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From Delaford To Barton A Tale of Colonel Brandon: A Story Inspired by Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility
From Delaford To Barton A Tale of Colonel Brandon: A Story Inspired by Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility
From Delaford To Barton A Tale of Colonel Brandon: A Story Inspired by Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility
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From Delaford To Barton A Tale of Colonel Brandon: A Story Inspired by Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility

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"Brandon is just the kind of man' said Willoughby one day when they were talking of him together',' whom everybody speaks well of, and nobody cares about; whom all are delighted to see, and no one remember to talk to."  Jane Austen ~ Sense and Sensibility

He is dark and brooding, always carefully tucked in a corner.  There is a wall around what is left of his heart that keeps everyone out. Little is known of Colonel Brandon's history, his best friend John Middleton is his only confidant.  Meet Christopher Brandon as a child at Delaford and watch him grow into a young man full of hope and love only to see it taken from him so cold-heartedly.  What happens to man thrust into a foreign war?  Can these events explain his solitude and solemnity?  Will a young ward and the Dashwood family change him forever? 

Second Edition, with all-new chapters and expanded content.

Release dateJul 5, 2019
From Delaford To Barton A Tale of Colonel Brandon: A Story Inspired by Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility

Kristine E F Boyce

Kristine E F Boyce is not a writer, at least if you asked her, she wouldn’t say she was. She is a day dreamer, creator, and has a pretty wild imagination. The ideas for her stories come from her vivid dreams. She has written four of these crazy dreams down on paper but this is the first she had the courage to show the public.  Growing up was a constant adventure, moving from one country to the next with a military family. The romance and castles of Europe forever coloring her memories. Now she is settled in Central Florida, when she is not busy with her photography business or attempts at growing a garden, she is wrangling her two teenage boys, who have zero appreciation for her photos or romantic notions of love.   

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    From Delaford To Barton A Tale of Colonel Brandon - Kristine E F Boyce

    From Delaford to Barton:

    A Tale of Colonel Brandon

    A story inspired by

    Sense and Sensibility

    Written by Jane Austen

    I could not be happy with a man whose taste did not in every point coincide with my own. He must enter in all my feelings; the same books, the same music must charm us both. — Jane Austen

    Dorsetshire, England 1799

    By all accounts, Delaford was a modestly large home. The property had been in the family for over four hundred years. The land was given to Sir Grant Brandon by King Richard the II in 1385 for services rendered in the Hundred Years’ War.

    There wasn’t much in the way of an actual building, but over time a fine home was built and the land surrounding it produced enough to support a tenancy of farmers and craftsmen. Each new lord added to and improved on the holdings and it became a place of culture, music, and community.

    Christopher James Brandon was born at Delaford on a rainy Tuesday. James Brandon, being the lord of a large estate, needed sons to carry on his legacy. He and his wife Cecilia were only too happy to add another son to their family.

    It had come as a surprise to the parents when it was confirmed that she was indeed pregnant. They had experienced terrible heartache in having children. Of the seven times she conceived, only three had survived. A baby girl was lost before the birth of her daughter Melody, who was born five years before Hale and two stillborn boys and then a girl who only lived a few sweet months.

    Christopher was something like a miracle to Cecilia. She had taken every precaution and rested away from society for most of her term. She was decided that she would not attempt to have another child after him for fear of losing her good health. James was wholly satisfied having a daughter and two healthy sons, one to carry on the family business and one to take up arms for His Majesty King George III.

    Christopher was a solemn baby, rarely making a fuss, so they had affectionately named him Little Man. In those rare times when he did smile, he was like an angel; his grin lit up his soulful green eyes and everyone nearby would instantly fall in love with him. The eldest son Hale, being seven years old, was unimpressed by the mewling infant and went back to his activities without much notice.

    When Christopher was almost a year old, his aunt had died in childbirth. Claire was his mother’s youngest sister and her husband was quite incapable of taking care of a child in his depressed state. Within a month, he ended his life with a pistol while in a deep depression after losing his young wife. The nanny heard the shot and found the man in a bloody heap in his study. Not knowing what to do with the infant, she had the housekeeper send a message to their few close relatives.

    It was decided that James and Cecilia would take on the girl as their ward and raise her. She was named Eliza after his mother Elizabeth. At only five weeks old, she arrived at Delaford with a wet nurse, the nanny and a modest inheritance from her fathers’ estate. Her father had at least the sense to put his wishes for her care down in a will.

    It was a windfall for James, for his investments in Caribbean trade had been failing as of late. Bad weather and pirates had taken or sunk the last three ships traveling from the West Indies and James feared the worst for his business. With the money passed to his newly acquired charge, he was able to settle his debts and arrange for new ships to be built. After some improvements to the estate, there was still plenty extra for her future inheritance.

    The two children shared a nursery for the first five years of their lives together, becoming fast friends. She would toddle after him wherever he went. Eliza was the only one who could make Christopher laugh. Peals of laughter could be heard from wherever they were.

    They alternately played together and fought together as children do, but at the end of the day, they were friends once again. The nannies had their hands full keeping up with them as one of their favorite games was hide and seek. Sometimes they were not to be found for an hour. When their hiding place was discovered, they would giggle quietly to each other.

    After a sound scolding by Mother Cecilia, they were sent back to the nursery, already planning the next adventure. Hale regarded their games with disdain and would rarely join in, instead choosing to go hunting with Father or studying languages. Melody would watch with longing from a distance, at seventeen years old she was already introduced into society and was expected to behave as a lady would.

    Time passes as it tends to do and soon the children were separated by their various tutors and activities. Melody made an excellent match in marriage and was living outside London with her husband. Hale was now nearly a man in his teen years and attending Eton for his formal education. James was already grooming him to join him in his shipping business.

    In the last seven years, the Brandons had seen prosperity and the estate had tripled in wealth. Some of the other lords would look in his direction at court and whisper. It was considered beneath his station in the gentry to work for his living, but James did not care and neither did the King. He always returned handsome profits for the royal treasury.

    Now at thirteen, Christopher was becoming a rather strapping lad with rakishly blond locks, and he was almost ready to attend Eton for his turn at his education. He enjoyed the numerous maps his father had commissioned for him. He had dreamed of exploring distant land. Christopher had grown into his love of all things military, spending his free time planning skirmishes with his tin soldiers, but in a very serious way. Napoléon’s military strength was reaching far into Eastern Europe and he wanted to be ready when it was his turn to defend his country and the King.

    Eliza was becoming a beauty in her own right. She was tall for a girl, and much like her mother, she had golden hair that curled naturally. Her grey eyes were perfectly shaped and combined with her thick dark lashes, made people often pause to admire her.

    Cecilia had taken to her immediately when she came to Delaford and had raised her like she was her own. She made sure that Eliza had all the manners and talents that a lady should. She sang like a nightingale and played the pianoforte and the harp with grace and ease. At twelve years old she was already a great help to Cecilia in planning and hosting the grand parties they would throw.

    Christopher and Eliza spent less and less time in each other’s company due to their educational obligations, but they promised that when he went away to school, they would write every week to make sure they didn’t miss anything.

    On a rare day when there were no appointments or anyone petitioning for their time, they found themselves together in the library. It was rainy and gloomy, perhaps it reflected Christopher’s mood, for he was to leave for school in two weeks.

    I am not fond of this rain. It makes me so chilled, even the fire won’t warm me, come sit with me? I haven’t seen but five minutes of you for days. She pointed to the chair across from her by the fireplace.

    I am sorry Princess Eliza. Father keeps me so busy these days. I have missed our talks. He sat in the chair opposite her.

    Mother Cecilia has me planning the menu for your going away party. There will be roast goose with new potatoes, baked rabbit with dressing, chicken pasties, plenty of vegetables...oh and the desserts. There will be late summer strawberries in clotted cream, peach and blueberry tarts. The cook has made some wonderful food to sample but is all tastes like straw to me.

    Why is that dear cousin? He regarded her sad grey eyes with concern.

    Because once the meal is consumed it means you are to leave me for four long years.

    Oh, come now, I will be home on holidays, it won’t be all that bad and we are writing to one another. Yes, but who will I practice the pianoforte with? She lamented.

    Now you know that my playing is wooden and joyless, he jested.

    I would have to agree for it makes mine sound so much more wonderful. Eliza’s laughter twinkled out into the room.

    You little scamp! He threw a pillow at her, which she managed to avoid by jumping up and running around to the back of the chairs. He grabbed another and launched it at her. She popped up and it hit her square in the face. She stopped dead and stared at him in surprise. With an impish look, she quickly picked up the pillow and hurled it back at him.

    She missed her mark and he started to run after her, she squeaked and headed towards the doorway, but he cut her off, she then went back around the chairs and finally toward the windows. He followed fast behind her and caught her as she climbed onto the pillows in the picture window.

    They were both laughing and breathing heavily as they fell side by side on the window seat. Her pretty blonde curls were in shambles and his clothing was disheveled from running. He reached over to push the tendrils from her face, his eyes never leaving hers. He brushed his thumb over her cheek as he brought his hand back down. She suddenly became very serious.

    What is the matter? he asked her.

    I am going to miss you cousin.

    I am going to miss you too.

    I think you should kiss me.

    He stared back at her, frozen. He had never considered this before. She was raised like his sister.

    I don’t think I will, he replied warily.

    You must before you leave me for, I fear I will lose you forever. She pouted her pretty lips and he suddenly felt overcome with emotion. She was truly beautiful, and he knew at that moment that he was in love with her.

    He closed his eyes and leaned in toward her and met her soft yielding lips with his own. Although it was brief, he felt he was struck by lightning. His heart beat faster as if it would explode. He pulled back and she still had her eyes closed. They fluttered open and she smiled at him.

    ‘Liza, I do believe I love you, the declaration that came from his young heart was spoken so softly to her.

    Christopher, I also love you. Now I will miss you even more, she leaned into his chest and curled up in his strong arms, how will I bear it?

    It is only a few months until I return for Christmas break and I will bring you wonderful gifts from London.

    Speaking of gifts, I have something for you, I meant to keep it for your going away party, but I will give it to you now. She sat up and pulled a royal blue crushed velvet bag from her pocket. It had his initials boldly embroidered on it in fine silver thread. She had the biggest smile on her face as she handed it to him.

    I did the lettering myself, Mother Cecilia helped me find the rest.

    He opened the bag and a shiny round medallion slid into his hand. On the front was an ornate cross and the back held an engraving of St. Christopher. It felt warm in his hand as he turned it over and over to admire it.

    Thank you, this is superbly crafted. I will keep it with me always.

    It will keep you safe from all harm. He is the patron saint of the traveler and will watch over you when you embark on your glorious military career.

    That is years from now, I need to survive school first. I have something to give you in return. He reached into his inside pocket and took out his embroidered handkerchief and placed it in her hand. She kissed it and then tucked it carefully into her overdress.

    Come now, I say we sneak down to the kitchens to nip some cookies and see what the cook is making for supper. Christopher almost whispered as they shared a conspiratorial look then together, they fled the library.

    Chapter 2

    THE SCHOOL YEAR STARTED and as promised they wrote to each

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