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He Who Rides The Tiger
He Who Rides The Tiger
He Who Rides The Tiger
Ebook307 pages4 hours

He Who Rides The Tiger

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In this, the second of the DuPré trilogy, James has quit as prime minister and, with Sally and Jasmine, sets off on a sailing tour of the Mediterranean.

Things do not go to plan and they are quickly drawn into problems. Jasmine makes a full recovery from her ordeals in Fort George and plays a crucial role in rescuing a friend of James’s. For some people, no matter how hard they try to quit, events take over their lives. The rescue leads them into a dangerous recovery of gold and the building of an empire to dispose of it. It increasingly appears that once you have a dangerous lifestyle you can never get away from it. Throughout all of the hardship, love and romance flourish.

PublisherHoward Hawley
Release dateMay 29, 2019
He Who Rides The Tiger

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    He Who Rides The Tiger - Howard Hawley


    James Edward DuPré had resigned his position as prime minister. He had taken knighthood and a diplomatic position of goodwill Ambassador to the people of Europe. His rise to be prime minister had been meteoric thanks to a unique mix of events. He had become famous from and decorated for his actions in Afghanistan. His old school friends who had risen also enjoyed positions of wealth and influence and like himself were driven by hatred of the underclass. On his journey from hero to first minister he had met his wife Sally who had fulfilled both his life and his career. Along the way two major personal tragedies had befallen him. Sally had been attacked and lost her baby and his sister Jasmine had unwittingly fallen into a trap laid by the DuPré administration as the final solution for the underclass they despised.

    The policies created by his friends had made his term the most successful administration of all time. Despite their success, they both had known when they had done enough and made their contribution a lasting legacy.

    James had bought the ‘October Hill’ and along with Jasmine who was still recovering from her ordeal in Fort George they set out on what was planned to be a leisurely sail around the coast of the Mediterranean. No agenda, no timetable.

    The original old school conspirators, Michael, Paul and Briton had gone from strength to strength.

    Michael William Connelly the political brain behind the DuPré premiership and one of the original four school friends was now prime minister and facing a term election. Simon the Deputy Prime Minister under James has decided against leading the party into a general election. He had cited age and the poor health of his wife, and his believe that the country and party required a more charismatic person if they were to maintain their massive majority as reasons. The policies the DuPré administration had so successfully pursued were largely Michael’s creations so if he were successful the country could expect more of the same perhaps even more extreme at the lower end and criminal parts of society.

    Briton Gardner was semi-retired having taken his company public and Paul Jackson-Woodhouse who was wealthy at the beginning of the DuPré administration had become extremely wealthy supplying the needs of the government by always being that one step ahead of the competition. Both Paul and Briton were helping Michael. All were still happily married and the Connellys lived at Chequers Court with their two children.

    Crime in the UK was down, the economy was thriving and the birth rate was up. At the time James had become a member of parliament in 2018 the birth rate had fallen across most ethnic groupings and was at its worse at 1.6 births. In 2018 only the Muslim community were bucking this tend with a birth rate of 2.9. The birth rate today was at a sustainable culture level of 2.2 and the sharp rises from immigration had ended. Young women were encouraged to conceive even if if the product was what the press continued to call a designer baby. The mother could choose the sperm donor with as much information about the genetic outcome as it was possible to give. The state funded the confinement saved the career and paid for child care.

    The mass influx of East European, EU nationals had ceased. The crime families and mafias had left and legitimate business was booming. The crime families bank accounts were still frozen and unclaimed.

    People lived, worked and played in cities. The retail environment had changed dramatically due to online shopping and the clever city councils who had adapted the public spaces to be entertainment lead, experience shopping as pioneered by Apple had thrived. The DuPré governments crack down on the underclass and intolerance of criminal behavior had aided the transition. More and more families took to the streets for their daytime and evening entertainment enjoying the cleanliness and safety.

    The main stay of the Michael and James years other than the decimation of the underclass was to make the UK a strong and well protected island. They both knew the military and perhaps more correctly military spending was a major driving force in progress. There would be no Interstate Highways in the USA had they not been driven forward by the militaries need or perceived need to move rapidly around the country.

    A principle part of the new militarisation was a major breakthrough in rocket technologies. Speed was everything. The goal was Mach 7, seven times the speed of sound at ground level. In nice round numbers 4,500 miles per hour.

    This goal had been set because it was theoretically possible but oh, so difficult with even physics working against you. They also invested in a new platform to carry these hypersonic missiles a new variant of stealth submarine.

    The Russians, Indians, and the Americans were all working on the same basic problem.

    On the 15 of May 2023 a York class nuclear submarine was launched in Barrow in Furness. At 120 metres in length and 11 metres beam, displacing 8,000 metric tonnes it was possibly the biggest. It was powered by a 30 mega-watt nuclear reactor and had twin propulsion systems. It was fitted with two firing tubes only to save cost and carried the SCRAM hypersonic missile with nuclear war heads. Not only was death flown toward the enemy at 4,500 miles per hour it could be unleased from anywhere. Nestled beneath the waves offshore of Helsinki, Moscow was a mere 647 miles away or in hypersonic time nine minutes. Not only had Aeropace UK developed the scram jet for missiles they had configured it into a commercial proposition complete with its unique guidance systems.

    Education had flourished, children actually wanted to go to school and teachers were there to teach, not police the unruly. Nothing went into a UK school other than the child weapon screens, lockers and security ensured a safe environment. Physical and verbal bullying was brainwashed out of the child’s psyche. Those that didn’t get the message were stamped on from a great height. Universities had an entrance exam that was everything. If you passed you got to go. Every child sat previous years entrance exams, everyone was prepared. It was a meritocracy of the purest type, background or wealth were irrelevant only ability mattered. Education was still the main focus of government and schools were the safe haven for the young. School meals were nutritious and free, for breakfast lunch and evening meal. Once a child entered school for the day they stayed, no excursions to the outside and no phones, education was inclusive and enabling. Parents lowest tolerated level of involvement was neutral. Fall below neutral and there was intervention, children could not arrive late or tired or ill equipped especially as a result of poor parenting.

    Michael had pursued a policy of partner countries and the UK really was now energy, mineral, material and food self-sufficient and carried a big stick on the world stage totally disproportionate to its size. If a bully attempted to push around the UK he would get a very serious bloody nose. The UK military were the best equipped best trained and had only one function, to kill. No peace keeping roles for the UK.

    The big drive was now space travel, colonisation and energy harvesting. Having a big stick on earth was nothing when compared with the stick that could be wielded from space. Michael had a vision that the sun’s rays would be collected on huge sails that had been assembled and launched from the Moon and the energy beamed to Earth on micro waves.

    Euthanasia had been legalised and the elderly could die gracefully with dignity in every way for every member of society life was better. In 2024 in the UK life was good. A citizen simply needed to see the big picture in all things and evolve with the systems and embrace the mood. If you chose to drop out not co-operate then so be it. Good luck.

    The EU and the world was a very different place. The EU had collapsed in all but name. Several member states had all but imploded. Spain in 2019 was a net recipient of EU funding gaining four billion by virtue of its EU membership in many ways this was all that kept it going and even with that it still had a debt to GDP ratio of 94 percent. When the UK left the EU and ceased to pay in nine billion more than it received the numbers had to be reshuffled. Spain became a neutral contributor and 24 percent of its population were unemployed. The loss of four billion Euros to the economy caused the successful break away by Catalonia an area that covered the whole of the west part of the country. The Basques in the north ceased the opportunity created by Catalonia and also became independent. In Belgium, Flanders and Wallonia separated following long established, fracture lines of ethnicity and language. The UK and the USA resolved the problems of separation in very similar ways. The Connelly government dealt with Scottish independence by having a referendum in England. The question was. Do you want Scotland to be part of the UK if the Scottish people continue to push for independence?. 78 percent voted NO. The people of England did not want Scotland.

    The subject was never again raised by Scotland and independence movements dissolved. In the USA a similar approach resulted in both Alaska and Texas withdrawing petitions for independence. Areas on the world stage that were not so simple to resolve were the sea levels literally drowning the Maldives and the politics of countries such as Iraq, Libya and the areas of influence and occupation by the Islamic State, largely because no one wanted a solution. China was in economic melt-down.

    The UK was a meritocracy and that drove everything. Foreign policy was based on trade. Education was a commodity and was used to get access to the brightest pupils throughout the world. Immigration to the UK was very much for those who had something to offer. The new unofficial policy was poaching, talent in any sphere was sucked into the better life the UK offered.

    Chapter 1

    Brad and Claire

    For Brad a fresh start was made less dramatic by moving to London, for Claire and the boys it was a mixed reaction. The boys were nine and eleven.

    Brad’s parents died within months of each other and he had no siblings. The nearest thing he had to family was the United States Navy closely followed by Claire and the boys.

    Albemarle PLC had made him a very substantial offer.

    It started with no more than the passing of a business card whilst Brad ate breakfast in Middlethorpe Hall the morning after the DuPré wedding. Brad had been the Best Man.

    Chris Lewellyn the CEO of Albemarle PLC had simply placed a card whilst passing Brad’s table and asked him to call when he was next in London. Claire the Matron of Honor was soundly asleep in Brads room.

    James and Sally were asleep in their luxurious Royal cabin aboard the Oasis of the Seas.

    The courtship had been strange but in reality, no stranger than that of James and Sally just so much longer. Brad was divorced, and baggage free, Claire was divorced with two growing boys to consider. They were separated by four thousand miles and a common language. The boys were reaching that break point in their schooling. Desicions had to be made.

    Brad had proposed marriage to Claire whilst she and the boys were on holiday with him in Disney World Florida.

    He had little opportunity to propose away from the boys, so he made them part of ceremony.

    Josh carried the ring box and William was made the official photographer. At a Disney designated photo opportunity location with Cinderella’s Castle making the background Brad had gone down on to one knee and asked for Claire’s hand in marriage and permission from the three of them to marry Claire and become part of their family. Josh had been so excited about his role he dropped the ring into the tree mulch that was around the base of the tree and William was equally excited and produced a series of headless and solo photos. Brad simply wiped the ring without fuss, Claire excepted it and him, they took a perfect selfie with all four in frame, then celebrated on the Space Mountain rollercoaster ride. The solitaire diamond ring was very similar to Sally’s due largely to Brad’s principle adviser in the matter having been James.

    It took Brad another three years of transatlantic travel, working himself into Albermarle PLC and out of the US Navy. The long-distance flights, holidays, long loving weekends and a million phone conversations kept the romance alive. Finally, he was with Claire in England and the wedding could be planned

    It was a time of change for many in the DuPré extended family.

    Shortly after the Winters wedding a tall handsome Army Officer was walking at a brisk pace across from Minster Gates towards Saint William’s College when he turned the corner and collided with a very attractive woman hurrying back to her car.

    The Army officer was a meticulous planner and the encounter had been timed to the second.

    I am so, so sorry, are you OK

    My fault I was miles away in thought.

    Annabelle? Oh my gosh, it is you!


    Let me apologise by buying you a coffee.

    Oh, Peter I would love to, but I have my car on double yellows, I was just dropping the girls off, gosh I must look an absolute fright. Annabelle was just a little flustered the very man she had hoped to run into, dreamed of running into was asking her out and she was saying no. Her inner mind was doubting her sanity.

    Ever the gentleman Peter took control and gave her a way out and way in.

    "I understand, I’m here all week at the Grays Court doing a conference in Fulford.

    Maybe tomorrow, I have coffee over there. He pointed to a small Bistro.

    It’s easier for the driver to pick me up"

    The day after, Annabelle was a little earlier, and parked her car in a nearby carpark, her clothes and make up had been chosen with care and she was totally composed.

    The romance that blossomed was entirely orchestrated and driven by Peter. Annabelle was surprised how open and responsive she was to a romance and even more surprised how responsive she had been to the idea of sex. It had never occurred to her to seek romance outside the marital home even though she knew her marriage was terminal, and that she had stopped trying to resuscitate it. Who would want a housewife with four kids anyway was how she dismissed what few thoughts she did have.

    Peter abused his position in the SFSG and compiled a file on Annabel’s husband Quentin’s activities, Brad provided a little on the ground help with surveillance.

    She knew Quentin was unfaithful but the stark reality of photos and videos of him with young girl prostitutes made her faint.

    For God’s sake Peter they look barely older than Isabelle.

    The file was cleaned and edited before he gave it to her, in truth Quentin’s activities were both illegal and depraved.

    Peter went to see Quentin and suggested that he filed for divorce immediately and that he give up all contact with the girls.

    Just as Quentin was about to get physical Peter threw the un edited files on the coffee table.

    Harry and Jean were secretly pleased, Sally was ecstatic, the girls were a little confused but were easily distracted. James was genuinely shocked about Peter and Annabelle, unlike Sally he had never ever suspected, he remembered Sally’s words when they were in Chequers Court.

    He’s a good man and they are rarer than hen’s teeth.

    Quentin would continue to pay the children’s school fees. He would keep his job, keep his freedom whilst ever he paid and stayed away.

    There had been four years and seven months between the DuPré wedding and the Winters, a year longer than James was Prime Minister. Brad and Claire and gone around in circles discussing where they should live what schools the boys should go to, what name everyone should take. Hyphenated variations such as North-Winters or Winters-North didn’t sound so bad until you introduced a Christian name, Josh Winters-North just sounded like a statement. Brad volunteered to change his name by deed poll to North but in the end they all opted for Winters. They would live in London

    William thought, William Winters sounded very sophisticated.

    The wedding had been small and beautiful. Brad wore a suit. Claire’s outfit was a two piece in peach they looked exactly like two blissfully happy people getting married for the second time around.

    Claire had chosen her parents local parish church in the North Yorkshire Moors village of Lastingham.

    James was best man and Sally matron of honor. The reception was at Claire’s parents farm in the same village. A huge marque dominated the lawn and the house was completely taken over. Nearby Lastingham Grange had been totally booked for guests. All round it was a great Yorkshire country do. The wedding breakfast had included meat and potato, Guinness pie with kidneys and Yorkshire relish. Gelato made by Jean was served from a van. There was a pool table for the kids.

    James, Sally and Jasmine stayed the night with Annabelle and the girls, then left after breakfast to say goodbye to Harry and Jean, Sally’s mum and dad in Easingwold. The next day, goodbyes all said it was home, then up anchor and away.

    Brad and Claire, went off on a short honeymoon and the boys stayed with their grandparents on the farm.

    Chapter 2

    Getting Going

    The months between buying the October Hill and Claire’s wedding to Brad had been spent shaking down the vessel and crew. They were all trained in the use of the navigation systems the sonars the radar the satellite communications. Then there was the sailing to Cowes and around the Isle of Wight. One hundred years ago the record time for a monohulled craft such as the October Hill to circumnavigate the island, Cowes start, to Cowes finish, was near enough ten hours, today its three hours twenty minutes. The October Hill at the twenty third attempt returned a time of five hours and forty-seven minutes or just under an average of ten miles per hour. All three had become skilled helmsmen and expert sail changers. James knew that time in training today could mean saved lives tomorrow. He loved his man overboard drills and in fairness to all they became very accomplished at turning the boat about and saving the life of the buoy.

    The house had been let by a very competent agent who was responsible for collecting the rent and paying all of the bills. James didn’t want any bad experience with tenants and at three thousand a month he wasn’t expecting any.

    The balances, after all bills were paid, would be transferred directly to an account held by Jasmine.

    Freezers off and usable contents moved to the October Hill the alarm on, door locked and good bye to their lovely home.

    Sally had been happy living with her extended family, she reflected that she had also loved her York flat especially on the occasions that she could play hostess to Jim. That was now rented, she had really loved Chequers Court but equally she would love life on board with Jim. Home was where Jim was, even if it were a Yurt in Kazakhstan. Sally was wanting this perhaps more than the others, ever since meeting James for the very first time, their times together had been full on. Engagement, courting, Member of Parliament, wedding, prime minister, first lady, lady trust, abduction attempt, lost baby and the final straw for both of them, Fort George.

    James would not relax until they were well clear of the shipping lanes around the Solent. After that the course was Guernsey. It was around twelve hours sailing but it was the height of summer the days were long, and they had left shortly after dawn. They were booked into St Peter Port marina and they would eat sea food that night at La Nautique. The team were on deck all day, Jasmine was all over the navigation system and wanted to know everything about everything, now that it was all for real. Big brother James was a sailor and she would be also. She had good childhood memories flotilla sailing in Greece when she was very young. She watched the tell tails on the genoa and micro adjusted the set. James was all about preparation and keeping on top of things he would call impromptu man overboard drills and he and Sally resolved to practice their Krav Maga routines at any private opportunity. They also introduce tai-chi as an exercise they could do on board to keep their bodies supple.

    They set the autopilot. Sally prepared lunch and they settled into perfect role models for domesticity.

    Over lunch they decided upon a life style that would suite them all. Hot showers at hotels, beauty treatments and shops were very high on the agenda. These were closely followed by visiting good restaurants and scuba diving in the best locations. They all agreed that sleeping on board was second choice and eating on board other than lunch was also to be a port of last resort.

    Fortunately for Team DuPré money was not a problem. Sally had income from her flat of twenty-thousand a year and her non-executive director’s salary from the Lady Trust. James was paid half his Prime Ministers salary for the rest of his life an amount of seventy-five-thousand and had received two hundred thousand lump sum, for giving up his entitlement to a further one hundred and fifteen thousand a year in expenses. He was also waving his right to permanent security at an estimated cost saving of two hundred and fifty thousand a year. In return he received diplomatic passports for himself and Sally, they were officially goodwill ambassadors to the ‘People of Europe.’ He also received an annuity of ten thousand per annum awarded with his Victoria Cross. Whilst the three were chatting James remembered being told by the Head of the Civil Service to what he was entitled, he also remembered the Civil Servant saying that only one living Prime Minister took every penny he could get and that was Tony Blair who despite his personal fortune of thirty million, charged and cost the tax payer year on year four-hundred thousand pounds. He remembered thinking at the time, now that’s what I call a champagne socialist.

    Jasmine had thirty thousand a year from October House. A comfortable joint income for the three of over 140 thousand a year and with a reserve of 350 thousand in the bank. Life was now about time, togetherness and choice. Within reason they could do, whatever they wanted, go wherever they wanted.

    Their first of very many dockings in a marina went with just minor problems despite all the practice drills. The disciplines James had insisted on paid off.

    The meal was beyond belief their appetites enhanced by a long day in the fresh air at sea, then finally sleep on board. James was up at 0400 and to the absolute annoyance of the girls the October Hill set sail. Next stop Roscoff, France.

    They had a route planned that would take them south to the first port of interest Bilbao then Porto, they skipped Lisbon, then to Gibraltar, Valencia, Barcelona and on across the south of France to the top of Italy, down and around the boot and north into the Adriatic.

    On the twenty third leisurely day they reached the fourteen-mile-wide Straights of Gibraltar gateway to the Mare Nostrum, Our Sea, the Mediterraneus.

    The centre of the world according to the Romans who named it.

    A 970 million square mile playground for yachts. Twenty-nine thousand miles of coast line, three thousand three hundred islands. Twenty-one nations, two independent island nations and four special territories.

    For three persons seeking diversity, adventure,

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