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Be a Warrior, Not a Worrier: How to De-Stress and Cope with Anxiety Naturally
Be a Warrior, Not a Worrier: How to De-Stress and Cope with Anxiety Naturally
Be a Warrior, Not a Worrier: How to De-Stress and Cope with Anxiety Naturally
Ebook211 pages44 minutes

Be a Warrior, Not a Worrier: How to De-Stress and Cope with Anxiety Naturally

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face." —Eleanor Roosevelt

Learn the best tips and tricks to cope with anxiety and stress
There is so much to worry about: work, relationships, money, health . . . But instead of panicking over what could happen, why not choose a different path—one where you let go of worry and focus on getting the most out of life instead?
Prepare to discover your inner fearlessness with this collection of simple but effective tips for breaking free of anxiety, tackling obstacles with resilience and resolve, and reaching for your dreams. In this soothing book, you’ll find advice on dealing with your stress and anxiety through:
  • Exercise and healthy eating
  • Breathing techniques
  • Journaling
  • Communicating and socializing with friends
  • Massage, behavioral, and other natural therapies
  • And more!
Bursting with confidence-boosting statements and inspirational quotes from those who tackle life head-on, this book will supercharge your strength and help you become a warrior, not a worrier.
Release dateAug 20, 2019
Be a Warrior, Not a Worrier: How to De-Stress and Cope with Anxiety Naturally

Elizabeth Archer

Elizabeth Archer is a journalist who writes about health, lifestyle, and women’s issues. When she isn’t furiously tapping away at her keyboard, she enjoys long soaks in the bath and boozy brunches. This is her first book. She hails from Ilkley, West Yorkshire, and lives in east London with friends.

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    Be a Warrior, Not a Worrier - Elizabeth Archer





    If you feel anxiety mounting and your heart pumping, take a moment to yourself. Close your eyes and breathe deeply through your nose for five counts, then breathe out through your mouth for seven counts. Do this ten times. This will help to center you and prevent your feelings from spiraling.


    If things are getting on top of you, take 5 minutes out to go for a walk. Whatever the weather, and wherever you are, getting outside and breathing fresh air is a proven way to relieve feelings of stress and tension. Plus, it will help to improve your mood as the gentle exercise will release serotonin, the happy hormone.

    Sometimes hearing a familiar voice is all you need to put your mind at rest. If you’re feeling tense, make a quick call to a friend or family member. You could talk about how you feel, as sharing with a loved one can often ease any burden you are feeling. Or you could chat about something completely different to take a break from your worries and focus your mind elsewhere.


    Andre Agassi


    When we’re anxious, it’s sometimes hard to think about anything other than getting through the day. Take your mind off your worries by planning something, such as going to the movies with a friend, going out for breakfast, or thinking about something in your day or week that you’re looking forward to, even if it’s as small as having a cup of tea when you get home. This will give you something else to focus on when you’re feeling stressed and redirect your mind to something more positive.

    When everything

    seems to be going

    against you,

    remember that

    the airplane

    takes off against

    the wind, not

    with it.

    Henry Ford

    Writing down your feelings can be a powerful way of putting them to rest. If your mind is still whirring before bed, try jotting down whatever happened in your day and how you feel about it, or

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