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A Touch of Class
A Touch of Class
A Touch of Class
Ebook133 pages1 hour

A Touch of Class

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

New town. New job. New Pack.

Shane is a dominant werewolf. Too dominant to stay in his old, struggling Pack. Leaving for the good of his best friend, who is trying to control a group of misfits, Shane seeks a new position in Big Wolf, Texas, as the Big Wolf Pack’s new sheriff and enforcer.

There’s just one complication...

Maria knows about the werewolves who populate the town. Her eccentric Aunt Lulu told her all about them before she passed, leaving her lovely old house on the edge of town to Maria. The sexy new sheriff has got to be one of the shapeshifters she’s been trying to learn more about, but they’re very secretive and she has to tread carefully.

A trap laid, and sprung...

When Maria stumbles into a trap set for her by unscrupulous members of the Pack, it’s Shane who comes to her rescue. The thing is, can they keep their hands off each other long enough to figure out what’s going on and why Maria was targeted? Or will passion cloud their judgment, leaving them both vulnerable to a group of werewolves intent on killing somebody?

PublisherBianca D'Arc
Release dateJun 11, 2019
A Touch of Class

Bianca D'Arc

Bianca D’Arc lives on Long Island, in New York. She is the daughter of a Dutch immigrant to the U.S. and a materials scientist who worked on America's space program, including such projects as the lunar module, space shuttle and most of the Apollo missions. She earned a university degree in chemistry, and later, graduate degrees in library science and law. Forsaking the corporate world soon after the terrible events of 9/11/01, she began her writing career in earnest in late 2005. She focuses on the paranormal, sci fi and fantasy genres of romance, and loves creating happy-ever-afters for her characters.

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Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Short and cute. With a happy ending . Not really part of the Lord's series but compliments it.

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A Touch of Class - Bianca D'Arc

Tales of the Were ~ Big Wolf Pack

A Touch of Class


Bianca D’Arc

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Copyright © 2019 Bianca D’Arc

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

New town. New job. New Pack.

Shane is a dominant werewolf. Too dominant to stay in his old, struggling Pack. Leaving for the good of his best friend, who is trying to control a group of misfits, Shane seeks a new position in Big Wolf, Texas, as the Big Wolf Pack’s new sheriff and enforcer.

There’s just one complication…

Maria knows about the werewolves who populate the town. Her eccentric Aunt Lulu told her all about them before she passed away, leaving her lovely old house on the edge of town to Maria. The sexy new sheriff has got to be one of the shapeshifters she’s been trying to learn more about, but they’re very secretive and she has to tread carefully.

A trap laid, and sprung…

When Maria stumbles into a trap set for her by unscrupulous members of the Pack, it’s Shane who comes to her rescue. The thing is, can they keep their hands off each other long enough to figure out what’s going on and why Maria was targeted? Or will passion cloud their judgment, leaving them both vulnerable to a group of werewolves intent on killing somebody?


Many thanks to my editor, Jess, for helping me whip this story into shape for its new incarnation. As some may realize, this book is a total re-write of an earlier story that was published a few years ago with very limited availability. I’m pleased to be able to bring it back to life and make it available to everyone, everywhere.

This is for the fans who couldn’t get it before and were patient with me, waiting for a time when I could regain control of this story and put it out in a way they could access. Thanks for waiting and I hope you like it! Happy reading.

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Excerpt from The Jaguar’s Secret Baby

About the Author

Other Books by Bianca D’Arc

Chapter One

Dr. Maria Ramirez knew that this observation would be the making of her career. If she could just get proof of werewolves living among the regular human population, her name in the academic community would make people sit up and notice her. She had finally pieced together what was going on in this crazy town. Now, she just needed that all-important proof.

She had begun blatantly eavesdropping on her neighbors, but she tried not to let that bother her too much. If the townsfolk wanted to talk loud enough about their shifter ceremonies—as she’d heard one set of speakers call it—in public, where she could hear, then that was their problem, right?

Maria had been aware that something was a little off in town for years, but had run into roadblocks at every turn. She had tried to figure out what it was about Big Wolf, Texas that wasn’t like your average small town, many times. It wasn’t until recently that she’d learned about the shifters. She’d hardly believed it, at first, but then, it all started to make a weird sort of sense.

And tonight, she was finally going to get a good look at the goings-on. Even if she had to peer through a damned telescope to do it!

Hopefully, it wouldn’t come to that, though she had a backup point picked out on high ground, and a borrowed telescope mounted in the back of her vehicle, parked not too far away, if worse came to worst. For now, though, she had already selected a suitable tree and erected the tree stand she’d bought from the local hunting supply store. She had told the helpful clerk that she was an avid bird watcher and wanted to keep watch on a nest of rare raptors on her property. He seemed to have bought her story, probably chalking up her strange purchase to her supposed eccentricity.

Ever since coming to the small town of Big Wolf, she’d been stuck with that label: eccentric. Could she help it if she drove an Army Surplus World-War-Two-era Jeep? She loved that vehicle. It had been her grandfather’s, and she was never going to give it up. It was the last connection she had with him, and she wouldn’t let that go lightly.

Likewise, the house she’d just inherited was her last connection with nutty Aunt Lulu, her grandfather’s youngest sister. She’d died a spinster who had still been raising hell in town well into her eighties. She’d been the real eccentric in the family, but since Maria had moved into Aunt Lulu’s house, it seemed the title had transferred to her.

It hadn’t helped that Aunt Lulu insisted on introducing Maria as her spinster grandniece every time she’d visited. Then, in the next breath, she’d tell anyone who cared to listen that her grandniece was following in her footsteps and would die an old—but happy—maid. Besides, she had important work to do at the university and didn’t have time to devote to cooking or cleaning, or picking up after a man, Aunt Lulu had usually added.

Maria had visited often because, in spite of Aunt Lulu’s quirks, she was still a lovely old lady with a true spirit of mischief in her eyes, even at her advanced age. It was Aunt Lulu who had first told Maria all about the werewolves who lived in town and had gatherings up in the hills behind her property. Aunt Lulu had once been courted by one of the young werewolf boys, she’d claimed, but he’d died young and broken Aunt Lulu’s heart. She’d never married, and Maria had often thought it was because that poor, lost boy had been Aunt Lulu’s one true love.

Romantic nonsense, she told herself, but still… Wouldn’t it be amazing if that kind of love really did exist? Maria had been a delusional young girl who had believed in fairy tales, but she was older and wiser now. If her Prince was out there somewhere, he sure as hell was taking a long time finding her already.


The woman was absolutely maddening. She’d been annoying him ever since she’d shown up in town. Annoying him and causing his inner wolf to howl in need.

Son of a…

It couldn’t have happened at a more inconvenient time. Shane was still establishing himself in this new place. The Alpha of the Big Wolf Pack was an older wolf. Steady and strong. He had good people under him, and Shane was still finding his place in this new Pack.

The group wasn’t so crowded with dominant wolves that he’d have to fight every damn day to prove himself, which was a nice change from his last home. He might have eventually killed his best friend, who was the reigning Alpha, if he’d stayed. Their Pack was a bit wilder, filled with bachelors that Trey, the young Alpha, was trying to keep together in a cohesive unit. It was working—as long as Shane wasn’t around to confuse the hierarchy. His wolf was as strong as Trey’s, and it puzzled the rest of the newly formed Pack. Best for all concerned that Shane leave until Trey’s position was cemented more firmly.

He’d come to Big Wolf, Texas, at the invitation of the seasoned Alpha, Joe Villalobos. The town was well established, built around an airport and many businesses owned by the Pack. A lot of the wolves worked in aviation or were pilots, themselves. It was a sophisticated group, and there was room for a strong dominant in this well-settled group. The Alpha had welcomed him, on a provisionary basis, to take the place of the town’s sheriff, who was in the process of moving to live with his new mate’s Pack across the country.

In this kind of setting, the sheriff needed to be a very strong wolf that could handle both the human side of things and the wolfish problems that might arise. He was both sheriff and enforcer for the Pack. It was a high position of authority, and Shane was proud to do the job. His military experience helped, and the ability to protect and guide the others felt really

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