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Spice It Up
Spice It Up
Spice It Up
Ebook84 pages1 hour

Spice It Up

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About this ebook

Almost two years ago, Erika Porter, met the two people who mean the most to her. Together, they awakened a fire in her that has only continued to burn especially in the bedroom. But when Marlene confesses to wanting more from the relationship, Erika must realign her priorities if she want to keep the sweet promises they whisper against her skin as they press her trembling body into silk sheets.

Erika loves her partners. She couldn’t imagine a life without them and it’s because of them that she’s found a way to tap into the well of passion buried in the depths of her soul. She wants to be with them, but trusting someone and building a future with them are two different things. After all, how can she trust another person when she’s never learned to fully trust herself?

She’s taken the first step, now all she has to do is believe that her unit is strong enough to withstand any test. The lessons she’s learned in the last year are put to the test when Erika has to learn the difference between all or nothing.

Release dateJul 6, 2019
Spice It Up

Siren Cooke

Siren Cooke is a kink-friendly, LBGTQ author who believes the only limitations sexuality should have are those imposed by our imaginations. Her favorite fetishes involve food and bondage, preferably together. You can learn more about Siren on her website and social media! Website: Twitter: Facebook:

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    Book preview

    Spice It Up - Siren Cooke


    By Siren Cooke



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    About the Author

    Copyright © Silent Siren Publishing 2019

    All rights reserved.

    Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

    This book is intended for mature, adult audiences only. If contains extremely sexually explicit and graphic scenes and language which may be considered offensive by some readers. This book is strictly intended for those over the age of 18.


    To my own poly unit. You give me courage every single day.

    Chapter One

    Erika Porter fell back against the couch in her new office and took a deep breath. Everything ached, but she couldn’t take a break just yet. She pulled the tablet on the coffee table into her lap and went over the applications for the kitchen.

    They’d been operating with a skeleton crew lately, but that hadn’t mattered much, since the dining rooms were all but empty anyway. Most of the regulars had vanished and the foot traffic had all but dried up once the scandal had hit the news circuits. Contrary to what some people seemed to think, not all publicity was good publicity.

    Café Chaleur had been tied to a human trafficking ring. Their high-end clientele had initially been entertained by morbid curiosity. That interest had turned on them at the drop of a hat, though, and the once-successful café was now having trouble keeping staff on, let alone business up.

    Flipping through the list, she frowned. They must have been worse off than she anticipated, if the applications were any indicator. People who never would have even thought to apply were coming in droves and worse—she was desperate enough to consider them, even if Rémy, the owner, wouldn’t.

    This is a mess, Erika whispered, looking from one sheet to the next. If the café were just starting up, or had a less demanding menu, some of the candidates would have worked. She could appreciate the hunger of a new graduate from a middling culinary school. Those former students usually had more to prove and worked hard. It took a lot of passion to make it in the culinary world. The hours were demanding, the competition was fierce, and working conditions weren’t always the best.

    Margins were slim and Erika was starting to appreciate that they were getting slimmer every day.

    She had no idea how much time had passed when her phone chimed with a familiar alert. The quick glance she took of the clock hanging on the wall behind her made her groan. Almost three hours had passed, and she was no closer to finding suitable candidates. She flopped back on the cushions of her work couch and closed her eyes.

    Her phone chimed again, and a little smile spread across her lips. She dragged her arm up and forced her attention to the bright screen in front of her.

    The first message, Did you remember to eat?

    The latest, I bet you didn’t. And since it’s been 4eva since you answered me, I bet your nodding off on that lumpy sofa.

    Marlene Pierce’s personalized emoji wagged a finger in her direction.

    Pffft. I’m wiiiiide awake. And I definitely ate. Erika quickly swiped in response, wincing at the lie.

    She could practically hear her girlfriend laughing in response. Erika shook her head, even though the curvy brunette couldn’t see her.

    As if I’d believe anything you have to say at this hour. You did not. Don’t make me tell scary Mr. Martin.

    This time, it was Erika who laughed. She hit the little green button and forced herself to straighten out. You wouldn’t.

    Marlene scoffed playfully. You obviously have no idea. He’s one of my contact favorites now.

    Erika gasped. It took me months to get that little star next to my name.

    Yeah, it did. But he has a leg up on you.

    Oh? What’s that?

    I need to talk to him so that we can take care of you.

    Erika’s face heated and she dragged a hand through her thick hair. I’m supposed to be taking care of the two of you. Especially after everything you’ve been through.

    I can’t speak for him, but what I’ve been through has been thoroughly paid for. I’m still working on letting it go, but that’s what you’re here for.

    Erika kicked off her grime-covered shoes and pulled her feet up onto the couch. She let her head fall back. "We’re both here for you.

    Marlene was quiet for a few moments. Are you?

    Erika’s stomach twisted. You know that we are.

    The last three months had been difficult for Marlene, and Erika was starting to worry. The case Marlene and Lucas had been building had been quickly taken over by a bunch of black-suit agents with portfolio badges. Lucas had resigned and Marlene had turned over every shred of evidence she’d gathered, so both of them had had more free time as of late.

    Since then, Lucas had thrown himself into consulting as a celebrity chef, but Marlene… Erika frowned. The other woman was supposed to be studying to get her CPA certification, but Erika couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen Marlene actually looking at her materials.

    Marlene’s voice sounded forced

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