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Tidal Magic: A Tabula Rasa Book 1
Tidal Magic: A Tabula Rasa Book 1
Tidal Magic: A Tabula Rasa Book 1
Ebook241 pages2 hours

Tidal Magic: A Tabula Rasa Book 1

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About this ebook

Riva is the firstborn Princess of the Atlantic. Her strange powers must be hidden at all costs and are a constant reminder of how different she is from her own people.
An arranged marriage looms on the horizon. Struggling to come to grips with her new reality, Riva is left with no choice.
She must escape.
Her journey leads her to a faraway place filled with magic and peril. Tabula Rasa is a city where all are welcome. A chance encounter with a Shifter Fae leaves her reeling.
Perhaps she isn’t so alone after all.
*This book changes POV's and follows the Clutch Mistress Series.

Tabula Rasa Series
Tidal Magic
Blood Origin
Rune Gate

PublisherJanelle Peel
Release dateJun 29, 2019
Tidal Magic: A Tabula Rasa Book 1

Janelle Peel

Janelle is a Military Spouse and mother of two gorgeous girls. She loves to read and loves to write. Want to become a member of the Clutch and get the official newsletter? Signup here! Not a fan of emails? Follow her on facebook!

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    Book preview

    Tidal Magic - Janelle Peel

    Tidal Magic

    A Tabula Rasa Book

    Janelle Peel

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2018 Janelle Peel

    To be notified when Janelle Peel’s next book is released, follow her online at

    Or sign up here to become a member of the Clutch and receive her newsletter:

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing from the author, except for brief quotations used for promotion or in reviews.

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any persons, businesses, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

    Tiff and Jennifer,

    without you both I never would have found the courage to start this spinoff.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18



    Riva is the firstborn Princess of the Atlantic. Her strange powers must be hidden at all costs and are a constant reminder of how different she is from her own people.

    An arranged marriage looms on the horizon. Struggling to come to grips with her new reality, Riva is left with no choice.

    She must escape.

    Her journey leads her to a faraway place filled with magic and peril. Tabula Rasa is a city where all are welcome. A chance encounter with a Shifter Fae leaves her reeling.

    Perhaps she isn’t so alone after all.

    Dear reader,

    The Tabula Rasa Series takes place after the Clutch Mistress Series. While the series can be read alone, it is recommended that you read the Clutch Mistress Series first. Important events have been skimmed over, but not detailed. I have included a Glossary at the end of the book for your convenience.

    Happy reading,


    Chapter 1


    Be still. If I’m to fit you properly for Prince Titus to receive you, I need you to stop pacing.

    Jutting out my lower lip, I glared at my mother’s reflection in the spelled bubble window overlooking the coral reef below.

    I didn’t want to get married.

    Curling my fingers into fists, I grumbled, This is ridiculous. Why not let Luna marry him? She’s practically drooling all over him as we speak.

    Turning away, she caressed a delicate strand of sea glass with a frustrated sigh. It is not our way and you know it. You are my firstborn. This must be done to keep the peace between our oceans.

    Squinting my eyes into slits, I perused her profile. Rows of tightly plaited braids adorned her head in multiple shades of blue and silver. Similar to my own abalone-colored hair, but lighter. No one knew her age, but she looked like a water goddess. Her aquamarine irises stood out in stark relief against her porcelain skin. Refractive scales near her temples winked in and out of view and were lit by the swirling jellyfish suspended high above my chamber. For the millionth time I wondered how old she was.

    As Queen of our people, Nanu had gone through the same arrangement in her youth. Naively, I had hoped she’d hear me out. No such luck.

    Father would never have let this happen.

    My chest pinched at the thought. I missed him so much. He understood me and my strange abilities. While all our people held sway with the sea, I alone could bend it to my will. His disappearance left a hollowness that no amount of kelp gin could burn away. Why had he gone to the surface? Was the expansion of the sea really so important? Was he still out there with the guard he’d taken to protect him?

    He’d promised to come back.

    Of its own accord, my hand rose to the clam-shell necklace nestled between my breasts. As I traced the edges of the last gift he’d given me, a measure of comfort soothed my frazzled nerves. Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders. Mother? Can I have a moment, please?

    Her gaze softened. You need to meet the Pacifian Prince in one hour, Riva. I can only spare ten minutes. But, you must promise to behave when I return.

    I nodded. Of course.

    As the door closed, my pulse skyrocketed. The last thing my father said to me bounced around my skull.

    "Only open this under the gravest of circumstances. If I don’t return, this shell has the answers you seek. I love you, Riva."

    If this didn’t qualify as grave, I didn’t know what did.

    Snapping the cord from my neck, I scrutinized the large shell inside my palm. Pitch black, it was the complete opposite of anything my family wore. Mermaids preferred shiny things. On more than one occasion mother had asked me to leave it in my room. It was unbecoming of an Atlantean Princess.

    Shrugging away the thought, I dug my nails into the sealed edge. The sides came apart with a wet popping sound, and a folded sheaf of seaweed fluttered to the floor.

    He’d written me a note.

    I lowered to a squat, and my fingers trembled as I plucked it from the sand. Hope and anger warred within me. Why hadn’t he told me?

    Gently, I unfolded the aged page. His deep bass echoed inside my mind.

    Riva, I am so sorry I have not returned. The waters are rising and I must find out why. Whatever is happening on the surface could spell disaster for our people. The Arcticians are threatening war to expand their borders. I’ve done my best to keep them at bay, and have promised Luna’s hand to the Pacifian Prince to unite against them. In my heart, I know you would refuse a forced marriage. You are a gyre, a strong current that can never be restrained. I wish I had more time. I am not your father, Riva, but I have always loved you like my own. Nanu had a dalliance before our union.

    Chills skittered down my spine in tandem with the tears blurring my vision. Swiping at my cheeks, I continued.

    She never gave me his name, though I did find out where they met. The location is inside the shell’s pearl. If you want answers, head east. As you near the Gate the pearl will glow brighter.

    I love you, my little Seahorse.

    King Riker

    Ice spread through my veins and quickly encased my heart. My mother had lied to me.

    Robotically, I stripped the layers of silk wrapped tightly around my body. I had to know where I came from. Moving to the table, I tore the letter in half just above his instructions. While I wanted to snub my Queen, leaving my people in the lurch was something I could not do. Luna was to marry the Prince by royal decree. She was the true heir, not me.

    Selecting a random sack made of vine, I tucked the note back inside the shell and carefully placed it inside. Cinching the cord at my waist, I poked my head into the hall.

    The guards outside my room immediately stood at attention. Lifting stone tridents, they thumped the ends down on the ground in unison.

    Making sure to keep my nearly naked frame hidden, I adopted a regal expression. Marko, please send for Luna. I need to speak with her immediately.

    The green scales lining his thickly corded arms sparkled as he bowed. As you wish, Princess.

    Closing the door softly, I began pacing my chamber.

    On the fifth circuit, Luna arrived.

    Her aqua eyes widened. Riva! Mother is going to be livid. Get dressed! She’ll be here any moment!

    Tipping my chin, I took in the small crown just above her brow. This simply wouldn’t do. Lifting my hand, I reached for the tidal wave of power buried inside my chest. A stream of water began trickling through the window’s barrier. Splaying my fingers, I directed it to replace hers with my own diadem.

    Her mouth opened in shock. What are you doing? You can’t!

    Shh, I soothed, centering the egg-shaped blue topaz stone in the middle of her forehead. Satisfied, I tucked a few strands of her hair behind one ear. You know I’m different, Luna. I cannot rule, and I will not marry the Prince. This is your destiny. Plucking the sheaf of seaweed from the table, I held it out. Father said so.

    Skimming the page, she stuttered, H-he wrote this? Where did you find it?

    Is it not in his hand? He left it for me inside my shell.

    Shaking her head, she quipped, That hideous thing?

    I laughed. Yes, now I have to go. Gripping her shoulders, I met her gaze. You will make a fine Queen. Rule well, Sister. I love you.

    She sniffled. You’re leaving? You can’t go. What will I do without you?

    Pulling her shorter frame against my own, I held her tight. You’ll be just fine. If I stay I’ll only be your competition. Squeezing once, I leaned back. Buy me some time?

    Her voice warbled. I can, but I don’t understand why Mother would have you marry him when she knew it wasn’t right. Will you come back?

    I sighed. I don’t know, but I have to do this. There’s only so much time left before Mother reseals the border and then I’m trapped here.

    She of all people knew how hard hiding my dual nature was.

    Tenderly, Luna pressed a kiss to my brow. Be safe, Riva. Try to come home if you can.

    Memorizing her face, I stepped to the window. I promise.

    The sound of our mother’s voice reverberated through the door. You’d better be ready, Riva. We’re out of time.

    I lowered to the ledge, and my toes pierced the sphere. The sea caressed my legs as they melded together in a shimmer of light. Instantly, small turquoise scales replaced my skin. Shifting to the left, I made room for the pink fin that unfurled from my rear and past where my feet had been. Tipping my head, I glanced back at Luna as she braced her body against the door.

    She mouthed, "Go!"

    Arching my back, I plunged into the water.

    Gils immediately lined my ribs as I took my first breath. Reaching to my well, I called upon the ocean. Help me!

    The current increased, and the reef passed by in a blur of speed. Cocooned inside its embrace, I headed east.

    The rumbles of my stomach slowly drew my progress to a standstill. I’d never used so much power at once, and hadn’t realized how hungry it would make me.

    Unfortunately, in my haste to leave, I had forgotten to bring a weapon. Then again, I wouldn’t have much use for one. After father’s departure, Mother had ruled with an iron fist. My sparring lessons were labeled as a frivolous exercise and were unbecoming of a Princess.

    Drifting to the seafloor, I fingered the ball clutched tightly inside my fist. The color hadn’t changed.

    Soft cries echoed to my ears from a ridge up ahead. Curious as to the source, I swished my tail for a closer look.

    The sharp tang of copper filtered through my gills and silenced the gnawing hunger piercing my midsection. Fear quivered along my spine as I gripped the edge of the ravine.

    Frantically, a white-sided dolphin calf circled the bloody remains of its mother.

    My heart pinched as I took in the chunks of meat swirling around the rocky ground. Bile burned the back of my tongue. What could have done such a thing? Where was the child’s pod?

    A dark shape sliced through water and headed directly for the mewling young.

    Indecision flashed through me. I had a mission, and this detour would only let my own people get closer. By now the guard had most likely picked up my trail. It was only a matter of time before they caught up to me.

    On the other hand, I hated bullies.

    I opened my mouth, and a deep tone emitted from the back of my throat as the great white’s jaws opened wide to swallow his prey. The note rippled through the sea with a blue-ringed concussion.

    Confused, the shark arrowed to the left to avoid the sonar wave.

    Taking advantage of his distraction, I dived toward the calf.

    She was frozen in fear, and her gray eyes widened as I slammed into her. Her tail slapped across my cheek with a prick of pain. I gripped her dorsal fin, and my momentum carried us deeper into the ravine.

    Her terror raced through our connecting skin, and I nearly let go. Never had I experienced such horror. Tightening my hold, I pushed feelings of calm. Her body stiffened for a moment before settling.

    A white belly orbited in agitated turns above our hiding spot. Too wide to fit through the gap, the beast simply had to wait us out.

    Heaving a bubbled sigh, I focused on the pale-yellow patches on either side of the calf. From tip to tail she was just over three feet in length. Running the calculation through my head, I judged her birth to have occurred within the last day or two. Her mom had probably stopped to have her here. And now she was an orphan.

    Panic slipped through our link, in tandem with her sharp whistle.

    Shh, I soothed, knowing her cries and her mother’s corpse would only draw more predators to us.

    She struggled in my arms with a clicking chirp.

    Unwilling to let her leave, I raked my mind for the cause of her distress. The revelation hit me with a heavy dose of anxiety.

    She couldn’t breathe!

    Gently, I pushed feelings of understanding through our bond. Expanding my chest, I twisted her body to the side and tapped her blowhole.

    Confused, she clacked her teeth.

    Pointing to my face, I blew a stream of bubbles toward her stubby beak.

    Relief filtered through our connection as she expelled the used oxygen in a long burst.

    Latching onto her skin before the saltwater could invade her lungs, I filtered fresh air into her body. As her vent closed beneath my lips, I slumped back against the rocks.

    We’d bought a reprieve, but for how long?

    A nip on my elbow brought me back to the waking world. It seemed I’d dozed off and the babe needed more air.

    I reached out to snag her fin, and she shied away.

    Frowning, I tried again as a loud moan tore through the water. Dozens more followed in its wake.

    The small hairs on the nape of my neck stood at attention as I followed the young’s line of sight.

    Zipping above us, an eight-foot-long male rammed into the great white’s side. A smaller female hit the

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