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Discovering Your Purpose: Touching People’s Lives
Discovering Your Purpose: Touching People’s Lives
Discovering Your Purpose: Touching People’s Lives
Ebook75 pages39 minutes

Discovering Your Purpose: Touching People’s Lives

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About this ebook

In Discovering Your Purpose: Touching People’s Lives, you’ll get a crash course on how to become an effective witness. You’ll discover the importance of becoming a witness for Jesus, you’ll learn why you’ve been called to this service, and you’ll gain valuable insights that you can use to take the first step on the path. Even if you’re an experienced witness, you’re sure to learn something that will help you to answer the call.
As Christians, we have been given an important mission. Christ commanded us to spread the gospel throughout all of creation, to be a witness to His glory, and to testify on his accord. This may not be an easy task, but the stakes could not be higher.

PublisherJohn Jocelyn
Release dateJun 1, 2019
Discovering Your Purpose: Touching People’s Lives

John Jocelyn

Biography: John Jocelyn is an author, thinker, teacher, minister, and life coach who is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others. Between his military service in the U.S. Airforce and his work with many non-profits that work to help families and children see the best of life, Jocelyn’s humanitarian and philanthropic efforts are well known in his community. He seeks to take these works one step further, as an offering to the general public, by presenting books on social discourse and interactions.

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    Book preview

    Discovering Your Purpose - John Jocelyn

    Listen to The Voice

    "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:27)

    My friend, the Lord is speaking with you, telling you that you need to be an example. Letting your light shine is crucial. There are so many people who are watching your every move. Many individuals depend on you to set an example of Christian living.

    After talking to plenty of people about witnessing, I've come to believe that many of us hear the same Voice that pushes us to witness. This Voice is the Holy Spirit, talking to us and encouraging us to move outside of our comfort zones and to make a difference.

    I’ve come to realize that many people are unaware how to effectively witness. I was amazed by how many people have no idea how to witness. As a pastor, I took it for granted that many people just have some level of experience with witnessing.

    This book is your guide to witnessing effectively. The examples and suggestions are all from the Bible. The life and actions of Jesus and His disciples are some of the best examples of ways to witness.

    Meaning of Witnessing

    "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile" (Rom 1:16).

    The question that we need to ask ourselves is what exactly is a witness? In a court of law, we know that a witness is a person who is responsible for recounting an event according to what he or she saw heard. The witness has a piece of special information that offers an important insight on the issue.

    In the world of gospel, who is it that we know about and have special information that the outside world may have very little comprehension of? The answer is Jesus. We have a close connection with him. This closeness gives us special knowledge, which helps us to define His love to others who may not completely understand him.

    During the Jesus’s life, the disciples who witnessed Him did a remarkable job spreading the gospel. Their amazing contribution allows us the opportunity to benefit from his wonderful teaching and life. The key is that this responsibility falls upon us, as believers, as much as it was required for them to spread the Word.

    Why must we witness?

    Reason #1: There’s a suffering world that needs Jesus

    Reason #2: We know the truth

    Reason #3: Jesus commands us

    The Disciples Embraced the Calling

    In the book of Acts, the last words of Jesus reveal loud and clear of the need to testify of his life, But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth (Act 1:8). The disciples embraced this instruction, and they spread the word like

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