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Before He Was Famous: MMF Bisexual Romance
Before He Was Famous: MMF Bisexual Romance
Before He Was Famous: MMF Bisexual Romance
Ebook135 pages2 hours

Before He Was Famous: MMF Bisexual Romance

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

What if on the last day of college you had a sexual experience that opened your world to something you had never considered before? What if it was with someone so beautiful that it took you years to stop thinking of them? And, what if right when you thought you were over them, you learned that they had become the most famous actor in the world?

Drue Bishop doesn’t have to wonder. When he met the hauntingly gorgeous wanna-be actor Scot Townson, they were both freshman in college. Drue had never even considered being with a guy before Scot. But the night before graduation when their two naked bodies met, it shaped the rest of Drue’s life.

How do you live the rest of your life after you’ve been with the sexiest man alive? Drue’s answer? A lot of sex. Who would have guessed that destiny would lead him to the love of his life? And could his true love be Scot?

Written by international bestselling author A. Anders, this super-steamy stand-alone includes explicit MF, MM and MMF scenes as well as an HEA ending. Filled with the twists and turns of a complicated love story, ‘Before He Was Famous: MMF Bisexual Romance’ will bring you to tears as intensely as it turns you on.

Release dateMay 10, 2019
Before He Was Famous: MMF Bisexual Romance

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    Book preview

    Before He Was Famous - A. Anders

    Chapter 1

    Drue’s heart raced as he gazed across the room. Scot had just looked at him and smiled. Drue didn’t know what he should do. His girlfriend of two years had just broken up with him and for the first time in a long time, he was single.

    Twelve hours away from graduating from college, this could also be his last chance. He had had a major crush on Scot from the moment he had laid eyes on him freshman year and undoubtedly they were headed in opposite directions for the rest of their lives. If Drue was ever going to know what it was like to touch Scot, it would have to happen tonight.

    Drue and Scot hadn’t exactly been friends but Drue had gone to see every play that Scot had been in. He had even traveled forty minutes to Rockford to watch him in his first profession production. After each of the college productions, Drue had gone up to him and told him how much he liked it. Drue never mentioned that he had seen him in Rockford. That felt a little too stocker-ish. Drue didn’t want to give Scot the wrong impression. Drue didn’t want Scot to think that he was gay.

    Did Drue lie in the dark thinking about Scot in the tights he wore in Christmas Carole? He did, but that didn’t make him gay he decided. At most, he was bisexual. But maybe not even that.

    Drue just liked Scot; his tapered waist and chiseled cheekbones, his smile and the way he made Drue feel like ‘he was the only one in the world that mattered’ when he talked to him. It was more like Drue wanted Scot to be his best friend than to have sex with him. But if Scot did ever want to have sex with him, Drue was willing to give it a try… you know, for the sake of their burgeoning friendship.

    When Drue looked back towards Scot, Scot was headed towards him. Drue’s face flushed. A warm feeling rushed through his body and he felt his sex tingle. Scot rarely initiated conversation with him and Drue legs shook with anticipation.

    Hey, Scot said yelling over the din of the party.

    Drue felt his cock tug against his jeans as Scot’s warm breath washed against his ear.

    Hey, Drue replied nervously.

    When are you leaving?

    That was the question that everyone was asking everyone else. Most of them would pack up their parent’s car before the graduation ceremony and head out right after. Only a few would stick around for another day.

    After the ceremony. What about you?

    I’m heading out the day after, Scot said.

    What’s your plan?

    I’m driving to Los Angeles, Scot explained.

    You gonna do the whole acting thing?

    I’m gonna try. What about you?

    I don’t know.

    What was your major, again? Scot asked searching his mind.


    That’s right. So you’re gonna be a big Wall Street tycoon, Scot said with a broad smile.

    Drue melted looking at Scot. His heart fluttered knowing that he was the cause of Scot’s smile. He imagined what Scot’s arm would feel like around his waist. Then with the help of whatever concoction he was drinking, he imagined what it would feel like if Scot kissed him.  

    I don’t know, maybe Drue replied sheepishly. I don’t know what I’m gonna do yet. I’m just gonna head back with my parents and go from there.

    Hey, you should come to Los Angeles, Scot suggested.

    Drue’s heart raced. Why would Scot suggest that? Although they were both always friendly towards each other, Drue didn’t think that they were friends. Feeling his cock grow brick hard, he lowered his hand to hide it.

    Should I? Drue asked. Are there a lot of financial firms out there?

    I don’t know. But don’t movie studios hire finance majors? Or you could manage all of the money I make when I’m a big star, Scot said with almost a blush.

    Yeah, that would be cool, Drue said feeling Scot lock his soft gaze on him.

    A silence drew out between the two as both boys stared into the other’s eyes.

    I can’t believe this will be the last time we’ll see each other, Scot said turning Drue to jelly.

    Drue didn’t know what was happening. Nothing like this had happened between them before. Drue felt like Scot was about to kiss him right here in front of everyone. Scot was slowly leaning in. He was about to do it. How was this happening?

    Drue’s heart pounded like it was trying to escape his chest. Scot was so hot. Drue had fantasized about this for so long.

    Scot, you want a shot? the barrel-chested football player yelled stealing Scot’s attention.

    ‘No!’ Drue yelled in his head as Scot turned away.

    The football player approached Scot with a few of his friends and dragged him away. Drue’s heart hurt. He almost wanted to cry. He couldn’t believe how close he had gotten to living his greatest fantasy. In truth, he had more than just laid in bed thinking about Scot. He had jerked off to the thought of him.

    There was a summer when both boys had stayed on campus and they had been assigned the same house to live in. The bathrooms were shared and although it was customary to wait until the bathroom was empty before entering, once while Drue was in the shower, Scot had knocked to come in. It would have meant nothing if the shower had a curtain, but instead, it was a transparent plastic door.

    Scot entered, peed and then lingered as he washed his hands. Drue, who was tall enough to see over the door, caught Scot checking out Drue’s body. Scot’s eyes flicked up connecting with Drue’s and Scot didn’t immediately look away.

    Drue grew hard looking into Scot’s eyes and then turned his body to hide his growing cock. As if nothing was happening, Scot then walked out and neither boy mentioned it again. It had been the most erotic moment of Drue’s life up until then but he didn’t know what to make of it.

    There was also the time when Drue had a leg perched on the ataman in the TV room forgetting that he wasn’t wearing underwear. Scot had come in and had asked to change the channel. Not having the remote, Scot stood in front of the TV and looked back. His eyes quickly shifted from Drue’s eyes to what was dangling from the rip in Drue’s shorts. Scot didn’t look away until Drue realized what Scot was looking at and Drue had lowered his leg in embarrassment. Again, Scot didn’t say a word. But Scot also didn’t hide the erection he got moments later as he sat next to Drue watching TV.

    ‘Had Scot actually been about to kiss him?’ Drue wondered again.

    In spite of whatever Drue had wanted to believe was happening that summer, Scot had always acted straight. There had been stories going around that Scot had had sex with a girl on the couch of one of the sorority houses. Everyone knew him as a guy who tried to sleep with as many girls as he could. And because of his fantastically good looks, he often succeeded.

    Drue stared at Scot as he buddied up with the guys who had dragged him away. These were clearly his real friends. The way they threw their arms around each other and laughed made Drue jealous. They would probably be friends for the rest of their lives, while Drue would slowly fade out of Scot’s memory.

    Drue knew he had only one more shot at being with Scot. If he hung around, Scot could perhaps return to him. Scot could pull away from his friends and come back to him allowing anything to happen.

    Drue waited idly and nothing like that occurred. More of Scot’s friends joined him and with them came the girls. That’s when Drue knew his time with Scot was done. Drue knocked back the rest of whatever was in his cup and headed out. He had to pack. His parents were arriving in the morning and after the graduation ceremony, his college life would be over.

    Drue entered his dorm room finding his roommate inside. He and Brett had not exactly been friends, but considering they each had had girlfriends with private bedrooms, their living arrangement had worked.

    What time are you handing in your keys tomorrow? Brett asked matter-of-factly.

    As soon as I’m packed up, I guess.

    You think you could help me load my car?

    Being from Sudan, Brett’s parents weren’t coming to graduation. His plan was to drive the hour north to Madison and move into his graduate school apartment.

    Sure, Drue said not having to hide his disappoint in front of his unobservant roommate.

    Thanks. I brought you some boxes, Brett stated pointing to the folded cardboard leaning against the wall.

    Sadness and disappointment washed over Drue. He couldn’t believe that this part of his life was complete. He couldn’t believe that he would never see Scot again.

    Feeling the alcohol kick in, he could admit to himself that he had always wanted to be more than just friends with Scot. He had thought about Scot all of the time during the last four years. There were even times while he was having sex with his girlfriend that he imagined Scot naked on top of him.

    His heart ached for the boy. Drue imagined that if he had only had another second with him, he would have done all of the things he had ever dreamed about. ‘If only,’ he thought before he was interrupted by a tapping.

    Drue turned and the sight took his breath away. Scot was knocking on his dorm room window. Scot waved at him and then disappeared into the darkness. Drue’s heart raced. What was going on? Was he letting himself in?

    Already starting to shake,

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