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First Time Lesbian: The Courage to Visit a Dungeon
First Time Lesbian: The Courage to Visit a Dungeon
First Time Lesbian: The Courage to Visit a Dungeon
Ebook36 pages29 minutes

First Time Lesbian: The Courage to Visit a Dungeon

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Camille hadn't always been sure she was into girls. She hadn't always been sure of anything in her life. But after a long time, she finally scraped together the gumption to go have herself some kind of experience with another woman. Something that would be simple, safe, and that she could pull away from when she wanted to. Owing to her kinks, the choice seemed clear: Camille would visit a dungeon, and see a dominatrix for a session. Camille knew the ground rules, and she thought nothing would truly surprise her. She was wrong, and will be surprised by more than just her domme's beauty and skill.

Release dateJun 6, 2019
First Time Lesbian: The Courage to Visit a Dungeon

Melissa Miranti

About the Author Melissa Miranti is a bisexual Brooklyn-based erotica writer. She has been writing erotica since she was younger than she'd like to admit, but began publishing in early 2016. She lives with her wife, who generously indulges her myriad fetishes. She hopes that you enjoy her stories, and by all means, do enjoy them thoroughly. You can even commission your own story!

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    First Time Lesbian - Melissa Miranti

    First Time Lesbian: The Courage to Visit a Dungeon

    Melissa Miranti

    Published by Melissa Miranti, 2019.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. June 6, 2019.

    Copyright © 2019 Melissa Miranti.

    ISBN: 978-0463556566

    Written by Melissa Miranti.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    First Time Lesbian: The Courage to Visit a Dungeon

    Further Reading: Power Plays: Evita Keeps Her Job

    Also By Melissa Miranti

    About the Author

    Good evening, and welcome to the Gilded Cage Dungeon, the older woman at the desk said. May I ask the reason for your visit?

    Camille took in her surroundings. It was thrilling for her to be in this place, as if it were an accomplishment to even walk through the door. For a nervous young woman like her, it was definitely an achievement to have made it this far and she couldn’t afford to turn back now.

    The walls were draped in black fabric with golden chain designs crisscrossing the fabric. There was glitter woven into the gold, so the walls shined in the single soft light that played overhead. The effect was somewhat lost by the glow of the computer screen at the front desk, but allowances must be made for modern business. There was a door opposite the one Camille had entered through, but it was far thicker and heavier, to prevent sound from escaping the back rooms.

    I’m here for a session, but I don’t exactly have an appointment, Camille said. I hope that’s okay.

    That’s just fine. Are you here setting things up for a fun day with the hubby? The receptionist said with a devious look in her eye.


    Don’t worry, it’s perfectly fine. You wouldn’t believe how many women come in here for a tutorial or to set up a nice fun time with their boyfriends or husbands. It’s normal to want to share something fun and sexy with the person you love, The receptionist ran roughshod over Camille, her fast speech not letting Camille get a word in edgewise. "I thought about bringing my boyfriend in here, but he’s so vanilla that I don’t think he’s going to last that long with me. Maybe I should get a new boyfriend.

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