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Missing Elves: The Hollydale Elves, Book 3
Missing Elves: The Hollydale Elves, Book 3
Missing Elves: The Hollydale Elves, Book 3
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Missing Elves: The Hollydale Elves, Book 3

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Missing Elves takes readers of all ages into the exciting and inspiring world of elves. A young elf-woman, separated in infancy from her parents, returns to her birthplace. Three elf-children make a daring decision that leads to danger and discovery. A leader, beset with doubts, struggles to realize his own potential as his colony endures a harsh winter snowstorm. The reader is offered a delightful view of true friendship and love: young love, mature love, and old love. Along with the elves, the reader feels the pain of separation and loss, the hope of healing and the joy of homecoming. Remembering their collective past opens the way for a whole colony to unite in a new endeavor. The reader is invited to revel in celebrations, from a wedding to the birthday party of the oldest elf anybody has ever known.

Missing Elves is the third book of The Hollydale Elves series. Each of the books can stand alone as a delightful journey, filled with warmth, adventure and memorable characters. In an ordinary Virginia forest, the elf colony of Hollydale thrives. Except on rare occasions, humans seem completely unaware that these small, intelligent beings move among them. The elves live in underground homes. Their lives are simple, yet challenging. Their stories are deeply compelling. The elves know very little of technology, and they possess no magical powers, but in many ways their civilization is superior to that of their human neighbors. With their very long life-spans, elves have time to become wise.

PublisherMary Ann-Cox
Release dateJun 28, 2019
Missing Elves: The Hollydale Elves, Book 3

Mary Ann-Cox

Mary Ann Cox lives in South Carolina with her husband, Bob. Mrs. Cox is a retired teacher and a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. She likes to travel and has seen some amazing sights here and there. Most of all, she enjoys getting together with family and friends. The Coxes are active in their church and in their local Mensa organization. Unknown Elves is Mrs. Cox’s second fantasy novel. The reader meets an array of interesting characters in The Hollydale Elves and revisits them in Unknown Elves.

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    Missing Elves - Mary Ann-Cox

    Elves of Hollydale

    The Council:

    Leader Bolderock, Captain of the Patrol

    Council-Elf Bella, seamstress

    Council-Elf Meno, traveler, mapmaker, artist

    Council-Elf Rezzimendle, chief recycler

    Council-Elf Zander, head of construction

    Council-Elf Nellus, a food-gatherer (now retired from Council)

    The Patrol:

    Bolderock, Captain

    Teams of Officers: Pithwongle and Jitziberry, Windegron and Tankibar, Boodlebar and Itchquincher, Roni and Issa

    Trainees: Snickerwillikins and Binglebux

    Young Elves and Their Parents:

    Jackerone, Sambie and Graceanna, (their parents, Craigio and Kellema)

    Fromo and Lilli (their parents, Lancil and Jondi)

    Alber and Nickalon, great-nephews of Meno (their parents, Dwar and Varla)


    Olmenia, healer, retired Council Leader; Allis and Dannus, healers; Wysteria, music teacher and entertainer; Prinderay, retired Patrol Captain; Coddero, drummer; Carleena, schoolteacher; Rimstead, teaching assistant; Josho, Carilee and Karolie, the family under the rosebush


    Hidden away in a Virginia forest, a colony of elves has thrived since 1607 when their first settlers arrived from England aboard the Susan Constant, unseen by human sailors who manned the vessel. Thirty-nine brave elves came in search of better lives in the vast, unspoiled forests of the New World. After coming ashore, they hiked deep into the woods and chose for their underground homes a place far from the human settlement. Because of the beautiful holly trees in the area, they named their colony Hollydale. Better lives they found, but they lost something important as well. They lost contact with all other elves, their friends and family left behind.

    Many years later, a human town called Woodland was established not far from Hollydale. Both the colony and the town grew, and now only a road separates the elves from their huge neighbors. A team of elf recyclers visits Woodland regularly to collect useful things discarded by the humans. The elves store these items in a deserted cow barn near the human town and in a large underground room within the colony. This recycling is an important source of fabrics, books and many other things helpful to the elves.

    Human-watching is a popular pastime for some elves, and a few have even dug their homes in the beautiful gardens outside human houses; but they must stay a safe distance from the large, heavy feet. Humans, as a rule, seem completely unaware that elves move among them. For this, there is no clear explanation. Discussions have led to many theories but no definite answers.

    Over 500 elves live in Hollydale. For centuries, Hollydale was their world, their only world, and a happy world it was.


    November 19, a Big Day

    The sun rises over one of Captain Bolderock’s favorite parts of the forest, a thick cluster of holly trees loaded with red berries. He flings open a trapdoor and descends through a tunnel slanting downward into Hollydale Headquarters. The elf-glow of the young Captain’s eyes casts a soft light into the Meeting Room. Tree roots dangle like streamers from the earthen ceiling. Boulders form the north and south walls; their silvery flecks sparkle.

    Bolderock’s pointed slippers crunch against the pebbled floor. Generally thought to be quite handsome, he’s a muscular elf twelve inches tall. His curly black hair and beard are neatly trimmed, and his green eyes shine.

    The eighth hour comes. Bolderock opens the trapdoor and stands outside. From beneath his jacket, he pulls the wooden whistle hanging from a loop of cord around his neck. In early childhood, elves are taught the meaning of the whistle signals.

    One for the Council.

    Two for Patrol.

    Three is for every elf,

    Young and old.

    He blows two long notes, two for Patrol, pauses and blows again, repeating the two-note sequence. Elves have an inborn sense of time and always know the hour, but they enjoy hearing the whistle at the beginning of each new day, reminding them that their Patrol is reporting for duty.

    The Captain returns to the Meeting Room and sits at his desk. He takes out his record book, a pill bottle of blackberry juice and a duck feather, dips the feather into the juice and writes the date at the top of a page. One by one, elves come and sit on the benches in front of his desk. Around their waists are equipment belts holding ropes and hatchets. The officers wear pointed gray-green hats embroidered with the Patrol emblem: three red holly berries between two spiked leaves. The two trainees wear small caps of the same material. Officer Jitziberry and the trainees look youthful in the clingy bodysuits popular with their generation. Like Bolderock, the other males wear simple trousers and jackets. The two female officers, Roni and Issa, are stylish in tunics and tights.

    Bolderock calls the roll. Officer Boodlebar.


    Officer Issa.

    Here, sir.

    Officer Itchquincher.


    Officer Jitziberry.


    Officer Pithwongle.

    Here, sir.

    Officer Roni.


    Officer Tankibar.

    Here, sir.

    Officer Windegron.


    Trainee Binglebux.

    Level Two Trainee Binglebux present and ready for assignment, sir, the trainee shouts.

    The other elves look at each other and grin.

    Trainee Snickerwillikins.

    Level Two Trainee Snickerwillikins present, Captain, and ready to go, comes the forceful reply.

    Jitziberry puts his hand to Pithwongle’s ear. Why do those twins have to be so loud?

    They’re young and excited about getting into their life’s work, his partner whispers back. They’re proud to be Level Two. You were that way just a few years ago.

    Jitziberry twists his face into a frown and shakes his head. Uh-uh!

    Indeed you were, maybe more so!

    Bolderock’s mind wanders. I must concentrate on what I need to do here. Even on this day, I must pay attention to my duties. Officers Roni and Issa, take the day off. I believe you have preparations to make.

    Thank you, sir.

    Bolderock assigns tasks to the other three teams of officers with the trainees assisting.

    Let’s stand now for the Promise.

    I will do my duties faithfully with kindness toward all. I will help those in need, care for the land, honor our traditions and maintain our peaceful way of life, they recite together.

    Have a good day, and be safe. I’ll see you at sunset.

    The Captain walks through the colony, making himself available to any with concerns and checking on some of the elderly elves. As usual, he visits Olmenia first.

    A trapdoor in the forest floor covers the entrance tunnel leading into Olmenia’s underground home. He knocks. Olmenia, it’s Bolderock.

    Come on back, she answers.

    After 799 birthdays, Olmenia is Hollydale’s oldest citizen. She was Leader of the Council until failing strength led her to step down from that responsibility. Bolderock, the Council’s youngest member, was chosen to take her place, giving him two important roles in the colony: Patrol Captain and Council Leader.

    In Olmenia’s living space, her earthen walls are lined with shelves containing bags and bottles of ancient remedies, the tools of a healer. Five stools encircle the table where she sits, sipping sassafras tea from a pill bottle.

    She pours Bolderock a drink. Well, well, well, how is the groom-to-be?

    I’m fine... excited... a little nervous.

    I expected as much. I guarantee you Issa’s not nervous. Nothing rattles her.

    You’re right. Sometimes, I wish she weren’t so bold.

    She’s fearless. Don’t wish otherwise. Be proud of Issa, just as she is.

    I know. I’m a lucky elf-man. When Morah died, I thought I’d never find love again, but I have. Are you ready to perform the ceremony?

    Absolutely. I’ve conducted many weddings, but this one is special. I felt a connection with that baby elf-girl from the moment she was brought here, a feeling of kinship.

    "Now, after all these years, we understand why. She actually is your kin."

    Yes! I nearly fainted dead away when I learned that Issa’s grandmother was my identical twin. The bond between twins is strong. I missed Alyndala constantly after we left her in England.

    Now, you have information about her. You know she had a good life.

    "Yes, that means the world to me…. Bolderock, my dear friend, you know how much you mean to me."

    He nods, pushing his empty pill bottle aside. You’re the closest thing I have to a mother.

    She chuckles and squeezes his hand. And sometimes I have to set you straight.

    That you do, quite often.

    Olmenia gathers the dishes. Away with you, Bolderock! This is your wedding day. Go and make yourself gorgeous for your bride.


    In another underground home, Bella, Oly and Issa sip cherry juice from pill bottles. They sit on small inverted flower pots at Bella’s round table, which was once a cake stand in some human’s kitchen. Bella, slightly plump, wears a simple house dress the color of her sandy braids. Oly is attractive in a moss green tunic and tights, her silver-gold hair a mass of curls. Dressed in sky blue, Issa looks like a younger version of Oly. Her Patrol hat tops a head of golden curls.

    Two white dresses lay across the bed, both Issa’s. One is her wedding gown; the other, a tiny baby dress, both trimmed with pink rosebuds.

    Oly rubs her fingers over the silken wedding dress. Making this dress has been a labor of love that Bella and I accomplished together. Thank you both for including me in the sewing.

    Of course, you’re included. You brought Issa into this world, Bella says.

    But it was you who raised her.

    Issa clears the empty pill bottles from the table. Knowing the two of you worked together sends a warm glow through me. It’s perfect.

    Tenderly, Bella holds up the baby dress. Oly, my sewing is adequate, but yours is exquisite. When I first laid eyes on this dress, I knew the baby’s missing mother loved her.

    Oly takes the tiny garment from Bella’s hands. Issa, I made this for your presentation ceremony. Nilder and I were so proud to show you off to all of Pineville.

    After the adoption, we had a presentation ceremony here, Bella says. Issa wore the same dress. I knew I couldn’t make anything nearly as nice.

    One baby… one dress… two sets of parents… two presentation ceremonies, Oly says wistfully.

    Issa takes the hands of the two older women. Two baby presentation ceremonies took place 126 years ago, but tonight there will be one marriage with all of us there together. Oly, I’m so pleased that my wedding dress is trimmed with pink rosebuds, just like the ones you embroidered on my baby dress.

    Bella and I both worked on the rosebuds. Oly says. I taught her how. She was a quick learner.

    Thank you both. I love the rosebuds. They bring together the two parts of my life. They connect my past and my present.


    A Joyful Occasion

    The sun sets; the moon rises silver-gold. Ferns and mosses glow green in the moonlight. Shadowy trees are lace against the darkening skies. Frogs croak. Night birds call. The rippling waterfall sings a song, joined by the whisper of a breeze and the chirp of crickets. Bolderock stands in front of an outcropping of rock behind the clearing where the elves assemble. A long strip of crimson fabric stretches down the middle, forming an aisle. A chair for Olmenia has been placed front and center, facing the clearing.

    White-bearded Pithwongle, Bolderock’s closest friend, mentor and confidante, arrives in a gray two-piece suit and a red tasseled hat. Look at you! Bolderock exclaims. I never saw you so fancied up.

    You’re pretty spiffy yourself. Bolderock’s emerald eyes are emphasized by his forest green hat, jacket and trousers. Are you ready for this? Pithwongle asks.

    I’m ready. It’s time to call in the colony.

    I’d better skedaddle to the back so I can walk down the aisle, Pithwongle says.

    Bolderock blows three lively notes with his whistle. Three is for every elf, young and old.

    As he repeats the three-note sequence, elves gather, dressed in festive garments. The phosphorescent elf-glow of hundreds of bright eyes enlivens the evening with a sparkle that delights the spirit as well as the eye. The elves sit down on the ground.

    This, like many Hollydale celebrations, begins with the beat of Coddero’s drum. Stringed instruments and flutes join the lively rhythm. An elf-woman in a flowing pink gown steps forward and sings Always, My Love, her clear soprano voice rising sweet and tender.

    Using the elaborately carved, snakelike walking cane reserved for the most important of occasions, Olmenia walks down the aisle and sits in her chair. She wears a long black dress as always, topped, not with her usual woolen shawl, but with a purple satin cape edged with gold braid and made for the occasion by Oly and Bella.

    Since Bolderock has no family of his own, Patrol officers and trainees sit in the area reserved for the groom’s family. Bella and Itchquincher, the adoptive parents who raised Issa, and Oly and Nilder, her newfound birthparents, occupy the place for the bride’s family.

    Officer Pithwongle is next on the long red aisle. He winks as he takes his place by the groom.

    Heads turn toward the back of the clearing as Roni, Issa’s Patrol partner, walks slowly forward and turns toward the crowd. With her olive skin and single long black braid, she’s stunning in a yellow silk gown with a crimson flower tucked behind one pointed ear. She smiles at Olmenia, her grandmother.

    After a brief silence, Coddero takes his sticks in hand and, with a loud drumroll, commands attention. The flutes begin a stately processional as Issa, the golden-haired beauty, makes her way forward, radiant in her lacy white gown, the hem and neckline encircled with embroidered pink rosebuds.

    Olmenia presses her staff to the ground, leans forward and rises to her feet. The music stops. The old elf’s voice is strong. Citizens of Hollydale, we come together this day at moonrise for joyful celebration as Bolderock and Issa bind their lives to each other as husband and wife.

    She returns to one of her favorite themes, a topic she spoke of often when she was Leader. As we do on many important gatherings, we will begin by honoring our history. Our present and our future grow out of our past. We tell our stories again and again so they will be remembered. She stretches out her arm and moves it slowly, directing attention across the assembly. Every one of us has many stories. They make us who we are.

    A deep laugh bubbles up from the old elf’s throat. What a story Bolderock and Issa share! Travel with me in your minds back 126 years. A handsome green-eyed elf-boy by the name of Bolderock was playing by the creek with his friends Coddero and Lancil when an owl flew down, and on a mossy spot, left a golden-haired elf-baby wearing a white dress and cap trimmed with pink rosebuds.

    The old elf’s eyes open wide, and her brows rise as she remembers her own amazement. The infant was not from Hollydale. We had believed ours to be the only elf colony in North America, but here was living proof to the contrary. A long pause emphasizes the significance of the event.

    The baby was still and quiet. I was Hollydale’s only healer, and Bolderock and his friends ran to fetch me. Without their quick action, the baby probably would not have lived. I treated her there by the creek then took her home with me. I wanted to keep her as my own, but goodness knows, I was too old to raise a child. After darkness fell, I wrapped her in my shawl and carried her to the home of Bella and Itchquincher, who happily agreed to care for her temporarily.

    Olmenia puts both hands on her cane and leans forward. Many of you remember that time, and most of you young elves have heard the stories. For many days, search parties looked for the parents of this infant and the unknown colony where they must have lived. Finally, with regrets, the search was abandoned. As Leader, I approved the adoption giving this baby to Bella and Itchquincher. They named her Issa. Olmenia smiles at the bride.

    At Issa’s presentation ceremony, Bella and Itchquincher each made promises to their baby girl, and then Itchquincher said something I’ll never forget. He said, ‘We want to thank two elves whom we may never know, the couple who brought this beautiful child into the world. We will always be grateful to them for the gift of life they gave her. We promise this couple that we will do our best to be worthy parents for the baby Bella holds in her arms.’ Itchquincher and Bella have kept that promise. Issa, like Bolderock, has grown to be a treasured member of our colony, precious in all our hearts and invaluable in her position of responsibility.

    A twinkle flashes in Olmenia’s blue eyes. Elves are curious, and it’s not in our nature to let go of an unresolved challenge. For over a century, Issa’s origin was Hollydale’s most tantalizing mystery. Across the clearing, heads nod.

    Most elves are content to spend their whole lives in and near the colony, but Council-Elf Meno is an exception. A mapmaker, he has an itch to travel and a close friendship with some very intelligent crows willing to fly with elves on their backs. Three months ago, Meno and his two great-nephews, Nickalon and Alber, left Hollydale on crows’ backs, planning to explore new places. What a journey that turned out to be!

    Brushing her hands across the soft fabric of her cape, Olmenia continues. In an area called North Carolina, they happened upon the elf colony of Pineville, founded by elves who sailed from England sixty years after Hollydale’s first settlers. There they met Issa’s birthparents, Oly and Nilder, who told a tragic tale. Long ago, 126 years in fact, they had a golden-haired baby girl. Young and adventurous, they built a small boat and set out for some fun on the river. With tear-filled eyes, Oly lays her head on Nilder’s shoulder.

    When night fell, they took down the sail and strapped the baby into place for her safety. Under the stars, the water rocked them to sleep. A sudden storm arose, casting Oly and Nilder out of the boat and against the rocks, knocking them unconscious. When they became aware again, there was no sign of the boat or the baby. To their grief, all searches for their daughter failed. Elves of Pineville assumed that the river had claimed her. Nilder squeezes his wife’s hand and wipes his eyes.

    After a month’s visit in Pineville, Meno and his nephews brought Oly and Nilder to Hollydale and reunited them with their lost daughter. Now, with great joy, they celebrate her marriage to Bolderock, our esteemed Leader.

    Olmenia pulls herself up to her full eleven inches and stands erect. Now that we have honored our history, we will proceed. Bolderock and Issa, please join hands. The bride and groom face Olmenia with Roni and Pithwongle by their sides.

    Roni and Pithwongle, Issa and Bolderock have selected you to stand beside them. In this, you have been honored and also given lasting responsibilities. Roni, will you continue to cherish your friendship with Issa, to respect her confidences, to give her honest and thoughtful counsel and to guard her life and well-being in all circumstances?

    Roni’s smile lights her face. I will.

    Pithwongle, will you continue to cherish your friendship with Bolderock, to respect his confidences, to give him honest and thoughtful counsel and to guard his life and well-being in all circumstances?

    With quiet dignity, the gentle officer says, I will.

    The elves in the family areas will now stand. Olmenia lifts her hand, palm upward.

    We acquire families in various ways. Oly and Nilder, you are the parents who brought Issa into the world and through the long years that she was missing from you, you continued to love her and think of her. We have all taken great pleasure in your happy reunion with your lost daughter. Bella and Itchquincher, Issa entered your home and lives when she was only two months old, and you have been wonderful parents, giving her constant love and wise guidance. Issa is blessed to have, not just two, but four devoted parents. She smiles at the elves in the bride’s family section.

    Bolderock, your own parents, who have passed from us, are in our thoughts tonight, and they are surely with us in spirit. Sitting in their place are elves you have chosen to be family to you, officers and trainees of the Patrol, who serve under your leadership every day. Oly, Nilder, Bella, Itchquincher, Patrol officers and trainees, do you promise to enfold Issa and Bolderock with a family’s love, to welcome their companionship and to provide support and encouragement to them as long as you live?

    We do, comes from everyone in the family sections. The voices of Snickerwillikins and Binglebux shout out louder than all the others. Bolderock and Pithwongle glance at each other and stifle the urge to laugh. The two young trainees are nothing if not enthusiastic.

    Families, you may be seated.

    For a moment, Bolderock remembers his late wife. The last words Morah said to me were spoken in a dream long after her death. Follow your heart, Bolderock. Follow your heart.

    Morah has given us her blessing.

    And now, members of the colony, do you promise to honor this new family with your kindness and respect, to appreciate their contributions and to support them as they build their life together?

    We do! echoes through the clearing.

    Bolderock, Issa, in the paradox of marriage, the two of you will be made one, yet you will always be two. Issa, will you respect Bolderock’s individuality, celebrate his accomplishments, value his strengths and seek to understand and accept his needs and shortcomings? Will you cherish him through joy and through sorrow, trusting him with your life and your happiness and surrounding him with your love forever?

    I will.

    Bolderock, will you respect Issa’s individuality, celebrate her accomplishments, value her strengths and seek to understand and accept her needs and shortcomings? Will you cherish her through joy and through sorrow, trusting her with your life and your happiness and surrounding her with your love forever?

    I will.

    Bolderock, Issa, in the presence of your fellow elves and the sacred Power that surrounds us, I pronounce you husband and wife.

    The elves applaud as Issa and Bolderock embrace.

    With both hands, Olmenia raises her cane above her head. Let the dancing begin!

    Coddero hops onto the rock by the creek and begins a brisk rat-ta-tat-ta, rat-ta-tat-ta. The music swells as the flutes, tambourines and lyres join in a merry tune. Hundreds of elves respond to the beat. Some dance alone and others in couples or in groups of three, four or more. Dancing, laughing and singing, a long chain of elves, hand in hand, weaves its way among the trees at the edge of the clearing.

    Bolderock’s face glows. A perfect life. A dream come true! I am actually married to Issa, the elf-woman of my heart!


    November 26, Sunrise Departure

    Meno is up an hour before sunrise. Today, he will escort Oly and Nilder back to Pineville, along with several other elves. Fifteen crows and eight riders will fly out at dawn.

    Trees are black silhouettes against the pale sky when Meno’s nephews arrive with their parents, Varla and Dwar, and knock on Meno’s trapdoor. We’re here, Uncle Meno. Alber is almost an adult; Nickalon, still a child. Both have their uncle’s love of travel. The white-bearded Council-Elf comes out, hat pulled down around his pointed ears, his face lit with a smile. He hugs his niece and shakes her husband’s

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