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The Universe
The Universe
The Universe
Ebook49 pages35 minutes

The Universe

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The Universe or the vacuum of space really is a neutral point or point zero or a starting point and the universe becomes positive or turns into a one or a beginning when matter enters the universe or the vacuum of space from the outside of the universe or the vacuum of space. The universe becomes negative when the largest of stars implode into giants black holes. It is through the giant black holes that the universe or that the vacuum of space is cleared or cleaned from any matter or stars or planets which are still left in the universe or in the vacuum of space and thus returning the universe or the vacuum of space into a neutral point when all of the giants holes are dispersed or turned off because of lack of energy or lack matter in the universe or in the vacuum of space. Tags: universe, vacuum of space, matter, energy, light, black hole, positive, negative, neutral, beginning, end, and implosion, planets...

Release dateMay 9, 2019
The Universe

Forester de Santos

English / EspañolWho am I really?My pen name as a fortunate or blessed writer is Forester de Santos and I am on a very grandiose crusade of rebirth alive or to be born again with complete gladness and with complete joy and also with complete abundance of God but as much more than God and as much more than Creator.Now then, one who truly is on a very grandiose crusade cannot follow another or cannot let himself be surrounded by his beloved ones or his fans because he cannot cross over them or he cannot cross over because of them being in the way or because of them blocking the path which is but which cannot be seen until rebirth or until one is born again.I do not ask to be followed, not because I will not lead, but because I will not look back but I will look to my right and to my left to see who walks with me.But those that truly decide to follow me will become as me and as me will truly receive or gather true knowledge because my struggle or contention or my very grandiose crusade of rebirth is true, so true in fact that I have become a much better person because of the true faith which I have come to receive through my search and research for the truth.And because I have come to have true faith or faith of God, thus I use my true faith as a shield to repel or to reject other beliefs or good sounding lies!Therefore, to rebirth alive or to be born again while still living here on the very earth which will be as in the very heavens through rebirth!Now, God could be the Master Creator, the brain, the sub-conscious mind, the conscious mind surpassed into a taller consciousness or even much more, but all of these forms or reforms of God or of life forever will be every time higher in consciousness and so that man could enter or overcome a higher conscious thus man has to present himself for more or as more to what is higher than man so that which is higher than man, God, allows man to go up to the higher or to the next mode of thinking or of mental consciousness...Español¿Quién soy yo? ¡Yo soy (8 +)!Mi nombre como dichoso y bendecido escritor es Forester de Santos y yo en verdad aún estoy en una muy grandiosa cruzada de renacer o de renacimiento vivo o de nacer de nuevo en vida real con completo gozo real y con completa alegría real y también con completa abundancia real de Dios pero Dios como mucho más que Dios y como mucho más que Creador por conocimiento real...Ahora bien, aquel que en verdad está en una muy grandiosa cruzada no puede seguir a otro o no puede dejarse ser rodeado por sus amados o por sus fanáticos porque aquel no puede cruzar sobre ellos o aquel no puede cruzar por la causa de ellos estar en el medio o por ellos estar bloqueando el grandioso camino cual en verdad es pero que no se puede ver hasta el renacimiento o hasta que uno nazca de nuevo...Yo no les pido que me sigan, pero no porque yo no los llevaré o no los guiaré, pero porque yo no miraré hacia atrás pero yo miraré hacia mi derecha y hacia mi izquierda para ver quien en verdad camina conmigo.Pero aquellos que en verdad deciden seguirme serán como yo y como yo en verdad recibirán conocimiento verdadero o real porque mi lucha o mi muy grandiosa cruzada de renacer es verdadera o real, tan verdadera o real de hecho que yo me he convertido en una mejor o más alta persona por la fe verdadera o real cual yo he llegado a recibir en verdad por mi búsqueda y re-búsqueda de la verdad...Y porque yo he llegado a tener fe verdadera o real o fe de Dios, ¡pues yo uso mi fe verdadera o fe real como un escudo para repelar o para rechazar otras creencias o mentiras que suenan bien!Por lo tanto, ¡al renacer vivo o al nacimiento de nuevo mientras aún vivo aquí en la misma tierra cual en verdad será como si en los mismos cielos por renacer!Ahora, Dios podía ser el Amo Creador, el cerebro humano, la mente sub-consciente humana, la mente consciente superada a una consciencia más alta o hasta mucho más, pero todas estas formas o reformas de Dios o de vida por siempre cada vez más altas en consciencia y para que el hombre pueda en verdad superarse o entrar a una consciencia mayor pues el hombre tiene que presentarse por más o como más a lo más alto que el hombre para que lo más alto que el hombre, Dios, le conceda al hombre subir a lo más alto o al próximo modo de pensar o de mente consciente...Pero Dios no es una fantasía. Dios es realidad o la verdad y tan solo Dios es Él que puede presentar la verdad como la misma o única verdad hacia uno y así convirtiendo o transformado a uno en la misma verdad.Eso es decir en verdad, solamente Dios mismo es Él que puede presentar su voluntad de Dios a uno.Nadie más puede presentar la realidad o la voluntad de Dios hacia uno porque nadie jamás entenderá esa realidad o esa voluntad de Dios hacia a uno, ¡uno pero vivo obviamente!De hecho, una vez que el hombre en verdad llegue ser salvo como salvador amado de Dios, pues ese dichoso hombre no solamente ha entrado a una consciencia más alta o superior pero también ese dichoso hombre ha entrado a la auto-suficiencia o a la armonía a donde nada le faltará y el mundo nunca jamás será igual para él porque ahora el mundo el o el tiempo ha quedad como si el mundo o el mismo tiempo por siempre fue nuevo y abundante...

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    Book preview

    The Universe - Forester de Santos

    The Universe

    By Forester de Santos

    Copyright 2019 Forester de Santos

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold or may not be given away to other people. If you would really like to share this eBook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this eBook and did not purchase it, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents





    Chapter One

    What is space?

    Chapter Two

    As it can be really be seen

    Chapter Three

    Dimensions of time

    Chapter Four

    The Stars and the Black Holes

    Chapter Five

    The Universe and the Number


    Further Notes

    The (0+-) Factor

    Who am I?


    The universe or the vacuum of space is a neutral point or is a point zero which is converted into a positive point or into a one or more when light or matter or energy enters into the universe or into the vacuum of space from outside the universe.

    The universe or the vacuum of space also is converted into a negative point when the grand majority of light turns off or the majority of matter no longer has energy or fuel…


    I would like very much to give thanks to my youngest son for suggesting to me to write this short work about the Universe.

    Thanks Fred!


    The Universe is dedicated to all of those that seek the truth so that the she frees them and they thus truly become for much more for they truly becoming for the very truth herself through a higher or through a taller mental consciousness or life renewed…


    What makes the universe?"

    Or what really makes possible the universe?

    That is to really say, what is the universe made up of?

    In other words, what are the real things that actually make but possible the universe?

    What are the recognized physical things that really make possible the universe?

    And how these recognized physical or recognized solid things really make the universe round?

    The universe is made up of space, darkness, and coldness.

    The universe is also made up of matter, light, and heat.

    The universe is also round or sphere-like and the universe really is also moving or expanding throughout the vacuum of space or moving throughout the sphere or throughout the round and invisible shield.

    In short, the universe is simply made up of space, darkness, and coldness.

    The universe or physical creation also is made up of solid matter, light, and heat. Motion or movement is also a major part of the universe.

    And all of these things are really interacting and are expanding inside

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