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To Take Up The Sword
To Take Up The Sword
To Take Up The Sword
Ebook105 pages1 hour

To Take Up The Sword

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Missing diamonds and a killer on the loose...will a schoolteacher and FBI agent escape with their lives and hearts intact?

Lack of evidence means the acquittal of Niccolo Gueraldi’s favored killer for hire, Ashton Smythe. Having failed in his mission to avenge his partner, Serena Roarke, Agent Gabriel Spiller returns to Alabama to search in secret for the missing diamonds needed to reopen the investigation and to lay low from the death threats he’s received since Smythe went free.

Almost two years after her sister’s death, Leannan O’Neal feels Serena's loss now more than ever. A secret meeting before Serena died left Lea with an ugly figurine and nothing but questions. And then the hang-up calls, death threats, and finally coming home to a trashed house remind her of Serena's warning.

With a killer out for revenge and hot on her heels, Lea goes on the run in search of Serena’s ‘angel’, but how long can Gabe keep her alive? And at what cost?

PublisherBrynna Curry
Release dateMay 7, 2019
To Take Up The Sword

Brynna Curry

Bethany Cagle, who writes as Brynna Curry, was born south of the Mason-Dixon Line in a small Alabama town. Growing up, books fueled her dreams and imagination, ultimately became her sanctuary during the hardest times in her life. After living all over the southern states, she finally landed back in north Alabama where she met her husband, Jackie. She spent a wonderful twenty-two years with her hero, raising their three children. Now widowed, she spends her free time writing. Her furry minions, Jace, Styxx, Beerus, and Asheron, are always willing to keep her company while she works. She insists love is the truest magic and with it, every day is an adventure. You can read more about her work on her website,

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    Book preview

    To Take Up The Sword - Brynna Curry

    To Take Up The Sword

    Elemental Magic: Book Two


    Brynna Curry

    To Take Up The Sword © – December, 2018 by Brynna Curry

    2nd Digital Edition

    This book was previously released digitally September 6, 2010.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted in violation of the authors’ rights. This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and incidents are the product of the authors’ imagination and are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or establishments is solely coincidental.

    Cover design © Brynna Curry

    Images appropriately licensed from

    Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyright work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

    About the Book

    Missing diamonds and a killer on the loose…will a schoolteacher and FBI agent escape with their lives and hearts intact?

    Lack of evidence means the acquittal of Niccolo Gueraldi’s favored killer for hire, Ashton Smythe. Having failed in his mission to avenge his partner, Serena Roarke, Agent Gabriel Spiller returns to Alabama to search in secret for the missing diamonds needed to reopen the investigation.

    Leannan O’Neal feels her sister’s loss now more than ever. A secret meeting before Serena died left Lea with an ugly figurine and nothing but questions. And there are hang-up calls, death threats, and finally coming home to a trashed house remind her of Serena's warning.

    With a killer out for revenge and hot on her heels, Lea goes on the run in search of Serena’s ‘angel’, but how long can Gabe keep her alive? And at what cost?


    A teacher’s heart is so precious, with wisdom and never-ending patience, they guide their pupils through life long after they’ve left the classroom. This book is dedicated to my daughter, Anna, who aspires to be a teacher, to my sister-in-law, Amy, who has dedicated her life to teaching, serving her family and Jesus with a steady faith that inspires me. And to all those who choose to make teaching not only a profession, but a way of life.

    In memory of my Aunt Brenda, the mother of my heart, who welcomed all children through her classroom door with a questing mind and a loving heart. She passed away on a beautiful June day from injuries she suffered in an automobile accident while on her way to teach vacation bible school. Thanks for believing in that kid who kept her head in the clouds, for always reading my writing, and not being afraid to tell some racy stories yourself. I miss you more every day, but I’m comforted knowing my guy has you for company on the other side of the veil. Leave the porch light on for me at the mansion. I won’t see you soon, but I’ll see you someday.


    Washington, DC

    Special Agent Gabriel Spiller picked up the cup of coffee his desk and flipped through a thick manila file he had received earlier in the day.

    In-house security photos of Niccolo Gueraldi, along with the details of his next heist. Damn. We’re so close.

    But again, the pictures were too grainy to identify the stone. They were so close to having enough evidence for an arrest, if he could just prove a connection to the stolen diamonds.

    The chaos of men and women at work, chasing down leads, surrounded him. The diplomacy of working with local law enforcement wasn’t something he generally enjoyed, but he and Detective Serena Roarke had managed to work well together. Almost too well.

    His cellphone vibrated. Clicking the screen, he answered the unknown number. Spiller.

    Hello, angel.

    Lust rolled through him at the sound of Ren’s voice. He growled, I thought we talked about this. Don’t cross the line, Gabe. You can’t keep calling out of the blue and saying that kind of thing. It’s dangerous.

    We did, but...

    You’re married, Ren. He whispered. Regardless of how I feel about you, I’m not willing to cross that line. As long as you are his, this discussion is pointless. Gabe tapped his pen on the desk in an effort to calm his irritation. And out of place during work hours.

    I filed for divorce this morning.

    The pen fell from his hand, rolled across the floor and underneath Wyatt’s desk. Stunned into silence, he let the words echo in his thoughts.

    I plan to tell Jack tonight. It’s not fair to him to drag this out. I love you, Gabriel. Marrying Jack was a mistake. I hope one day he will see that too. I’m setting him free. If I truly loved Jack, then how could I have these feelings for you? It’s only right to let him go.

    I don’t think he’ll see it that way.

    I’ll be back in Washington next weekend. Meet me.

    Not as long as his ring is on your finger, Ren, legally.

    She laughed. You’re surprisingly old-fashioned.

    Not at all, just goes against my code.

    You and your code. She sighed. Just to talk.

    Here, then. That should be safe enough.

    Afraid of what might happen if we were alone? Her laugh floated out to him, dark and smoky.

    Maybe I don’t want to tempt fate.

    "You’re no fun. The office it is then. I’ll call you after I get checked in…to my hotel…where you could meet me." Ren purred.

    Definitely not a chance in hell. Code, Gabe. Remember the code. Change of subject. I received your package.


    It’s not clear enough. I need something concrete.

    We’re on a shopping trip now. Delivery tonight. Maybe I can do better. Speaking of that, LeFluer is here. Gotta go. She paused on the line. I love you, angel. She ended the call.

    I know.

    Gabe put the file into his briefcase and shut his computer down for the day.

    I didn’t mean to fall for her.

    He had worked dozens of undercover cases, ones where he often had to romance a suspect or work closely with a partner, faking a marriage or affair as part of his cover, faking being the operative word. Not once had he fallen for a mark or a partner.

    But there was something different about Ren.

    She played the part of a jewel thief, dirty cop, and his fiancée as if she’d been born for the role. And playing his part as an aristocrat and buyer, he brought her along to parties to case the houses of the rich. Parties that put their ‘engagement’ on display. She was constantly at his side, tempting him with heated looks and barely there kisses. At some point, they both had realized they weren’t faking it any more.

    And that’s when he’d drawn a hard line, torn between what he knew was right, what was expected of him and what he wanted. He wasn’t in love with her, not completely, not yet. But it would be oh so easy to fall over that line.

    * * * *

    Serena clicked a button on her Bluetooth headset to end the call. Her black catsuit and leather boots made it easy for her to blend in with the night.

    I’m beginning to enjoy these larcenous trysts with Devin far too much for anyone’s good.

    Grabbing one end of the

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