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Asua: The Prairie
Asua: The Prairie
Asua: The Prairie
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Asua: The Prairie

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About this ebook

Ten years have passed. The City's economy is failing. Larson and Three of Seven force people out of the city and into the tunnel to avoid starvation. Fighting breaks out. Kate and Hunter, trying to establish a farm on the surface, are pulled into the violence and Kate learns more of Hunter's secrets..

Release dateJul 9, 2019
Asua: The Prairie

Wendy Alane MacFarland

Wendy A. MacFarland lives in the Texas Panhandle. She was born in Florida, raised in Arkansas but grew up in Texas. She writes for her children and their friends.

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    Book preview

    Asua - Wendy Alane MacFarland

    Chapter 1

    At mid-morning, it was hot. The sky was clear of clouds. The wind was blowing from the southwest. Three young women climbed out of the tunnel entrance.

    Two of the young women were sisters, twin redheads, and the third was taller with a darker complexion. They wore their hair short. Their jeans and shirts were homemade but not homespun.

    They shaded their eyes with their hands and looked across the dry ground towards a small shack sitting two hundred meters away, alone on the plains. They started walking toward it.

    The building was small, made from sawn lumber set on the ground without a foundation. The roof was corrugated metal. A plank door and a small window with real glass was set in the wall facing the tunnel.

    The door of the shack was thrown open and Kate stepped out and onto the ground. She was dressed similarly to the other women but her clothes were more worn. She had a large brimmed hat, woven from yucca leaves, in her right-hand.

    What trouble are you three up to? she called out happily to the young women, waving her right hand in greeting.

    Kaylie, one of the twins shouted, Jolene had the baby!

    Woo-who! Kate shouted. She raised both her arms above her head in a triumphal pose. She quickly added, Boy or girl?

    Girl, Kayla, the other twin answered.

    Double woo-who! Kate responded.

    A tall man stepped out of the house and put his arm around Kate’s waist. What’s all the ‘woo-whoing’ about?

    Kate threw her arms around Hunter’s neck and kissed him. When she released him she said, Jolene had a girl.

    That’s great! Hunter said. He looked out at the three women who now were almost to the house. How did One do?

    Kate punched Hunter softly in the ribs. Just like a man! One didn’t do anything! she laughed.

    Dorothy, the taller woman grinned. He fainted. Fell flat on his face and cut his chin. The doctor did more work on him than on Jolene and Hagar.

    Hagar? Kate asked as her sisters and Dorothy stopped just in front of the house.

    Yes, Hagar, Kayla smiled. That’s what they named the baby. She looks just like One.

    I am sorry to hear that, Hunter laughed. I was hoping she would be like her mother.

    Hush, Kate scolded. One is a nice looking man.

    I just hope Hagar does not grow up to look like a ‘nice looking man,’ Hunter replied.

    Shaking her head, Kate said, You all come in. You want something to drink? Some water? Some tea?

    Kayla, Kaylie and Dorothy all answered, Water!

    Kate turned and led everyone inside with Hunter following last and shutting the door behind him.

    A single light lit the neat, clean room. In the back left was a single bed, to the right was a small stove, counter top and sink with a cabinet above. In the center of the room was a table and four chairs. Near the door was a single overstuffed chair. The Twins and Dorothy sat down at the table. Kate went to the cabinet and pulled down five mismatched glasses.

    I sure wish you two would put more windows in this place, Kayla said.

    Being up here is not like being in the tunnel, Hunter said moving beside Kate and helping with the glasses.

    When the wind picks up, even that one door and window offer too many crevices. This place fills up with dirt, he explained.

    Kate turned on the water at the sink and let it run as she rinsed out the glasses. And the wind always picks up, she stated. As she filled each glass she passed it to Hunter who then handed it to their guests.

    Then I don’t know why you two stay up here. There’s plenty of room in the tunnel, Kaylie said as she lifted her glass of water to her lips. She made a face of disgust as she tasted the water.

    You need to filter this stuff, she added setting the glass down on the table in front of her.

    Kayla and Dorothy sipped carefully at their water.

    Kate took her glass and sat down at the table. Hunter stood at the sink.

    The shallow well has started to suck up sand, he explained. With this drought we’re having the water table has dropped over ten meters. If the weather does not change soon we will need to try digging a new well and see if we can hit the aquifer.

    You’ve been talking about that aquifer for years, Kaylie replied. There’s plenty of good water down in the tunnel.

    Hunter sipped carefully at his water. There was a small, yellowish sediment in the bottom of his glass.

    And the aquifer is where the tunnel gets its water, Hunter stated. We get sunlight up here and grow real food, he added.

    If you’re going to eat dirt, Kaylie said. We saw your crop outside.

    Will you two stop? Kate broke in. All you two ever do is argue.

    We just want you and Hunter to be safe, Kaylie answered.

    We are safe, Kate replied. Can we talk about something else? Where did Jolene get the baby’s name. I’ve not heard it before.

    Dorothy was the first to answer. She said it was a historical name. It means the mother of nations or the mother of a people.

    Leave it to Jolene to but no pressure on the baby, Kate laughed.

    The Twins and Dorothy laughed in agreement.

    Kayla was the first to talk. When are you going to have a baby Sissy?

    Kate’s face flushed red and she took a quick look at Hunter. I can’t even raise chickens. We just lost the last one this week. How do you expect me to raise kids? she answered.

    What happened to the chicken? Dorothy asked.

    There’s just nothing to eat up here, Hunter stated. The drought is killing everything.

    "When Dad told me about Fukuoka and The One Straw Revolution, he didn’t mention that Japan gets a lot more rain than we do," Kate added.

    Well…, Kaylie started.

    Don’t start, Kate said quickly, shaking her head at her sister.

    How did Seven do as the mid-wife? Hunter quickly interjected.

    Kayla laughed and Dorothy grinned.

    Well, he didn’t faint, Kayla said. So I guess he did fine. After Hagar was born he ran all the way to our house to tell us. He was heading up here to tell you but we stopped him. He was asleep on his feet. We made him rest. He was asleep in the house when we left, she added.

    Seven was so proud! Kaylie said. He said Hagar looked just like him!

    Which, I guess, is true, Dorothy said with a laugh and everyone joined in.

    Chapter 2

    Larson had put on weight. He was thick about the waist. His hair had thinned on top and now was totally gray. He did not live on the top floor of the apartment building. He did not have the largest flat or the nicest furnishing. He had something better, He ran the Green Zone.

    He stood at his window looking out over the city. It’s been ten years and we still can’t get that wall back up. This place will never be green again. I shouldn’t have let them trash the Control Center and Research Complex. Not that I could have stopped them, but I thought we would be able to get everything up running again. I didn’t expect everything to take this long. Ten years, we should have had contact with other cities by now. I wonder what’s going on out there.

    There was a knock on the door. Larson turned his back on the brown, wind torn scene outside and called, It’s open.

    The door opened and Three of Seven stepped into the room looking unchanged over the years. Good morning, Wolf.

    Morning, Three. Anything good going on?

    Maybe, Three answered crossing the room. He stopped in front of Larson and continued. We may have the clone equipment back up and running. The Tens are testing it right now.

    Good. What material are they working with? Larson asked.

    "They have the Four’s DNA, just like you ordered.

    Excellent, Larson responded. We could use their expertise. He looked at Three and added, No offense to you. We’re lucky you left your brothers and came back here. We wouldn’t have survived without you.

    Three of Seven smiled, I understand. No offense taken. The Fours are a lot more technical than we Sevens.

    But no way near you on practical matters, Larson stated.

    Yes, sir. We have them there, Three agreed.

    When will we know something? Larson asked.

    In a couple of days we will know if the cloning has taken hold, Three answered.

    Larson rubbed his temple with his right hand. And how long after that before they can live on their own?

    From the archives we are expecting the incubation to take sixteen months, four days, Three answered.

    Larson took a deep breath, expanding his chest and stretching up his shoulders. He looked up over Three’s head then looked back down.

    We won’t last that long, Larson said. I never thought it would be like this. The farming is almost played out. We have a thousand mouths to feed. If we can’t get the wall back up this will just be a nice, empty building in the middle of a desert. Raider pow-wows had more to offer than this place. At least we always had water.

    There is the tunnel, Three offered. We could supply the city from there while we continue working.

    Larson ran his hand through his hair slowly, We could. But it would be a war. They don’t want to help us rebuild the technology. If they did, your bothers and Two of One would be here.

    Yes, sir, Three replied. They think what we are doing here is wrong, against nature. Whatever that means. As though nature is a real thing.

    Larson rubbed his chin with his right hand. We have enough men. We could set up a raiding party. Kaiser would jump at the opportunity. He’s going crazy sitting around here.

    There is another way, Three offered. We could ask the tunnel for help because we do not have enough food here. They are good people. They would take our people in. That would move the food burden to the tunnel and allow those of us who are working on the wall to continue here. There are enough resources in the city for that.

    Larson nodded. That’s a good idea. Your wife grew up in the tunnel didn’t she?

    No, sir. Maddie is from near Cimarron, Three answered.

    I was hoping we could reach out to her family, Larson said. We would want to start slow. We don’t want to panic anyone here in the city.

    Of course not, sir, Three replied. We should probably keep it just between ourselves as long as we can. I think I should reach out to my brothers. I have heard from travelers that my brother has had a daughter. It would look correct to contact him about a visit. Three paused for a second then continued, And it would get us closer to Two of One.

    Larson was excited. That’s a great place to start. He could do a lot to help us. He understands all the technology in this place. Larson grinned, And you have a daughter to show off also, don’t you?

    Three smiled and answered. Yes. Sarah is almost three months old now. I am sure One and the rest of my brothers will be excited to meet her.

    How do you plan on getting away from them and getting back here? Larson asked.

    It should not be difficult, Three answered. I will explain that I can not stay, that I need to get back here and work. My brothers will accept that.

    That’s a great plan, Three! Simple! Larson laughed. Now you just need to get that cloning work moving faster.

    Yes, sir, Three answered, then he turned and headed to the door.

    Chapter 3

    Standing beside the door Hunter had his hat in his hand. Are you all ready? he asked.

    Just like a man, always trying to hurry the women, Kaylie commented from the back of Kate’s and Hunter’s house where she stood around the bed with her sisters and Dorothy going through some books that Kate was finished reading.

    "And what do you know about men?" Kate asked in a very serious tone.

    Kaylie laughed. Just what I’ve head from Maude and Jolene, she answered.

    And half the men in Stuphin, Kayla teased.

    That’s just because you have the other half twisted around your little finger! Kaylie retorted with a smile.

    Kate looked at Dorothy and asked, They don’t leave anyone for you?

    Dorothy grimaced, I don’t care about store keepers. I can wait until I meet someone special.

    Store keepers! Kaylie gleefully responded. What about that Chin boy over in Van Siclen? You were making puppy eyes over him for weeks.

    Yeah! What about him? Kayla joined in.

    Dorothy blushed at the question then shyly answered, Bai’s daddy owns three stores.

    Kate, Kaylie and Kayla laughed. After a second Dorothy joined in the laughter.

    Hunter cleared his throat loudly.

    Kate looked over at him. Girls, we need to hurry. I don’t want Two of One to come out. Then she added, Hunter is bad enough. She winked at Hunter.

    Whatever, Kaylie responded as she picked up a volume of Jack London stories.

    Hey, I was going to take that one, Kayla said.

    Well, knowing you, you’ll sneak around and get it from me anyway, Kaylie joked. Here, take it.

    I think that was Mom’s, Kate stated as her sisters swapped possession of the thick book.

    Really? Kayla asked.

    Yes, Kate nodded. Dad was more of the Treasure Island type, and she pointed at a thin volume laying on the bed.

    You got Jack, Kaylie stated as she reached down for the book Kate pointed at. I’ll take Robert, she laughed.

    All right, but I get it next, Kayla said.

    Kate looked at Dorothy. Anything look good to you?

    Dorothy made a face. I don’t know. I’m tired of fiction.

    There’s a history of China there, Kate said pointing to a thick book near the pillow.

    Dorothy reached down and picked it up. That might be interesting.

    It might give you something to talk about with Bai, Kayla teased.

    And his dad, Mr. Chin, Kaylie joined in.

    Dorothy blushed a bright red, but she held onto the book.

    Hunter cleared his throat again and turned around and stepped out the door into the bright sunshine. He set his hat on his head and walked toward the tunnel entrance.

    There. See what I mean, Kaylie said. Just like a man. No patience.

    Well, we need to get going, Kate offered. "I want to see Jolene and the baby before she’s old enough to have her own

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