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Inked Sins: Fallen Angels MC, #3
Inked Sins: Fallen Angels MC, #3
Inked Sins: Fallen Angels MC, #3
Ebook129 pages2 hours

Inked Sins: Fallen Angels MC, #3

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

This is book 3 and the finale of the Fallen Angels MC series!

He's a monster and a sinner – and I'm chained to his bed.

I shouldn't be here. But it's too late to run.

Staying here might mean risking everything – my life, my body, my sanity.

But I can't go back to what I was before.

I'm addicted to the biker's touch.


I think part of me always knew he'd hurt me.

Isn't that just what bad boys do?

They convince you they're different than the rest.

They get you to let your guard down.

And then they shatter your heart into a million little pieces.

Mason was no different in that regard.

He convinced me he was a rebel with a heart of gold.

And for one blissful moment, I believed him.

Then the war came crashing down on my head.

Before I know it, I'm dodging bullets and riding for my life.

I'm not cut out for this motorcycle club business.

I like numbers, my puppy, helping people – just sweet, innocent things.

I'm not the type of girl for him.

But Mason has me pinned down and he won't let me go.

He says it's for my own safety.

He says I need his protection.

And the second he lays his hands on me, I know one thing:

I'll never be able to go back to my old life again.

I belong to the biker now.


It might've been a mistake to bring her in.

But there was chaos in my club, and I needed an ally.

She was just supposed to be a numbers freak.

To look through my accounting books and figure out what the hell was going on.

But there was danger lurking in the shadows…

And before I could protect her from it, it dragged us both down to hell.

She doesn't think can trust me.

Fair enough.

I probably wouldn't trust me either.

I'm everything she's been taught to fear:

A liar, a killer, a biker, a beast.

I'm a cold-blooded S.O.B. who will screw you senseless and be gone before you wake up.

I'm a sh!t-talking, drug-running outlaw kingpin…

And I'm never, ever gonna apologize for it.

But despite all my sins, there's one thing that will always be true:

I always protect what's mine.

I may have got Caroline caught in the middle of this vicious crossfire.

But I'm not gonna rest until I get her out.

That's an outlaw's oath.

Release dateJul 11, 2019
Inked Sins: Fallen Angels MC, #3

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    Book preview

    Inked Sins - Claire St. Rose

    Inked Sins: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Fallen Angels MC Book 3)

    By Claire St. Rose

    He’s a monster and a sinner – and I’m chained to his bed.

    I SHOULDN’T BE HERE. But it’s too late to run.

    Staying here might mean risking everything – my life, my body, my sanity.

    But I can’t go back to what I was before.

    I’m addicted to the biker’s touch.


    I think part of me always knew he’d hurt me.

    Isn’t that just what bad boys do?

    They convince you they’re different than the rest.

    They get you to let your guard down.

    And then they shatter your heart into a million little pieces.

    Mason was no different in that regard.

    He convinced me he was a rebel with a heart of gold.

    And for one blissful moment, I believed him.

    Then the war came crashing down on my head.

    Before I know it, I’m dodging bullets and riding for my life.

    I’m not cut out for this motorcycle club business.

    I like numbers, my puppy, helping people – just sweet, innocent things.

    I’m not the type of girl for him.

    But Mason has me pinned down and he won’t let me go.

    He says it’s for my own safety.

    He says I need his protection.

    And the second he lays his hands on me, I know one thing:

    I’ll never be able to go back to my old life again.

    I belong to the biker now.


    It might’ve been a mistake to bring her in.

    But there was chaos in my club, and I needed an ally.

    She was just supposed to be a numbers freak.

    To look through my accounting books and figure out what the hell was going on.

    But there was danger lurking in the shadows...

    And before I could protect her from it, it dragged us both down to hell.

    She doesn’t think can trust me.

    Fair enough.

    I probably wouldn’t trust me either.

    I’m everything she’s been taught to fear:

    A liar, a killer, a biker, a beast.

    I’m a cold-blooded S.O.B. who will screw you senseless and be gone before you wake up.

    I’m a sh!t-talking, drug-running outlaw kingpin...

    And I’m never, ever gonna apologize for it.

    But despite all my sins, there’s one thing that will always be true:

    I always protect what’s mine.

    I may have got Caroline caught in the middle of this vicious crossfire.

    But I’m not gonna rest until I get her out.

    That’s an outlaw’s oath.

    Chapter One

    After the crying had passed, Mason helped Trish clean up her face, and then tucked her into bed. The girl had a massive hangover on top of the damage to her face, and she needed some rest. After she had relaxed into sleep, and he stood up. His phone had rung half an hour ago, and he had a feeling he knew who was calling. He hit redial without bothering to check the voicemail that had been left.

    I hear you’re looking for me, Declan said in place of hello.

    I hear you’ve been corrupting something that means more than the world to me, Mason responded.

    Last I knew, you wanted a piece of that action.

    Last I knew, you were a human being. An asshole, sure, but human.

    I guess we were both lied to. He’d never heard Declan’s voice so cold. When he’d come back from his tours, this man had saved him. Helped him find purpose again, helped him find a way to be a man again, to live with what was happening instead of running from it. Where had things changed? Had this monster always been lurking underneath? Had something happened to turn Declan into this person? Mason wasn’t sure he’d ever really know.

    I guess. It was the only thing he could think to say.

    I don’t imagine you’ll take your bitch girlfriend and just wander off into the sunset like a good little cowboy?

    Mason found his mouth stretching into his own cold smile. Unlikely.

    Shame. She’s going to find out that you’re a pretty shitty lay when you’re dead.

    He laughed, then; he couldn’t help it. Really? Is that all, Declan? I'm sure you can do better than that.

    Declan ignored the jab. So should I watch my back? Peek around all the corners in the world?

    I’d prefer to discuss this face to face, Mason said. Like men. He considered adding that he was giving Declan a lot of benefit of the doubt there, but it wasn’t necessary.

    Meet me at the garage in an hour, he snarled, and I’ll show you how men settle things.

    No, Mason said, as much as he wanted to agree. His plan was barely formed, but it was sound. Solid. I don’t need a bunch of assholes cheering me on to kick your ass. Meet me at the high school. It’ll be deserted this time of night, and we can talk. See if we can work this out.

    You just don’t want anyone to see me kill you, Declan said.

    Seems like you wouldn’t want anyone to see that, either, Mason said. I mean, your dirty cop can only cover up so much.

    Declan’s laugh was cold, and sharp enough to cut. He can cover up more than you think. The death of some dirtbag biker? Easy as pie. I’ll see you in an hour, asshole. Say goodbye to your girlfriend.

    The connection died, and Mason took a long moment to control his sudden nausea. He’d killed before, in battle and in cold blood, but always in the context of the military. This was—different.

    This was for his sister. For those other girls, who were probably so far beyond scared that scared sounded like a Disneyland vacation. Some people used up all their chances.

    He rooted through Trish’s closet until he found a pair of heavy work gloves, then picked through her purse and her keychain until he found her apartment key. He let himself out, then locked the bolt from the outside and slipped the key back under the door. He’d find the rest of what he needed on his way.

    DECLAN WAS PUNCTUAL. An hour after their phone call, he arrived at the school, parking his bike next to Mason’s. Mason was leaning up against his bike, and he’d parked far away from the arc lighting that brightened the parking lot, even at midnight. Declan, he said. Long time no see.

    Mason. Declan stepped off his bike and stood still, his posture loose and ready. Where do you want to do this?

    I assume only one of us is leaving alive.

    Even in the darkness, he could feel the edge of Declan’s grin. You assume correct.

    Mason nodded shortly. I’d say we should go back to the edge of the forest, then. Stay away from where anyone can see us.

    Declan agreed, which surprised Mason. He’d expected a lot more argument.

    Declan rushed him as they approached the edge of the woods, but Mason was ready. He let Declan swing first and then went in low, pulling both of them to the ground. He rolled with the motion, moving so he landed on top of Declan and smashed the man into the dirt.

    He was tempted to let the bastard up, just so he could pummel the jerk a little longer, but that wasn’t necessary. He’d learned the hard way, on duty, that when you had your opponent at a disadvantage, you didn’t monologue, you didn’t give him a chance to redeem himself, and you didn’t reconsider.

    Once you’d engaged lethal force, you didn’t stop until you or your target was eliminated.

    Declan was stunned by the rush to the ground, and by Mason not coming up to straddle him like some grade school kid in the playground. Mason slipped an arm around Declan's throat even as his fingers clawed at Mason’s arm, his feet kicking frantically at the ground. He bucked hard as his autonomic reflexes kicked in, his brain losing oxygen.

    Mason held on.

    Somehow, all the parts of him that made him human faded, and another, more animal side held on. It was a mistake to think of the people you were doing this for—he’d learned that too. To think of Caro, or the girls. No. He focused on his enemy, and on the physical signs of oxygen deprivation.

    Sixty six seconds, Mason. A voice whispered in his mind. One one-thousand, two one-thousand...

    After Declan went still, Mason held on for a few more minutes, just to be sure. It took longer to strangle someone. He wasn’t interested in a horror movie ending, with the bastard popping up all unexpected. He checked for a pulse

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