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Face of the Homeless!
Face of the Homeless!
Face of the Homeless!
Ebook55 pages1 hour

Face of the Homeless!

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About this ebook

This story depicts a situation and lives of five fictional homeless characters in this story, in our
daily lives we see and sometimes encounter the homeless both in big cities and small as well.
The homeless epidemic has grown by dramatic proportion over the past twenty years many of
these homeless are therefore reasons of their own making others merely by circumstances of
which life has cast them into the reality of the situation of becoming homeless.
This story will depict a Christian perspective to the face of homelessness throughout America,
as an author and writer having twice become homeless myself I myself have a better understanding
of the homeless situation and the quite often limited resources available to provide help to them.

PublisherElby Lisbil
Release dateMay 28, 2019
Face of the Homeless!

Elby Lisbil

I am a sixty two year old man married living in Amarillo Texas, I write under three different pen names, Elby Lisbil is the name I write romance stories under, Jubil is the pen name I write science fiction thrillers under and William Nubile is the pen name I write erotic stories under. I am a handy man self employed an independent contractor as defined by Texas state law. We have five dogs and feed an alley cat, we have a bird bath and feed our wild two winged visitors,we live a simple life no where rich but we are making a living and a little more. From Concrete towers to fields of flowers is my first release under Elby Lisbil hope you buy it and read it too, my next release will be titled: My Peggy Sue it is about half way complete and will be out on or before January 2018. Under Jubil I am about to release a science fiction thriller about a serial killer in New York, it is only 30,000 words plus but I think you may like it, I do but. . .who am I to say it is good that is your job! Under William Nibile, I will release several erotic short stories for those who like that sort of thing. AS the anther and owner of these copyrighted pen names I wish you well, happy reading what ever you read, thank's.

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    Book preview

    Face of the Homeless! - Elby Lisbil

    FACE of the Homeless!

    Written by: Elby Lisbil ©Copy righted 2019 All rights reserved.


    Elby Lisbil reserves all rights to this manuscript.

    The story in this book I wrote inspired by my interpretation from our Creator

    Jesus Christ, I am but a mortal man and interpret his bidding as that of a human being.

    Writer’s disclaimer:

    This work is fiction. Names, places, dates, persons, incidents, and characters

    within are a product of the writers imagination and are used fictitiously and

    any resemblance to any event or to any actual person or persons living or dead,

    business establishments, locations, places or things are completely coincidental.

    This story depicts a situation and lives of five fictional homeless characters in this story, in our

    daily lives we see and sometimes encounter the homeless both in big cities and small as well.

    The homeless epidemic has grown by dramatic proportion over the past twenty years many of

    these homeless are therefore reasons of their own making others merely by circumstances of

    which life has cast them into the reality of the situation of becoming homeless.

    This story will depict a Christian perspective to the face of homelessness throughout America,

    as an author and writer having twice become homeless myself I myself have a better understanding

    of the homeless situation and the quite often limited resources available to provide help to them.


    And now without further ado, Elby Lisbil proudly presents, FACE of the Homeless!

    We will begin introducing you to one of five individuals in this fictitious story's there dilemma and the problems they shall face and encounter due to their unique situations being homeless, this story is written emphasizing the Christian perspective to these particular situations the resources currently available to the homeless and one many of them are not or simply cannot be utilized.

    On the concept of ladies first, we will begin with the first three female characters before the male characters are introduced into each story, each one of these individuals all five have a particular problem in addition to being homeless that will be characterized the first of which is in this story.

    We begin with the first female character I will call, " Alisha, she is from small-town USA at the age of nineteen with a Christian upbringing against the wishes of her parents she engages in premarital sexual contact with a teenage boy her own age, the result of her unprotected premarital sexual encounters resulting in her teenage pregnancy.

    Her male sex partner presumes to assume no responsibility for her pregnancy insisting that their relationship was not monogamous despite the fact that it had been, she having not used any contraceptive device during their sexual relations after having missed her monthly period she buys an inexpensive pregnancy tester the results which verifying her fears that in fact the result of her premarital sex was pregnancy.

    Fearful of disclosing her pregnancy to her parents as they had insisted from an early age that premarital sex was a sin a blasphemy and unable to convince her teenage boyfriend to take responsibility for having impregnated her, she quits her job packs a few things and gets on a Greyhound bus bound for a major city more than two hundred miles from where she grew up.

    While riding on the bus her mind drifts and she is reminded how she had lied to her parents about where she was going ending up with her boyfriend, in his car parked out by the lake drinking beer with him and how on several occasions she'd ended up in the backseat of his car with him the two of them intoxicated engaging in the activities of premarital sex together.

    Given that he had excepted no responsibility for her pregnancy and further accused her of cheating on him, she wondered given what she had done it this was not some degree of punishment for the sinful acts she had committed while dating her boyfriend.

    Arriving in the city we shall call Chicago stepping off the bus and walking into the station with but one hundred dollars love to her name and some change she buys a newspaper sitting there reading the various help wanted ads, listed within it and further seeking out inexpensive housing with a pen from her purse and a piece of paper she begins writing down information derived from the newspaper planning out what she is going to do where she will work and live.

    As she is setting their in the bus terminal looking over the newspaper she is approached by a security officer assigned to the bus terminal, he demands to see her ticket stub then telling her that she had reached her final destination and that she could no longer loiter around the terminal.

    He points out a sign clearly posted above all the access doors that reads, No loitering, claiming her baggage she makes her way out of the bus terminal not having any comprehension of where to go or what direction to tremble as she is walking down the busy

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