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Scare Scare
Scare Scare
Scare Scare
Ebook101 pages57 minutes

Scare Scare

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About this ebook

Abhisek Basu's first horror anthology brings us thirteen terrifying short stories where:

A man acquires the elusive Death Pill in his quest for psychedelic drugs. However, things start getting worse after he takes it.

Alvaro's eulogy for his deceased father takes an unexpected turn.

A cursed tree demands a sacrifice, but what happens when it doesn't get it?

An author is asked to share a story on stage, by a woman. The whole crowd listens in awe as the author narrates his tale.

A man trying BDSM instantly regrets his decision as he discovers what he has got himself into, only after he is tied up.

A husband discovers that his wife has psychic powers.

A man gets into a taxi, but he can't get out.

An alexa device that wakes you up in the middle of the night.

Two boys discover their grandfather's old journal, but the contents of it immediately scares them out of their wits.

And many more!

With stories getting over 50k shares on Facebook and hitting Reddit frontpage multiple times from r/NoSleep, Abhisek Basu already has a respectable reputation in the horror community.

This is his first novel, and the fate of the entire universe depends on this one.

Notable comments from the author's Facebook and Reddit pages:

"This gave me shivers down my spine literally..Please ensure you use ur pen more often.. Already a fan :) "

"Hi writer, one of the most beautiful masterpiece i've ever read. Looking forward for another output of yours. You trully deserve to be recognized and be awarded. Keep it up."

"Dear author,

Despite this story being the only one I've read of yours, am your fan already. Do write more.

-Yet another fan."

Here's a comment from the author's best friend:

"Drinks a lot, yet somehow manages to write stories that shouldn't be read at night at all costs"

Here's a comment from a very biased friend:

"Best stories in the history of all stories."

So, keep your lights on and say hello to sleepless nights. Embrace the darkness and let it guide the way.


PublisherAbhisek Basu
Release dateJul 18, 2019
Scare Scare

Abhisek Basu

Abhisek Basu has been writing short horror stories on the /r/nosleep subreddit and on his facebook page since 2017. A full-time writer living in India, his twisted tales have reached the frontpage of reddit multiple times with each story getting over six thousand upvotes. When he is not writing, he spends his time reading, drinking and smoking - two of which will kill him one day. In other words, he's living the dream while giving you the stuff of nightmares. May the darkness light your way!

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    Book preview

    Scare Scare - Abhisek Basu


    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, locations are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, is purely coincidental


    Copyright © 2019 Abhisek Basu  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author. This includes all forms of duplication, film adaptations, audio narrations. Please refrain from such acts unless explicitly permitted by the author to avoid DMCA takedowns and copyright notices.

    Table of Contents



    Table of Contents



    My wife was psychic for a short while

    Grandpa’s Trick

    A eulogy

    The LifeTrip Drug IL9

    The Death Pill

    My brother’s wife had cheated on him

    The last time we talked

    Highway 49


    Things she said: Nothing

    Don’t pick it up

    Our Next Author

    Human Flesh

    Final Words from the author



    This book is primarily dedicated to all my readers from and Without your love and support, this book wouldn't exist. I know you're reading this from somewhere around the world. Philippines, US, UK, India, Australia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka or wherever you are: Thank you. I love you. 

    This book wouldn't be possible without the following important people and is this dedicated:

    To my mother, who is the best mother in the world, without your love and support, I wouldn't be here. 

    To Priyanka Sarkar, thank you for all your support and for motivating me to write every day. 

    To Monodeep Dutta, thanks for being the brother I never had, for reading and helping me edit my stories and for drinking with me more than any other person on earth. If our livers degenerate someday, I wouldn't be surprised. 

    To my agent, who chooses to remain unnamed. 

    And in no particular order, the following people are very close to my heart, and I'll always treasure our friendship and all the memories that we have shared over the years. Some moments never die, and I have always wanted to immortalise and name them on my first book, so here it is:

    Debjit Kundu, Mahima Ghosh, Avilash Bhattacharjee, Debayan Mondal, Subhadeep Biswas, Ritabrata Bhattacharjee, Saptarshi Pal, Soumya Basak, Aritrodev Bhattacharya, Rupam Sarkar, Sourjobroto Lahiri, Shinjinee Pal, Quoyina Ghosh, Shrobontika Dasgupta, Prerna Ganguly, Paulami Das, Srijeet Ghosh, Ankit Mukherjee, Sayan Palit, Nilesh Debgupta, Ayus Bannerjee,  Rituja Ghosh, Sougata Chakraborty, Rajdeep Banerjee, Yaman Ghosh, Siddha Chanda, Shirsha Nandi, Rohit Roy, Avranil Sengupta, Sayak Das, Rittik Bose, Arkya Guha, Subhankar Sikder, and Soumyajit Ghosh. 

    Finally, this book is dedicated to you. Thank you for buying the book. It's the first of many more to come. 

    I'll be leaving you now to the rest of the pages as you read through each story. Keep your eyes open. Keep the lights on. Turn each page carefully, and don't be scared. You're going to be okay.

    May the darkness light your way.

    Welcome to SCARE SCARE!


    Thanks for picking up this book. 

    If you've been following me for a while, some stories may seem familiar. Some, like grandpa's trick have been improved with new elements. Almost everything has been reedited and proofread because what I had uploaded a year ago online on Reddit and my page had numerous errors which I didn't proofread or edit. 

    So, if you're an old reader: 7 stories are perfectly fresh and new. 6 have been edited and improved. 

    If you're a new reader, all 13 of these terrifying tales of horror are new.

    A short advice before you read this: 

    Suspend all disbelief. Everything is true, even if you think it is not. That is the best way to experience these stories. 

    Optional challenge: 

    Use the hashtag #SCARESCARECHALLENGE and upload a picture when you start reading this book. Finish this book within a week (7 days), and re-upload a picture talking about the book and challenging 3 friends to take the


    I will upload your picture on my website and social media handles.

    Good luck. See you on the other side.

    My wife was psychic for a short while

    I love my wife, Lily, dearly. She has always been my best friend. I was devoid of love and affection for most of my life until she came along eight years ago. I have been in love, ever since. We have been married for 5 years now.

    You realize you love someone when you’re ready to do anything for them. I’d do anything for Lily. If she said that the sky was red: it was red. If it wasn’t, I’d paint it red.

    We had a beautiful daughter on 28th March, 3 years ago. We named her Dorothy, after Lily’s grandmother.

    That is when things started to get strange.

    One morning my beloved Lily woke up and said:

    "I need to tell you something.  I cannot keep it in me any longer. I don’t expect you to understand, but you’re the only person I

    can trust."

    At first, I thought she was joking. But she was sweating profusely, and her eyes told me that this wasn’t some silly prank.

    Yes, darling. What’s wrong? I asked.

    I get visions and I can see into the future, she said, her lips trembling with each word.

    Wait. So, like a psychic? I asked.

    "I don’t know. I have always kept it to myself, but it seems I have had this gift since my pregnancy. I‘ve said nothing about this to


    But darling. You are an atheist who prides herself in trusting logic and facts over everything else. I thought we both were like that. Do you really believe that you can see the future?

    You don’t have to believe me just yet. I didn’t believe myself either. I just know that I have this gift now. I have these visions of looking at certain people and places, and they come true. They always come true. I have tried keeping this to myself, but after what I saw today, I had to let you know. Your mother will die tomorrow.


    Yes. Just go over there now. Don’t ask questions.


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