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The Berenyi Life Blueprint
The Berenyi Life Blueprint
The Berenyi Life Blueprint
Ebook207 pages2 hours

The Berenyi Life Blueprint

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About this ebook

The Berenyi Life Blueprint is the one self-help book that won’t leave you frustrated because it considers all aspects of your life, offering a complete, well-designed and thoroughly tested approach. Without this total approach, you can’t hope to benefit as much as you should nor enjoy those benefits for the rest of your life.

This easy-to-understand blueprint enables readers to reach the goals they set and fulfill the purpose they desire, living their lives as fully and as fruitfully as possible with love in their hearts and compassion in their souls.

Unlock your true potential and empower yourself to blast through any barriers that are holding you back from the life you deserve!

PublisherTony Berenyi
Release dateJun 28, 2019
The Berenyi Life Blueprint

Tony Berenyi

Raised on a farm in Montana, Tony Berenyi was a teenager when he moved with his family to Union, South Carolina, where he attended high school. Following a degree in civil engineering at The Citadel, Tony went to graduate school at MIT, receiving a degree in structural dynamics in 1987.Tony also has a distinguished military career. After The Citadel, he accepted a commission with the US Army Reserve and attended Engineer Officers School. Just months after setting up his own company in 1989, duty called; Iraq had invaded Kuwait.Tony was called upon to command a 250-man unit in two countries during Operation Desert Storm. He earned the Bronze Star for his combat experience. Eleven months later he returned home and restarted Berenyi, Inc., a Charleston engineering architectural construction firm.At Berenyi, Inc., Tony has led the Berenyi team in the design and management of many industrial construction projects in Charleston, across the United States, and more recently, in Africa. The work in Africa combines three of Tony’s core beliefsfrom The Code: an unending search for excellence in quality, challenging work, plus caring for others by providing much needed, dependable infrastructure projects.Tony lives in Charleston with his wife Cokie. They have four daughters. His first book, Secrets for Savvy Business Owners, was published in 2007.

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    Book preview

    The Berenyi Life Blueprint - Tony Berenyi


    The Berenyi Life Blueprint will let you take charge of your life so things happen the way you plan, or visualize, for the expressed purpose of enabling you to reach the goals you set and fulfill the purpose you desire.

    Setting workable goals, making career and family choices, while trying to find your true purpose in life is not easy. But it is essential and achievable.

    It begins with actively taking control of your mind and training it to do what you need it to do in order to not only survive but thrive.

    When it comes down to it, your thoughts become your life. And since you and only you, control your mind and those thoughts, you will become what you’ve visualized and envisioned. So get to work and dream a fulfilling and purposeful life with The Berenyi Life Blueprint as your trustworthy guide.

    You’ll soon see that your life will become what you’ve always dreamed it should be.

    Reasons I Wrote This Book

    In a connected world with vast resources available at the click of a button, another publication on self-improvement would at first seem to just add to the clutter. Despite the number of publications out there, this one is different in fundamental ways.

    First, the vast majority of self-help publications only address a limited portion of what makes a person whole and fulfilled.

    In my view, this often causes more problems than it fixes. Without a complete approach, the deficient areas of a person’s life conspire to dilute the possible benefits and ultimately precipitate a slow slide back to prior habits and lifestyle, undoing all previous gains.

    The key to making the gains stick, is to implement The Berenyi Life Blueprint and make it a way of life.

    Second, even if you’ve gained a broader insight of the possibilities available to you, there’s no clear path for getting there. That frustration soon becomes disappointment. I can’t begin to tell you how many well-meaning individuals have begun a program with high hopes and good intentions only to abandon those goals as time goes on.

    The Berenyi Life Blueprint is not just an attempt, it is a viable solution to end this systematic dilemma, and improves the quality of your life.

    Third, this book, in itself, is not a solution. Rather it’s a gateway to a whole range of resources and easy-to-follow paths so that you get the right kind of advice, presented in a way that makes sense and considers your life as a whole rather than a series of parts, some of which need more guidance than others. Without a total approach, you can’t hope to benefit as much as you should nor enjoy those benefits for the rest of your life. With a well-designed and thoroughly tested approach, The Berenyi Life Blueprint will help you become the fulfilled person you always knew you could be but didn’t know how to reach.

    Fourth, this book is my contribution to humanity, my way of sharing the wisdom I’ve gained from the many key mentors that have traveled down these roads of life, all added to my experiences and knowledge acquired over many years.

    As Victor Frankl said, The meaning of your life is to help others find the meaning of theirs.

    Why not live in a Beautiful State and live life to the fullest?

    My Personal Journey

    My personal journey is unique to me. However, the lessons learned are not. They’re the same lessons we all learn from hard work, life experiences, years of self-education and listening to those we look up to.

    I was brought up on a farm where doing the chores was expected and hard work was the order of the day. I learned never to shy away from completing those chores even though they often came on a schedule that wasn’t my own and required me to use my brain in addition to my body to get them done.

    Problem solving, when you were barely awake or dead tired (and often both,) meant you relied on your wits and all that subtle teaching you received just by watching or listening while working with others. There were times I had to put things together in innovative ways to discover something that worked because the farm depended on it.

    Somewhere in there I learned that there was a measure of satisfaction in actually getting the job done properly as opposed to barely adequately. The animals benefited from the extra care and I benefited too. I also learned that I could think as well as the next person. Eventually, I learned that good thinking goes a long way. It gives you power. Your brain is a very powerful tool and you need to know how to use it for your benefit as well as for others.

    But I wasn’t alone in my journey. I was part of the farm team—my family. We shared a common goal. And everything we did had to further that goal, even if that meant going off to a part-time job after early-morning chores and returning home to face even more chores. Even the money I earned wasn’t really mine; it was ours. And that creative thinking I possessed, I shared freely. So in the end, the farm benefited too.

    To this day, I do not consider myself hard done by or mistreated or taken advantage of. What I do know is that I learned some essential lessons that really helped me not only survive but prosper.

    Teamwork, for many, is the bane of their existence. To them I say, go work on a farm, where you’re not smarter than anyone else, you’re not more efficient, and you’re not setting yourself apart. What you’re doing is getting along so that everyone, including yourself, has the freedom to contribute without being hampered by petty family politics or flaws in character.

    No one is perfect. Know your strengths and weaknesses, build on the strengths, work on the weaknesses, and get along with everyone as you do so. Know that others have strengths and weaknesses and feelings too. I learned that having a sense of humor pretty much ensures all will be well. And I learned to treat others as I would like to be treated, without judgement.

    With all of that farm-boy know-how under my belt, I had to somehow graduate from the farm to higher levels of education and eventually to manhood.

    High school was a chance to both show off my skills and, at the same time, learn how to recognize and deal with opportunities when they were presented to me. When I was offered a chance to go to The Citadel, I jumped at it.

    I quickly learned that at The Citadel I wasn’t a big fish in a small pond any longer. In order to keep up, and to excel, I had to use those farm-honed skills and study, not party or goof off, and show them I really belonged. Not to mention, I had to carry a part-time job just to help pay my tuition. I’ll be honest here, it was very difficult at times. Many days were just pure slugging through the workloads and trying to survive. But I did have a knack and possessed the work ethic needed to succeed.

    On top of that, The Citadel emphasized the value of physical fitness (good for me, since being off the farm I’d let my fitness level slip) and a disciplined approach to living one’s life. I knew how to show up on time, be prepared, be respectful, act in a professional and ethical manner, all while getting along with others. In short, my leadership skills began to take shape.

    I called upon all of these tools when MIT’s rigorous requirements forced me to buckle down again and show I could not only keep up but thrive. And I now could see the growth steps in my life as I went from one situation to another, each building on the previous ones. I graduated from MIT with the values of duty and honor foremost in my mind.

    My father taught me that serving one’s country was the highest honor a man could get. My chance came when I joined the United States Army Reserve and attended Engineers Officers School. After, I joined the Navy.

    While working with other very smart individuals, the lives of other serving Americans would be put at risk had any one of us not done our jobs.

    More importantly, I put what I truly believed in, and my integrity, into practice as an employee, then as a manager, and finally as a responsible leader.

    I also learned that there are too few real leaders and too many unethical people disguised as leaders. That knowledge spurred me to create something of my own, with my own vision and personal code built in and put into practice. To that end, in 1989 I founded Berenyi Incorporated, an engineering and architectural firm in Charleston, South Carolina.

    And then, in 1991, came Desert Storm and the true opportunity to lead people.

    Despite all that I had gone through and all that I knew I could do, being called up to serve had me shaking in my boots. I had to put my personal goals aside for the good of the country. I also had to put my fears aside and lead 250 men with integrity and professionalism.

    My entire mental capacity and physical abilities had to come together and work as one unit towards one cause. Our team’s success depended on the respect I had for my men and the respect I gained from them. In the end, that mission earned me the Bronze Star. Most importantly, I learned how to lead. Leading in life-and-death situations is far more difficult than leading in calmer environments. I learned a lot about myself then.

    All that experience gave me a thirst to learn even more. I wanted to be the best leader I could possibly be.

    I studied the great leaders to see what made them special and where I could incorporate their methods and thinking into my way of working and thinking. By the way, all this leadership knowledge is available to anyone in my book, The Code.

    However, leading is just one part of a fulfilling life.

    My whole life has been a blueprint of what I have dreamed and visualized: my purpose, my beliefs, my health, my relationships, my businesses, and finally, my finances. This is The Berenyi Life Blueprint.

    The Missing Part

    During my own studies I’ve uncovered something that, I think, escapes a great many well-meaning teachers and counsellors. Once away from the teaching environment and disconnected from the adrenalin-fueled atmosphere of lifestyle-positive seminars, the high that those sessions elicit begins to ebb. Despite one’s best intentions of being that better individual, the actual doing of the program eventually becomes their undoing.

    With some, the seminars become an addiction, a sort of high to enjoy with like-minded individuals. The real lesson becomes secondary. How to take advantage of all that knowledge and hype is lost because the path is not clearly delineated nor, in some cases, available. The Berenyi Life Blueprint will not disappoint you. All your needs are available and easy to understand.

    Once you understand your mindset and get used to it, you become life-based, not fear-based. It’s a huge shift in thinking, one that enables serious personal growth.

    By providing the missing part, countless lives would be positively affected.

    The Berenyi Life Blueprint is a complete resource to getting the most out of your life. You only have one of those, and I want you to live it to the fullest, seeking excellence, compassion and humility.

    I’ve touched a bit on this in my life story, gathering the pieces as I grew, getting and incorporating bits of information and infrastructure on which to build a complete life.

    It’s great that you want to help yourself but go into it knowing that improving one part of your life will leave you wanting to improve the rest. The Berenyi Life Blueprint’s six parts (purpose, belief, health, relationships, business, and finances) leaves nothing out and fully develops the six components. With these, your chances of success are much greater.

    I can’t help but believe that had they been aware of the six components and been given a chance to develop them in tandem, and to their satisfaction, many would be positively affected. Personally, I welcome the chance to help anyone I can to be the most they can possibly be.

    My passion to provide this for everyone is real

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