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Truths of a Liar
Truths of a Liar
Truths of a Liar
Ebook69 pages1 hour

Truths of a Liar

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"Truths of a Liar" is a fantasy novella filled with omens, miracles, and other wonders; it was written by Matthew D. Ryan and it offers a unique explanation for miracle-inspired extremism in religion. Influenced by the author's own struggles with "mental illness", it describes a dark view of reality, complete with a Divine Adversary with far more power than any mere mortal ever dared believe before, regardless of the Faith he practices, or the god she worships.
This novella tells the story of Kenji Qualistar, a pious man with a conflicted heart. It details his internal struggles over his decision to join the deathdancers, a group within his Faith dedicated to killing those outside his religion. He's always strived to serve his God. Now he approaches the ultimate test. Signs and omens abound. Miracles provide direction while social pressures mount. Kenji is torn between his loyalty to the strictest teachings of his Faith and the misgivings of his very own heart. He has friends outside his Faith, friends he may be forced to kill should he take the path of the deathdancer. And that is not a pleasant prospect to him. He is truly a pious man, a devout man; and he wants to serve his god to his utmost ability. But to kill in service to his god? Is that what the Almighty demands of the pious? The question sparks a crisis of faith and soul-searching Kenji is unprepared for. He has no one to turn to in his time of need except his brother Senji and their small group of friends, fellow members of the same religion. Together, Senji and his friends, try to talk Kenji out of his plan to join the deathdancers, kill in abandon, and needlessly throw his life away. But will their discussion and exhortations against his plans be enough to turn him from his dark path? Or will something else, something sinister, intervene and claim him? Much is in the balance from this weighty decision: the path of a life, the fate of the world, ... even the very destiny of Paradise. Kenji will be an instrument for good or ill, one way or the other. It is just a matter of who claims him, and the consequences of his choice.
Herein, Kenji comes face to face with the stark reality facing every believer, whatever their Faith: Not everyone believes as he does. But ... should they? And if he believes they should, what should he do about it? At what point does pious devotion leave off and arrogant presumption take over? Is threatening to kill those who disagree an acceptable path? Many would argue no. But what if your god is the one telling you to do so? And what if your god is backing it up with signs, wonders, and miracles; omens and prophecies? Would a good god of a good Faith do such a thing? If not Him, then who, or what, just might?

Release dateJun 28, 2019
Truths of a Liar

Matthew D. Ryan

Looking for a vampire that actually kills people? So was I. So, I created one: Lucian val Drasmyr. He's not a teen heart throb. He's a killer. My first novel, Drasmyr, features him as the chief antagonist and a formidable force for darkness. Just in case I was unclear: he is pure evil. Unholy. Diabolical. A true scourge from Hell.I'm Matthew D. Ryan and I'm a fantasy author. My topics of choice include the aforementioned vampires, as well as dragons, wizards, magic ... that sort of thing. I get my inspiration from multiple sources, not least of which is my almost complete immersion in the fantasy genre over many, many years. I've read more fantasy novels than I can remember; I've been playing RPG games like D&D as both Dungeonmaster/Gamemaster and player for nearly forty years; and I've watched innumerable movies and television programs steeped in the fantastic and miraculous. All of that gives me a fertile imagination and a rich background of experience to draw upon. Writing about vampires or dragons is almost second nature for me now.My first novel, Drasmyr, started out as a short story. Then it grew into a stand-alone novel. Then it shifted into the prequel to my dark fantasy series, From the Ashes of Ruin. I've also written several small collections of short stories, a couple novellas, and even a non-fiction book about my struggles with mental illness -- I've unpublished that last for personal reasons. Additionally, I've run a number of web-sites and blogs here and there; and I've also done a couple speaking engagements on both worldbuilding and the writing process.So, if you like vampires or dragons, or are just into the fantasy genre in general, I'm your guy. Download one of my books now. I heartily recommend Drasmyr.Oh, by the way, if you go to my site: The Wizard's Inkwell (link below), I've started writing 5th Edition D & D Adventures (Under the SRD License). If you play D & D, you can download an adventure or two and make a go at it. They're great fun!

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    Book preview

    Truths of a Liar - Matthew D. Ryan


    Matthew D. Ryan

    Copyright 2019 Matthew D. Ryan

    Blood Cover Image Copyright © Can Stock Photo / Jamenpercy

    Book Cover Image Copyright © Can Stock Photo / AlexKalina

    The Smashwords Edition

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    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Other Stories and Novels by Matthew D. Ryan

    About the Author

    Excerpt: Drasmyr: Prologue

    Chapter One

    The balance of the world is not as it seems. Those things counted as good and those counted as evil render a different verdict upon Creation than anything man might imagine. For the many gods of men abound in myth and tales of magic. But the truth behind their mystery is far, far more deadly.

    They call me Grimlyrd—their petty, feeble minds grasping for a name to call the thing of ultimate fear. I have many such names—Baalarr, Kuhlithon, Excarrigas and a dozen more—some are, of course, more complimentary than others. Regardless, they know enough to fear me, to only whisper my name in the lowest of tones, and dread my twisted, silver tongue that feeds their minds with my most devilish plans. They accuse me of lies, deceit, and destruction, but they only know the half of it. For a liar that always lies is easily found out. But if you mix in truth with your lies, even the very Gates of Heaven come into play. Imagine that. The Gates of Heaven falling to scheming wiles. To that end, I have a second face; a handsome face, one I am careful to reveal. So beautiful. So sweet.

    So very, very seductive.

    A schemer, that's what I am. And a liar. None can withstand my intrigues; none can unravel my machinations. Worms. That's what they are. Insects. Smaller still. Mere germs; the many invisible specks that inhabit the air they breathe.

    A man once said that since he thought, he must, therefore, exist; and no one could prove him wrong on that. That is true, of course, but only because I haven't tried. For what is the mind of man against my power? Who else can make a square seem round and make up seem down? I am Grimlyrd. The creator and the destroyer. The giver and the taker. The liar and the truthteller. Without me, they are nothing. Insignificant souls, ready for the flames.

    Feel my anger. Feel my joy. They are two sides of the same coin, you see. Two Faces of the same Being.


    And I do not suffer challengers, nor do I bear the ill-will of those who might affront me. There are none but me in the Destiny of Man. I exist to claim souls, to break spirits, to gain the power that still eludes me, and remake all of Heaven in my own twisted image. Sans God.

    The God of All told me once, They are in your power. And so they are.

    And so they are.

    Chapter Two

    Kenji Qualistar lay prostrate on the floor of the Temple of the Great Prophet. He didn't feel the cold of the clay tiles beneath him. He focused all his thought, all his attention on the prayers he chanted to himself. To his right and left, other Krahlosan worshipers lay praying as well. A dozen yards in front of him, the Temple Alfar lit the final stick of incense: the Plume of Ascension.

    One by one, as the scent of the incense reached them, the worshipers lifted themselves just enough to slide their knees beneath themselves and assumed a kneeling position. Kenji did likewise.

    Kenji lifted his eyes but he didn't focus them. He was consumed with his thoughts. Deep, heady thoughts about his religion; about life and truth, justice, and the service to one's god. He was deep in struggle, waging holy ahlmoliarn on the problem that consumed him.

    He didn't know what to do with himself. The tenets of his religion said that Krahlos had a plan for him. He'd like to believe so. But he just couldn't see it. How could he discern Krahlos' will?

    He faced the ultimate choice. He longed to serve his deity. He longed to devote his life, and even his death, to him. To that end, one path called to him ... if he had the courage. The path of the deathdancer. Could he stomach such? He was good with a sword; that wasn't the issue. He'd served as a soldier in the Saa-Lanaar's army for three years. He'd learned the sword, the bow, and the spear. He'd killed

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