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Coal Dust and Cave Mud a New Life at Sixteen
Coal Dust and Cave Mud a New Life at Sixteen
Coal Dust and Cave Mud a New Life at Sixteen
Ebook60 pages49 minutes

Coal Dust and Cave Mud a New Life at Sixteen

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Some people say that we are who we are because of our environment and genes, but things have happened to me that lead me to believe that there is a something more directing our lives on this small planet. There are connections that are hard to explain. Connections with the people we meet and the places we live and visit. When I paused and looked back on my life I found lots of things that seemed divinely directed. A lot of them were not necessarily about me, but about others and I only played a small part in it. For example, when writing this book I knew that I needed someone to proofread it. As I neared completion of the book a new co-worker told me of her previous employment with a publisher and that she had done a lot of proofreading. You could just take this as good fortune, but I take as a God thing. He not only met her need for a new job but at the same time provided a friend to proof my books!

Release dateJun 30, 2019
Coal Dust and Cave Mud a New Life at Sixteen

Hubert Crowell

Hubert Crowell currently writes, explores caves, plays the fiddle and works three days a week. He has in the past panned for gold, served in the army, repaired TV's, microfilm equipment, video projectors, and other electronic devices. He has taught classes at Vocational School, Eastman Kodak and Church. He has worked at Lockheed, Kodak, BARCO, and RCA to mention only a few. Studied at Southeastern University, Kennesaw University, and Chattahoochee Technical College. Hubert's articles, poems, and music can be found at

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    Coal Dust and Cave Mud a New Life at Sixteen - Hubert Crowell

    Coal Dust and Cave Mud a New Life at Sixteen

    The Memoir of A Coal Miner’s Son

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Copyright © 2012 Hubert Crowell

    ISBN: 9780463960783

    Publisher: Smashwords, Inc.


    Without a dream we have nothing. What is life but a dream and being able to put a little bit of it to work. Hubert H. Crowell.


    Growing up just seems to happen, there is no stopping it. We get older each day. Along the way we have experiences that keep coming back and replaying in our minds over and over again. At some point in life a lot of us will have the urge to write about them. I don’t know if my life is much different than all the other men who grew up in the 50’s and 60’s, but I would like to share it with you anyway.

    Some people say that we are who we are because of our environment and genes, but things have happened to me that lead me to believe that there is a something more directing our lives on this small planet. There are connections that are hard to explain. Connections with the people we meet and the places we live and visit. When I paused and looked back on my life I found lots of things that seemed divinely directed. A lot of them were not necessary about me, but about others and I only played a small part in it. For example, when writing this book I knew that I needed someone to proof read it. As I neared completion of the book a new co–worker told me of her previous employment with a publisher and that she had done a lot of proof reading. You could just take this as good fortune, but I take as a God thing. He not only met her need for a new job, but at the same time provided a friend to proof my books!




    Who put up with so much and who showed me how to have a good time enjoying the great things that life has to offer.


    To Kathleen for the love and patience she has shown me through the years. For my daughter, Deanna, for the joy she has brought me. I would also like to thank my sister, Pat, for the stories of my past and for keeping the pictures. A special thanks to Jenny, who spent time proofing my work and giving me suggestions.

    Chapter 4 Return to Providence

    I was working at a drive–in movie theater at night, cutting school in the day and always on the edge of getting into trouble. The owner of the theater rented our three story home in Providence, and we lived in the trailer, parked behind the house. My younger sister was getting older, and the trailer was getting crowded, so I was given the basement of the house for my bedroom.

    Drive–in Theater

    I would ride to work with the theater owner and run the projection equipment all night until the last show was over. The movies came in two boxes with two reels of film in each box. We would have to wind the film through our hands to inspect for bad splices before showing the movie. If you had a bad splice, the film would break or jam in the middle. The image would stop on the screen and a hole would start to burn in the middle. It would really look strange on the screen. Then the horns would start

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