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Valkyrie 102: The Afterlife Academy: Valkyrie, #2
Valkyrie 102: The Afterlife Academy: Valkyrie, #2
Valkyrie 102: The Afterlife Academy: Valkyrie, #2
Ebook248 pages3 hours

Valkyrie 102: The Afterlife Academy: Valkyrie, #2

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About this ebook

Ylva is about to take a practical lesson in death.

The Afterlife Academy wasn't what Ylva expected, but that's not going to stop her on her quest to become a Valkyrie. The world is at war and that means extra work for any Afterlife Assistants.

As if navigating through an army of dead souls wasn't hard enough, she still has conflicting feelings about her roommate, not to mention a rivalry with an old enemy. 

Becoming a valkyrie just became a whole lot harder. Does Ylva really have what it takes?

Valkyrie 102 is BOOK 2 in the Afterlife Academy Series


Book 1: Valkyrie 101

Book 2: Valkyrie 102

Book 3: Valkyrie 201

Book 4: Valkyrie 202

Book 5: Valkyrie 301

Book 6: Valkyrie 302

PublisherArizona Tape
Release dateJul 1, 2019
Valkyrie 102: The Afterlife Academy: Valkyrie, #2

Arizona Tape

Arizona Tape lives her dream life hanging out with her dog and writing stories all day.Her favourite books to write are urban fantasy and paranormal romances with queer leads, stories that she wished were around when she was younger.When she’s not writing, she can be found cooking up a storm in the kitchen, watching shows that make her cry, or trying her hand at her new hobby of the week.She currently lives in the United Kingdom with her girlfriend and her adorable dog who is the star of her newsletter. Sign up here for adorable pictures, free books, and news about her books: The AuthorFacebook Page: Group: books are available on all retailers and can be requested from most public libraries.

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    Book preview

    Valkyrie 102 - Arizona Tape

    Chapter 1.

    Death was all around me. I saw it in the orange leaf as it cascaded down the tree, falling to rest in the grass underneath. I noticed it in the darkening of the sky, preparing for the arrival of winter. And I felt it from the massacre of humanity on the battlefield, the corpses piled on top of each other. Names. Dreams. All crushed. Gone in the wind, carried away with their ashes.

    This wasn't the kind of death I'd been told about as a child. This wasn't the noble and brave demise of heroes and warriors. This was a cold, heartless, ruthless, impersonal slaughter.

    The fallen didn't get to look their challenger in the eye. They didn't get to inhale the scent of fear or sweat adrenaline. They never even saw the faces of their victor. No, of their killer.

    This wasn't a victory. It wasn't a battle. And it wasn't glorious.

    Get used to it, Var said, his dark cape rippling from the wind tugging on it. This is the world now.

    I— I looked at the spectacle in front of me. A valley filled with lifeless bodies and faceless people. Their blood staining the earth, their souls hovering in glowing balls slightly above their corpses.

    Don't waste your words. We have work to do. You know how to bring souls to Valhalla, right? he asked, his face gritted in an even harder expression.

    No, I admitted.

    Var's expression changed. What about going to the Veil?

    ... No. I've only just started studying at the Afterlife Academy.


    I shook my head, my ears burning in embarrassment even though I had no reason to feel that way.

    The old man frowned. But you travelled through the Veil?

    Yes, but it was the fault of your poisoned silver chain. It broke my connection with my friend and when I regained consciousness, I ended up here.

    A strange look flitted across his face and his thick brows furrowed. Is that so? Interesting...

    Instead of continuing the conversation, he just rubbed his five o'clock shadow and stared into the distance. Curls of smoke rose from the horizon, only adding to the gentle trickle of ash and soot raining down on the slaughtered bodies.

    As much as I sympathised with the fallen, I wasn't here for them.

    I want my dusk wolf back. His name is Hyde and he has a grey fleck on his nose. He's mine. Despite my discomfort, my voice never wavered. He was my wolf and I wouldn't return without him or the others.

    Var tightened the hood of his cape. You can take him back.


    His dark eyes bore into mine. After the job's done. All these souls need assisting and your wolf isn't behaving.

    I chuckled to myself. I wonder why.

    This is no laughing matter. Now are you going to obey or do I need to put a chain around you too?

    My hands balled into fists, the anger flaring up in the pit of my stomach. Who did he think he was? Did he think he was the only one serving the afterlife realms? There were a lot of men and women assisting the dead, none of them were stealing wolves and forcing them into submission.

    I couldn't work with a man like that. Not in good conscience. But then... Could I walk away from this? Was I not responsible? Shouldn't I take responsibility?

    My eyes roamed over the scarred landscape. The rubble was illuminated by the hue of the souls floating above their lifeless bodies. There wasn't an inch of ground left without blood, ash, or flesh. This was an attack on humanity, a stain in nature, and someone had to clean it up. These souls couldn't just be left here, to wander for eternity until they forgot everything they once were and everything they believed in. Someone had to be responsible.

    I will help, if you promise to release Hyde and the other stolen wolves when the job is done. Also, I have lectures I need to attend. I'm not missing out on class for you.

    Var looked at me, his expression giving nothing away. Fine. Academy during the day, work with me at night. But you're not to tell anyone about me. If you hold up your end, I will release the wolves. If you blab... You won't see Hyde ever again.

    My hands balled into fists. I wanted to punch him, but that wouldn't do me or my wolf any good.

    We have a deal, I agreed through gritted teeth.

    Fine. But don't expect any handholding.

    I pulled a face. I wasn't counting on it.

    Good. He turned away from me, his cape rippling in the wind. He looked impressive, focused, driven. But I wasn't fooled. Regardless of his intentions, his means were despicable. Kidnapping innocent puppies? What a scoundrel.

    If I had any choice, I'd turn my back to him and report him to the elemental board. But that involved getting back to the Academy and finding a way to bring the wolves with me. Neither seemed likely. And so, I had to go with the flow. I had to fulfil my end of the bargain and pray he kept up his. But for now, I had no choice. Whether I liked it or not, I'd be working alongside Var until the battlefield was cleaned up.

    I took a deep breath, gathering my courage. This was what it meant to serve.

    Let's do it then.

    The first hint of a smirk curled around Var's lips. Good.

    Conflicted emotions warred through me, but I shoved them down. I’d deal with them when I was safely back at the Academy.

    Can you show me the way out of the forest now?

    Var’s devious smile broadened. Oh, no. I can’t.

    What? We had a deal.

    We do. But you never specified.

    Anger balled my hands into fists. Jerk! It was implied.

    He chuckled deeply. No need to get worked up. I’m messing with you.

    Oh, oof.

    I wouldn’t be able to show you how to get out of the forest, even if I wanted to. You’ll have to earn it.

    I frowned. Earn it? From you?

    No, from the Keeper of Illusions.


    Var motioned me to follow, the amusement colouring his face. I think it’s time for you to earn your first mark.

    Chapter 2.

    Var led me away from the battlefield, deeper into the forest. With every step, less sunlight managed to reach the earthy floor. The crunch of the leaves grew louder and the shadows longer, all adding to the sense of ominousness.

    The old man pulled the hood of his cape over his head, reducing himself to just a voice. Go deeper into the forest, deeper, until you are sure you’re lost. And then keep going. You’ll be tested by the Keeper of Illusions. If you pass your test, prepare to be marked for life.

    Marked... Like, a Wind Child mark? I’m only eighteen. I thought that was far too young to earn markings? I asked, trying to locate Var. His cape camouflaged him so well, he blended in with the texture of the rough bark and the different colours of leaves.

    Then stay here for another hundred years and wait until you’re old enough.

    I picked at the fabric of my shirt, hesitant to do what he said. What if this was a scheme to get rid of me? Maybe he was sending me into a den of vicious wolves or bears, to dispose of me without getting his own hands dirty. How could I trust he was speaking the truth about this Keeper?


    What did I have to lose? I couldn’t take Var head on and without him, there was no chance of finding Hyde. I’d just have to obey and hope for the best.

    Fine, I’ll do it, I decided.


    Any advice?

    The Keeper is always watching. Oh, and if you don’t return for our deal, know I will take good care of Hyde. Or perhaps I’ll punish him instead. A devious smile curled around his lips. Now off you go.

    Off I go? I turned to look at him but was met with silence. Var?

    Apart from the soft rustling of leaves and the hiss of the wind, I was alone. And yet... There was that familiar prickling sensation in the back of my neck, like eyes watching me, stalking me. Thousands of eyes, curious eyes, dangerous eyes.

    A shiver travelled from the top of my spine down to the back, as to warn me of the danger surrounding me. And despite the apparent calmness of the forest, danger was imminent.

    Great... I peered into the darkness of the forest. The wind howled as it chased through the trees, tugging me forward. Even if I’d wanted to turn back, I couldn’t. The forest wouldn’t let me.

    Keeper of Illusions, huh? I hugged myself, wishing I was dressed in more than thin school pants and the standard white shirt. There was a definite chill in the air, one that made the hairs on my arms stand up. Something wasn’t right here, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

    The dirt cracked under my shoes as I dared cross deeper into the forest. Trees were growing closer together and their branches intertwined in an intricate and suffocating embrace. The thick roof tightened until it blocked out almost every fleck of sunlight.

    The darkness was eerie. Unwelcoming.

    My heartbeat pounded in my throat, shallowing my breath.

    A loud snap made me jump and I twisted in the direction of the sound, but it was hard to locate in the maze of trees.

    It came from the left... No, from the right. Or maybe ahead?

    Wait... Where was I going again?

    Did I come from here?

    I turned on my heels, trying to figure out from where I came. Despite the moist ground, there were no imprints or tracks noticeable on the floor. All the twigs and leaves looked undisturbed, as if I’d fallen from the sky and landed in the middle of the greenery.


    Where did I come from? Where was I going?

    Hello...? I called out, unsure whether that was the right way to go. Maybe drawing attention to myself was the last thing I should do. Who knew what was lurking in the shadows, what was stalking me from the thick shrubberies.

    Come on, Ylva... You can do this.

    My self-encouragement didn’t help much, but it was better than nothing. And it cut through the deafening silence, which just freaked me out.

    Why was it so quiet? Were there no animals around? No insects chirping, or birds making their nests?

    And if they weren’t here... Why not?

    The longer I thought about it, the more everything freaked me out. I hadn’t walked that far, yet the forest felt like I’d been lost here for days.

    Part of me was so tempted to go back, but I wasn’t sure where ‘back’ was anymore. And it wouldn’t serve me any good either. If I couldn’t find a way out of this forest, I was truly his prisoner.

    Maybe this whole Keeper of Illusions was a lie, but even if there was a tiny possibility this would get me out of here, I had to risk it.

    Go into the forest, I muttered to myself, repeating what Var told me. You’ll be tested by the Keeper of Illusions. What kind of test?

    Somehow, I expected the forest to answer but it remained as quiet as ever. The ominous tension hanging between the trees was palpable, unavoidable. Even if Var was lying, there was something here. Something magical, something sacred.

    I ventured ahead, passing more trees than I’d ever seen in my life. The further I went, the weirder they became. Almost more personable.

    Thick trunks, knobbly branches, creepy ivy-like vines. Each tree was more overgrown than the other, all grown into bizarre forms and shapes. They reminded me of something, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

    Maybe Aellyn? But why would those trees remind me of my Wood Elf classmate?

    Although that tree looked like it wouldn’t mind a pink hairdo.

    Imagining the trees as my friend made the entire forest a lot less threatening. The thought of her presence made it almost enjoyable. She liked nature and she considered the forest her friend.

    She wouldn’t think this was scary or frightening. No, she’d say this was exactly what she missed after spending days between grey walls of the Academy.

    And she wasn’t the only one that’d like the forest. Ryoko wouldn’t be scared by a bunch of wonky trees either. She’d laugh at the idea of a Dragon fearing nature.

    I shouldn’t either. I was a part of this, of all of this. I had nature in my blood and soul. Where there was air and wind, I was connected to my ancestors, to my family, to my home. Even in the darkest of forest, I carried the love and protection of those within me.

    A little braver, I loosened my tie and grabbed a branch from the ground. If I was going to find the heart of the woods, I’d do it my way.

    Quickly, I wound the black tie around the base of the stick. That would serve as a decent grip and a temporary weapon in case of... Well, in case of anything.

    Just the idea of being armed put me at ease. I could do this. I had the indestructible power of the wind within me and luck on my side. I hoped.

    I swung the branch up above my head, ready for whatever came upon my way.

    Unexpectedly, a gust roared through the crowns and they replied with a deep, earthy rumble. The trunks groaned, the branches creaked, the leaves shrieked. Their reply echoed through the impenetrable rows of trees, the sheer volume forcing me to shield my ears from their thunderous roars.

    The stick thudded to the ground, and as sudden as the ruckus started, it stopped. The forest returned to its eerie silence, so quickly, it almost seemed like nothing happened.

    Sorry. I held up my hands, hoping they understood I meant no harm. I come in peace, Keeper of Illusions.

    With my heart thudding loudly in my chest, I waited. For a reply from the forest, or an appearance of the Keeper, anything, really.

    Hello? I’m just looking for the way out. I’m with Var.

    Maybe mentioning his name was a stupid idea. Maybe it would get me killed. But what other choice did I have?

    I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I knew one thing for sure. This forest was not friendly.

    I waited, my hands up in the air, sweat pearling on my forehead. I wanted to believe I was prepared for anything, but the fear thudding through my ears told me otherwise. If I didn’t keep talking to the trees, I’d freeze onto one spot.

    I’m not here to hurt anyone. I didn’t even mean to come here, really. I was just trying to find my dusk wolf. He’s just a puppy and he was stolen. I just want to return home.

    As I turned to find my bearings, the wind brushed through the trees again. The leaves rustled, the twigs rattled, and as I opened my eyes, the forest came to life.

    Daughter of the wind, you trespass on my lands.

    Chapter 3.

    Out of a whirlwind of leaves, a thin figure appeared in front of me, cloaked in long green robes that ended in roots sprouting into the ground. His dark skin that resembled the bark of a tree was highlighted by his long white beard. Green tendrils curled up around his neck and were woven through his hair. He didn’t look intimidating, and yet, there was an undeniable power surrounding him.

    With his hands behind his back, he studied me intently, as if he was examining my very soul and was trying to decide my fate.

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