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Mitch: Formed in Fire: Brothers of War, #3
Mitch: Formed in Fire: Brothers of War, #3
Mitch: Formed in Fire: Brothers of War, #3
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Mitch: Formed in Fire: Brothers of War, #3

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Out of the ashes … we rise.

Heaven and Hell are about to get a little closer.

He is handpicked to be the liaison to the Angels. But Captain Mitch Rolston needs them to face the truth—wrong choice. He turns to the one angel who should understand.

But Lars is not like his brothers. Once a Fallen One aiding Mitch's enemy, and now, a Commander of the In Between.

Shelby lies in a hospital haunted by her memories. Her Guardian in training breaks the rules to mend her broken heart and inadvertently opens the door for a Fallen One. The result…a miracle.

The Angels and Shelby find themselves in a race to save Mitch as prophesy unfolds.

If these lovers survive, they will learn firsthand what it means to be formed in fire.

*Authors note: an ongoing series. This book can be read as a standalone but may contain spoilers from previous books in the series.

If you would like to read the previous books first, here is the order.

Judgment: Kian (part 1 of The Judgment Duet) {A Brothers of War Novel, 1}

Judgment: Lars (part 2 of The Judgment Duet) {A Brothers of War Novel, 2}

Books NOT in the series but connected:

Beautiful Ashes Trilogy

Dark, book 1

Fire, book 2

Light, book 3

Strand Brothers Series

Branded, book 1

Bound, book 2

Broken, book 3

Bliss, book 4

Release dateMay 19, 2019
Mitch: Formed in Fire: Brothers of War, #3

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    Book preview

    Mitch - Lora Ann

    First and Last

    Two blue lines tell the story of you and me.

    An ultrasound reveals as we unfurl.

    Your first breath an imprint on my soul to this day.

    Your first steps in the meadow carrying so much delight.

    Your laughter still peals at the butterfly’s plight.

    A pink flower pressed in your favorite book.

    The story I read each evening.

    Nature always produced a grin.

    The beach your refuge from a long day.

    A melodic voice that would turn each head.

    A beauty so pure that they gasp as you led.

    The call that came on a rough night’s wing.

    No drop left at the bottom of that bottle.

    Your soft arms held me tight that fateful night.

    The thick fog lay wait.

    The yelling prevailed, though you did not flail.

    The blinding headlights, then a screech.

    Lives altered forevermore.

    My memory cradles your very firsts.

    A hug...

    A word...

    A step...

    A song...

    A story...

    A dance...

    Your dreams all along.

    What cuts to the quick that no one forewarned

    were the very last times.

    No bottle needed.

    No story at bedtime.

    The nightlight unplugged and stored away for all time.

    Fireflies are not fairies.

    So many more, I can barely endure.

    My heart is incomplete, the hole too deep.

    All I’m left with is guilt and regret I dare speak.

    Do you think of me there?

    Are you happy, well-cared?

    Are the angels your companions?

    Do they sing to your songs?

    Can you ever forgive me?

    Will your love go beyond?

    For what happened upon that forever midnight,

    not only stole you, but also my life.

    ©Lora Ann

    Chapter One


    A HAMMER POUNDING A nail filled the air. He didn’t want to be here and saw no reason for pomp and circumstance. Ceremonies in general never resonated well with him. But recognition, yeah, that took him to a place he had zero desire to revisit. Ever. He tried to reason with Michan, the Seraphim in charge of the Angel Army over this region. He even argued with the Prince of the jurisdiction which Laish admonished him for. When it was apparent Light wouldn’t listen to reason, Mitch went to have a chat with a slightly darker leader.

    Lars, for the love of God, stop this nonsense, he half pleaded, half growled.

    Captain, you need to make peace with this shit that has your panties in a wad. The level stare aimed directly at his jugular held more power than his words.

    He found himself somewhat intimidated. No, that wasn’t quite right. Mitch discovered under that all-knowing gaze that he was just called out, a proverbial Colosseum moment—though well-deserved and of his own making. So, that’s that, he grumbled.

    Lars got up close and personal, staring him down. Only you can tell shame and guilt where to go and how to get there. His glance over Mitch’s shoulder told a story of its own.

    Demons, he deadpanned.

    Aye. They are humping you like you’re the bitch in heat.

    What if I’m not as strong as you think I am? he challenged.

    Lars got nose to nose with him. Do not play the pussy card with me, Captain.

    He fought the gulp; facing off with the formidable Angel that was neither fallen nor pure came with its own danger. But for whatever reason, it made Lars more trustworthy in his eyes. Better question, what if I don’t want to?

    The Angel took a step back. I can relate to some extent on that. Do you think, glancing to his raven wing, I haven’t had my doubts too? He scoffed, An Angel In Between carries equal parts inside. I still crave to toy and torment. His gaze as pointed as those words.

    Ah, and I’m tempting you, he declared.

    Aye. But, Mitch, my choices are what landed me in a position of constant push and pull. The better question for you to ask yourself is, are you able to live with the consequences of yours?

    His anger tipped the scale. Do not pretend you don’t wrestle with yours.

    Lars’ demeanor shifted as Mitch stepped back. What I deal with is none of your fucking business. I am not human, Captain, nor have I ever been. The warning loud and clear.

    Not one to ever back down, he moved in closer. I expected you, out of all of them, to grasp what it feels like to let down those you love.

    Sugarcoat it with someone who cares to listen to you whine. The Angel’s voice was fierce. My sins have been judged. His white wing gave a little wink. Regret is not something I carry. What’s done is done. Get your ass in gear, Captain. Quit wasting my damn time.

    He found himself on his ass and alone once more. His jaw ached from the punch Lars’ wing delivered upon his departure.

    He could’ve killed you if he wanted.

    Kian. His head bowed.

    Mitch, offering his hand, let’s go for a walk.

    That’s never a comforting thing to hear, he hedged.

    Wasn’t meant to be. Kian’s steps heavy with thought. I would apologize for my brother’s brash attitude, but I’m not so sure he’s that far off the mark. His pointed gaze lanced through Mitch.

    In for the penny, in for the pound. I shouldn’t have been chosen. You both know that.

    That was not our decision to make. Kian’s brow raised in question.

    You’ve pretty much just said you agree with Lars. He bit back the huff.

    Mitch, exasperation coming through, Lars of all angels? You knew better.

    What I know, Kian, is that he may be one mercurial angel, but he shoots straight.

    You mean, there’s nothing left to misinterpret. His honesty, though harsh at times, is appreciated.

    Yes. I guess you could say I understand him best, he admitted.

    And I know why that is, the Angel delivered with a blow to the gut.

    How do you know my past if you are not my guardian?

    Because your guardian was once under my lead.

    For fuck’s sake! You’re just now sharing that piece of info? He paced as anger thundered in his blood. Mitch stopped short. I thought Michan was in charge?

    Kian shook his head, How many superiors do you have?

    Light bulb moment. Ah, Michan would be the Admiral. And that would make you Captain.


    I have not shown you the respect you’re due. His gaze lowered in shame.

    You must handle your demons, Mitch. The Angel’s level stare pierced through him.

    Then, you are in agreement with your brother, he rasped out of pure frustration.

    Unlike Lars, I understand the battle you’re in, Kian pointed out.

    And he did. Kian had once been human, his punishment for breaking orders one too many times. Kian had his wings ripped from him and spent, though short, a lifetime as a man.

    Lars let his belief in what was right and what was wrong take over and ended up serving in Hell, until redemption came knocking. But there were still consequences for what he had done, hence he was both an Angel of Dark and Light—In Between.

    Mitch understood these twins on an elemental level. They’d answered and dealt with the aftermath. Apparently, that was what they were trying to get across to him. He needed to make a choice and accept he would answer for it one way or another. Once more, he confessed, I’m not sure I have the balls.

    Mitch, Kian growled, "what is this really about?"

    I wish to hell I knew! I’ve been trucking down this road at full speed in the pitch black with no headlights. Tell me what I should do! he roared.

    I am not the one you need to ask, Kian answered soberly.

    His anger tipped as he rounded on him. You don’t think I haven’t? Over and over I have hit my knees begging for direction, some sliver of discernment. All I get is silence!

    Do you now? His stance was full of wisdom.

    In order not to punch the Angel, Mitch paced, but when he spun around to spit out an answer, he was completely alone. Abandoned! Raising his fist to the sky. That’s your fucking answer? His steps became determined. You know what, never mind. I’ll figure it out without you.


    HE’S ABOUT TO BREAK, Kian whispered low.

    Aye. But brother, it is necessary.

    He blew out a heavy breath. Yes, Lars, I’m fully aware. Doesn’t mean I ever like it. That earned him a quirked brow.

    Even when you know it leads to strength, renewal, and redemption? Lars’ tone full of questions he did not speak.

    It’s the sometimes factor. Not all go that way, he confessed with a hint of duh. Just look at you.

    I did eventually, Lars didn’t miss what was held back. That counts, too. He rested his hand on Kian’s shoulder. You have to trust the process, even if it means Mitch goes straight to Hell.

    How could you have such little faith in him? he growled.

    Brother mine, how can you still possess such strong human emotions?

    I don— he stopped short. Lars was accurate. For reasons that still baffled him, he was fully angel yet came complete with human emotions. To call it disconcerting would be an understatement. He was only aware of one other who’d walked a mile in these shoes, though He was deity, not quite the same at all.

    It would seem that Mitch isn’t the only one who needs a little time on his knees, Lars offered with a slight nod and a sigh. "I’ll look after the Captain. But hear me clearly, I will not intervene. We clear?"

    Thank you, Lars, he mumbled as his thoughts and emotions battled within him.

    Don’t thank me just yet, Kian. You may not like the outcome, Lars warned.

    This I know, his gaze raised to his twin brother’s, as I have lived it once before.

    Yeah, well, then you realize this could be a long road ahead. The Angel of In Between left with that hanging over his head.

    What the hell was he to do? Mitch was his now, in a way. His guardian was stuck in the Forest of Contemplation for doing the very thing Kian wrestled with—interference. He made a list in his head of pros and cons, staring at the ground. Why did he struggle with what was needed? Prayer would be the only way to get answers, but if he were honest with himself, he wasn’t sure he wanted them.

    Heavens, he was more human as an angel than he had been as a man. That little tendril of thought did it as his form switched into the magnificent creation he was. Kian did more than hit his knees as his wings spread to full breadth and his smaller ones covered his face. Prone on the ground as the barrage of emotions invaded, he cried out to the Most High for wisdom, for discernment. His courage waned as he asked questions. He wasn’t convinced he wanted the answers. With each hard query and request for guidance came the thickening of moisture from his eyes, pooling around him. Though he held each revelation close, not all was given. Some he fought the argument on; others, well, he did the only thing he could do. Taking his cue from the Son, he uttered with a guttural cry. Your will not my will be done.

    Kian had no idea how long he lay in that most humble position, accepting he was not the Creator, nor could he possibly grasp the depth of what was to come. No, like humans, he only had a limited view. Yes, he had more than the step in front of him. But it was only equivalent to that of a hallway, where the turns led left or right but were not privy to him. What lay behind each door was a mystery. The only solid foundation he could go on: His goodness. His love. His purposes. And that would be more than enough. Faith that the One with the big picture could handle whatever was thrown in the way.

    Chapter Two


    THERE IS NO REASON why I can’t move around some! she shouted.

    I’ll see what the doctor has to say, ma’am. The young nurse fought not to cry.

    She was too hard on the poor girl, but really, what did they expect from her? Instead, she focused on something that deserved her ire. I’m too damn young to be called ‘ma’am.’

    Yes... bowing her head with her lips held in a tight line... let me see which doctor is on the floor today.

    Shelby couldn’t fight the ghost of a grin as she watched her hurry from the room. But the heavy sigh from the chair next to the window brought a scowl instantly. Don’t get all high and mighty with me.

    I would do no such thing, Layla retorted. But don’t you think biting off that poor nurse’s head was a just a tad uncalled for?

    She needs to grow thicker skin if she’s going to be in this line of work.

    Maybe. Though I think you’d get a better response with a little kindness.

    She turned toward Layla as best she could in her position. I have no desire for pity or the nice-nice game. I know my body and its capabilities. Keeping me here like this is only making me more determined to find a way out.

    Layla exhaled loudly. You’re in traction, and damn lucky Zak only broke your leg.

    Luck, she deadpanned with a nasty glare. You think I’m lucky to be strung up like a piñata?

    Yes, I do. Layla rose and walked to the side of her bed. Your lame leg was repaired and your good one just took a siesta. Maybe you should use this time to adjust your attitude.

    Her mouth fell open in shock. Layla wasn’t normally into brutal honesty. She regained her composure, somewhat, and scoffed, Since when did you get a set of balls?

    Puh-lease. Have you not met my boyfriend? Leith would ensure the Virgin Mary located a decent pair.

    That did it. All anger dissipated as giggles rolled into laughter. Her stomach began to cramp. And damn, it felt so good. He’s a good guy.

    Oh, I know he is. Pain in the ass, but he’s mine. Layla’s expression grew darker. We need you back in the saddle, Shelby. Zak is nowhere to be found. And I know something is going on with Tar’s family, but I can’t get a straight answer.

    No, Mitch isn’t going to share that info. But you’re right to be concerned. We all should be. Tar McNeil and his entire family are in danger. With a serial killer like Zak Gillian on the loose, none of us are safe.

    Which is why I’m here, Leith announced on entry.

    She didn’t miss how Layla lit up like a little girl who received exactly what she asked Santa for on Christmas morning. The couple had been through so much. Leith carried physical and mental scars thanks to another murderer by the name of Braxton, whose specialty was playing with his food before he devoured it. Unfortunately, they’d lost a dear team member and Leith’s former girlfriend. She’d only been privy to bits and pieces shared from Mitch and Keeley McNeil, Tar’s wife and a target once more. After all of that, it was nice to see him in love. This team, the Elite, had become her family. Truth be told, her frustration lay in the fact she was rendered helpless until she fully healed. Her glance darted toward the leg that should never have been operated on.

    Shelby, Layla called out, did you hear him?

    Huh? Oh, sorry, Leith, you were saying?

    I was asking if you’d heard from the Captain?

    No. But that’s my doing not his, she apprised with a shut-your-mouth glance at Layla.

    My God, woman! Layla half shouted. That man is so head over heels in love with you. Why do you insist on pushing him away?

    Layla, Leith admonished with a little tug on her elbow. That’s none of our business.

    She spun toward him with a defiant tilt to her chin. It is every bit our business. They’re family. And what she’s doing, pointing back at Shelby, is ridiculous! she huffed.

    I think it’s time you leave, Layla, she pointed out under a barely contained growl.

    Truth hurts, doesn’t it? Layla stormed out with Leith on her tail.

    She fell back against the rock, poorly representing a pillow, on a growl. Her once lame leg mocked her in its cast. Tears began to fall. Somehow, she always hurt those who loved her. Memory flashed back at the nasty fight on that fateful night with her late husband driving too tired because she’d been drinking. Their precious little girl asleep in the backseat. Maybe if she’d been sober? What if that truckdriver didn’t get lost? Perhaps if the hospital hadn’t kept her husband, a doctor, over his shift? All of it raced toward the finish line.

    She had been the only survivor. Her leg a needed penance for her role. Now, she would heal. Where was their second chance? Why did an innocent child pay the price for the decisions made by adults?

    She didn’t deserve happily ever after. Mitch needed to come to reason; becoming his wife would doom him. If he would just be happy with the way things were, instead of asking her something she could not give. Shelby was as damaged as they came. The kindest thing she could do would be to turn him loose completely. But she was too selfish to do that. Somewhere amid it all, she fell in love too. And now what?

    The man was as headstrong as her. One of the many things she loved about him. His perseverance and instinct

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