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The Art of Riding: Princess Aurora learns the Reins
The Art of Riding: Princess Aurora learns the Reins
The Art of Riding: Princess Aurora learns the Reins
Ebook90 pages1 hour

The Art of Riding: Princess Aurora learns the Reins

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About this ebook

Young and naive Crown Princess Aurora seeks forbidden knowledge: The Art of Riding, which has been outlawed by the Unicorns for centuries because carrying men would degrade them to mere beasts of burden and put them on the same level as normal horses.

Draconic Kobold Slave Xemreis offers to teach her about the forbidden knowledge in secret, if she accepts him as her Master. Over the following weeks, he gradually teaches the Unicorn and secretly shapes her to his will. Slowly he transforms her from an innocent Unicorn princess to his lowly mount and plaything and even tries to trick her into being bred by a lowly horse stallion.

Gradually she accepts him as her Master, even her Owner and learns to love her new place in the world.

PublisherMunkus 69
Release dateMay 20, 2019
The Art of Riding: Princess Aurora learns the Reins

Munkus 69

Writer of furry fiction in the shapes of:books, short stories and a CYOA game (Choose your own adventure)Thank you for your interest, may you have an awesome day. :)

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    Book preview

    The Art of Riding - Munkus 69

    The Art of Riding


    Copyright 2019 Munkus69

    Table of Content

    Table of Content



    Day 2

    Day 5

    Day 13

    Day 30

    Day 47

    Day 48

    Day 67

    Day 68

    Day 69

    Day 630


    I would like to thank Rabka who commissioned me on the following story.

    At the beginning of this writing process I had absolutely no Idea about the humiliation kink and I still consider myself rather clueless. It was only thanks to over 90 emails, where he explained with great patience how he wanted this story to go and what I had to look out for.

    It came out not as the story we had set out to write, but as a completely new version of itself because Rabka tossed in several ideas which I gladly wove into the story.

    It would not have been the way it is without those ideas and editorial suggestions.

    Furthermore, he wished that the story be freely available after a certain period of time and insisted on paying me fully, despite my offers of finishing it for free and publishing it for a small price on Patreon and Smashwords afterward.

    I would also like to thank You, the reader.

    Because if it wasn’t for You, I would sit here in front of my PC and never dare to publish anything. I would simply vomit the words down on paper and then save them in some old, dusty file on my PC to sit there and be forgotten. Only thanks to you I have the courage to show my work and can even consider making a living from it.

    The last person I would like to thank, is my SO, without whom I would still be a miserable sod on the brink of self-destruction. Only with you I can see the light. Thank you S.

    Munkus 69


    The Forbidden Art of Riding. What a curious title that had been. Princess Aurora wandered through the corridors of the vast parental castle, wondering what that Art of Riding could have been. Surely, unicorns like her were never ridden so what could the author have meant?

    Cursing her Nana for catching her before she could open the book, she stalked on, furiously stomping her golden clad hooves on the ground to vent her frustration. She hated it when her boundless curiosity was slapped so viciously into a limit and this had been a particularly vexing subject.

    Stupid Nana, she mumbled, not really paying attention to where she was going until she came to another unexpected halt. The young unicorn stared blankly at the stable area in front of her, not quite sure what she was seeing. Everything around her looked old, almost derelict. And yet… there was a forgotten glory about the place. As if it had been important, several decades ago.

    Princess Aurora. A pleasure.

    The voice was so close and unexpected, that Aurora reared in fright and then stared angrily at the figure that she spotted, half hidden in the shadows. Kobold, you scared me! She was about to demand an apology, but forgot about it when she glanced round. The lost grandeur of the place seemed a little scary and she shivered. What is this place?

    The stable for foreign dignitaries, Your Highness, the Kobold hissed, his luminous green eyes narrowing, measuring the shapely unicorn Princess in front of him. She was young and beautiful, with a fine rump that was basically begging to be claimed by someone. It was a little out of shape, but that would only heighten the pleasure when he started kneading her there, digging his claw tipped fingers deep into that soft flesh. His eyes wandered over her snow white fur and the golden gleaming mane that was falling in soft, perfectly braided plaits down her slender neck. Oh what he would give to have her, spoil her and make her his own. But he braced himself, nodding his draconic head in a mock bow. Those dignitaries would come here after a hard ride and stable their horses until...

    "Ride? You know about riding? The excitement in her voice betrayed her eagerness to know and Aurora quickly regained her posture. I mean: Tell me about that Riding you mentioned earlier, Slave."


    What? Suddenly confronted with a Slave refusing to obey a command like this, she did not quite know how to react. All of the other slaves followed orders on the merest whim. She never had to think about what happened when one of them didn’t. Now that was the case, she felt a little lost. But… But I order you! She muttered a little dumb founded. You are not supposed to refuse.

    The anthropomorphic dragon tilted his head and folded his green scaled arms. His eyes widened a little when he noticed the small but shapely tits between her legs. They were not enormous but sure looked firm. Perfect to be spoiled. He recognized this as an opportunity that could prove one of those golden once-in-a-lifetime chances. If he handled it with the delicacy it needed. Well I suppose I could teach you a thing or two about that. If you bow to me.

    Her jaw dropped and her eyes went wide as she stared at the green dragon in front of her. "You... what? I am Princess Aurora of…"

    Yes, yes, save it. I know exactly who you are, Princess. Another mock bow followed, this time he even tilted his upper body a little to complete the gesture. But the knowledge is forbidden. I am the only person in the entire kingdom that knows about it. That is why I am here in this stable, locked away. You would not want me to tell your parents what you demanded of me, now would you?

    Aurora gulped. He had her there. If anyone ever found out, she would be… well. Terrible things would happen, that was for sure. Even to her. Aurora weighed her head back and forth, biting her plush lip as her mind raced back and forth through the opportunities. She was burning to know. She had to know.

    All right, she whispered, her blue eyes burning with shame and fear in mind of all the things that could come forth from this. For a moment she stood there, shivering from the battling feelings and her uncertainty at what to do. Then curiosity won over her pride and she jerked her head in a fashion that was barely more than an energetic nod. But it send a few strands of her golden hair flying. Satisfied?

    A rush of power blossomed through the Kobold’s veins and a smile started appearing at the corners of his mouth. Do it properly, he demanded. "Say: Please, Master Xemreis, teach me about the forbidden Art of Riding. And come on. That was barely more than a nod. Have your parents not taught you how to bow properly?"

    Blood rushed into Aurora’s cheeks, causing the snow white fur to gather a faint pink tint as shame and humiliation blossomed in her chest. Everything inside her revolted. She wanted to fly toward the cheeky Kobold and gouge him with her horn if she had

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