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Devin and the Playboy
Devin and the Playboy
Devin and the Playboy
Ebook131 pages1 hour

Devin and the Playboy

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About this ebook

Devin Murphy enjoys her life as a high-priced escort. She has the best of both worlds—an active sex life and money to live a comfortable lifestyle without answering to a man at the end of the day. When the infamous playboy of Manhattan Jack Monterey proposes a contract of marriage that offers her a lavish lifestyle beyond the prime years of her profession, she accepts. Besides, if anyone could handle the legendary master of bedroom activities, it was her.

Leaving her former profession proves to be harder than she thought and her past keeps threatening to ruin her future thanks to her husband's vindictive sister. To make matters worse, Jack Monterey's reputation of sexual Adonis has been grossly exaggerated. Devin is caught in a society far above her capabilities and Jack's assistant Stephan? His penetrating gaze promises to fulfill her carnal fantasies long since neglected by her husband. Can she keep her vows or will temptation take it all?

Release dateMay 15, 2019
Devin and the Playboy

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    Book preview

    Devin and the Playboy - Kastil Eavenshade

    Published by EVERNIGHT PUBLISHING ® at Smashwords

    Copyright© 2019 Kastil Eavenshade

    ISBN: 978-1-77339-960-7

    Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

    Editor: Audrey Bobak


    WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    As I started my affirmation that I would finish one of my many half-completed manuscripts only one person came to mind as the inspiration to do that—Doris O'Connor. She showed me no matter what whirlwind was hammering your life, you could do anything. I can't wallow or whine about not having the time to complete any project. I wish I could have told her how much I appreciated her friendship across the pond but in the end, I think she did. In everything we do, she will live on. Thank you for showing me I am good enough and anything is possible.


    Kastil Eavenshade

    Copyright © 2019

    Chapter One

    Devin let the hot water stream down her back. The steam rose and flowed over the top of her glass shower, floating like fog on a cool fall morning. She stretched and groaned, a smile playing on her lips as the delicious soreness of a three-hour session with an especially horny client rippled through her tired muscles. Victor had her wear a pair of vibrating panties during dinner with the explicit instructions that she not make a scene. He promised her a thousand dollars if she controlled herself. She’d nearly decided that the extra money wasn’t worth it. He had tortured her swollen pussy near her breaking point. As a reward, beyond the money, for her following his instructions, Victor had fucked her like mad in the car. The red marks from his vigorous spanking still glowed a bright red beyond the scalding temperature of her shower.

    The afternoon appointment had her calling her agent Mrs. K to get her name off the books for the rest of the day. A normal booking day would have her take on at least two more clients after she washed the remains from her previous engagement away. If she had to be honest about what she really wanted out of her booking with Victor, it was his sexual appetite. His lust highlighted her mundane weekend of vanilla horizontal clients.

    She sighed as her cell phone rang. Mrs. K’s distinctive music broke the spell of the alluring hot shower. She turned off the water and stepped out. The difference in temperature had her sore nipples standing at attention. Perhaps she counted on Victor way too much for excitement in her profession.

    Hi, Mrs. K. Didn’t you get my message? Devin scrubbed the towel over her hair before swiping the mirror to take a peek at her reflection.

    Yes, honey, I did, but I figured you wouldn’t say no to Jack Monterey. He’s got a fundraiser tonight at seven and needs a little arm candy. He requested you and after I told him you weren’t working tonight, he offered triple if I’d get you to say yes.

    Devin played with her lip. Jack was her most curious customer. Not once had she stripped for his—or her—pleasure. Even at her subtle suggestion of working off just his sexual tension, he’d declined. A man like him could have any woman he wanted, but it was her services he coveted for any event. She was his jewel to show off at the parties and keep the gold-digging vultures off his scent. He even introduced her as his girlfriend on numerous occasions. She played along like a true professional.

    Oh, what the hell. Tell him I’ll be ready around six o’clock. She couldn’t blame the handsome devil for never submitting to her charms. Besides, sometimes she enjoyed being pampered for no reason. Someday he was going to make some girl very happy.

    That’s my girl, Devin. He wants to pick you up.

    Oh? A little deviation from Jack? Any reason why? I mean, I’ve had men here, but picking me up? Isn’t he worried about a big scene? One photo from a money-hungry photographer could ruin his clean-cut image. For Jack Monterey, his reputation was everything. He’d inherited his father’s business and the generations that had held that business stretched further than Devin cared to research. On that already solid foundation, he’d built an even stronger empire.

    I don’t question a client, Devin. You have a change of heart over his request?

    No, not really. It’ll save me cab fare.

    Enjoy yourself, kitten.

    Meow. Goodbye, Mrs. K. She chuckled as she ended the call. If she was looking for Prince Charming, Jack would fit the bill.

    The Monterey family was well known in New York for their lavish hotels in upper Manhattan. Jack had grown the business by finding diamonds in the rough and turning the properties into five-star resorts. The business had expanded over the years to other countries. She didn’t have a habit of scrutinizing her clients, but Jack’s insistence on only using her as an escort had been too juicy not to check into his dealings. She also suspected he owned some upscale but low-rent areas in Brooklyn.

    His greatest accomplishment, in her book, was his program to help underprivileged families have a vacation of a lifetime. Too bad he’d not thought of it when she was growing up in the shadier side of town. Still, she did all right for herself. Her modest condo in Manhattan was small but good enough. Living in this place in New York City had always been her dream since she lived on the streets of Brooklyn. Plus, her neighbors weren’t nosey about the men who came and went in her place. While a hotel was ideal, sometimes her cozy little bungalow did the trick. The secure entrance kept overeager men from trying to get a freebie by barging in.

    Okay, Jack. She smoothed her hands over her bare hips. Time to give your patrons a show.

    With Jack, she wouldn’t have to go through her usual routine of picking out a wig and hiding her appearance. He had seen through her disguise on their first meeting and chided her. She felt exposed, but he’d made her forget the awkwardness of shedding her persona. He had only one stipulation after that—he preferred her in shades of pink and anything that hugged her curves.

    She laughed, biting her lower lip. All these years she pretended to be whatever her client wanted and Jack gave her the chance to toss that out the window. She perused her collection of elegant cocktail dresses in the pink section. The shimmering spaghetti strap number, with the back flowing a little longer than the front, would make the evening near perfect. It would also hide the fact she wouldn’t bother with underwear. The thought of anything rubbing against her sensitive parts made her groan and shiver. She only had an hour and a half to get ready. She laid the dress on her bed and headed for her vanity table. In the mirror, she smoothed over her features. Small wrinkles only she seemed to notice framed her eyes. How much longer could she pawn her body for a man’s desires before the phone calls for service stopped?

    Devin blew out a long breath and shook away the dread. Her makeup, near flawless, took her fifteen minutes. In the middle of trying to zip up her dress, the buzzer for the front door chimed. Zipper up, she ran to the screen to see who it was. A man in a trim suit had his back to her, his gaze on the street. The build had to be Jack.

    Come on up. Third floor, number five. She rushed to find the perfect pair of heels. The knock on the door came sooner than she expected. With the heels on and one last glance in the mirror, she answered the knock at her door. The man on the other side of the door surprised her. It wasn’t Jack.

    Stephan? She cocked her hip. I didn’t realize I was getting the full-on treatment tonight. Her fingers drummed on the doorjamb. Stephan was Jack’s personal assistant. While Devin had met the tall, dark, and brooding man before, her date never sent him to fetch her. Of course, she usually met him at a restaurant by way of cab, so maybe this was normal for the most eligible bachelor this side of New York.

    I spotted some sneaky photographers following us so Mr. Monterey sent me up to make sure you remembered his tastes.

    She twirled around and the long flowing part of her outfit fluttered in her self-made breeze. Do I pass?

    He grinned. Lovely as always, Devin. Just one more thing. He reached in his breast pocket and pulled out a pair of lace panties.

    She sighed and took them from his hands. That obvious?

    More like Mr. Monterey’s on to your tricks. He winked.

    Can’t blame a girl for trying. She winked back and donned his lacy offering. She twirled around. Better?

    Perfect. He held out his hand

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