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Pharaoh's Pleasure: Pleasures in Time, #1
Pharaoh's Pleasure: Pleasures in Time, #1
Pharaoh's Pleasure: Pleasures in Time, #1
Ebook38 pages40 minutes

Pharaoh's Pleasure: Pleasures in Time, #1

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Hunky grad student Kellen Fox is screwed, and not in the good way. Forced by his horndog employer to finish a museum exhibit in a single night (or else), he stumbles across a spell hidden in a carved scarab. Little does he know that reading the spell aloud will summon the gorgeous 17th Dynasty pharaoh Senekenre from ancient Egypt.

As it turns out, Kel is the only one who can help Senekenre with a delicate problem regarding his ability to sire an heir. Kel's more than happy to lend a hand (among other things), but rendering this assistance may well change Kel's life forever.

Release dateMay 19, 2019
Pharaoh's Pleasure: Pleasures in Time, #1

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    Pharaoh's Pleasure - J.T. Handler

    © 2016 J.T. Handler

    ISBN: 978-0-46341-819-2

    Published by Belaurient Press at Smashwords

    Cover Artist: Melanie Fletcher

    Editor: Nicola Cameron


    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    For Peter White, who gave me the Doctor Who joke in Chapter Three.

    What would I do without you?


    Thanks go out to Peter White, L.D. Blakeley, and Ceit Kelly for their incomparable beta services, Cherry Dare for telling me how she paid cash for grad school by self-publishing entertaining smut, the lovely and talented team of Colby Keller and Karl Marks for their unending inspiration and support, and Nicola Cameron for saying, Will you just shut up and write the damned thing already?


    Kellen Fox studied the hematite scarab beetle and growled under his breath. Someone had left fingerprints all over the carving and its companion piece yet again, the greasy pale whorls of skin oil showing up clearly against the polished gunmetal-colored stone. Goddamn it, Pattinson, at least wash your hands before you start messing around with the display pieces.

    Scowling, he put the carving back into the display case and headed back to the workroom for a polishing cloth. Of course it wasn’t Gordon Pattinson’s responsibility to clean up after himself. That job belonged to lucky grad students like Kel, hired by the Oriental Foundation to do the grunt work of setting up the museum’s assorted exhibits. The problem was, it was grunt work that could make your career if the curator was feeling generous enough to get you involved in the research behind a new exhibit, or a professor took a shine to a student.

    In Kel’s case, Pattinson had definitely taken a shine to him, judging from the man’s innuendo and accidental touches over the last six weeks. Pattinson had already dropped hints about a private chat over dinner to discuss his future. Kel had to assume that would be followed by a personal tour of Pattinson’s bedroom. Woohoo, lucky

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