various kinds of sound can also be considered wisdom. When we call other people ignorant, fool, we are trying to bully them, because, they don’t know what we know. But, in fact, everyone knows something. By the way, why are thinking and knowing accepted as the only criterions of being a human? Aren’t the people who are incapable of thinking and have no knowledge humans? All we need is not only the ability of thinking. For instance, running fast, tolerance against cold and hot weather might be the criterion of existence, the criterion of being. Why are we dying for humiliating the people who don’t know? I don’t mean knowledge and thinking are unnecessary. In fact, I don’t know any other things as important as knowledge and thinking. But, if we think this is our difference, then we block our evolving. All I want to say is that if we think of ourselves as individual ones, we should think of other people as individual ones as well.

    One can be a good painter, one can be a good cook, one can be a good scientist, one can be a good philosopher etc. But, one of those can’t be more important than the others. If each one does his/her work being inspired by the others, then we can evolve completely. A cook can make tasty dishes getting inspired by the others, a painter can draw better pictures getting inspired by the others and so can the scientist and philosopher (The imagining capability of the ones who are far from tasty dishes and vibrant things). All I want to say is that if people want to be more special than the others by exaggerating their intellectual abilities, then they can never improve. Maybe, this is explained with the instinct of dominance or something else. But that instinct is useless and dangerous now. And also, not all natural features of living organisms are useful. The instinct of dominance is not different from the wisdom teeth as a natural feature. Some of the natural features lose their functions by time passing. Maybe, in the past that instinct helped us survive as a specie. But, now is a new age. Now, we had better change our thoughts in order not to delay the evolution of human species.

    By the way, I think all moral and ethical rules should be renewed. Exempli gratia, why do humans want to wear something on? It is understandable in cold weather conditions, because, we should wear something to normalize our body temperature. But, what about wearing something on in warm and hot weather conditions? Do you really think that it would be a disgrace if humans were as nude as the other animals? If you think so, then you are wrong. There will be one day in the future that people will live as nude as animals and it will not be a situation of disgracefulness, immorality and sexuality. Humans will begin to accept their bodies. They will get that their bodies are not shameful.

    Humans put the knowledge and thinking to the first place. Whereas, at the same time they say that not everyone can do this, or they don’t want everyone to do this. We should transform the thought which says Human is a thinking living creature which stands on two legs to the thought which says Human is a living being.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I have just contrived a system. We can get video displaying on the screen by putting regular paper books into the reader-viewer port of that system. There will be videos on screen and that is the newest way of reading. Now we can see and understand what the writer had been imagining, and what the author actually ruminated and wanted to say. From now on, no one will be able to use anyone’s thoughts in his/her benefit by explaining it in a quite different manner. Now, we are going to use this device for the first time. But, don’t distinguish yourselves because of seeing it first.

    By the way, this device maybe considered unsuccessful. But, there are loads of things that you don’t heed, had been considered the highest level of technology in the past, e.g. light bulbs. Also, there are loads of things that you think is important have been considered unimportant things in the past times. For example, fingerprint access bank accounts. People had laughed a lot at the person who had said that we could use our fingerprints as the substitutes for bank cards. Afterwards, when fingerprints had been applied for replacing bank cards, it turned out that their guffaws were nothing else, but stupidity. Nowadays, you are able to do payments by touching your fingers to the fingerprint readers, and it is an ordinary case for you. But, once upon a time, it has been considered as the most ridiculous idea.

    Here it is, you might watch" – Paul Eluard said and placed four different books into reader viewer port and switched the device on. Then displaying began.

    Purple Dreams

    A human is both happy and unhappy. A human is both good and bad. Everything contradicting to each other has been gathered in him/her. Actually, all the contradictions have always to be fighting with each other, but, they are in peace in human character. There is one more contradiction here, as well. Despite, all contradictions look as getting on well with each other without struggling, they hurts human; all good and bad things push a human down into the abyss. Not only in human character, but also in the nature everything is made up of contrasts. So is the life. Life exists due to the coexistence of contrasting things against their natures.

    I hardly understand you. Could you, please, explain it more clearly in order that I can understand?

    Of course

    Then, please, do it. Otherwise, I am afraid that I am not going to understand it.

    Elena smiled. Not much time passed, the smiling on her face that was just wrinkles, disappeared and she turned to be in bad mood again. Then she began to explain it one more time, so Mary could understand it. In actual fact, she hadn’t even explained her thoughts. So to say, she was going to do it now.

    – "Look, Mary. Yesterday I was laughing loudly in my dream. Then those guffaws turned into sorrow. This means that laughing and sorrow exist together. I know, my dream in which my laughter turned into sorrow has psychological reasons. But, I should use it as a philosophical object so as to express my opinion. Contradicting things can’t exist separately. They can only exist together. In this way, all things exist

    Everyone desires gladness and happiness. But, those are meaningless when there is not unhappiness and sorrow: what a stupid desire they have! Yesterday’s dream in which my unending laughter was replaced with infinite sorrow, taught me that it’s impossible to feel glad without being unhappy or it can’t be real gladness. Two contrasting feelings can’t exist separately. Or, if we added a little bit poetic depiction, I would explain so. Imagine a flower with red petals. It’s the sign of happiness. It demonstrates its beauty, its happiness symbols – the red petals to everyone who looks at it from apart. But, if we approach this flower and look at it, we will see that it’s full of sorrow. There is a black point in the center of the flower, surrounded by red petals. There is a great sadness in the center of it, circled by red petals. The sorrow of that flower is together with its happiness, its beauty. Two contrasts are together. Who would love that flower if it had only red petals? Wouldn’t it be boring, if there was not darkness surrounded red petals? This is the unity of contradictions.

    Humans come into being. This is the happy side of life: nature has created a new living being, a new critter. But, one who is born today, dies one day. One who exists today, will not exist one day. Humans die as they are born. And we consider that the death of a human is the sad side of life. Life is sorrow as much as it is happiness.

    Now, think that one of those contradictions doesn’t exist, humans are born and never die. Don’t you think that life would lose its meaning and interestingness, if it was so? Or, imagine that there will be one day that humans will not be born any more, but die. Also, in this case life would lose its meanings; although, no one could have ever found any meaning for life, but the meaninglessness of life would increase.

    One day in the future, human mind will be so improved that they will be capable of preventing death and humans will be able to live limitless, unending lives, humans will get immortality. But, do we need immortality? Whom can living immortal life make happy? The only thing that a human should do is trying to be happy. But, human moves away from happiness by moving away from death. I hate the people who has infinite love of life and is shivering because of the fear of death.

    The contrasts can’t exist separately. Exterminating one of two contradicting things is equal to exterminating the other one as well.

    Could I make myself understood, Mary?"

    Of course, you could. But, I am sure what you think is more flawless than what you explained. Humans can never put their thoughts into words completely

    Mary, our lives are made up of contrasts. While contradictions have to be in struggling with each other, they always follow each other, one needs the other one – the contradicting one for existing. Remember, what Mr. Schweser had taught us at physics lesson. Even physics say that everything exists together with its contradicting one. For instance, electrons and protons which are the basic particles that the physical form of matter consisted of, are matter on their own, whereas, if they were not together, the atoms and molecules couldn’t exist. If there was not one of those, the other particle couldn’t be stable physical stuff alone. Any being can’t exist without one of the contradictions

    I wish all people would use their minds for memorizing such things

    – "Despite, all the contrasting things are in contradiction, they can only exist together. All contrasts are in fighting, but, we see that they can’t exist without their unity,

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