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War for the Universe
War for the Universe
War for the Universe
Ebook482 pages7 hours

War for the Universe

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After the last fight with the three gods ends in defeat, life once more is quiet in the temple for Val. Their days filled with their girlfriend, Ariel, and hoping to mend the broken relationship with Firtzzz. For now, no sign of the three deities that started the previous adventure as the warrior starchild does what they can to prepare for the next attack.

But things change when Inanna’s consort, Dumuzid, sends word from the underworld. A message that the goddess of the dead, Ereshkigal, wants to speak with her little sister of strange deaths. Two nights in a row, groups of those many would call detestable are slaughtered. Murdered by a mysterious entity, the divine thinks Inanna might have done this, demanding answers. Anger at past actions that once kept them apart pushed aside for what they hope is the greater good.

But this is only the beginning as a shadowy force hungers for vengeance and the blood of the guilty. Darkness feasting on those it determines a lifetime in prison is not enough punishment. This mystery further complicated by a death that will shake the group and push them in ways they couldn’t have predicted. A covenant sealed between two warriors to protect the lives of loved ones, and consequently, the world they hold dear. Truths revealed through suffering. Life knitted with the strings of fate on a loom of deception. A light found in others from the oddest of places. A threat to survival gifting Val with love and a chance at relationships they never imagined. And with beings they never thought they would meet during such dark times.

The sands of time they will find is forgiving and that of second chances, but the price cannot be paid easily. And in the end won’t always lead to the desired results. The woven fate laid out for them one that could be torn and mended but never staying the same. Like a ripped cloth, it can be repaired, but would never look like it did before. And when the final stitch is done, you can only pray it’s good enough...

PublisherSR Brown
Release dateJul 8, 2019
War for the Universe

SR Brown

Author SR Brown writes fiction inspired by a caffeine-fueled muse and childhood of reading in the dark after lights out. A proud LGBTQA author, Brown enjoys to include characters with all kinds of lives and from various backgrounds in any walk of life. Tales range from fun and sweet characters going on adventures in town to a stranger holding out their hand promising adventure, but both usually leads to something much darker. Battered and bruised by the end, most come out alive. Unlike Brown, if placed in most written about situations. But they may stand a chance having fought the darkness of a narrow flight of stairs and faced the shadow people that often visit at night. They are wonderful at suggesting ideas, but never subtle in entering the door.

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    War for the Universe - SR Brown

    Hi, how are you doing today? I hope it’s going well. You can call me Val or Valentine since you just got here, even though most of the women call me Warrior Val. They for the most part have to, but there are a few exceptions. Mostly Haley, a woman I befriended after she almost died in front of the temple. And Ariel, the best girl I earned the joy of dating this century. Both kind of stuck with me after all we went through because three gods insulted Inanna with a game they played on the mortals. But not a lot can be done at this point, what with now facing three—much stronger and crueler—deities that had to go insult and use the goddess.

    Yeah, it was entertaining when this all started, Haley comes to our door bloody and dying (not the fun part) and has us avenge the john that left her there. Killing him in front of his house (more enjoyable for Haley and Inanna than me) and getting candy as compensation (the best reward I got for murdering anyone). This won Haley over after an awkward meeting and she became my new best friend.

    The problem was the man was actually a god, and we only destroyed a mortal form. So he slaughtered his family and tried to kill me a few days later. I survived because the woman, Firtzzz, fought him off in time so the goddess could heal me. But after, Utu, Inanna’s twin, sent my then companion, Ariel, a dream and discovered there would be three gods we would need to stop. The four of us now possessing gifts from Inanna to fight them.

    The first two weren’t horrible looking back, but when the third arrived in my hometown with the creature I fought when this whole war goddess business started, things got complicated. Learned Ariel loved me and I couldn’t reject her affections even at the threat of torture by the goddess. And the police took my best friend, Willow from her parents and both ghosts blamed me for the loss. This adding to the isolation after being gone so long most assumed I left forever, all because I served Inanna and no one knew.

    When I finally accepted the love Ariel wished to give and found Willow to bring her home, the third god and its monster attacked. Ariel almost dies, and I owe Utu a favor. Both are defeated, but Inanna doesn’t forgive me breaking her rules easily. I chose to adore the woman, be selfish and not care what Inanna thought, act like her and take the affection offered. But like the deity in the past, I paid, cursed with walking in constant pain, becoming angry and bitter, having most of the temple turn against me. Even Firtzzz, who’d been a good companion until now.

    And when I am free of the curse and allowed to be with my love, the two more powerful gods the three worked for appear. They wanted to make a trade, but Inanna refused, insulted by them and the terms: the end to the feud at the cost of her losing the deities she absorbed. Inanna goes to their realm with Utu and me, ready to fight face-to-face.

    Almost winning when they weakened her and seized the ones she won, turning them into a third mighty god like themselves. All going as planned. Even after finding out her twin betrayed her and used him to nearly destroy the enemies’ home, they prevailed. Her promising to defeat them, no matter what it took.

    Until then, I wait at her side. I’m now in a different temple because of how horrible I was during the curse and no one wanted to deal with me. Inanna agreeing that was the best option for starting over. Fresh faces and none who knew what I did. But it’s not too bad. This way I get to explore a new city with Ariel and repair things with Firtzzz. After how I hurt her, I only hope we make up in time for the next battle.

    Yeah, life has changed, but that’s how it seems to go. So, how about you sit back and have a drink? Put your feet up and we can begin our latest adventure.


    I lay on my bed and wonder what I should do on a day like this. No matter what people say, even when surrounded by women who will do whatever you want, the lazy river and roof garden may not kill the boredom. Sure, I can annoy the cooks to make me a snack and eat just because, but that doesn’t solve the problem and might end up in a worse place.

    The issue is that Inanna has decided that she wants to do something while we wait for the three gods to leave their realm. So to fill her days, set up a brothel in the back rooms, a constant stream of humans now walking through the hallway. A long line of paying customers going past my room as the women work to satisfy a desire I don’t care about. Which means I ain’t leaving my safe place except for meals. The last time I tried to sneak to the roof, a man almost touched me. The priestess in a black rosette-covered robe watching the halls reminds him of the rules hung on the wall. He asks if I do anything. She tells me to show what I can, and he leaves, not interested in the form the goddess gave me from the enchanted cat panties I always wear. Red fur and a bony tail with a blade not what people call sex appeal I guess.

    Yeah, so now I am stuck in my bedroom and the woman assigned to me has few suggestions to what we can do. All the romance novellas are read, my hair is done up in complex braids to look like a blanket pattern, and neither of the mortals I want to see are free. Haley doing her job in another room, seeing her with two women as the door shuts, and a rosette appears on the wood. A sure sign she would be unavailable for an hour and Inanna was generously repaid for saving the human’s life. She’s so good at what she does, whatever that is...

    And I have no idea what Ariel is doing. My girlfriend, who promised to keep me busy when I said there was nothing to do, is nowhere to be found. A couple women who I asked to find her returned with no news. A long sigh let out, I curl up on the bed and stare at the ceiling.

    Warrior, says the woman with me, if you like, we could go up to the servant’s area. If I protect you from customers, would television sound reasonable?

    Are you sure? I don’t want anyone groped or touched for some talk show or soap opera.

    It is no big deal. I am trained in self-defense and can break several fingers in one attack if they do not understand right away. You are not the only fighter here, remember?

    Oh yeah, Inanna sent you ladies after to kill me. If it’s not a huge issue...

    Not at all, her hand out to take mine, walking into the hall as another door opens, avoiding the humans’ eyes when we pass through the curtains into the temple. Past the lazy river where a couple women blow a kiss, asking if I finally would have some fun in a flirty tone. I blush and say only if we locate Ariel, earning a giggle out of both at what I may or may not have worded that way on purpose. Up the stairs and trudging the flights to the fourth level and servant’s quarters, out of breath when we find the woman. Who is standing in front of the giant television with two other ladies, an odd outfit making me raise a brow as I wonder why she is wearing it.

    Her fawn face lights up when she sees me, her long brown waves bouncing as her muscular legs run over and she lifts me into her warm, strong arms. Pressed against her mostly exposed chest when I feel the texture of the single article of clothing that hugs her muscle-bound body. Almost having my toes crushed by her heels worn with fishnet stockings. Stepping back, find she wears something similar to the bunny costumes I’ve seen some women wear. The pink fabric like a one-piece swimsuit until the breasts where it is stiff enough to cover the nipples without straps. Cuffs on her wrists, the chains neatly snapped down the middle. On her head a pair of dog ears; pointed, fluffy ears that seem to stand up as she looks at me. A long and furry tail wagging as she smiles.

    Valentine, what brings you here? I was about to get you, her lovely face showing the childish smile that has me melt.

    I came to watch some TV.

    But you said you preferred me to keep you entertained...

    Not saying you can’t, but um, can I ask about the outfit?

    Inanna made it for me. I recall you claiming I was akin to a puppy. Wanted to know if that still holds true. The tail slows, and she leans in.

    Wow, when I suggested that, was not expecting this. Especially not the cuffs. Those are handcuffs, right?

    To chain me up if I’m being bad.

    No, really.

    Don’t think I can? a wink as the women behind me chuckle.

    I turn to them and ask, This the plan all along?

    The woman who brought me here says, Need to fill the days somehow, Warrior. Also, we wanted to learn what she would look like, so...

    Wow, you all are the worst. I have to retreat to my room and not speak to any of you. Come on, Ariel, I want to be entertained as promised. Her hand in mine, we walk to the exit.

    Of course, Valentine...

    I sense her turning back to the woman; a thumbs up seen in the corner of my eye. A smile as I shake my head and hurry her down the stairs. This turning into a grin when I lock the bedroom door and have her lay on the bed.

    What do you want to do? she asks, pulling me onto her stomach while her tail wags fast enough to fan my back.

    Could start by telling what you hoped to do with that outfit. I have a clue what that is meant for, but know Inanna wouldn’t appreciate that too much.

    I would never waste the goddess’s time. No, this is something fun she gifted me. Wanted to make up for having you confined to the room so often. Kiss me, I’ll show you.

    Is this a trick? Adding when she shakes her head, Inanna really has a thing for love and lust in her stuff...

    But I lean forward and press my lips on her forehead, ready to work my way down when she disappears. My butt bouncing on the mattress when I discover a small brown puppy where Ariel once was. A strong feeling that this is my girlfriend when seeing the silver bands around the front paws. Certain it’s her when the creature bounces on my lap and stubby legs pull on my shirt. High-pitch barks loud in the room until I scratch behind a pointed ear. 

    Wow, this is a surprise, but how do you turn back?

    She whines, then lets out a whimper. 

    Dear, can you talk?

    A shake of the head.

    Oh, gods of this universe...

    Another whine and there is a knock at the door.

    Who is it? I yell, setting the tiny version of my love on the bed.

    The voice of Firtzzz comes through a small crack. Inanna told me to check in on you. Your assigned woman is in the servant’s quarters.

    I’m aware. Might as well come in if you’re just going to unlock it.

    I did? and seems to notice it’s supposed to be according to the knob. Oh, I apologize, and enters all the way.

    Her mannish peach face watches with an air of disinterest, eyelids sitting heavy and half open. The usual small crown worn on the line between her forehead and hairline, but her long black hair is tied back. She doesn’t wear her normal apparel, in an ordinary t-shirt and jeans on a lithe and mannish body save the wide hips. The strangeness of not being able to see most of her torso but her whole figure makes it tough to turn away. 

    But I do and meet her eyes. I’m sorry, what’s the problem? I am with Ariel; her warrior is still watched.

    Is she invisible or hiding under your bed? Last I checked, the girl is hard to miss.

    No, right here, lifting the tiny dog to show her.

    The alien whispers something in a language I don’t understand. Then says louder, That woman…actually did it. She should know better. The goddess will love spending an hour with her for that party trick.

    Do you have any idea how to turn her back? She can’t talk.

    A while in the back room. Enjoy the puppy in the meantime.

    Oh, I was worried it would be worse.

    Um, Warrior... How do you expect this to go with Inanna?

    I’m not sure. Crush her skull on the ground, or break a fragile baby’s spine?

    The alien’s eyes widen so they’re fully open. Inanna absorbed Sekhmet, not become her.

    There must be another way. Come on, dude, you have the lantern. Can’t whisper something and change her back?

    Are you asking me to defy the deity for you? I thought after the curse...

    Is it if Ariel still pays her? Where is your sense of business? We will one day find out what that is. What you’re selling...

    I’ll call her, out the door and the lock clicking as it’s closed. When she returns, the frown is deep, and wastes no time turning Ariel human in a tank top and yoga pants. Both of you, follow me. Inanna has revealed she has important news.

    We are at her heels as she hurries down the hallway, ignoring any humans walking by.

    What about Haley? I ask.

    Should be waiting by the throne.

    Pulling back the curtain shows she’s right, the woman standing in front of the overstuffed cushions on the chair. She turns when we enter the temple, a concerned look on her olive face as she plays with a chunk of black wavy hair. Still in her uniform when she takes my hand.

    Hey dude, what’s wrong? I ask, fixing a fallen strap on her silk nightgown. 

    Don’t know, that’s why I am worried. Inanna pulled me from my room when I was about to have another customer. Said she would explain when you all got here.

    I’m sure there’s nothing to be that scared about.

    Must be important to call us.

    That is correct, the goddess says, suddenly in her throne with a swollen stomach. Her distended belly stretching the low-cut dress that flows past her feet. A tap on the bulge makes it shrink, and she lets out a heavy sigh. It turns out we are not offending the three as much as I had hoped. All my temples are in business and not even a beaten woman.

    Is that not maybe a good thing? I ask. Could they have gotten what they wanted. No injured humans sound wonderful.

    In a sense, I must agree. But in another, far more depressing one, I can say no. They said it was only part of some grand plan. And Chaos and Destruction used me to create Deceit, there is no way there is not a reason to resurface. Why just disappear after working so hard?

    Are you saying we go after them? asks Haley, a sly smile on her lips and glint in her eyes.

    I wondered about that, yes. All had fun recovering, but I grow impatient. Restless when the enemies are not defeated. Time to change that and get moving once more.

    What is the plan, Goddess? Ariel asks, stepping forward.

    I enjoy the enthusiasm. While I doubt calling them will do as much good, and foolish to have them come to this realm, we have something else. Something more interesting that might let us try another strategy.

    What are you implying?

    Who likes to ride in Utu’s chariot?

    Goddess, what are you trying to do? Firtzzz covers her mouth and quickly corrects herself, I mean, wise queen of all, how do you hope to use this?

    Stick to the first version.

    Uh, of course...

    What am I trying to do? For one, have fun. But also I need to call someone. There are a few angry deities who might be a benefit to us.

    Like who?

    Baphomets are roaming around the area. That means Dumuzid has heard of the news and I must speak with him, and my sister.

    Wait, I say, I thought baphomet was just a term the Templar knights used for worshiping a different god from their own.

    Let me guess, everyone says the human that drew the famous image pulled it out of his head, all symbolism?

    Pretty sure that’s what they claim.

    Or was it inspiration? It was more like plagiarism with minor changes, but still.

    And your consort did that?

    Oh no, he just knows how to milk them. Another god I absorbed made those. Now they wander the universe and do whatever. Come on, we should be on our way. She stands and takes my hand, leading us to the back door and into the alley behind the temple.

    Or what should be an alley, instead a pair of halls. To the right a doorway leading to a plush waiting area with fancy chairs and snacks on a table. To the left is a golden door, a wheel made of pearl taking up most of the center. This is where she leads us, inside as well-decorated considering what’s in there. Four horses from Utu’s chariot laze about or feed on the grass growing from the floor. The room brightly lit even though the ceiling is a starry night and has no sources of light. The animals’ golden hides shine and hooves bounce when Inanna enters and the small herd hurries over to rub their heads on her stomach. 

    Yes, you are happy to see him, to sense your old master. Now, who is ready for a ride?

    They all line up in two rows, their platinum gear attached to the golden chariot. Inanna nodding as she asks if we love this new appearance, far better than the leather her twin used.

    In the vehicle, she takes the reins and we are over crumbling buildings. A sharp whip and they stomp in the air, the goddess’s hair turning into long black waves on golden skin. 

    I change so I cover my ears in thick fur and most of the braids on my head disappears, the hair taking residence on the rest of the body. The wind blows in my face as we leave the city, heading east where a lone pit lined with clay is surrounded by trees. The horses dive for the hole, going headfirst through the ground when I shut my eyes and wait to hit something. Trying to stay quiet unlike Ariel and Haley until I notice we are upright again. A look up to find black skies overhead, once more finding myself in the underworld.

    Mysterious Mass Murders

    The chariot now rushes over the dust and dirt, the grays and browns of this land bringing back memories of the last time I was here. All around just as drab and lifeless as ever. Not even trees that tower overhead and tall grass blades could bring it life, the river ahead like sludge as it flows under a stone bridge big enough for giants. A more human form appearing as the fur and animal ears is replaced with sepia skin, brown hair past my shoulders blocking the dead at the edge of my vision.

    Kid, where are we? asks Haley. 

    I smile and gesture to the vast forest behind us. Welcome to the underworld. This is where mortals go when they die since Ereshkigal is the big death goddess.

    This looks awful...

    Like the birds on the earth, they are dressed in only their wings and eat the dust as nourishment, clay their food, replies Inanna, a small frown on her lips. That is how it is described in poems. I once tried to change it, but was stripped of my power.

    That’s why you went? I ask. A follower of your sister said it was hubris.

    Starchild, you know how I am. It was both.


    She smiles and the beasts slow by a massive wall with a metal gate. A loud thump echoing as the ground shakes. At the top stands a lioness with legs lacking flesh, watching a moment before it leaps onto the road. Now seeing it misses more on the stomach, eyes void of life staring when it sits on the path.

    Welcome to the underworld, Goddess. My mistress waits, if you come in peace.

    Inanna turns her hair crimson and keeps a level voice. I do. There is no need for such needless precautions when I control this chariot.

    Such threats are unnecessary.

    Take me to my sister then.

    As you wish. The cat stands and jumps back on the walls, the gate rising and the horses run through. Six more opening as we go. As we pass seeing creatures going about their days as if they were still alive. Though none do anything that seems too intensive, a lot relaxing in the grass or eating dirt food. Others playing among gray ghosts of buildings. 

    Valentine, whispers Ariel, can I? and takes my hand, watching a small house where a man sits on a porch and stares at the sky.

    Are you okay? running a thumb over the back of the human’s hand.

    She has the biggest smile on her face and nods. Never better.

    That’s good, smiling back as the seventh gate closes and we slow outside a building of obsidian. The shining walls carved with any style of image for any way you can think for someone to die. Pictures of peaceful passings next to the gruesome. An odd energy flowing into my fingertips when I run my hand over a simple carving of a monster with a sharp tail cutting down a crowd.

    So you found yours, and Inanna smiles. Feels lovely doesn’t it?

    I shrug and the three women gaze at what I did. Ariel and Firtzzz with interest while Haley pats my shoulder.

    The deity now says, How about we find out what this goddess wants? I could discuss this in heaven, but I do not enjoy rot where it does not belong.

    Wise queen, allow me, says Firtzzz and lifts her lantern, the orb of light hanging on the string glowing bright as it turns pitch black. A grand path made of a rainbow of crystals appears at the bottom of the tall steps and goes to the door. Twenty lionesses seated along the flight, watching as a line of doves sit on each step. A large gold crown on Inanna’s head as a belt of precious stones wraps around her waist. The alien’s hand out to lead her up the stairs. 

    My dear, why do you think I need such a great entrance?

    We must establish strength. Some might hope their spineless trickery is a sign to take more from you. Word will reach the others, show no reason to have them say anything of weakness.

    She nods and walks to a large set of doors, both swinging open as she gets close, walking into a room decorated with shades of green and blue. A throne of dead wood and black bones empty as a woman rises. She stands slightly taller than Inanna, dressed in leather that covers her bleached-bone white torso. As she comes closer, the skins turn into a suit that seems sewn of the night sky. A crown of beaks and fangs rests on her head, a clay brown cape on her shoulders. is good to see you, big sister.

    And you, Inanna, when you are not barging in without permission. Come here, and pulls her close, kissing her forehead. I notice you use his beasts. About as much of a surprise as a grand entrance. To expect less...

    It seemed the easiest with the mortals. And it only made sense.

    And you brought the starchild dumped on me before. One of the few I was sad to see to arrive, if only because of how short they stayed thanks to the elder god giving them immortality. A shame they had no reason to stay forever. The death goddess touches my mark and a coldness seeps into my core.

    I take a step back before I know what I did. Watching for what outburst she would have at the insult. Ma’am, I’m sorry...

    Quite alright, Warrior. The living often find my touch one they must get used to. For you it would be foreign.

    You are not...annoyed in the least?

    There are far more important matters to deal with.


    Take a seat Inanna’s followers, we have much to discuss. The deity snaps her fingers and several baphomets emerge from the ceiling as a black ooze drips on the tiles at our feet.

    They tilt their goat heads to the side and leap on cloven hooves, like strange children how they seem to move with glee. Womanly torsos and arms soon full of cushions they lay on the floor in front of the throne. Sounds like malfunctioning microphones out of their mouths as they motion for us to sit with their hands and bat wings, a couple inching in my direction as I smile. The monsters act nice, bringing me a cup of milk. It tastes like salty meat and is thicker than a chowder, but that’s hardly a complaint. Thanking them as another pours more for me. The other ladies decline even after I describe the savory taste, so I get most of the jug.

    You seem to enjoy that, says Haley. Are you sure you should drink so much?

    Dude, it’s like a liquid meal. Wish I had met them back home. Fresh fruit off the tree and a bowl of this? Perfect way to wake up before work.

    I think you had enough... whispers Inanna and drinks what’s left as I almost pout. You shouldn’t have a lot. Makes some creatures act strange. Very strange.

    What do you mean?

    When did you grow the other tongue and goat eyes?

    I realize that I do in fact possess two tongues and shift it into one along with more human pupils. I didn’t get lunch. So no point in asking for one at the temple?

    Not if you are that zealous.

    You do not already keep some? asks her sister.

    No, my ladies do all I need. Besides, the lion cubs and doves make enough of a mess. Do not desire the ooze and what else comes out of them.

    Your consort should be here after he is done with the ones in the stables. I don’t mind them; it keeps him out of my way. 

    Only reason I would ever have one.

    One what, dearest wife? comes from the doorway on the far end. The shepherd god is with a herd of sheep as he hurries to Inanna’s side, touching her with a hand that emerges from a baggy sleeve on brown robes.

    It hardly matters, does it? Keep milking the goat monsters or sit down. You did what you were supposed to, act as a seat for my warrior for all I care!

    It is good to see you, Inanna. I got you this, another jug put in her arms.

    The goddess accepts the drink and caresses his face; him leaning into the touch. Oh, if only you were back on the planet. You could watch me ravish my fighter, Ariel. She will be fun for the night.

    And with that, the three deities create comfortable chairs for themselves, taking the cue to pile up the pillows left for us and relax. Soon in Inanna’s lap as I try to figure out how I got there. Or why a lamb curls up with me. 

    The discussion begins with Inanna telling about her defeat, and creation of the third god, the fate of their brother Utu. The goddess running a hand over my hair, a soft sigh as she admits it had to be done. His power better used for true justice. The others nod, her sister asking what they could want, let the ultimate prize walk out to fight again. Could leave a chance for her to do the same and destroy the trio next time. She shakes her head and says it doesn’t matter as much as absorbing them.

    That is the problem with you, Sister. All you care about is power and what you cannot have. I know you get many things, but other times all it brings is grief! A hand points to first her consort then me, her brows almost over her eyes as the one holding me smiles.

    That’s the price you pay to rule all the universes. All agree risk is involved to make a difference. These two put it on themselves. And all my ladies are glad I have the abilities I do.

    She clenches her jaw and wonders, Is it worth filling my realm?

    Ask my fighters. Her hand runs over Ariel’s head, the woman grinning when she looks up. Sometimes the payoff takes a while, but it’s always worth the price.

    Hmmm, they must wish to recruit you. Hope to have someone just as twisted as them to work with.

    The building shakes and Dumuzid pulls me into his arms, trembling as the goddess of heaven faces death. Cracks in the ceiling as she says nothing but one long bellow without moving her lips. Then in normal speech, Then they are foolish or another, far stronger deity, controls them like toys. To imply anything else shows I should discuss this with different company. Even my husband would have a better answer.

    There is no need for such insults. It is that I must wonder. There has been talk among the dead. Some speaking of certain deceased coming in groups that seem like ones you would send.

    What kind of mortals?

    The expected for you: dishonorable pimps and abusive customers, deserters and cowardly generals. But also entire sections of prisons. It was odd. A whole crowd of men came in over one night last week. All from a single prison and for the same crime. Thirty mortals guilty of child abuse. The next night a different location, this time hate crimes.

    Goddess, what is going on? Firtzzz touching her hand.

    The first set of groups, yes, that was me having fun on the town. But the prisoners? I have no idea... I would not waste my day on such things. And unsure how I was not aware of this. Such chaos would draw my attention. The outcry from a watcher adequate to make me care.

    You own a title of giving justice, says her sister. This would be in the vein of what you might attempt.

    I get enough whining when I ask for my followers back. Why would I want to deal with you complaining about more mortals to watch?

    I don’t handle those... fixing her crown and the baphomet chuckle, the sound like a dying animal. Then says, You have a point, but you like to boast, and I had to know for sure. It is so unlike you, so it only makes sense you may have.

    Well, are you happy with the answer?

    She raises a brow and scowls. Unfortunately, yes.

    Inanna, what’s the big deal? asks Haley, leaning on the arm of Dumuzid’s chair. Sounds like everyone gets what they want. Imagine what we could do if you started this kind of operation.

    That is true, but others would find it unlawful, or not what justice is there for. Annoying lines like that.

    Don’t send me problem mortals! Ereshkigal hisses. I get the baphomets to do all the messy business and they become annoyed if it’s not spread out. It is like negotiating with spoiled and stubborn children.

    Either way, we have bigger issues. If you aren’t, and I’m not that desperate for entertainment...who are we dealing with? I doubt the trio are doing this. And if they are, why?

    There is a possibility?

    I will discount nothing until we find out.

    The three deities sit back, the rest of us only able to watch as they grow as still as stone.

    Dying in the Land of The Dead

    The discussion over, the goddesses leave us in the temple, left to our own devices. I’m not sure why, this place has a lot less fun to have. Few of the undead serve and most are animals. I try to say hello and chat, but none are as friendly as living ones, silent except to acknowledge me and add to inquire if I need anything. Just walking off if I ask if any are free to talk. 

    Ariel takes my hand and leads me to the pillows, a small cup of the thick milk placed in my grasp. Gods, I could get drunk off this drink.

    Valentine, you got a goat tail! my girlfriend gasps, snickering when I wiggle the new addition.

    This stuff is so good... Would go to the underworld more often for this.

    What would Inanna say?

    I don’t know, but...


    Why are you acting so surprised? asks Firtzzz. Assume you were worth more of a risk than an addicting drink?

    Well, I would hope so.

    Crossing my arms, say, I think she is.

    Firtzzz now demands, What about in twenty years? 

    Haley grabs her ear and asks, Hey, what bit your ass and hasn’t let go?

    Nothing new.

    Are you still pissed they didn’t listen and ended up with a happy ending? It wasn’t the back room kind, suck it up and have the goddess give you one or something.

    That is not the issue.

    I try to get involved but Haley lifts a hand to silence any protest. Then what is it, honey?

    She grits her teeth and glares. I am sick of the fact they didn’t kill me. You are supposed to be a killer, Warrior. Do the job right, or not at all.

    Dude—taking her hand—I didn’t know you felt that way. Like I said before, I disemboweled you in a fit of rage from the curse. Never wanted you dead. I’m sorry.

    Do not mock me! You have some nerve after all you did! Why save my life if it would end like this?


    The alien stands up and heads for the door, walking out where the pride of lioness wait and leaves us to stare as my heart beats and I smile. She did it; she got angry at me. Firtzzz raised her voice and let it out...

    But why is she mad at the fact I didn’t murder her in a fit of rage? She admitted she has no fear of dying and has said she would die for me and the goddess. Though I assumed that meant in battle, not like that. 

    Kid, you okay? Haley touching my arm.

    Yeah. We should let her calm down.

    Wasn’t planning to go after that bag of crazy.

    Ariel nods and has me relax on the cushion with her. Pulling me closer as the baphomet slide next to us and present a plate of cookies with wriggling worms. It would be rude to not try one, their sugary guts gushing out from the first bite. They are delicious and I tell them so, smiling as they snort flames out both nostrils. They offer Haley and Ariel some, but both turn away from the crawling treats.

    I see you have dealt with such rare creatures before, Starchild. Dumuzid stands over

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