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Paleo Diet + Dash Diet + Vegetarian Diet: 3 Books in 1: Complete Guide for Beginners - Unlock your Internal Fat Burner, Activate the Metabolism Beast and Understand the Revolutionary Plant Paradox
Paleo Diet + Dash Diet + Vegetarian Diet: 3 Books in 1: Complete Guide for Beginners - Unlock your Internal Fat Burner, Activate the Metabolism Beast and Understand the Revolutionary Plant Paradox
Paleo Diet + Dash Diet + Vegetarian Diet: 3 Books in 1: Complete Guide for Beginners - Unlock your Internal Fat Burner, Activate the Metabolism Beast and Understand the Revolutionary Plant Paradox
Ebook197 pages2 hours

Paleo Diet + Dash Diet + Vegetarian Diet: 3 Books in 1: Complete Guide for Beginners - Unlock your Internal Fat Burner, Activate the Metabolism Beast and Understand the Revolutionary Plant Paradox

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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Did You Know that You Can Literally Transform Your Body Into a Fat-Burning Machine?

Even if you’ve…

Tried to lose weight and failed…

Lost motivation while losing weight…

Tried some fad diets that was so popular that you tried, but didn’t work…

All these stops NOW.


It has been said that six-packs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym…


Let’s not even talk about six-packs, let’s talk about a healthy and lean body that you’ll look in the mirror and smile at.Think about it…

No matter how hard you’ve worked out, or not worked out…

Nothing’s going to work unless you eat the right food, at the right portion, at the right time!

And choosing a diet isn’t like choosing to eat Canadian cuisine or Mexican cuisine…

It’s more than that.

Here’s a Hint: Don’t Choose a Diet Which You KNOW You Will NOT Enjoy!



If I told you I would give you a million dollar tomorrow if you lost 10 kg tomorrow, could you do it?

If you said impossible…

Not true…



Choosing a workout plan or diet that is ATTAINABLE but not SUSTAINABLE is useless.

You need to explore and know about the different diets that are available for you.

Makes sense?

That is why we’ve combined these 3 books up that introduces you to Paleo Diet, DASH Diet and Vegetarian Keto Diet...

Here’s what you’ll be receiving:

Paleo Diet for Beginners - How to Get Started on the Paleo Diet: Unlock your Internal Fat Burner, Live Longer & Transform Your Life with a High-Fat, Low-Carb Paleo Diet

Dash Diet for Beginners - How to Get Started on the Dash Diet: Unlock the Metabolism Beast, Lose Weight Fast & Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Vegetarian Keto Diet for Beginners - How to Get Started on the Vegetarian Keto Diet: Unlock the Healthy Fat Burning Machine in your Body, Understand the Plant Paradox & Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Do you understand what you’re going to receive when you make this single purchase?

If Yes, Great!

Look: “You Can’t Enjoy Wealth If You’re Not In Good Health”

Are you ready to take back control of your health?

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Download now to discover more about these 3 books that could create a breakthrough in your health, energy, vitality and confidence.

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Release dateMay 18, 2019
Paleo Diet + Dash Diet + Vegetarian Diet: 3 Books in 1: Complete Guide for Beginners - Unlock your Internal Fat Burner, Activate the Metabolism Beast and Understand the Revolutionary Plant Paradox

Read more from Steven D. Moore

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Formatting could be made better for the dash diet. Other than that information is useful

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Paleo Diet + Dash Diet + Vegetarian Diet - Steven D. Moore


Paleo Diet for Beginners – How to Get Started on the Paleo Diet

Unlock your Internal Fat Burner, Live Longer & Transform Your Life with a High-Fat, Low Carb Paleo Diet

By Steven D. Moore & Jimmy Gundry

© Copyright 2019 by Steven D. Moore & Jimmy Gundry

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author. Reviewers may quote brief passages in reviews.


No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, or transmitted by email without permission in writing from the publisher.

While all attempts have been made to verify the information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretations of the subject matter herein.

This book is for entertainment purposes only. The views expressed are those of the author alone and should not be taken as expert instructions of commands. The reader is responsible for his or her own actions.

Adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, including international, federal, state and local governing professional licensing, business practices, advertising, and all other aspects of doing business in the US, Canada, or any other jurisdiction is the sole responsibility of the purchaser or reader.

Neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of the purchaser or reader of these materials.

Any perceived slight of any individual or organization is purely unintentional.

Table of Contents

Paleo Diet for Beginners – How to Get Started on the Paleo Diet

Bonus (Highly Recommended)


How to Get the Most Out of this book

Chapter 1: What Is the Paleo Diet?

Chapter 2: Taking the Leap

Chapter 3: Benefits of the Paleo Diet

Chapter 4: Diabetes and Paleo

Chapter 5: Meal Plans

Chapter 6: Weight Loss and Paleo

Chapter 7: Overcoming Obstacles

Chapter 8: Debunking Myths




Chapter 1: Whаt Iѕ Hіgh Blood Pressure?

Chapter 2: DASH Eаtіng Pаttеrn

Chapter 3: Guіdеlіnеѕ Tо Eаt Lеѕѕ Sоdіum

Chapter 4: DASH Rесіреѕ

Chapter 5: 7-Day DASH Dіеt Menu

Chapter 6: Mаkе a DASH for DASH - Exеrсіѕе аnd lіfеѕtуlе


Vegetarian Keto Diet for Beginners - How to Get Started on the Vegetarian Keto Diet


So, what is a Vegetarian Ketogenic diet?

Different types of Vegetarians

How a Ketogenic diet works

What is the difference between good carbs and bad carbs?

What you need to know before going all vegetarian keto diet

Steps in planning for a vegetarian keto diet

How do you limit your carbs as a vegetarian?

How to get sufficient fat on a vegetarian keto diet

Sources of the healthiest plant-based fat sources for a vegetarian keto diet

Common vegetarian keto diet deficiencies: how you can fix them

Recap on the basics of a ketogenic diet for vegetarians

How you make a keto diet vegetarian


Bonus (Highly Recommended)

Bonus (Highly Recommended)

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Starting a new diet can be scary.

You want to become healthier, lose some excess weight and have an overall healthier lifestyle. Annoyingly enough, it’s tough to find a diet that helps provide you with all that and more. Your past efforts with certain diets have worked for maybe a few days at best but then you slowly start to return to your old ways.

It happens more often than you think but it’s easily done because it’s a hard task trying to change your life to something new and unknown. You aren’t alone, millions struggle to transform their lives and become healthier.

Everyone wants to find a diet that not only helps with weight loss but keeps weight off as well. You want a diet that’s easy to follow and that makes life enjoyable too. In truth, people want a diet that’s easy to stick to.

Maintaining health isn’t simple either even when you don’t smoke or drink alcohol. Balancing work with home life is difficult, too. So, health comes in a poor second.

The Paleo diet might be the answer you’re looking for.

This diet looks at ways to transform your life as a whole to make the body healthier and fitter but also give you the tools to succeed in healthy weight loss. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is possible through good eating and activity and the Paleo diet looks at changing how you look at food and what contributing factors there might be also.

Exploring the Paleo diet and understanding how beginners can start on the diet can transform your life. Remember, the body is used to a modern diet, which is full of fats and processed foods (which are bad for the body). However, there are solutions to change the way the body works through the diet and make healthier decisions.

In this book, we aim to provide you with the right tools to unlock your internal fat burner through the Paleo diet and make it easier for you to understand the concept behind it. You can also find out how to start following the diet.

I would recommend you take the time to read through the book and the tips and suggestions to find some inspiration to move forward and begin with the diet.

Thank you.

How to Get the Most Out of this book

We have created the book to help in a number of ways, including:

Note: All information contained within this book has been carefully researched and any topical research facts or figures were correct at the present time. All fact and research here were relevant during this time also.

Chapter 1: What Is the Paleo Diet?

The Paleo is a diet is often referred to as the caveman diet due to its unique back-to-basics mentality. The diet looks at the foods consumed during the Paleolithic era – essentially over tens of thousands of years ago – and it focuses on foods like lean meat, fish, vegetables and fruits along with other foods that were available during that time period.

Anything that could be hunted or gathered by early humans can be a part of the Paleo diet.

Farmed products are generally a no-no here simply because they are farmed produced and not from the pre-agricultural era. Any farmed products such as grains, dairy and legumes are not encouraged for this diet.

The Paleo diet aims to improve health by sticking with whole foods and removing refined sugars and unhealthy processed foods. This diet actually looks to restrict unhealthy food stuff being consumed and focuses on healthier foods instead. The diet takes away a big part of the mainstream diet in favor for a healthier alternative.

Staggeringly, almost one thousand calories consumed throughout the day, in a typical diet, is the result of processed foods according to research carried out by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. It’s an utterly bemusing fact but it’s one that is far too real and far too high.

Unhealthy processed foods can cause a number of ailments from heart disease and obesity and those are only two examples. Processed foods have to be avoided as much as possible as they are generally unhealthy even though we are drawn to them easily.

The Paleo diet does look at implementing a more complete lifestyle change so that the diet is complimented with exercise and fresh air and activity. It’s not just a diet, it’s also a lifestyle change and it’s one of the more unique diets there are.

The History of Paleo

The beauty of the Paleo diet is that it’s going back to our basic roots and what people relied on for survival. It doesn’t involve chasing down or hunting any animal but rather offer a simple way to cut-out high sugar contents and get back to a healthier approach to eating.

It dates back to the Paleolithic era, which was before agriculture was used as a mainstream source for food. The diet looks at bringing in more fiber, minerals, and vitamins. So, it looks to plants, meat-based meals, and lean proteins to do that. Processed salty meats are generally removed from the diet in favor of seafood and fish.

It’s not technically a low-fat diet because it aims for high fat; The whole point is to eat high fat foods in natural forms, like from fish and seafood. Seafood is a healthy form of fat. That’s what the body needs.

Fat from processed foods are generally saturated and those are the types of fats that clog arteries and cause cholesterol to sky-rocket. It’s about unsaturated fats and concentrating on those.

The Purpose of the Paleo Diet

The whole concept of the Paleo diet is to look at naturally-sourced foods.

Natural foods cut out processed fats and sugars and help bring back nutrients and nourishment to the diet. The Paleo diet is aimed at this – health – bringing a better diet to the table suitable for daily use and for a wide variety of individuals.

Most people want to remove processed foods from their diets and find healthier sources of food to make them feel better about themselves but also improve their overall health. Paleo focuses on what the early humans – our ancestors – ate and it’s quite an interesting concept.

It’s not something people think about trying. It’s nothing special or fancy; its back-to-basics, but it could potentially be the answer to dietary problems millions experience every day.

The modern diet isn’t always suited for today’s people as it’s often harsh on the body and with

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