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How to Analyze People: Unlocking the Secrets of Personality Types, Body Language, The Dark Psychology of Human Behavior, Emotional Intelligence, Persuasion, Manipulation, and Speed-Reading People
How to Analyze People: Unlocking the Secrets of Personality Types, Body Language, The Dark Psychology of Human Behavior, Emotional Intelligence, Persuasion, Manipulation, and Speed-Reading People
How to Analyze People: Unlocking the Secrets of Personality Types, Body Language, The Dark Psychology of Human Behavior, Emotional Intelligence, Persuasion, Manipulation, and Speed-Reading People
Ebook101 pages2 hours

How to Analyze People: Unlocking the Secrets of Personality Types, Body Language, The Dark Psychology of Human Behavior, Emotional Intelligence, Persuasion, Manipulation, and Speed-Reading People

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About this ebook

If you want to discover how to analyze people, then keep reading…

In this book, you will be exposed to ways of pulling back the masks of people and taking an interrogative look at the individuals that hide beneath them. 

We often find ourselves fascinated with the art of reading people, likely driven by our desire, our addiction to knowledge. And what can be more interesting and enrapturing to the human mind aside from another human mind? There are so many different kinds of people, and each individual within those categories acts for their own unique reasons with their own motivations. 

This book is about being able to accurately estimate what context might be behind the way a person acts and how to use the skills you find in that process to aid in all other areas of your life, including personal and business relationships and internal concepts you may have on a more philosophical level. 

Here's just a tiny fraction of what you'll discover:

- How We Connect

- The Art of a Category

- Looking Inward

- Human Body's Language

- What Humans Hold Inside

- Intelligence

- To Convince the Mind

- Two-Sided Coin

- The Science of Quick-Slicing

- What It All Means

- And, much much more!

Get this book now and learn How to Analyze People!

PublisherMatt Holden
Release dateJun 19, 2019

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    Book preview

    How to Analyze People - Matt Holden

    Chapter One: How We Connect

    Throughout your life you have more than likely come upon a person who you simply couldn’t figure out or understand. You felt this disconnect between the two of you—as if you simply existed in two separate worlds, planes that could never be joined together.

    Maybe this took the form of someone you’ve met—a friend of a friend or an enigmatic colleague. Maybe it took the form of a character on your favorite show—their actions just screamed mysterious allure. Everything they did within the plot seemed to exist outside the realm of all the other characters and their ways of thinking. That character may have seemed on another level. We’re drawn to these kinds of characters, both in the media and in the real world, if only because we want to understand what we can’t seem to understand as humans—or as animals who want to know everything about everything, simply for the sake of knowledge. We can’t help but watch them whenever we get the chance, just to try and understand them a little more. This is usually to no avail, however, but we still like to try every now and then.

    Why do we love people-watching so much? This process, often referred to as naturalistic observation, is a practice often adopted by sociologists and behavioral psychologists, It’s a way to view people in their natural habitat—that is to say, watching people interact without external stimulus that might alter how they would normally act in public.

    Think of your favorite robot movie. Whether the robot is portrayed as a negative or positive force, there’s likely some kind of sequence where they learn about humans—how they think, how they act, how they talk, and how they communicate with other humans. This is, in a sense, what other humans are doing when we sit down at a café or at a bench at the park and simply observe as people walk past us. As humans, we are deeply fascinated with ourselves as a species and as individuals. Therefore, to satisfy this fascination, we may find ourselves drawn to the monologues and the storylines of the random strangers we meet on the street. Chances are, you’ve had some strange and borderline cryptic encounter with a stranger on the street who was so incredibly fascinating in how different yet similar they were to you. You felt compelled to know more, if only out of some kind of macabre curiosity.

    There are many answers to the question: Why do we like to watch other people so much? You would likely encounter a different answer from every person you to asked. Answers may include that it’s mere curiosity or that it’s more like a spirituality thing that creates a method for looking into ourselves by observing someone who is, in a way, just like us.

    We may often have a mental compulsion, an attraction to personalities that are so different from ours that they seem like a puzzle—something to be investigated further and discovered. This is sometimes why we end up forming bonds with people like this so we can hopefully be let in on the big secret.

    In reality, there is scarcely a secret to be learned. These mysterious personalities we come into contact with daily are usually merely a reflection of our own mysterious nature.

    After all, we learn to connect in a variety of ways. Whether it be through speech, written form, or a more modern method of emails and text messaging, which allows us to connect on a more massive scale as compared to those methods of communication available to past generations.

    But, why are we so drawn to these types? What in our brain pushes us almost magnetically to these types of people who seem so mysterious, so standoffish, and might actually prove to be a danger?

    In the world of the human mind, most of the territory is uncharted. Most metaphysical questions we have about the world around us—and the world ahead of us—are yet unanswered. We are constantly yearning for answers to these questions, no matter how desperately we have to search for them. After all, humans will do almost anything for knowledge.

    Think about the last time you read a particularly intriguing novel, for which you were incredibly curious to know the ending. Something in you said to just stick it out and wait until you progressed naturally to the end of the story. That way, you could have all the clues, all the enriching information that would surely enhance the revelation of the solution to all the characters’ problems.

    And yet, the call of knowing the answer you ask was so alluring. It would be so unbelievably easy to just flip to the end of the book. You wouldn’t have to go through all the trouble of looking through all the gristle of the story when all you really want is the satisfaction of knowing how it all ends.

    So, you flip. You flip and flip and skim through the last few pages, and you find the end. The resolution is so satisfying, but what’s even more satisfying than the ending is the fact that now you know how it ends. You can say you have that knowledge. Even though you don’t actually know what happened to reach that ending, you’re satisfied with the fact of the matter; you now have the answer to what you had been asking at the beginning of the story. That alone is often enough to stave off the lingering guilt of skipping the bulk of the novel.

    If you choose to rush the process of the story, you follow a trend of curiosity and restlessness. We as a species, especially over the past few decades, have become increasingly impatient. You may want to blame this change on the development of a system where we only need to wait about five seconds for any information we want to be delivered to us on a screen. We are beings who want the answers. We don’t necessarily want the context that may or may not enrich that knowledge. The pride of comprehension often outweighs any moral satisfaction we might get from following the rules.

    How can we apply this knowledge to our interactions with people, especially enigmatic individuals whose actions too often elude us?

    This book will help educate you further on ways to go about interacting with such people, from understanding their motives to being able to read them before they’re able to even read themselves.

    Oftentimes, behind the mask of a mysterious stranger is someone who is simply different than us who we struggle to empathize with based only on our current knowledge. It is often not someone on another level or on another planet, or some mysterious person who’s been trained in the art of deception. These fairytales we tell ourselves are usually to make up for the actual more mundane explanations that we find when we pull back the mask on this person.

    In this book, you will be exposed to ways of pulling back these kinds of masks and taking an interrogative look at the individual that hides beneath them. We often find ourselves fascinated with the art of reading people, likely driven by our desire, our addiction to knowledge. And what can be more interesting and enrapturing to the human mind aside from another human mind? There are so many different kinds of people, and each individual within those categories acts for their own unique reasons with their own motivations. This book is about being able to accurately estimate what context might be behind the way a person acts and how to use the skills you find in that process to aid in all other areas of your life, including personal and business relationships and internal concepts you may have on a more philosophical level. The art of psychoanalysis can cover all of these bases and more, as you’ll soon find out as you read further.

    Chapter Two: The Art of a Category

    As humans, we come into contact with many different kinds of people every day. Unless, of course, you have obtained this book while also living completely off-grid or are otherwise totally separated from society, you will likely come into contact with more individuals than you realize every day, each one different. Humans are

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