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Cats of the Fey
Cats of the Fey
Cats of the Fey
Ebook56 pages52 minutes

Cats of the Fey

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Three fantasy short stories by Matthew D. Ryan.


A fantasy short story of a mystical, diabolical cat with potent magic powers. In this fairy tale, the hunter Pedro Billman is hired to assist another hunter bag the Devil's Cat in a small Central American village named Golai (fictional place). But it is a treacherous hunt that will require all Pedro's wits and wiles to survive. The cat is evil, they say. It's magic power is legendary. A terror of the jungle, the diabolical cat is said to be unstoppable. The natives are terrified of the diabolical cat and its fey magic; they'll be all but useless on this hunt. Plus the hunter who hired Pedro ... he is a little crazy to boot. But that won't stop Pedro. And he'll have a story to tell, before this tale is done.


Another fantasy short story about the mystical, diabolical cat known as the Devil's Cat. This time the cat is terrorizing a small village by the name of Shedra. It exists on a world different from Earth (and Athron), one where magic and mystery are common. This time it is a woman named Ierrin Thomai and her lover Thaemien caught in the diabolical claws of the magical cat. And the Devil's Cat is not one to give up, once it's got wind of the hunt. Too much is at stake for Ierrin: life, love, virtue. And if she isn't careful, this tale of magic and woe will not have a happy ending. The Devil's Cat is on the hunt, and it's magic knows few bounds.


A different world (Athron), a different cat. This fantasy short story tells the tale of the lithlyn Dedicated, the finest hunters in all the world of Athron. Askariel is soon to join the Dedicated. He has but one task to complete to make his dream reality: hunt the legendary White Panther, a mystical cat with a whole slew of magic powers, and kill it. The cat has walked the magical lithlyn woods for uncounted centuries. It has timeless wisdom and knowledge. Can Askariel take it down? Or will the cat win the day? Will he become the hunted? It is no small feat to hunt an ordinary panther down; but one with magic and power at its beck and call ... that makes a tale worth telling.

Release dateMay 20, 2019
Cats of the Fey

Matthew D. Ryan

Looking for a vampire that actually kills people? So was I. So, I created one: Lucian val Drasmyr. He's not a teen heart throb. He's a killer. My first novel, Drasmyr, features him as the chief antagonist and a formidable force for darkness. Just in case I was unclear: he is pure evil. Unholy. Diabolical. A true scourge from Hell.I'm Matthew D. Ryan and I'm a fantasy author. My topics of choice include the aforementioned vampires, as well as dragons, wizards, magic ... that sort of thing. I get my inspiration from multiple sources, not least of which is my almost complete immersion in the fantasy genre over many, many years. I've read more fantasy novels than I can remember; I've been playing RPG games like D&D as both Dungeonmaster/Gamemaster and player for nearly forty years; and I've watched innumerable movies and television programs steeped in the fantastic and miraculous. All of that gives me a fertile imagination and a rich background of experience to draw upon. Writing about vampires or dragons is almost second nature for me now.My first novel, Drasmyr, started out as a short story. Then it grew into a stand-alone novel. Then it shifted into the prequel to my dark fantasy series, From the Ashes of Ruin. I've also written several small collections of short stories, a couple novellas, and even a non-fiction book about my struggles with mental illness -- I've unpublished that last for personal reasons. Additionally, I've run a number of web-sites and blogs here and there; and I've also done a couple speaking engagements on both worldbuilding and the writing process.So, if you like vampires or dragons, or are just into the fantasy genre in general, I'm your guy. Download one of my books now. I heartily recommend Drasmyr.Oh, by the way, if you go to my site: The Wizard's Inkwell (link below), I've started writing 5th Edition D & D Adventures (Under the SRD License). If you play D & D, you can download an adventure or two and make a go at it. They're great fun!

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    Book preview

    Cats of the Fey - Matthew D. Ryan


    Matthew D. Ryan

    Copyright 2019 Matthew D. Ryan

    Cover Image Copyright © Can Stock Photo / killslammer

    The Smashwords Edition

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    Table of Contents

    The Devil's Cat: In Golai

    The Devil's Cat: The Bargain

    The White Panther

    Other Stories and Novels by Matthew D. Ryan

    About the Author

    Excerpt: Drasmyr: Prologue


    Pedro Billman poured himself another shot of whiskey, and offered the bottle to the man sitting at his table, but the stranger declined. The Devil’s Cat, eh? Pedro asked before downing his shot in a single gulp. It was potent stuff—of remarkable quality for a backwater Central American town like Golai. He smacked the glass down on the table and coughed.

    The man, an Englishman by the name of Sir William Penfield, appraised him with a careful eye, and simply said, Yes. Wearing a military shirt, khaki shorts, and a felt hunting hat, Sir Penfield looked every inch the hunter his reputation made him out to be. I already have two guides lined up, he said, but I wanted an extra hunter… someone who knows how to use a gun. Understand though, the cat is my trophy. I’ll pay you well, but I get to bring down the beast.

    They say the Cat’s got powers, Pedro said. He fingered the knife sheath hanging from his belt. Inside it held his sacred hunting knife, blessed by a Navajo Shaman many years ago. Talk of the supernatural always made him self-conscious of the talismans he wore. The first was his Navajo knife. The second was a necklace of small animal bones blessed by no less than three shamans from three different African tribes. He wore them both regularly—not because he believed they had power, but rather because he liked the way they looked.

    I know. I’ve heard all that crap, Sir Penfield said. According to the locals it can walk through walls and breathe fire and God knows what else.

    You forgot its roar, Pedro said. They say it can kill a man at fifty paces.

    That too, Sir Penfield said. It’s hogwash. All of it. And I’m going to prove it.

    You are? Pedro wasn’t so sure. Although his personal talismans seemed inert, he’d been to some of the most obscure parts of the planet in his travels and had encountered inexplicable phenomena on more than one occasion. He’d seen three ghosts and at least one genuine case of possession. He wouldn't rule out the supernatural. But even he admitted some of the abilities attributed to the cat seem far-fetched.

    Someone has to clear this up, Sir Penfield said. Someone has to go in there, hunt the beast down, and take its head for a prize.


    The hunt began in the small village of Golai on the banks of the river, Thenth. Pedro met Sir Penfield and his two guides early in the morning. The first guide, a tall heavily tanned man by the name of Barone, greeted Pedro with a flaccid handshake and a distracted, wistful look in his eye. The second man, Manuel, was more self-assured. Dressed in blue jeans and a black shirt, he possessed a shorter, more muscular build. Both men carried large hunting knives and backpacks.

    As they prepared to embark, Barone said, Are we sure we want to do this today? The Devil’s Cat is on the prowl.

    What do you mean? Sir Penfield asked.

    You didn’t hear? Manuel asked. "Latest news is that the Cat attacked the village of Aguaverde a couple days ago. It’s usually most active this time of year, so that’s not too surprising. But we should be wary; if we go out there, we may

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