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Smoky Mountain Murder
Smoky Mountain Murder
Smoky Mountain Murder
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Smoky Mountain Murder

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When tragic stricks America's favorite vacation destination, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, wildfires brush through the town and ruin everything in its touch. In the midst of sorrow times, three murders take place within a twenty-four hour period. How will the locals react? Will it ruin their plans to rebuild and welcome tourist back to their town, or will the beauty of Gatlinburg be lost?

Release dateJul 29, 2019
Smoky Mountain Murder

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    Smoky Mountain Murder - Justin Lambe


    COPYRIGHT ©2019 Justin D. Lambe

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Author, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

    To contact the author, email

    ISBN-13:  9781091375093

    First Printing: July 2019

    PRINTED IN THE UNITED States Of America

    Also by Justin D. Lambe

    Peanut Butter Cookie Murder

    A Picture Perfect View

    Death By Gingerbread

    Death In Sparkling Cove

    Order In The DEATH

    Small Town Hope

    Smoky Mountain Murder

    A Seashell Bay Mystery Series:

    Caribbean Dreams and Murder

    Snowy With A Chance Of Death

    To the victims of the Gatlinburg wildfires that demolished the town a couple years ago. My heart breaks for you and thoughts and prayers goes out to the victims that are trying to recover and rebuild today.

    Smoky Mountain Murder


    The sun peeked over the horizon, glistening against the Florida Coast. The forecast for Largo today was sunny and eighty degrees. It’d be nice if you could work outside all day, but for some people, they didn’t get that luxury.

    Bob Powers sat at his desk and couldn’t help but admire the sunrise. One thing that’d become a tradition to him was to start his day before the sun woke up from his nightly nap. With him being the owner of Sunny Acres Real Estate Agency, he could make his own schedules.

    He sat back in his chair and looked through his daily schedule. How can it be Monday already? That weekend flew by, which we partied it away. Having one dinner party after the next, that’s the reason why, It consisted of two closings today and two brand new listings. Whew, that piled into one day, he could see a nap in his future. He wasn’t a young man anymore, and could feel his age of sixty-three showing. Those retirement years were looking better all the time.

    Let’s take a peek at everyone’s schedule for the day, shall we?

    With a click or two of his computer mouse, it pulled up the other agents calendar. Five closings today not counting his, and ten new listings. You could tell it was Monday around here, but at least his office was bringing in the money already this week.

    Shoot, Bob realized he had an important meeting this afternoon with a special friend. His secretary Ms. Bloom would be hounding him about it. She was the noisiest woman in the office and thought she needed to know everything, but certain business affairs didn’t concern her and Bob often reminded her of that as well.

    Bob sat back in his chair and lite a Smith cigar. He couldn’t help but think back to the first day he opened his real estate office twenty-two years ago. He started out by himself with one listing and that was his mother’s house. She passed away two weeks before opening the office and since he didn’t have any brothers or sisters, and no way to keep up the house with his busy schedule, he decided to sell the property. His father ran out on him when he was six years old, so his mother played both roles during his childhood. Still to this day, it’s

    unknown where his father was at.

    All of this emerged and grew from one listing back twenty-two years ago. It’s amazing how one little idea and it’s brought us this far. Hundred of listings now, ten agents and we’re covering Largo, Clearwater, and surrounding areas; things couldn’t get any better than this, He looked at his yearly reports from ten years ago. My previous accountant would pass out if he saw my profit totals now. He thought they were big then, but now it’s doubled. Not bragging on myself, but our team works extra hard and we’re the top agency in this area. Good customer service and our marketing and advertising pushes up to the top.

    Bob knew without a good team backing him, he wouldn’t had been able to keep the doors open this long. His team was incredible and wouldn’t trade them off for anything in the world..

    Two hours later, Bob replied to the last email in his inbox. Wanda Bloom walked in his office wearing her red dress and sparkly white shoes. She placed a gallon coffee jug on his desk.

    Good morning, early bird. Did you catch your worm this morning?

    He looked up from his computer screen. Morning to you to Miss. Bloom. I think tomorrow we need to change up that phrase. You’ve said that for ten years now, He rubbed his aching forehead. Staring at that screen for two hours straight had a way of causing shooting pains through his head. Maybe he needed new prescription reading glasses. Thanks for the coffee. You’d be amazed at how much work you can get done before daylight each day.

    She shook her head, while she poured him a cup. You know what I have to say about that. No, I don’t like mornings, so I’m not coming in before the crack of dawn . If I can’t get my work done between eight to five, I’ll do it tomorrow. Besides, it takes two hours to perfect my hair and makeup. And speaking about the morning phrase, we’ll work on that but I’m not making any promises about changing it. I’ve said it for ten years and it’s become a tradition.

    Wanda had thick curly blonde hair and always wore tons of hairspray to keep it in tack, and let’s not get started about her makeup. She was in her sixties, but wanted to look like she was eighteen again. Bob threaten one time to ban her from wearing it, but feared it’d cause the biggest argument Largo had ever seen, so he bit his tongue and didn’t say a word.

    Bob stood up and looked at the sparkling waves crashing against the shore. Where his office was located, it was five hundred feet from the ocean, which made it tempting in the summer time to pull up a beach chair and spend the day by the shore. Wanda, did you see my schedule for today? I have a couple closings and new listings.

    She took a seat on the office couch. Yes, and tell me what that meeting this afternoon is about. I see a gentleman by the name of Joseph Madison is coming. Is he wanting to sell property or what? I also see you’ve tagged a certain property in the database. What’s the reason for that?

    Bob turned around. This was typical Wanda to want to put her nose in every office matter. "You’ll find out. This is between me and him this afternoon, and I don’t want any snooping either. The last meeting I had, I knew you sat at the door and listed to every word. Remember what I told you last time..."

    Wanda finished his sentence, Yes, you said if I was caught again you’d shut the door on my big noise. A little eavesdropping isn’t hurting anything?. I’m your secretary you know and I have to keep track of office activities.

    Certain ones, but if it doesn’t pertain to you or my tasks that’s assigned to you, stay out of it.

    The kid came out of Wanda. It’s not fair. I have a right to know what goes on in this office!

    Indeed you do, but some things you don’t. Trust me, you’ve got the rest of this office covered eighty percent and know what type of mail everyone is getting each day.

    I do not know about the mail.

    Oh, yes you do. I’ve seen how you hold the envelopes up to the light, trying to see what it says. Or how you shake each package that comes in to figure out it’s content?

    We’ll you’ve got me dead to right, Bob, but it’s my nature. See I could be a private investigator in my next life.

    He took a seat in his leather office chair. That job would fit you perfectly, and you’d have loads of experience.

    By that time, Wanda’s face glowed a bright cherry red. I’m threw talking to you. I’ve got work to do. Let me know if you need anything.

    Thank you, Ms. Bloom, and remember what we talked about.

    She got up from the couch and walked toward the door. How can I ever forget our lovely conversation this morning?

    Bob shook his head and couldn’t help but laugh. That Wanda Bloom was something, and had been that way ever since he hired her twenty years ago. She was a darn good secretary and kept his business in tact and pointed him in the right direction, so he’d keep her a little longer, in spite of her being a first class nosy-rosy.

    He looked down at the computer clock. It read 8:37. He had his first closing scheduled for 9 and another one for 9:30. Luckily, he’d printed the paperwork last night, so all he needed was signatures and the buyer would be ready to move in. Did he remember where he kept the house keys? Bob pulled out his desk drawer and breathed a sigh of relief.

    One time ten years ago, he accidentally misplaced two sets of keys and had to pay to have the locks changed. Wanda had never let him live that day down and never will.

    Later that afternoon, Bob finished his lunch and could mark off the two new listings from his calendar. Boy, he was on a roll today. The last task on his schedule was to meet with Joseph, and speaking of which, was due to arrive at

    any minute.

    While Bob waited, he checked his email to see if anything new had came in while he was gone. In this line of work, especially with a website and good advertising, it was important to stay up on communications between potential buyers and sellers who wanted to list their property. Scrolling through the list, he found a couple that wanted to sell their house in the Southern Shore area of Largo. He quickly replied to schedule a good time to discuss.

    After hitting the send button, Bob’s telephone rung. It was Ms. Bloom.

    Bob, Mr. Joseph Madison is here to see you.

    He pulled his reading glasses off and placed them above his computer keyboard. Thank you... please send him in.

    A minute later, a small knock on the door and in walked Ms. Bloom in front, Mr. Madison to see you Mr. Powers.

    Bob stood up, Thank you. Please hold my calls for the next hour."

    She exited the room and in walked a tall man. By guessing he was six feet five inches. He wore a business suite and carried a leather briefcase.

    Good afternoon, Bob, it’s so good to see you. How long has it been, two years? He walked over to his desk.

    Bob reached out his hand to do a handshake, I don’t think it’s been that long Joseph. How have you been old buddy?

    Doing well. How’s Mary?

    Busy as ever. I hardly see her anymore, and when I do want to, I go to Ocean Sky’s Retirement to have dinner or catch her on breaks.

    Joseph took a seat on the couch. So she’s working there now?

    Yea, for twenty years.

    Oh... I’m showing my age Bob. My memory isn’t what it used to be, He shook his head and placed his briefcase on the floor. If I didn’t have April, I couldn’t even keep up with when to go here and there.

    I know what you mean. We’re not young bucks like we used to be, Joseph. We have lots of miles on our tires and our engines wearing out little by little.

    That sparked something in Joseph’s memory and he spoke up. Bob, that makes me recall the first car race we went to back in high school. That was at the old race track on Rte 1 outside of Clearwater, wasn’t it?

    Yes, that’s the one that overlooks the ocean and has the best corn dogs you’d ever tasted. Big quarter pounder.

    Joseph’s mouth watered, I could’ve eaten a hundred while we were there. Do they still have those races there, or do you know?

    Yes, the last one was back in the fall around the end of September. That’s the best time to go in my opinion. It’s not miserable hot and the leaves are changing.

    I know... The maple leaves are my favorite and luckily, I have a couple trees in my backyard. Has your grandchildren created a leave scrapbook yet?

    Joseph, if it doesn’t involve around their cell phone, they don’t want anything to do with it. I’ve never see a generation so addicted to those things.

    You can say that again, Joseph adjusted himself on the couch and pushed his glasses farther upon his face. My four-year-old granddaughter knows everything there is to know about her phone and blows my mind with her knowledge of modern technology at her age. When we grew up, there wasn’t anything like that. We was lucky to have a telephone in our house.

    You’re right and I don’t remember getting one of those til I was thirteen. It was the ole rotary dials, Bob recalled back to his mother teaching him to use it for the first time. He called his school friend Matthew to talk about baseball cards. These days, we have multiple lines on one telephone to handle the calls.

    If things could only go back to the simple days, but I’m afraid we’re too far gone to return. Speaking to which, did you find us a property like you and I had spoken about last week?

    Bob had almost forgot the reason for their meeting. He was too busy catching up and had let their upcoming business deal slip his mind. Yes, I found us a big office building and the price is under our budget. Let me pull it up and show you the listing.

    A couple clicks in the database and the listing appeared. It was a three floor office building with space for five tenets. Plenty of parking and located in Largo’s downtown district.

    Bob, this is wonderful. How did you luck up with this one?

    He pulled off his reading glasses, We’ll, I had a few connections and another firm was going out of business, so I inquired their listings and this one was included. She’s a beauty and I can’t get over the perfect location.

    Me too. We’ll have renters jumping at this the first day. This place can house five businesses easy with plenty of room for each space. What ya say, Bob? We’ll split the money 50/50...

    Before Joseph arrived, Bob had already made up his mind and wanted to go through with this deal. After all, they were getting a deal in this property, him and Joseph were best friends, and plenty of money to be made; He was crazy not to jump in. He reached out his hand and shook Joseph’s. Let’s go for it, best friend.

    A smile appeared on Joseph’s face. He was excited about this new adventure and wasn’t a green-horn in being a landlord. He’d rented out numerous properties in the past and made a big chunk of change on each one.

    Bob had printed up the closing paperwork to save a little time, so him and Joseph signed their names and Bob would take care of sending it to his attorney to finalize and settle the deal.

    Bob looked at Joseph, as he placed his pen back in the cup that set beside his keyboard. Well Mr. Madison, we just bought us a office building. How about we celebrate tonight by going to Twenty-one Steakhouse down on E. Ocean Boulevard? We’ll invite our wives as well.

    Another smile gleaned from Joseph’s face. He hadn’t had a steak from Twenty-one in a long time, and they did have the best in town. Wonderful idea, He looked down at his watch. "Since it’s almost four, do you want to go

    now? April is off and we was planning on going out tonight anyway."

    I don’t see why not. I was leaving after this meeting anyway today. Let’s meet in thirty minutes.

    Thirty minutes later, Joseph and April pulled up in their Tahoe beside Bob and Mary’s Suburban. Each got out and walked toward the front door of the restaurant.

    Twenty-One was nestled on the inlet and the sounds of water clashing up against the bank made for a relaxing dining experience. They had a seashell lined walkway to the cedar front doors. Inside, the decor carried the same cedar paneling that matched the doors. A fireplace was nestled in the center of the dining room, and served as back up grill for the kitchen.

    Outside, a small seating area was set up overlooking the inlet. On a clear day, you could dolphins jumping out of the water from miles away.

    The couples walked in and Mary turned and looked at April. We have a lot of catching up to do. We haven’t seen each other in forever.

    I agree. With work and spending time with my grandbabies, it doesn’t leave much room to do anything else.

    I know what you mean. How many grandchildren do you have?

    Three at the moment. Isaac is two, Mattie is three, and Luke is four, and growing like a weed, Mary pulled out her phone and showed April a picture.

    Gosh, if only you could keep them this small forever, April looked in the dining room and saw their hostess coming. That lady is coming to show us to our table. I hope they put us outside since it’s a beautiful evening.

    Mary whispered in April’s ear, Me too. I love to hear water while I’m enjoying dinner.

    The young lady came and showed them to their table and did seat them outside on the patio like Mary had wanted.

    Mary looked over at Bob, That lady was reading my mind. I’d told April a minute ago that I hoped they seated us out here and they did.

    I’m glad they did too, Bob turned and looked at Joseph and April. You and Mary are curious as to why Joseph and myself asked you out to dinner this evening. We wanted to share special news... We closed on a business deal together and we’re proud owners of the Fifth Street office building. Our plan is to rent it out so it’ll generate a good investment for us.

    Mary and April looked at each other and smiled, That sounds like a wonderful idea. You’ve got our support one hundred percent.

    Joseph spoke up, Something else, Bob you and Mary could try is investing your money into stocks. There’s certain ones that’s running high.

    Bob shook his head no and replied, Nope, that’s one thing I won’t get into again, Joseph. I tried it a few years ago and lost thirty thousand dollars. I learnt my lesson that day and promised myself I’d never try that again. I see our waiter coming. Let’s set back and enjoy our dinner. I’m starving.

    The next couple weeks, Bob received the paperwork back from his attorney in Jacksonville and the deal was final. The next step was to visit the property, take updated pictures and post on the market, while keeping fingers crossed that him and Joseph have renters soon.

    Bob pulled out his camera from his desk drawer and called Wanda to let her know where he was going.

    Good morning, Bob. I’ll come in your office. Hold that thought...

    A moment later, she walked through his office door. What was you wanting to tell me?

    He looked up from his desk calendar. Ms. Bloom, you must’ve ran because you’re office is across the building. What are you in a hurry for?

    She laughed, I’m a fast walker and I left my high hill shoes at home today.

    Bob pointed his finger, Yea, you’re a fast walker when they’re news to be heard.

    She was like a beagle chasing a rabbit when it came to office news.

    Now, come on Bob... tell me the news.

    Okay, hold your horses. The race isn’t set to start for a few hours. The news I want to tell you is Joseph Madison and I are official business partners. We bought the office building on Five Street and are planning on renting it out.

    She took a seat. What a wonderful idea. It has prime location with loads of amenities and not to mention five spaces big enough for a dentist, doctors office, or law firms to move in. Endless possibilities for this one, in my opinion. When are you putting it on the market?

    I’m going to take new pictures this morning and plan to post sometime this afternoon. We got a killer deal to top it off. Robert Henson, the owner of the building took fifty thousand less than his asking price.

    Wanda’s mouth flew open. She couldn’t believe that Mr. Henson had taken less. He owned a third of Largo and had money flowing out of his ears. Maybe he was sick? Wow. You better write this one down because I’ve known him for years and he’s the type of person that wouldn’t had done that, but at least it was a win for you and Mr. Madison, A shocking tone came from Wanda’s lips, And Mr. Henson cut you a deal?

    "Yes, it was hard for me to believe at first when I submitted the offer to him and he

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