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Good Juju: Mojos, Rites & Practices for the Magical Soul
Good Juju: Mojos, Rites & Practices for the Magical Soul
Good Juju: Mojos, Rites & Practices for the Magical Soul
Ebook197 pages2 hours

Good Juju: Mojos, Rites & Practices for the Magical Soul

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About this ebook

Spiritual Rites, Spell Work, and Folk Practices to Enhance Your Well-Being and Personal Power

Learn to better express your spirituality and build up your magical practice with this book's powerful spells, rituals, and tools. Designed to help you navigate whatever ups and downs life throws your way, Good Juju is your perfect choice for learning to embrace nature, the old ways, and the magick all around you.

Using simple practices that don't interfere with any religions, Good Juju helps you lay a foundation for daily ritual work. You'll also learn how to craft mojos, create and work with altars, tune in to your intuition, and much more. Author Najah Lightfoot guides you in keeping your mind, body, and spirit strong as you discover your magical work and align with your higher power.

Release dateJun 8, 2019

Najah Lightfoot

Najah Lightfoot is a multi-award-winning author. She is the author of the bestselling Good Juju: Mojos, Rites & Practices for the Magical Soul. She is a regular contributor to the Llewellyn annuals and a contributor to The Library of Esoterica -Volume III - Witchcraft. Her magickal staff is on display and part of the permanent collection of the Buckland Museum of Witchcraft, located in Cleveland, Ohio. Najah is also a fellow of the Sojourner Truth Leadership Circle, sponsored by Auburn Seminary. She lives in Denver, Colorado, where the blue skies and the power of the Rocky Mountains uplift and fill her soul. She can found online at and

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Terrific, I learned a ton, and the humor is a lovely, grounded touch I enjoyed. Without humor. yuck, we would be sticks in the mud!
    Appreciate this book so much!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved the author's style; she was approachable and inclusive holding no bias and welcoming of all. While the book focuses on African-American Hoodoo practices, they can easily be incorporated into other traditions. Most important was the overall sense of "don't sweat it, enjoy what you're doing and take care of yourself."

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Good Juju - Najah Lightfoot

About the Author

Najah Lightfoot is an initiated member of La Source Ancienne Ounfo, a private Vodou society in New Orleans, Louisiana, a sister-priestess of the Divine Feminine and an active member of the Denver Pagan community.

She keeps her magick strong through the practice of Kung Fu, the folk magick of Hoodoo, Pagan rituals, and her belief in the mysteries of the universe. She finds inspiration in movies, music, and the blue skies of Colorado. Najah is also a regular contributing author to the Llewellyn Almanac series. Her articles appear in Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook, Magical Almanac, Witches’ Companion, and Spell-A-Day series.

Llewellyn Publications

Woodbury, Minnesota

Copyright Information

Good Juju: Mojos, Rites & Practices for the Magical Soul © 2019 by Najah Lightfoot.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from Llewellyn Publications, except in the form of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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First e-book edition © 2019

E-book ISBN: 9780738756677

Book design: Samantha Penn

Cover design: Ellen Lawson

Editing: Rosemary Wallner

Project management: Samantha Lu Sherratt

Llewellyn Publications is an imprint of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Lightfoot, Najah, author.

Title: Good juju : mojos, rites, and practices for the magical soul / Najah


Description: First edition. | Woodbury, MN : Llewellyn Publications, 2019. |

Includes bibliographical references.

Identifiers: LCCN 2019006101 (print) | LCCN 2019015966 (ebook) | ISBN

9780738756677 (ebook) | ISBN 9780738756455 (alk. paper)

Subjects: LCSH: Magic.

Classification: LCC BF1611 (ebook) | LCC BF1611 .L473 2019 (print) | DDC


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This book is dedicated to my family. From my

heart of hearts I thank my husband, Tim Bagley,

and our wonderful son and daughter, Robert P.

Herrmann and Kelly Bagley, for always standing by

my side, loving me and supporting me, unconditionally.




Knock Upon The Magical Door

Step Through The Magical Curtain

Light The Cauldron— Working With Magick

Sacred Altar Works

Magical Mojo Spell Work

Protection Magick

Be Your Own Tree

Move Your Body— Revive Your Spirit

Lighten Up




This book would not have been possible without the support and encouragement of many people. I would like to thank Melanie Marquis, Elysia Gallo, John Kulsar, Kaewyn Picard, Sharon and David Soard, Andrea Neff, Rick F., Jennifer Dickey, Kara Seal, Leah Parker, Cynthia Richards, Judy Martindale, Laurie Martindale Goldberg, Colleen Ring, Taylor Schell, Cheryl Stratton, Arthur, Natalie Zaman, Melissa Susan Breton, Nancy Batty, Pamela McAlpin, Catherine Yronwode, Lou Florez, Gretchen and Richard Ashburn, Lois Harvey, Aameerah and Bob Swanson, Bette Smith-Milne, and Sallie Ann Glassman.

I humbly, fervently, and respectfully pay my respects to the divine Marie Laveau and Aunt Clara.


A woman stands on the seashore. Her smile is so bright, even the sun takes notice. She waves a smoldering bundle of herbs through the air, kisses the ground, and laughs. From her state of magical bliss, she looks into your eyes and says, Good juju to YOU!

What is good juju?

Good juju is the positive vibration of spirit. It is a dance with magick. It is time-honored traditions, rites, and practices that originated from African, North American, and European peoples.

It is the folk magick of the heart, the mojos of love, the rituals of earth, and the delight in the morning sun. It is blessings from the ancestors, goodness from the moon, and growth from trying new ways of doing things until they became as familiar to you as a comfortable pair of shoes. Good juju is a walk with nature, body, mind, and spirit. Good juju aids you in your quest to learn practical magick, which is available for you to use in your everyday life.

Good juju is a handshake with the world of spirit. It welcomes you as a divine magical being.

As the author of this magical book, it is my belief that many of us who are called to these paths are seekers. In my quest to merge spirituality with magical practices, I’ve walked many paths. Some paths took me to the tops of mountains, while others left me down in the valley. But no matter where I’ve been on the path of magical spirituality, I’ve discovered new things about myself, kept going, and held on to my childlike wonder of the mysteries.

Thus this book is born from my dreams, visions, and experiences. I am an initiated member of a private Vodou society in New Orleans, La Source Ancienne Ounfo, led by the dear, loving, powerful, and blessed Manbo Sallie Ann Glassman. I hold the rank of second-degree black belt, conferred upon me by my loving martial arts family, masters David and Sharon Soard, of the Chinese Shao-lin Center in Denver, Colorado. I am also a certified Lucky Mojo Practitioner, a title conferred upon me by my wonderful Hoodoo teacher, Catherine Yronwode of Lucky

It is from these wonderful paths I come to you with my knowledge, skills, and abilities.

This book will help you lay the foundation for a daily ritual practice, tune into and listen to your intuition, and find ways to align with your Higher Power. We’ll cover basic guidelines for working spells, tap into the powerful world of African-American folk magick, known as Hoodoo, and learn a ritual for prosperity and abundance.

As you journey through these divinely inspired spiritual traditions, you’ll also learn how to craft mojos, create and work with altars, learn the benefits of protection magick, as well as how to maintain your individuality as a magical person. You’ll also learn useful tips for keeping your mind, body, and spirit strong, through daily physical practices, which will help keep you grounded and centered.

As an added bonus, we’ll also spend a moment on the Bayou St. John, honoring a headwashing ceremony, in the sacred religion of Vodou.

And although these topics are considered serious magical work, we’ll end with some lighthearted anecdotes that will remind you we’re all human, we all make mistakes, and even the best of us flub up from time to time. The lesson is to keep practicing and don’t give up!

Many blessings and good juju to you, my magical friends!

—Najah Lightfoot


kNock uPoN

thE MaGical dooR

You’re standing in front of bookshelves laden with every magical, mystical, and mysterious topic known to humankind. From a sunlit corner, sweet incense smoke spirals toward the ceiling. Crystals ranging in color from dark purple to pale lavender sparkle as light pours through a window in the framed-in turquoise shutters.

You’ve been here many times before. You’ve stood before this shelf wondering if you are a Witch, a Shaman, a Hoodoo mama, or a mojo daddy. Your only wish is to knock upon the magical door and step across the threshold, but you question if you’re even at the right door, and furthermore if you do knock, who or what will respond?

Guess what? You have indeed knocked upon the right magical door, and I am here to welcome you, guide you, and assist you on your journey as a magical being.

We will walk together, you and I, as you try new ways of practicing magick, learn crafts and a bit of Conjure, work spells, and grow into the powerful magical person you know you were meant to be. But steady on, my friend. Before we attempt to begin any of these rites and practices, we must start at the beginning … one ritual, one craft, and one spell at a time.

As we begin at the beginning, we start with good intentions to lay the foundation of our spiritual house. Your house is the metaphor for all the knowledge, skills, and tools you will acquire as you journey on your path as a magical, spiritual being.

Slowly over time, as you lay one magical brick of experience upon the other, your house will take shape. As you seek knowledge, skills, and experiences from the cupboards of life, you may find yourself gathering spiritual bricks from different masons. Some bricks may click right into place, some may need a bit of sanding to smooth out rough edges, and others may not fit regardless of how you try to arrange them.

A person can go nuts trying to fit all these different types of bricks into their spiritual house!

So before your load gets too heavy, stop for a moment and breathe. Learn to use your inner guidance, sense of discernment, and intuition by learning how to ground and center.

Ground and Center Yourself

As you journey along the magical path, it is crucial for your development as a magical and spiritual person to learn how to ground and center your being. Practicing magick can be quite a heady experience, especially when you are learning new rites, rituals, and practices. As you spread your wings and test new skills, it can be easy to feel lost and untethered, whether you’re new to the magical path or a savvy practitioner.

All of us as magical people, whether we’re old hats at magick or just beginning, need to be able to ground and center when we feel we’re getting ahead of ourselves or when we’re getting comfortable with magical practices unfamiliar to us.

Rite for Grounding and Centering

This rite uses water, which cleanses, refreshes, and renews. Water washes away negativity and renews our bodies, minds, and spirits. Human beings can exist for several days without eating food but will perish quickly without drinking water. Water is life.

Items needed:

A quiet place where you will not be disturbed

Cool water

A white taper or tealight candle and matches

Begin your grounding and centering rite by washing your face with cold water. Splash water upon your face, the back of your neck, your arms, and hands. As you bring water to your body, visualize a clear, cold stream running over rocks and meandering into deep green forests filled with tall trees and sunlit branches.

Once you have finished, pat yourself dry with a soft towel or cloth.

Gather your candle and go to your quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Sit comfortably in a position that allows both feet to be firmly planted on the floor, your back and neck in a straight upright position, and your hands placed either on your knees or on a table with the palms facing upward.

Light your candle.

Close your eyes.

Inhale naturally through your nose and exhale naturally through your mouth.

Don’t force your breath. Just allow your breathing to come naturally.

When you feel ready, close your mouth, breathe naturally through your nose and open your eyes. Take a moment to allow your gaze to soften as you stare at the candle flame. Do you see any images? Notice the thoughts and visions that flow through your mind.

Close your eyes again. Gently inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth as you allow any images or messages you have received to pass through your mind.

When you are naturally ready to end the exercise, open your eyes, pinch or snuff out the candle flame, rise, and go about your day.

Repeat this exercise anytime you feel the need to ground and center. Pinching or snuffing out the candle flame allows the candle to be reused until the wick is almost burned out. When you sense the wick is getting low, use the candle to light another candle for your exercise. This way, you will form a continuous magical link from one candle to another, from one grounding and centering exercise to another. In time, you may find you are able to call forth the image of the candle to ground and center, which can be helpful if you are unable to be in your quiet place.

You may choose to add soothing music to the exercise. Meditative music calms the mind and soothes the soul. Sounds of the ocean, soft flutes, or piano melodies are a wonderful addition to this exercise.

Build a Solid Foundation

Now that you are armed with a practice for grounding and centering (which you can return to anytime you feel it is needed), you can take a leap of faith and challenge yourself to grow as a magical and spiritual person.

The rituals that follow will help you build a solid foundation for your magical, spiritual practice. They are designed to be used on a daily, monthly, or seasonal basis. Through time and effort, you will

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