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American Bear
American Bear
American Bear
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American Bear

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Ony Chernavin knew the moment he scented cinnamon and honey that his mate was near. When he saw her protecting herself and walking away the winner, he knew she was the woman for him. His mate. But then, she is attacked, and it looks like she will be blamed for her own attack. He doesn’t the only thing a Tiger can, he runs off with her to protect her.
Kada Fischer has spent her life trying to find her place in the world. She’s accepted as an Animal Husbandry expert and has some respect in her clan in Alaska, but it’s not satisfying. She heads to Montana to speak to other shifters about increasing the odds for their fertility and populations to find the Bears in the lower forty-eight, just as prejudiced as the ones in Alaska. When one Bear tries to attack her, she’s sickened, stunned and numb. When she wakes up in an airplane high about the Pacific, she doesn’t know what to say or do.

Release dateJul 16, 2019
American Bear

Severine Wolfe

Severine Wolfe is a pen name. It's also a name I've used across the gaming world for nearly 20 years. I answer to, "Hey, Sev!" just as easily as my birth name.I am married and have four grown children and three grandchildren. I love to read and I read everything from treatises on philosophy to theories on the speed of light to the most bawdy of bodice rippers. My interests are varied but reading, knitting and gardening are my top three. Extreme knitting, not for the faint of heart.I've had stories running around my head for years and I'm just now letting them out to put themselves on the virtual page. I hope you enjoy the characters as much as I have over the years. You can contact me at

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    Book preview

    American Bear - Severine Wolfe


    American Bear

    Cat Shifters Book 4

    By Severine Wolfe

    American Bear

    Copyright © 2018 by Severine Wolfe

    First E-Book Published July 2019

    Cover design by Melody Simmons

    Proofread by Stephanie Taylor Flores

    ISBN: 9780463105818

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission from the author.

    All characters, places, and events in this book are fictitious or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is strictly coincidental.

    License Statement

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    A Tiger and a Bear walk into a bar…

    Ony Chernavin knew the moment he scented cinnamon and honey that his mate was near. When he saw her protecting herself and walking away the winner, he knew she was the woman for him. His mate. But then, she is attacked, and it looks like she will be blamed for her own attack. He doesn’t the only thing a Tiger can, he runs off with her to protect her.

    Kada Fischer has spent her life trying to find her place in the world. She’s accepted as an Animal Husbandry expert and has some respect in her clan in Alaska, but it’s not satisfying. She heads to Montana to speak to other shifters about increasing the odds for their fertility and populations to find the Bears in the lower forty-eight, just as prejudiced as the ones in Alaska. When one Bear tries to attack her, she’s sickened, stunned and numb. When she wakes up in an airplane high about the Pacific, she doesn’t know what to say or do.

    What would you do if the person you’re drawn to sees the most horrific moment of your life, the most embarrassing thing to happen, and then the world decides you’re to blame? Ony shows her what he would do.


    I would like to dedicate this book to the people in the Forestry Service who had patiently answered my questions and not laughed outright at some of the things I thought I knew based on college knowledge. They work hard and the only time we ever think of them is when a forest is on fire. They are so much more than that. Visit a State or National Park. Find our for yourself how wonderful these people are.


    His ass was numb from the long flight from Russia with his pissy traveling companion. Ony chewed on a toothpick instead of Raj’s femur, so, all in all, he was being a good Tiger. The grown man was still pouting at his exile from his family group in India and then being ordered to some conference with the Americans.

    Inside his head, Ony shrugged. Maybe the Indians were not used to anything but cat shifters.

    He looked at the headlights of the large SUV headed their way. When it parked, two men got out, both of them huge. Ony smirked. Fucking bears. Every single one was built like a bodybuilder. He’d never seen a small one.

    Pulling the toothpick out of his mouth, Ony heard Raj sniff the air and then the man turned to give a confused look to him. Ony just gave that Russian shrug.

    Fucking bears.

    One bear walked up to the two shifters who had disembarked from the private jet, owned by a Siberian Tiger Rescue. Aleksei Koukleva, owner of the private jet. As a Tiger Shifter, the man worked hard to provide enough money while they worked desperately to make sure the population of the wild and Shifter Tigers in Russia could survive and hopefully thrive. Which was why Ony found himself in Montana surrounded by bears.

    You guys just going to stand there? We got a front moving in and need to get back to the camp. He looked up at the sky and back at the vehicle. As if he was not being understood and was pantomiming bad weather and the need to leave.

    Ony picked up his luggage and bumped into Raj Tella, letting him know to follow and hopefully keep his stupid mouth shut. He had no respect for the Leopard shifter, exiled by his own family for allowing another’s mate to come to harm. He wouldn’t forgive the man either.

    Ony desperately wanted to find another tiger shifter to mate with and find the happiness his friend Aleksei had with his Leopard. He would love and cherish her above everything else. He also would not stupidly delay the mating as Aleksei and Tali had. No, the moment he identified her, they would be locked up in a hotel room with hot and cold running room service until they could no longer move, or the healing salve had run out.

    We’re coming, bear. Be patient, Ony growled in his deep, rumbling voice that usually put his streak members on notice that they were trying his patience.

    Well, hurry it up, the male smiled as Ony approached the back of the SUV where the tailgate had been raised to accept their luggage. He felt Raj right behind him.

    The Bear nodded to the cargo area of the SUV. Well, put it all in there, will ya? Snow’s about to hit.

    This mewling bear was whining about snow?

    You know nothing of snow, Ony smirked as he threw his two bags in the back. In Siberia, you’d faint.

    The bear grinned at him. Buddy, you don’t know what I know. You guys were lucky we got this window.

    Ony just shook his head and got into the middle seat with Raj. The Bears got back into the front seat, and took off like a bat out of hell, away from the airstrip where they had landed. The shifter in the back was not a bear, but a wolf. He leaned forward towards Ony, thrusting his hand at him.

    I’m Ken Larson, American Pack Councilor and Montana Pack leader, he shook Ony’s and Raj’s hands. Sorry to sound like a slave driver, but we have a pass to cross where it’s already snowing.

    Ony Chernavin, Ony offered politely then looked at Raj who remained silent. He frowned and nudged the man with his foot.

    Oh! Rajesh Tella, the Indian male finally offered, at least a little embarrassed to be caught not paying attention. It pissed Ony off.

    Your lack of attention is what got you exiled from your Leap, Leopard. I would think you would be a little more attentive because of that.

    They all spoke English in deference to the fact that Ony and Raj both spoke languages that hardly anyone outside their countries spoke.

    I apologize, Raj said and sunk into his seat, once again pouting.

    Ony rolled his eyes and gave Ken a look that clearly said, See what I have to put up with?.

    Those two up there are Lars Sigurdsson, driving. The ugly mug next to him, belongs to Tom Levinson, who will remain in his human form if he knows what is good for him, Ken said with a clear warning to the young male in the passenger seat up front. Tom nodded and smiled.

    No problem, boss.

    Make sure it’s not, Ken warned again. I’m not replacing more seats and dashboards because of you. I don’t care how rich your parents are.

    Lars chuckled but said nothing.

    Ken shrugged. He’s from Norway and a polar bear.

    Ah, shy, Ony observed with a teasing grin. He’d met many polar bear shifters in Siberia. Lars wasn’t shy at all based on the way he’d talked, in a pure American accent, showed he wasn’t your everyday Polar Bear Shifter.

    Ken nodded and smiled. That wolf shifter arrived earlier today. Name’s Adrik Zharov. I think you know him? Ken looked at Ony, who nodded.

    "Our populations are so small that all shifters in that region know at least of each other."

    Ken nodded. The American population is too large.

    Once human matings were approved by the Council you Americans began getting it on like Catholic rabbits, Ony chuckled.

    Ken grinned but became serious. We’re hoping we can help your shifter and wild populations. The Tellas are pushing hard for this, and as you know, the Council listen to them.

    Ony nodded. As their daughter is now co-leader of our Streak, I am well aware of what happens when you don’t listen to them.

    Ken laughed. I was glad to hear Aleksei had mated, and they have twins now.

    Ony gave the man a genuine smile. You would think they had written the book on procreation with Daru and Borya. Those two are already so spoiled beyond redemption, and they’re only weeks old.

    Ken nodded. With Tigers having such a hard time conceiving and carrying you have to celebrate life where you find it.

    Ony nodded as the SUV turned up a road. It was too dark to see the switchbacks of the road, but he now knew they were approaching the pass where Ken had feared the snows would block their passage.

    Looks good, Lars said quietly from the front seat.

    Ken grinned in relief. You’ll meet my mate, Cyndy when we arrive. She’s tough but fair. If you have any problems, see her about them, she’ll get it sorted out in no time.

    Lucky male, Ony teased. Tough but fair mate.

    The American Wolf chuckled and shook his head. Trust me, you don’t want to get on her bad side. His glance sidled towards Tom and back. Ony got the message, Tom was a problem that Cyndy was trying to sort out.

    It was a mystery to Ony and one that intrigued him because Tom appeared to be in his early twenties. It was hard to tell with shifters. They lived slightly longer than humans because the shifts could help reverse a lot of the problems that came with aging in the human. It didn’t mean they lived forever, but it was common to live to one hundred twenty or so. Shifters didn’t tend to grow into middle age until well into their sixties. The mystery with Tom was that shifters who could not control their shifts were usually kept segregated from humans completely. If it was terrible and they lost themselves to their animal, they were put down. You could not release a wild animal with the intellect of a human into the wild. It could not be done safely.

    If there was one main truth about shifters around the world, it was that they policed themselves pretty fiercely. Well, everyone but the Sumatran Tigers who were lawless. At least that was the party line amongst Tigers. That sect of Tigers had been finding their mates among humans for so long no one could remember. They would kidnap them and mate them into submission. Even now, with interbreeding with humans being legal, the Sumatrans refused to name a representative to their council, allowing the Bengals and the Amur Tigers to take all the weight. Among the other shifter communities, Sumatrans were considered to have remained in the cave.

    Ony relaxed into his seat as Lars took the twist and turns of the switchbacks carefully, obviously very comfortable driving in the snow.

    You guys are going to share a cabin with Adrik, he looked askance at Raj. We thought that all of you would be Russian. Thought it would be a place you could decompress and speak Russian and drink hot tea in a glass or whatever it is you crazy Rooskies do.

    Ony smiled tightly. He’d traveled, as any cat did, in his youth. He was well aware of the misconceptions most other people had of Russians. However, he blamed Russians and their xenophobia to be at fault, not the others.

    He felt the SUV slow considerably, almost a crawl. Then it stopped, and Lars got out. Tom and Ken observed him. The polar bear headed back to the vehicle, and Ony could see his smile.

    Road’s good, he nodded at them, got back in, strapped in and began to drive forward. They didn’t even slide a little as they crossed over and began their descent. Ony had to admit, he was impressed. Aleksei’s mate, Tali was from a tropical part of the world and found snow to be very daunting, even with the help of the local Amur Leopard Shifters trying to acclimate her. There had been some disappointment when she’d shifted shortly after arriving back home with the twins. The local leopards had been expecting a brightly golden leopard with black rosettes. They got a melanistic leopard who laughed at them. It also didn’t help that Tali referred to the local Leopards as Snow Leopards. They were to her, as most Leopards resided in tropical areas. Having them in the frigid wasteland of Siberia was outlandish to her. Besides, Snow Leopards were merely a sub-species of Leopard.

    We were hoping to get Dhev and Sarah Tella here as well, but Sarah is expecting and Dhev is in protective mode.

    Ony laughed and glanced out of the corner of his eye to see Raj’s face. The man remained stoic.

    She spent most of her time in Siberia puking her guts up and glaring at her mate.

    Ken chuckled. Menaka Tella was very gracious in her decline of our invitation. She says they sent Raj as he had not spent the past year sitting on an airplane traveling all over the world chasing errant children.

    Their oldest son lives in America with his mate. They have a little girl. Now, with Tali in Siberia, I can see how they would be tired of the travel.

    Ken smiled. I was surprised to see that Sarah married a shifter. She was our top cat person.

    Ony laughed. She was upset to visit her family’s preserve and our own and find that she was watching shifters. She was really hurt to find that her beloved Leopards didn’t return her regard and care.

    Ken and Tom both laughed out loud at that.

    She’s brought a lot of knowledge and awareness to the plight of the wild populations around the world. We need her.

    Ony nodded. She and Aleksei are working very hard to find out the problem with wild and shifter conception problems.

    I heard her in-laws were spearheading that part of our outreach. The entire American wolf and bear shifter population is bending its considerable will to helping other habitats begin to thrive.

    Ony’s face became serious. Tigers are dying off and we have to stop this, or we will be all that’s left and there are precious few of us.

    Ken nodded; his face just as serious. Most of the problem is human encroachment, but in your part of the world, that’s not the entire picture.

    Ony shook his head. And we have no idea what the rest of the picture looks like.

    Well, let’s hope we manage to put our heads together and come up with a solution.

    Lars turned onto a dirt road that was muddy due to the recent snow, but that was beginning to freeze, meaning ambient temperatures were well below freezing. Ony couldn’t see much, but when the headlights hit the surrounding area it appeared to be much like the woodlands in Siberia. Familiar ground.

    They pulled up in front of a large, two-story log cabin and Tom got out, popping the back of the SUV open and helping them grab their bags.

    I’ll show you inside and introduce you to Adrik, make sure you’ve got what you need. Ken led them up the stairs to the porch that appeared to wrap around the entire cabin. We usually do a communal breakfast down at the community center in the mornings and your kitchen has been stocked with groceries for other meals. You’re always welcome to join us.

    Ony nodded and smiled in thanks. He was not a bad cook if he said so himself. He’d been cooking for just himself for a long time, when not eating with Aleksei and Misha.

    The door opened and a tall, blond male stood in the light of the doorway.

    At least they won’t get cold out there with your jabbering on, Ken, Adrik laughed. This is very mild weather to a Siberian one. He stood back and welcomed them inside to a warm fire.

    Ony stood just inside the doorway after it was closed. Log cabin? He knew for a fact that most American homes were not as well appointed as this hunting lodge was. Ah, capitalism.

    All of the bedrooms have en suite bathrooms, so pick your room, no fighting, Ken laughed. If you’re hungry Adrik can show you the kitchen. We’ll see you in the morning.

    Anxious to get back to your mate, are you? Adrik teased and Ken gave him a huge grin. He nodded to Raj and Ony.

    These two were dithering getting off the plane. We waited forever. My mate will be relieved to see me get my ass back home.

    They laughed and Ken waved on his way out the door.

    Adrik spoke in Russian after he left and Ony cleared his throat.

    We will need to speak English as Raj has not yet learned to speak Russian.

    Adrik took a second look at Raj and his eyes widened as his nostrils flared. A Leopard! I was expecting an Amur.

    Ony nodded. His leap insisted he be part of this, so here we are.

    Adrik laughed, the man appeared to have a very happy personality. Ony knew better. His smiling countenance hid a wily and steel-trap mind that made sure his wolves in Siberia got the best of any deal they made.

    After being shown the unused bedrooms, Ony and Raj chose theirs and got to unpacking their bags.

    After his clothes were put away, Ony jumped into the shower and quickly washed the trip away. He was hungry after, so he put on sweats and wandered downstairs where Adrik was busy watching American television. The kitchen was well stocked indeed, so Ony made a sandwich and grabbed an American beer he knew he liked.

    The jet lag isn’t so bad coming here, it’s going back home that will kill us all, Adrik grinned as Ony sat in a very huge, overstuffed armchair next to the fireplace. He found his feet getting cold as he’d forgotten to put on socks or his fur-lined slippers.

    I was never the typical cat to love traveling when I was younger, but jet lag I remember all too well.

    Adrik smiled and changed the channel to a sports channel showing a South American soccer game.

    Well, at least they are civilized enough to show the football matches.


    Ony woke up the next morning and got dressed and ready for the walk over to the community center for breakfast. Adrik had claimed to like that sort of thing and Ony already missed his meals with Aleksei and his family, as well as Misha and Khristeen, his mate. Tigers were not social animals, even the shifters, but within the Siberian Streak, they were close because they had to be. It was a mindset that Aleksei, as part

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