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Take Care of Your Own Business
Take Care of Your Own Business
Take Care of Your Own Business
Ebook49 pages37 minutes

Take Care of Your Own Business

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Craig McIntyre, ex-military and ex bodyguard, has a powerful and uncontrollable affliction: his mere presence can transform people’s darkest thoughts into action.

When Craig travels to Scotland, the birthplace of his mother, for some R & R he hopes for some respite from the chaos of his life. As he relaxes in Glasgow he spots two men, with weapons, planning to rob a local convenience store. With both men ready to act and clearly prepared to use violence, Craig has to step in. But he faces a dilemma because Craig knows his preternatural ability to bring out the worst in people means his intervention, far from saving the day, could turn an ugly situation into a fatal one.

Release dateMay 10, 2019
Take Care of Your Own Business

Gordon Brown

Gordon Brown was Chancellor of the Exchequer, a role he held for more than a decade, then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He is credited with preventing a second Great Depression through his leadership at the 2009 London G20 summit where he mobilised global leaders to walk the world back from the financial brink. Today he is fully engaged in international development work serving as the United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education, spearheading efforts to deliver a quality and inclusive education for all of the world's children, and as the World Health Organization's Ambassador for Global Health Finance. Brown has a PhD in History from the University of Edinburgh. A Member of Parliament between 1983 and 2015, he lives in Fife, Scotland, and is married to Sarah, and the couple have two teenagers.

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    Take Care of Your Own Business - Gordon Brown


    A Craig McIntyre Short Story

    Gordon Brown

    Copyright © 2019 by Gordon Brown

    All rights reserved. No part of the book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

    Down & Out Books

    3959 Van Dyke Road, Suite 265

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    The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    Cover design by Darren Harkins

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    Take Care of Your Own Business

    About the Author

    Also by the Author

    Preview from Darkest Thoughts, the 1st Craig McIntyre Thriller

    Preview from Furthest Reaches, the 2nd Craig McIntyre Thriller

    Preview from Deepest Wounds, the 3rd Craig McIntyre Thriller

    I know that the two men standing in the corner of the bar are planning to rob the convenience store next door. I also know that when I intervene, people will almost certainly die.

    My name is Craig McIntyre and I have a preternatural ability to bring out the worst in people. At the extreme I can cause those around me to maim and kill. All you need to know us that my psychic power is the result of a top-secret US military experiment.

    It’s a little after four o’clock on a Tuesday afternoon. My plane leaves at nine tomorrow morning and I’m watching the robbers as I sip a pint of Tennent’s Lager, a Glasgow brew, while looking forward to going home to LA.

    My time here in Scotland has been wonderful, tracing my Scottish mother’s heritage, visiting her birthplace, walking where her family walked. I’ve reveled in the stunning scenery and relaxed in the heartfelt hospitality of this land.

    The pub is a low-ceilinged affair with vinyl-covered benches ranging along one wall. A few pillars have chest-high shelves circling them. The rest of the place is strewn with wooden tables attended by a mish-mash of deep cushioned, high-back chairs. There are five of us in a space that could hold a hundred. Two men, one

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