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Tickling Pleasure: The Story of a Tickle Lover
Tickling Pleasure: The Story of a Tickle Lover
Tickling Pleasure: The Story of a Tickle Lover
Ebook60 pages46 minutes

Tickling Pleasure: The Story of a Tickle Lover

Rating: 2 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Who would have thought a moment driven by boredom could turn into so much fun! Patsy, ever the tease decides to play her flirty games with her brother Mike and his friends only to have the tables turned. Not only do they get some sweet sexy revenge on Patsy, she discovers a new found love for being tickled.

The story of Patsy the tickle lover is a fun easy reading story filled with lots of tickling erotica and sexy situations sure to tickle your funny bone.

PublisherAlexa Drake
Release dateMay 25, 2019
Tickling Pleasure: The Story of a Tickle Lover

Alexa Drake

Alexa Drake is an indie, erotica writer who, when not working on her day job or being active outdoors, creates a truly varied and awkward search history in the name of "research". With a keen interest in non-traditional erotica situations, Alexa's stories will explore everything from aliens to the paranormal and whatever random thought crosses her mind.

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Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Some incest, forced situations and workplace subversion. The tickling it's fairly described but it doesn't get you into the story. A lot of cliches and shallow representations. Not too good of a book.

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Tickling Pleasure - Alexa Drake

Tickling Pleasure

The story of a tickle lover

Alexa Drake

Copyright © 2019 Alexa Drake

All rights reserved.

Distributed by Smashwords

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Chapter 1: Teasing the Gamer Boys

Chapter 2: Coming out

Chapter 3: Morning Distraction

Chapter 4: Anticipation

Chapter 5: Backyard Games

Chapter 6: Making up

Chapter 7: Another day at work


Chapter 1

Teasing the Gamer Boys

Patsy was bored.

As she lay out on the back deck of her family’s home soaking in the summer heat, her mind wandered while trying desperately to think of something entertaining to do. Not much of a reader her tablet battery had died a little while ago leaving her looking around the fenced in back yard simply basking in the monotony of the day. With all her friends away the last few days, she was having a bit of a time handling being alone. She wasn’t scheduled back to work for two more days and the thought of two days sitting around was slowly driving her crazy with boredom.

At twenty one Patsy is a short brunette with long hair piled in a bun high on the back of her head. The red bikini managed to contain her curvy figure although the top was feeling the strain of large breasts for such a short girl. Described as an early bloomer she had long learned the enjoyment of playing the tease, the often open stares of older boys and even the subtle bumps and gropes. Assets she often played up wherever she happened to be and lately at the clothing store she had landed a summer job at a month ago.

Loud sounds from the house catch her attention offering a quick distraction. She knew her brother Mike had a couple of his friends over playing one of the games they were always at. From the sounds of explosions and yelling things were getting pretty wild in gamer world. She rolls her eyes behind the sunglasses, still seeing nothing in the yard to hold her interest. Boredom being the devils plaything a plan slowly meanders through her head to spice up the day. And annoy her brother.

Sitting up on the lounge chair she stretches her arms over her head, twisting her shoulders back and forth. Her breasts sway enticingly in the motion as a slow mischievous smile creeps across her face. Pissing him off and teasing his friends sounded like the perfect way to fill the time and tickle a few of her little pleasures to.

Standing quickly she strolls through the patio door, her bare feet sticking lightly to the floor. The sounds of world war whatever are much louder now, along with the yelling of commands back and forth from the living room. Moving down the hall she steps into the bathroom, never missing the moment to admire herself in the mirror. Reaching up she releases her hair from the bun letting it hang down to her shoulders, shaking her head enjoying the feel of it brushing across her back. Rolling in the sides of her bikini top she spends a few moments tweaking her nipples, smiling at the sharp pleasure as the little nubs harden under the material. Next she pulls the bottoms into a G-string, turning sideways to slap her soft butt gently in the reflection.

Flicking off the light she skips to her room across the hall, plucking an over large white t-shirt from the bed and pulling it on. The shirt just covers her behind and the low cut with the help of some stretching on her part, offers a nice view of her cleavage. She smirks at the thoughts of her mom’s face whenever she came out wearing this and her dads oh so subtle attempts not to peek. Back to the bathroom her face brightens with how the shirt clings to the sun lotion, each breast swaying like puppies wrestling under a blanket.

The boys were at the far

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