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About this ebook

Gemma has been through some hard times lately but she's holding her head up and trying to move forward. After losing her dad and their beloved classic car, it's been tough finding her feet. One thing that's always been constant is her dad's right-hand man Bronx. He was loyal to their family, and her dad treated him like a son. But since Gemma confessed her feelings for him when she was sixteen years old, he's kept her at arms reach. Could it have been because she was too young, or did he only see her as his mentor's daughter? 

Bronx wouldn't be the man - or success - he is today if it wasn't for Gemma's father. He tried to give her time and space to heal after he died, but a man in love can only be stopped for so long. The only problem is that Gemma's suddenly got in her head to test him at every turn and now he's chasing her all over town. He just hopes she's ready to be caught because that's exactly what's going to happen. 

Warning: Can one man bring our heroine back and restore her heart? Well, we did name the book that…so outlook is good! This is sexy-sweet with a sprinkle of angst and one heaping spoon of happily ever after!

PublisherAlexa Riley
Release dateJul 12, 2019

Alexa Riley

New York Times bestselling author Alexa Riley is two sassy friends who got together and wrote some dirty books. They are both married moms of two who love football, donuts, and obsessed book heroes.They specialize in insta-love, over-the-top, sweet, and cheesy love stories that don’t take all year to read. If you want something SAFE, short, and always with a happily ever after, then Alexa Riley is for you!

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    Book preview

    Restored - Alexa Riley

    Chapter One


    T hink you’ll move? Roxy tries to glance around my small studio, but I grab her chin and still her movements. She can never sit for too long before she has to do something.

    Stop moving. She’s the worst to put makeup on. I should count myself lucky she’s letting me do it at all. Getting her into my vanity chair was harder than giving a cat a bath. Not that I have a cat. I don’t know, I admit. Open.

    I unscrew the lid to the lip stain and apply some to her mouth. I don't have any plans to move at the moment because I’m stuck in limbo. I graduated from cosmetology school and I’m freelancing jobs at the moment even though I’ve been doing it since before I got my certification. I’ve always been good at doing makeup and hair but I have no idea where I got the skill set. It’s something I picked up in middle school and it became a little bit of an obsession.

    I spent most of my childhood in a garage with my dad. He was a single father who was a mechanic. I know more about cars than most girls. Except Roxy. She’s a mechanic and knows everything about them. She works in the garage I live over, which is the same one my dad owned. I guess I still kind of own it though I take no part in the day-to-day running of it. I only take my cut from the man who took over half of the ownership.

    The lawyer who brokered the deal said I was getting more than I should. I don’t know if Bronx was being nice or he didn't want to see the place sold to someone else. I might have grown up around cars and worked on them with my dad but I know nothing about running and operating a mechanic shop. Bronx does and he not only worked for my dad at one time but he went on to open a place next door. He isn't competition though; he does custom work and restores vintage cars. He’s good with his hands.

    After Dad's sudden death we both went to the will reading together, even though my dad didn’t have a lot of things to divide up. I didn't know he even had a will until I was going through the motions of losing him. During the reading the attorney shared a note he’d left that said I should look into selling the place. He said he didn't want me to keep the garage if I didn't want it. It wasn’t that I didn't want it; I didn't know what to do with it and feared I’d end up ruining the place. I was fresh out of high school and had just lost my dad. I didn’t know how to run a business. Pile on losing my only parent and I was in no shape to even try.

    Bronx made the offer and I think it was why he’d been asked to come. My dad wanted him to be the first to get a chance at buying the place. Bronx asked me to stay on with him and told me I could be a silent partner. The lawyer said it was more than generous for him to make such an offer, and not only that, he let me have the apartment over the shop.

    The place was empty since Bronx had moved out; he rented it when he worked for my dad. I knew I couldn't stay in the house I grew up in because it felt too weird without my dad there. I needed a change to help me heal and again, it was an offer I couldn’t pass up.

    I should be paying half the rent or something since I only own half, but he won’t even let me do that. I know he does well because his restoration company is super popular. I watched it bloom from a small shop to hosting its own car shows. Roxy told me he’d been offered some television gigs too but he turned them down even though he’s a celebrity around our town.

    I put a soft nude lipstick on Roxy and take my time to make sure it’s perfect. If I do any other color I know she’ll try and take it off when I’m not looking.

    You think I should move? I ask.

    Maybe I need another change of scenery. I can't live in my childhood home because it feels weird without my dad. But now I’m living in the garage apartment and how is that different?

    I prettied the place up, making it my own. Bronx sent over a crew before I moved into it to make sure it was all done right. It’s small but cute and I feel safe here. I know all the employees, and someone is always around so it doesn’t feel like I’m so alone.

    I’d be lying if I didn’t admit the real reason I enjoy being here. It isn’t just the memories of my dad and not feeling alone. It’s Bronx. I get a glimpse of him almost every day and I savor those moments more than I should. I’ve been swooning over him since I was a teenager and my dad hired him.

    Just wondering, she answers when I pull the stain stick away from her mouth.

    Damn, I hate to gloat but I nailed her makeup. I pick up my bottle of setting spray and give her face a few light pumps.

    Are you ready? She let me do her makeup and hair separately before but never together. Now she’s all done up and looks stunning.

    Move your ass and let me see. She smacks my hip and I step out of her way. Damn. She leans forward to get a better look at herself and laughs. Mitch is going to be all over me tonight.

    She’s right about that, but it isn't because of the makeup. That man is always all over her. Seeing them together can be bittersweet. I’m happy Roxy has a man that loves her so deeply, but I’d be a liar if I didn't admit I was jealous of them. I’ve watched their love story play out in front of my eyes over the last two years.

    Mitch has been Bronx’s right-hand man since he started his own shop. Dad hired Roxy and suddenly Mitch was showing up all the time. The fall to love was fast, but Mitch was persistent and it was really the only option.

    My work here is done. I pretend to dust off my hands before I clean up my vanity.

    No way. You don’t get a girl all dressed up and think we aren’t going out.

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