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Wild & Inked: Desert Sons MC, #1
Wild & Inked: Desert Sons MC, #1
Wild & Inked: Desert Sons MC, #1
Ebook136 pages1 hour

Wild & Inked: Desert Sons MC, #1

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This is book 1 of the Desert Sons MC series. Books 2 and 3 are available everywhere now!

I gave her the ride she never asked for.

The reckless girl just crossed the wrong man.

Nobody steals what's mine – especially not my vintage chopper.

But instead of dealing outlaw justice, I'm gonna put her to work for my MC.

Right after I put her to work in my bed.


She was supposed to be just a means to an end.

A tool for the job – use her and then toss her aside.

But this one-time relationship is turning into something more.

Something I never expected.

It started when she stole my bike.

And it won't end until she's bent over and begging for my mercy.


I was desperate for a getaway ride.

What could be better than the gleaming, vintage Harley sitting in the empty warehouse?

I should've known: nothing that good comes without strings attached.

And, needless to say, Jack Carter is less than pleased that I stole his bike.

He's the only man who could catch me.

And when he did…

It was time for my punishment.

But the joke is on him, because Jack's punishment is heaven to me.

In his tatted arms, I feel wild and free.

I beg him for more and more and more – as much as he could possibly give me in one night.

I thought the sunrise would signal our goodbye.

But it turns out Jack has bigger plans for me.

And when the job goes wrong, we find ourselves forced into an unexpected position.

Can I trust the man who swore to break me?

Release dateJul 11, 2019
Wild & Inked: Desert Sons MC, #1

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    Book preview

    Wild & Inked - Claire St. Rose

    Wild & Inked: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Desert Sons MC Book 1)

    By Claire St. Rose

    I gave her the ride she never asked for.

    THE RECKLESS GIRL JUST crossed the wrong man.

    Nobody steals what’s mine – especially not my vintage chopper.

    But instead of dealing outlaw justice, I’m gonna put her to work for my MC.

    Right after I put her to work in my bed.


    She was supposed to be just a means to an end.

    A tool for the job – use her and then toss her aside.

    But this one-time relationship is turning into something more.

    Something I never expected.

    It started when she stole my bike.

    And it won’t end until she’s bent over and begging for my mercy.


    I was desperate for a getaway ride.

    What could be better than the gleaming, vintage Harley sitting in the empty warehouse?

    I should’ve known: nothing that good comes without strings attached.

    And, needless to say, Jack Carter is less than pleased that I stole his bike.

    He’s the only man who could catch me.

    And when he did...

    It was time for my punishment.

    But the joke is on him, because Jack’s punishment is heaven to me.

    In his tatted arms, I feel wild and free.

    I beg him for more and more and more – as much as he could possibly give me in one night.

    I thought the sunrise would signal our goodbye.

    But it turns out Jack has bigger plans for me.

    And when the job goes wrong, we find ourselves forced into an unexpected position.

    Can I trust the man who swore to break me?


    Tina Harris scanned the bar to check out her options for getting laid tonight. There weren’t many prospects but it was still early, just six o’clock. It had been a while since she had last felt a man’s touch, but after the day she had just had, she was definitely in the mood for some lovin’.

    Being an ex-con made for a tough life. Washing cars at the local Honda dealer wasn’t exactly glamorous work, but when it was all you could get, it was better than nothing. At least it paid the bills and kept her out of trouble. Sometimes there was even a little extra for a beer now and then.

    She’d pulled a year in the New Mexico State Penitentiary for breaking and entering. Normally she would have gotten probation, or at worst, a few months in the county lockup, but she had been in and out of trouble so much they had sent her away. Now, six months out of the clink and four months into her car washing job, she had finally caught a break.

    She had already finished her daily quick rinse of the new cars to remove the ever-present dust and was working off the backlog of customer cars. That was her life. If a car got a service, it got a wash. After four months of practice, she could wash and dry a car in ten minutes, tops. She had worked off all but three cars when she heard a woman in the service writer bay giving someone hell. It took her a couple of minutes of eavesdropping, but she finally worked out that one of the service technicians had locked the woman’s keys in her car... the dumbass.

    As she worked, she smiled to herself that someone could be so stupid, but the harpy started to get on her nerves. Finally, she dropped the power washer wand in disgust and strode into the bay. The service manager and three service techs were standing around while another tech worked furiously at the door.

    While the woman browbeat the service manager about how this was making her late to pick up her kid at school, Tina walked up, shoved the service tech aside, and took the length of wire from his hands. Without saying a word, she pulled the shim from the door then shoved it back between the frame surrounding the door glass and the car roof at the proper place. After she re-bent the length of wire to make it stiffer, she slid it through the crack between the door and car. Less than fifteen seconds after she walked up, everyone heard the clunk as she tripped the power lock button with the wire. She opened the door as she shoved the shim and wire into the tech’s chest.

    Thank you. At least someone around here is competent, the woman said as she slid into the driver’s seat.

    Tina nodded, but said nothing, shutting the door behind the woman. She turned on her toe and had almost reached the big roll up doors when Arnie, the service manager, called her back.

    She thought she was going to be blessed out, but Arnie took her to his office and thanked her. He also told her that he had been impressed with her work ethic and he was going to find something else for her to do ... something other than washing cars. It looked like Car Wash Tina was going to need a new nickname.

    She was jerked back to the present by the sensation of her beer being dumped into her lap. Shit! she cried as she leapt to her feet, arms held up and out like a bird of prey as the spilled beer spread along the bar and dribbled onto the floor.

    Watch it, bitch! A big-boned girl sneered, wiping at her soaked hip. Look what you did! You spilled your beer all over me! Goddammit! This was an expensive shirt!

    I spilled my beer? You’re the one that backed into me!

    You’re going to have to pay to have these cleaned.

    Tina barked out a brief laugh at the sheer gall of the woman. Yeah, right. Like that is going to happen. If anything, you owe me a beer.

    The woman stepped in close. She stood a half-head taller than Tina, but Tina didn’t back off from anybody. Ever. I don’t owe you shit, the woman sneered.

    Kim, come on. Let’s go, said a pretty blond as she tugged gently at Kim’s arm.

    Yeah, Kim, Tina said, her voice becoming low and dangerous. You need to back up and get out of my face.

    Or what? Kim challenged, stepping in closer still.

    Or you’re going to get fucked up.

    Kim! Come on! the peacemaker begged as she tugged at Kim’s arm again. Let it go.

    Kim stood her ground a moment more as she glared at Tina, and then backed off.

    Tina relaxed. Kim was a big chick, at least seven inches taller than her own 5’3", and probably outweighed her by at least fifty pounds. She turned to go the bathroom, intending to dry off her pants enough so she didn’t have to ride home in a puddle of beer, when Kim shook off her friend’s restraining hand.

    Look, you bitch, you... Kim said as she took Tina by the shoulder, but she never finished.

    Tina felt Kim take her by the left shoulder. She pivoted on her left foot, turned with Kim’s pull, and punched her right in the nose. She pulled back on the punch, not wanting to break her hand or the woman’s nose, but she put enough behind it to rock Kim’s head back and bloody her nose.

    Kim staggered back, her hand coming up to her nose as her eyes opened wide in surprise and pain. As Kim looked at her bloody fingers, Tina could see in Kim’s eyes that this wasn’t over. She got set to take Kim’s attack when the bouncer grabbed each of them by the arm. That’s it, you two! Out! he snarled as he dragged them to the door.

    Tina didn’t resist and allowed the bouncer to lead her out, but Kim swore and struggled to get away. The bouncer released Tina and devoted his full attention to Kim as he hauled her to the door and unceremoniously tossed her out. As the bouncer turned to face Tina, Kim’s friend hurried through the door.

    Tina held up her hands in surrender as the bouncer returned. If you toss me out there, she is going to be waiting and it’s going to get ugly.

    You should have thought of that before you took a swing at her.

    Fuck, Tina muttered as her lips pursed in annoyance and frustration.

    The bouncer escorted her to the door and held it open for her. As expected, Kim and her friend were waiting, the friend tugging frantically at Kim’s arm as she tried to drag her away before the situation escalated any further.

    At least walk me to my car?

    Not my problem, the bouncer said as he allowed the door to swing shut.

    Don’t do it, Kim, Tina warned as the big woman shook off her friend’s grip.

    Now I’m going to fuck you up, Kim said as she advanced on Tina.

    Tina knew this was about to get out of hand, and the last thing she needed was to be arrested for fighting and violate her parole. You need to call your friend off, Tina warned as she stepped away from the entrance to give herself some room to maneuver.

    Kim! No! the friend shrieked in a last ditch

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