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True Confessions of a Sex Addict
True Confessions of a Sex Addict
True Confessions of a Sex Addict
Ebook38 pages25 minutes

True Confessions of a Sex Addict

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When Lisa’s forced to see a therapist after a wild night that landed her in hot water with the law, she’s forced to deal with her sex addiction once again. This was just another attempt to stay out of jail, but will Lisa really take it to heart? Or will she keep sliding down the slippery slope of depravity into the dark abyss? Not if Dr. Jacobson has anything to say about it. He’s never let a client down. This is the first installment in a series that will find the young Lisa confronting her past.

PublisherMonocle Books
Release dateJun 7, 2019
True Confessions of a Sex Addict

James Richardson

James Richardson is a former senior writer for The Sacramento Bee who has covered Willie Brown and the California Legislature for the past decade. Currently he is Adjunct Professor at the Graduate School of Journalism, University of California, Berkeley.

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    True Confessions of a Sex Addict - James Richardson

    True Confessions of a Sex Addict

    By JA Richardson

    I was drinking a lot back then, I think. 

    Lisa, Dr. Jacobson said, in a soft tender and caring way, Please try to be specific about the details. You need to be honest with yourself. If you don’t, you won’t know when to identify your– 

    Triggersssss. I said interrupting him and dragging on the s for effect, I know, I know, I sighed, having heard this line a million times before.  You would think this guy’s got triggers on the brain or something. Wellllll, doc’, I began with a sassy, but playful infection in my tone, Let me start over. I drank a lot back when this all started. I went out drinking with friends at a new club in town. The one where it’s Ladies’ Night on Tuesdays."

    How many friends? Dr. Jacobson asked. He was writing every detail down on his yellow pad. 

    I think it was two other… no wait, it was me, Sara, Jana, and… Kimmy. Yeah, I think Kimmy was with us that night. She was wearing this dress that looked amazing. We all thought she was the best looking of our group that night, I said lying there on Dr. Jacobson’s worn leather couch, thinking about the night I got into my first sex job. 

    It’d be the job that changed my life forever. 

    That night I met a man, a man who was tall and commanding, but gentle and kind at the same time. He knew how to control a room with just his presence. I remember meeting him and thinking I wanted to take him with my mouth before the night was over.  His charisma struck me like the first time I saw Clark Gable on the silver screen. This guy was that good looking.

    Please continue, Dr. Jacobson said, as he vigorously turned the page over and continued writing, I want to know what you’re thinking now as well. This way, we can make sure that you learn to identify what makes you have wanted to behave this way. Then you can learn to control these behaviors and not have sex with people that might cause you harm. 

    I was thinking about him… the man who changed my world forever. The one that showed me how to truly be free. 

    But you said you don’t always like that world, didn’t you? Dr. Jacobson pointed out. 

     Not always, I acknowledged, But I love sex and I don’t want to stop and this is a great way for me to earn a living… Do you know how much money I make doing this? I was starting to feel scared about losing everything I knew and loved in life. I didn’t want to give up the seven-figures I was bringing home every year. I didn’t want to give up all the sex I was having. So in that moment, I got scared and I could feel the need to just get up and leave, but I steadied myself and took a few breaths. 

    "You know that you don’t have to stop, but you are a sex addict and it’s not healthy for you to engage in the highly risky behaviors that you do. You know that it’ll

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