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Thank God I Failed: A Collection of True-Life stories that will Change your Life!
Thank God I Failed: A Collection of True-Life stories that will Change your Life!
Thank God I Failed: A Collection of True-Life stories that will Change your Life!
Ebook103 pages1 hour

Thank God I Failed: A Collection of True-Life stories that will Change your Life!

By Des

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About this ebook

Thank God I Failed by Des is a moving, often poignant collection of stories about actual events in her life. She courageously shares with her readers her stories of pain, depression, drugs, alcohol, and toxic relationships. She also shares stories about mental illness and even attempted suicide. Her story is one of sinking to the bottom and then, somehow finding the strength to climb up out of the abyss.

Today, Des is a happier, healthier, fulfilled woman, living a life about which she previously could only dream. She drew the strength to change the course of her life through her growing faith. That same belief provides Des with the courage to share her story with her readers in the knowledge that they too, can transform their lives.

The stories contained in this book will touch readers, heart and soul. Open your heart to the valuable lessons to be found within these pages. Her story is one of redemption, forgiveness, and change driven by a belief in a loving God. It's a compelling story that can create significant and positive change in your life. Take a step into her life and find hope with yours.

Release dateJun 2, 2019
Thank God I Failed: A Collection of True-Life stories that will Change your Life!

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    Book preview

    Thank God I Failed - Des


    I would like to thank my family and loved ones for their love and support in everything I do.

    Also, a special appreciation goes out to Karrington for inspiring me to finish this book and for being my confidant, Janelle for all her support and keeping me on point, Gianna, Brianna, Tianna, for being my little angels that give me support daily,

    Karen, Sherri, and Andre for being my comrades in battle. Through God’s grace we made it.

    Debby for your support and always sending positive energy my way, Marjorie for your unconditional love.

    Patricia, for teaching me the importance of self-respect, independence and getting a good education.

    To Carolyn, Rob and Vince for being there for me during one of my darkest moments.

    To Senator Harbison for being an inspiration, mentor and helping me during a difficult time.

    Writing a book about my life has been a challenge. I am grateful for Karen, Karrington, Janine, Debby, Val, Emphaloz and Sandra for their editorial help, exceptional insight, and ongoing support.


    This book is dedicated to the Almighty God for His mercy, guidance, strength, for never leaving me and miraculously allowing me to still be here to complete this book.

    To those who stood by my side throughout my ups and downs, you know who you are.

    Finally, this book is dedicated to you for taking the time to read it.

    In loving memory of:

    LB, who taught me the importance of respect, compassion, education and hard work.

    Evelyn, who loved me unconditionally, was my spiritual light and taught me to be the woman I am today.

    Florence, my second mother, who saved my life and showed me unconditional love.

    Andrea, who lovingly encouraged and inspired me to write and be creative.

    Mark, my nephew, who dedicated his life to helping the disadvantaged youth and teaching others about the love of God.

    Judy, my best friend, who was full of life and love.


    Destiny! I acquired that name because I was destined to live!

    When I think of where I was and how far I have come, I feel blessed! I am not an emotional person, but my eyes tear up each time I think of the love God has for me and how he never left me in my darkest moments no matter what.

    My life was a rollercoaster with many uphill battles. My path to solve my issues, my unhappiness, my pain, and suffering sent me on many twists and turns. Not knowing what to do I was tossed around like a piece of debris lost at sea. I found myself sinking deep into the dark abyss with only one way out — the hands of the Almighty.

    I have encountered pain, trauma, depression, being suicidal, drugs, alcohol, obsession with money, toxic relationships, mental illness, you name it. I either experienced or had close dealings with it all. However, God was always there for me. The Almighty reached out and delivered me from the incredible number of obstacles in my life.

    Today, I’m happy and a new woman. I don’t have a perfect life, but I am fulfilling my divine purpose and becoming the person I was meant to be.

    Just like my experience, there are many people undergoing one problem or the other. They have lost hope in making it or pursuing their dreams. They have lost sight of who they are or who they were meant to be. Their self-worth has dramatically diminished. They are driven to try to escape from the pain of reality by any means necessary.

    You and I have such people around us. You might be one of them. However, I bring good news. Nobody has to fight this battle alone. With the help of God, my life took a divine turnaround, and the same can happen to you.

    This book is a collection of real-life stories of my struggles, lessons learned and how I made it through.

    To begin, let’s take a journey into my past.

    Shall we?


    These short stories are raw, uncut details of my life. Part one of the book takes you on a journey through my struggles. These events happened one after the other catapulting me into a storm of pain and confusion. As I began to sink under the waves of turmoil, I panicked and grasped at any means of escape. On this journey, you will see the mistakes I made along the way.

    Each time I reached out to God, he brought me through my most difficult moments. There were times I did not seek him, yet still, he carried me forward.

    Part two covers my reflections on my life and where I share the wisdom I gained.

    The purpose of this book is to share my experiences and let others who may have been through similar situations know that they are not alone. It will also enlighten those who may not have been through these struggles. I am a living witness that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Despite everything, God never left me, and he delivered me. He can do the same for you.


    The Struggle

    Prelude to:

    Thank God I Failed

    As I lifted the shades, I glimpsed the blue and red lights outside in the parking lot. My heart started to beat fast, and I began to panic. There is no way I am going to fail my mission. I ran over to the table and grabbed the empty pill bottle. Quickly, I shoved it under the bed. I tried to fix my hair and make the room look normal. Then, there was banging on the door, open up!

    I took one more glance around the room and began to open the door. Two police officers stood there, and I had to play the role of a lifetime.

    I smiled at them and said, Yes, officer, may I help you?

    The taller officer said, We got a call that you may be trying to harm yourself?

    That’s crazy. Why would I do such a thing? You can look around the room if you like.

    They walked around the room and did not see anything. The police had no choice but to leave.

    Ok ma’am, take care, and you have a good day, the officer said as he eyed me suspiciously and pulled the door closed.

    I leaned my back on the door and slid down to sitting position. My heart began to beat regularly, and I sighed. I felt victorious because the police had not stopped my mission. For once in my life, I was not going to fail. I cupped my knees and glanced around the room, thinking to myself, how did I get here?


    It was a cold, dreary night. The house was dark and gloomy. A little girl lay tossing and turning in her bed. Then suddenly, there was a loud noise. She jumped up. Her heart was beating fast, and her hand poured with sweat. She didn’t know what frightened her, but she sensed terror in the night.

    As her room door creaked open, she could hear a loud banging sound. It was eerie and erratic; in sync with the beat of her heart. The

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