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Don't Admire--Acquire!
Don't Admire--Acquire!
Don't Admire--Acquire!
Ebook103 pages1 hour

Don't Admire--Acquire!

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About this ebook

Johnny-Lee Reinoso's life has always been fueled by passion, hope, and the hustle to make things happen. Even from a young age, he knew he wanted to be in business to help others. This desire took shape over the years — from #1 in sales at the largest privately held fitness club, to top of the pack at a massive real-estate lending firm. As a 'Force Multiplier', Johnny-Lee created a sales system that resulted in a 600% revenue increase for a global management consulting firm. He fine-tuned this proprietary system and founded his company C-Level Partners around it. He has since built CLP into a global business development firm. Now he shares his blueprint to help others find success, and his first book "Don't Admire, ACQUIRE!" is hot off the press. Johnny-Lee is driven to work while others rest, so he can acquire what they admire. But when he's not busy expanding his firm, speaking at conferences, or training up entrepreneurs and salespeople, you can find Johnny-Lee spending time with his wife and three kids, or trying his best to model Christ to his community.

Release dateMay 14, 2019
Don't Admire--Acquire!

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    Book preview

    Don't Admire--Acquire! - Johnny-Lee Reinoso

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1—A Battle Cry Against Mediocrity...........................7

    Chapter 2—Guard your Dreams and Find your Why............15

    Chapter 3—How to Develop A Rich Person’s Mindset (RPM)....22

    Chapter 4—Transforming your ‘Wants’ into ‘Needs’ into   ‘Burning Desires’........................................................ 30

    Chapter 5—Thrive With the Right Mentor............................43

    Chapter 6—Failing is the Key to Massive Success....................50

    Chapter 7—Everyone Sells Something................................57

    Chapter 8—An Unshakeable Foundation of Gratitude.............77

    Chapter 9—Your Net-worth is Your Network.......................83

    Chapter 10—Work Hard, Not Smart...................................91

    Johnny-Lee Reinoso


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    As far back as he can remember, Johnny-Lee Reinoso’s life has been fueled by passion, hope, and the hustle to make big things happen. He was born in the early 80’s in Bridgeport, CT to immigrant parents. His mother came from Portugal, and his father from Peru, and both embody that kind-hearted, shirt-off-your-back mentality that built this great nation. Their desire to give to others has stuck with Johnny-Lee and his older brother throughout their lives.

    From a ripe young age, Johnny-Lee knew he wanted to be in business to serve others, and that manifested in legendary ways throughout the years, including:

    *At just 2 years old, he tried to sell his tricycle and household items to folks in the neighborhood.

    *When the kid-capitalist turned 14, he secured his first real job selling beepers and cell phones. He sold so much merchandise that the owner was forced to expand and invest in other locations to keep up with demand.

    *At age 18, he got into fitness sales at the largest privately held fitness club and quickly emerged as the #1 sales consultant.

    *Then, early in his professional career, Johnny-Lee’s passion to win drove him to become the top account executive at a massive publicly-traded lending institution.

    *At 21 he made waves in the world of real estate finance, outselling thousands of other sales execs at another large lender.

    Johnny-Lee eventually relocated to the Sunshine State of Florida, where he left the finance industry and joined a management consulting firm. Ever the ‘Force Multiplier’, he created and implemented a sales system that resulted in a 600% revenue increase for the company. He went on to fine-tune his proprietary sales system, engineered it to be 100% repeatable, and founded his company C-Level Partners around this proven methodology. Johnny-Lee has since built C-Level Partners into a highly-successful, global business development firm that is focused on client acquisition for companies across a variety of verticals.

    Sales has undoubtedly transformed his life, so Johnny-Lee now shares his proven blueprint to help others on their quest for success. His first book titled Don’t Admire, ACQUIRE! How To Cultivate Excellence In Sales And In Life is chock-full of practical advice for those hungry for success. Today, when he isn’t expanding his firm, speaking at conferences, or training up entrepreneurs and salespeople, you can find Johnny-Lee spending time with his wife and three kids, or trying his best to model Christ to his community. Please visit his Web site:

    Chapter 1

    A Battle Cry Against Mediocrity


    I still remember those who doubted me. They scoffed as I packed my boxes at my 9-to-5. I knew that the corporate, clock-punching life just wasn’t for me. I had bigger dreams and aspirations. Sure enough, I would only see that place again in my rear view mirror. Almost everyone in my life figured that I’d crash and burn. You’re stupid, they said. You’re Crazy. You have three kids! You make enough money where you’re at — aren’t you satisfied?

    And the answer was a resounding "NO." I wasn’t satisfied.

    Had I settled where I was, I’d be settling for mediocrity. The seed had already been planted, had already begun to grow. I set my sights on new frontiers and new possibilities that would stretch me in the wildest ways.

    In hindsight, maybe I was a little crazy to take the leap and follow my dreams. But look, a healthy dose of crazy — and a whole lot of discipline and grind — is what brought me to where I am today. I have zero regrets. Today, I run a successful sales firm and provide massive value to multi-million dollar companies across the globe. I work on my own terms, and I have the freedom to pursue the clients and accounts I truly believe in. I’m able to give my family a comfortable life, something I’ve always dreamed of. And most importantly, I’ve acquired the tools and the mindset to do it all over again if I had to.

    I wish I could tell you that it all happened overnight. But you and I both know that success takes blood, sweat, and tears. It takes commitment, and it takes action. You have to ignore the ‘Negative Nancies’ and dig deeper than ever before if you want to resurface on this side of success. But it’s 100% possible . . . that is, IF you learn to cultivate excellence in all areas of your life. And you will. Believe me; picking up this book was half the battle.

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