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Brothers of Magic: Return of the Wizard
Brothers of Magic: Return of the Wizard
Brothers of Magic: Return of the Wizard
Ebook135 pages2 hours

Brothers of Magic: Return of the Wizard

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Adventure awaits Arik and Drake as they find themselves in a mysterious magical world. They have been summoned to Aldora by the sinister wizard, King Zvar, and unknowingly possess the keys he requires to fulfill his evil master plans. If he succeeds, then every living thing will be at the mercy of his will. Join Arik and Drake as they become acquainted with this new world and fight for their lives to survive.

Release dateJun 27, 2019
Brothers of Magic: Return of the Wizard

Andrew Ritchie

Andrew Ritchie is the youngest of three brothers born and raised in Florida. He was blessed to be brought up as a Christian from his loving mother and father and is now the head of his own Christian household. Andrew married his high school sweetheart, Kimberly, and they have two lovely children, Asher and Ellie. The family enjoys taking trips to Disney theme parks, the beach, and the local zoo. Andrew works as a High School Math Teacher, attends Western Governors University in pursuit of his Master of Business Administration Degree, and loves to write in his spare time.

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    Book preview

    Brothers of Magic - Andrew Ritchie


    of Magic:

    Return of the Wizard

    Written by: Andrew Ritchie

    Cover Illustration by: Dmytro Veselyi

    Chapter Illustrations by: Ivan Marecic

    (Excluding 4, 6, 9, and 10)


    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means whatsoever without written permission from the author.

    To Elizabeth Rylee Ritchie,

    who has the most creative imagination in the family.



    S even pm on the dot and little baby Arik finally fell asleep. Jack, his father, had been rocking him after he finished his bottle. He knew better than just to lay Arik down right away- else he risked waking him. Jack decided to continue rocking the baby just a few more minutes to allow him to fall into a deeper sleep. At 30 years old, Jack was pretty tall, already had some crow ’ s feet, and sported a short black comb-over.

    Jack looked at Arik, thinking about earlier that day when he said DaDa for the first time and grinned at the memory, having been so proud of his son. Jack mouthed I love you, little guy before rising from the rocking chair and slowly laying Arik down in his crib. It was a blond wooden crib with a crisp white sheet and a white blanket. Arik instantly moved his baby arms up above his baby head and laid on his side – sound asleep. Jack positioned the covers so that Arik would stay warm through the night, then he slowly and quietly walked out of the room flipping the light switch off as he closed the door behind him.

    Arik ’ s older brother Drake waited outside of the room for his Dad to come out. Roar!!! Is little Arik asleep now Daddy!?!? Mommy wants us to start the movie! Drake asked as he looked up at his dad. Drake was a five-year-old boy with T-Rex pajamas on.

    Shhhhh!!! whispered Jack to his son and crouched down next to him, We can't be too loud up here, Drake. I just got Arik to sleep. Jack put his arms on Drake's shoulders. Are you ready to watch that movie? Drake nodded excitedly with a wide smile of anticipation on his face. Then go downstairs, tell your Mom to get the movie ready, and I'll meet you in the living room. I'm going to make the popcorn! Jack stood up.

    Roar!!!! Sounds good, Daddy! Drake was obsessed with T-Rex and loved to roar every chance he got!

    Shhh!!!! Jack whispered again. Go ahead now. Jack watched Drake run to the stairs and start to go down. Jack peeked open Arik's door to make sure Drake's roaring didn't wake him. Slowly, he turned the knob, as to not make a squeak when he opened the door. Gazing at his young son, he could see that Arik was still sound asleep. Jack closed the door quietly and made his way to the kitchen.

    Walking through the dimmed hallways and down the wooden staircase, Jack could hear Drake talking to his mom excitedly about the movie and roaring nonstop. He paused at the 'picture frame wall' on his way to the kitchen. It was called the 'picture frame wall' because it was the wall between the kitchen and the living room, and it was COVERED in picture frames. Most of the pictures were of Jack and his wife Maggie before the kids were born. Photos from almost everywhere- Paris, Hawaii, Oregon, Texas, Hong Kong, Mexico, Spain, and New York- just to name a few. There were pictures with Drake and Arik too, but not so many and none outside the country.

    Jack focused on one picture, in particular, the one where Maggie and he were in a desert. He couldn't place it, he was trying to remember where they were, what desert it was... Looking at the picture, he could see they both were on camels with nothing but sand and a clear sky in the background. Colorful blankets laid between them and the camels along with white and brown bags. He couldn't remember what was in them. Both of them wore head-to-toe cream-colored robes and turbans. Maggie's camel was spitting in the picture! And wrapped around both of their necks were matching necklaces. They were thin black braided ropes that held small metal disks engraved with a foreign language. The only difference between the two was that Maggie ’ s was over double in size at three inches in diameter.

    Namib Desert! Jack said aloud as he remembered where they were in the picture. He then realized he was taking too much time looking at the picture and needed to hurry up and get the popcorn. Jack strode briskly past the 'picture frame wall' over the hardwood floors, and into the kitchen to make the popcorn. To his surprise, he found a fresh bowl of popcorn on the granite island countertop. Jack picked it up, and the delicious aroma of the melted butter made its way to his nose. Jack had to take a bite! As he stuffed his face, Maggie came around the corner.

    That's where you are! I see you found the popcorn I made us, Maggie said as she put her hand on her hip. Jack took a moment to recognize just how beautiful his wife was. Maggie was wearing white silk pajamas with blue pinstripes running down the sides. Done with her day, she had her light brown hair up in a cute messy bun.

    Clearing his throat, Jack retorted, I got lost looking for my beautiful wife! Jack placed the bowl down, pulled Maggie by her pajama top closer to him, and went in for a kiss.

    Yeah right! Maggie smirked as she pushed Jack back. Now grab that popcorn and let ’ s go watch a movie with our son. She walked out of the kitchen to the living room. Jack took up the popcorn bowl and followed her, turning the kitchen light off behind him.

    In the living room, the lights had already been dimmed for the movie and Drake was sitting less than two feet away from the TV. Jack and Maggie pulled Drake back, and they all cuddled on the comfy brown leather sofa. After Jack placed the popcorn on the coffee table and covered them all up with a plush tan throw blanket, he pressed play.

    Those are the moments that Jack lived for. Maggie and Drake were watching the cartoon movie, but Jack was watching them. Realizing that he had the best family he could ever ask for, love filled his entire being. He had a wife who he loved with his whole heart and two sons that made him proud. They continued to watch the light-hearted cartoon movie.

    Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong! The doorbell rang.

    Jack looked at Maggie bewildered, Who could that be at this hour?

    She stared back at him with the same level of surprise, then her expression changed to understanding. It must be the Arlington's wanting their dish back. I remember them saying the other night at dinner they would be needing it back tonight. I'll just go grab it and give it to them. She paused the movie and looked at Drake. Be right back! she said while softly rubbing their noses together. Maggie headed to the kitchen to retrieve the dish.

    Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong! The doorbell rang again.

    Hold on a minute! Jack yelled. Frustrated at the loud noise, he hoped it wouldn ’ t wake up Arik.

    I've got it, I've got it! Maggie called as she made her way out of the kitchen, through the living room, and to the door with the glass dish. She got to the door, unlocked the bottom and top locks, twisted the handle, and opened the door. She saw a person on the other side. A man in all black clothes, and an unfamiliar face. Oh, you ’ re not Sally … .

    BANG! A bullet flew. Shock was the last expression on Maggie ’ s face as her body jolted before flying backwards and crashing on the hardwood floor. The glass pan shattered, and it seemed like slow motion as a thousand shards of glass scattered in every direction. Maggie was gone.

    Not wasting a moment, the shooter stepped into the home and positioned his gun to aim for Jack. Jack, who was frozen in place on the sofa. Jack, who had just witnessed the love of his life murdered before his very eyes. Jack, who feared for his son who was experiencing a living nightmare. He tried to focus on the situation at hand, but then- BANG! A second shot was fired. Jack shrieked in agony as the bullet lodged in his ribcage spreading a fiery pain throughout his body; the impact hurling him from the sofa.

    Gun! Jack cried with his hand flailing in the direction of the murderer.

    Instantly, as if it were magic, the gun vanished from the killer ’ s possession. This, however, did not stop the intruder ’ s agenda as he ran towards Jack with a razor-sharp dagger in his hand.

    Bottom of the Atlantic Ocean! Jack managed to utter, again waving his hand at the killer. In an instant, the man vanished before he had a chance to finish the job. Jack was sure it was an assassin hired to kill him and his wife, and the man had succeeded...

    Involuntarily, Jack spat blood from his mouth and realized the need to assess his injuries. He was losing an enormous amount of blood and was forced to apply pressure to his wound so he wouldn ’ t bleed to death. Tears were running down his face as he looked toward Maggie who was lying motionless on the floor in the foyer. Drake ran to his mommy ’ s side.

    Mommy! Mommy! Get up, Mommy! Drake screeched at the top of his lungs pulling at her left arm. Jack forced his body to move while continuing to use his hand to apply pressure to his wound. He stumbled over to Maggie's body and collapsed next to his son.

    How did this happen? Jack gazed at Maggie ’ s motionless face and stroked her hair with his hand. I love you so much, Maggie. Rivers of tears streamed down his face as Jack kissed Maggie goodbye. It wasn't long, just a simple loving kiss. As Jack pulled away, his eyes moved to Maggie ’ s neck, and her necklace. He carefully unclasped it and moved it to his pocket. Take my hand, son. Drake, whose eyes were filled with tears and couldn ’ t see anything, managed to grab his dad ’ s hand.

    Arik ’ s bedroom, Jack whispered. Magically, they were instantly transported upstairs to Arik's room. Arik was crying at the top of his lungs; no baby could ever sleep through what had just occurred. Drake, not understanding how they transported, just cried with his brother. Jack yelled out again in pain from his wound and needed to rest a minute before moving.

    A moment passed before Jack was able to push back his pain. He didn ’ t

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