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Lucky With The Ladies: Hitting The Jackpot
Lucky With The Ladies: Hitting The Jackpot
Lucky With The Ladies: Hitting The Jackpot
Ebook31 pages25 minutes

Lucky With The Ladies: Hitting The Jackpot

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Bradley had to be talked into buying the lottery ticket. He wasn't one to take many chances with his life, and José, his acquaintance at the local deli, knew it. Still, Bradley didn't expect to win so readily, and he definitely didn't expect such a beautiful movie star to show up at his door. Now that leading lady Elena Douglas is here, will Bradley be able to take advantage of the good fortune that's fallen into his lap, or will his dominant tendencies lie dormant?

Release dateMay 20, 2019
Lucky With The Ladies: Hitting The Jackpot

Melissa Miranti

About the Author Melissa Miranti is a bisexual Brooklyn-based erotica writer. She has been writing erotica since she was younger than she'd like to admit, but began publishing in early 2016. She lives with her wife, who generously indulges her myriad fetishes. She hopes that you enjoy her stories, and by all means, do enjoy them thoroughly. You can even commission your own story!

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    Lucky With The Ladies - Melissa Miranti

    Lucky With The Ladies: Hitting The Jackpot

    Melissa Miranti

    Published by Melissa Miranti, 2019.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. May 20, 2019.

    Copyright © 2019 Melissa Miranti.

    ISBN: 978-0463940426

    Written by Melissa Miranti.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Lucky With The Ladies: Hitting The Jackpot

    Further Reading: A Breeding Pair

    Also By Melissa Miranti

    About the Author

    Bradley stepped into the convenience store, looking about. He felt that there was something more he needed than just a sandwich and a drink, but he couldn’t get it here. There had been something, no, someone missing from his life for a while now, and no matter how hard he tried, he hadn’t been able to meet the right woman. It certainly didn’t help that winter kept everyone indoors for the most part, making meeting people even harder on him.

    Hey, what kind of sandwich today? José called out from behind the counter. He was a large, loud man, perfect for running the deli counter nearby Bradley’s office.

    Bacon, egg, and cheese, Bradley said, approaching the counter. The young man working the cash register nodded at José’s wave, acknowledging the charge that was to come. Bradley didn’t know the kid’s name. There was always a rotating cast of young people working the cash register, whenever their schools were on break or they needed a little money.

    I gotcha, José said, fetching his ingredients. The egg cracked open, and went into a little bowl where José scrambled it to delicious oblivion. What’s eating you?

    Nothing, just...nothing, Bradley said.

    I know a Shakespeare play that’s about nothing, José said. The scrambled egg went onto the flat-top grill, bubbling, and was then joined by two strips of bacon. Turns out that ‘nothing’ was slang for pussy. The whole thing was about these guys trying to get with these ladies. It was a comedy, like movies now, only with pretty language.

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