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Buzz... Bedazzled
Buzz... Bedazzled
Buzz... Bedazzled
Ebook206 pages4 hours

Buzz... Bedazzled

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Everyone was hooking up around here – and I didn’t mean just for the night either.
Peyton and Kody had kicked it all off – the monogamy thing that is... They’d been a couple for over a year now and everyone knew they were totally exclusive.
And then River went and followed suit – now that really was a major surprise. He’d been on anything with a pulse for as long as I’d known him. He was everyone’s sweetheart – and everyone’s quickie in the bathroom – until he went and got jiggy with his best friend’s boyfriend and wham! True love.
Not great for Jake but whatever – they seem to have worked it all out between the three of them now... and River and Jodie were getting married next spring.
Alfie was sorted with Harley the cop – and Simon was seen in the company of the same mystery man more times than he wasn’t. He just hadn’t gotten around to admitting it to himself – or us lot – yet.
Seth and Siobhan were also solid – so... that just left me.
And I wasn’t bothered really... Well, you know – I did wonder when I was finally going to find Mr Right.
I never expected it to happen on our quietest night...
I never expected it to love at first sight...
And I really didn’t expect it to be a twink...

Release dateJul 18, 2019
Buzz... Bedazzled

Heather Mar-Gerrison

I love to write M/M romance and as a sucker for a HEA, you're guaranteed one in my books. #happyheatherafters

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    Book preview

    Buzz... Bedazzled - Heather Mar-Gerrison



    Everyone was hooking up around here – and I didn’t mean just for the night, either...

    Peyton and Kody had kicked it all off – the monogamy thing, that was... They’d been a couple for over a year now and everyone knew they were totally exclusive.

    And then River went and followed suit – now that really was a fucking surprise. He’d been on anything with a pulse for as long as I’d known him. He was everyone’s sweetheart – and everyone’s quick fuck in the bathroom – until he went and got jiggy with his best friend’s boyfriend, Jodie (yeah, not cool...) and wham! True love.

    Not great for Jodie’s ex-boyfriend, Jake but whatever – they seem to have worked it all out between the three of them now... and River and Jodie were getting married next spring.

    Alfie was sorted with Harley the cop – and my brother, Simon was seen in the company of the same mystery man more times than he wasn’t. He just hadn’t gotten around to admitting it to himself – or to us lot – yet.

    Seth and Siobhan were also solid – so... that just left me.

    And I wasn’t bothered really... Well, you know – I did wonder when I was finally going to find my own Mr Right.

    I never expected it to happen on our quietest night of the week...

    I never expected it to be love at first sight...

    And I really didn’t expect it to be a twink...

    Chapter 1 – Quietest night of the week...


    It was Wednesday, the quietest time of the week. The hard-core partiers came every night, there was no denying it, but some nights were definitely quieter than others. To try to combat the ‘dead’ nights, Rob, the co-owner and manager of the nightclub, had introduced themed evenings. Monday was, therefore, quiz night, which attracted a whole different set of clients, older ones mainly – and they’d stay for a dance and a few drinks and then we closed at midnight, which was quite a welcome change for us all – and the only night of the week that we got some shut-eye before the sun was coming up.

    Tuesday was gaming night – the poker players came then – and no, they weren’t allowed to play for money – just for matches but it didn’t stop the tension in the room. Some of those poker players were really good and I’ve got to admit that I enjoyed watching them play.

    And then Wednesday wasn’t themed at all but was unofficially known as student night – something I really thought we could probably do with making official and I had an idea of ‘happy hour’ or half price admission or something, since they’d made Wednesday’s their own we might as well cash in on the whole thing. Students spent a whole lot of money once they’d been given one freebie...

    Simon, my brother, and Alfie, another one of our dancers worked on Wednesdays, so I liked it a little better – being on the door all night wasn’t all it was cracked up to be and it was always better when your mates showed up. At least they hung around with me on the door for a while but it wasn’t a really happening night, like Thursday through to Sunday. They were the best nights...

    So... like I said, it was a Wednesday and it was fairly quiet until a group of students turned up and one in particular had had far too much to drink...

    I was bored out of my skull but it wasn’t last admissions time yet... ten more minutes and I could legitimately leave my post and get myself a beer and have a chat with my best mate, Seth...

    My walkie-talkie buzzed in my pocket.

    Yo, I spoke into it.

    Seth’s amused voice came through the speaker, There’s some guy on the dance floor – he’s completely out of control. Do you think you could you come and remove him?

    Oh, God, I needed this like a hole in the head... I counted to ten in my head before I answered, No problem, I sighed. God, I hoped he was skinny. I might be built like a brick shithouse but I still didn’t particularly feel like wrestling someone to the door. I liked them to be subservient when I was throwing them out...

    In the bedroom, it was a different story. I quite liked my lovers to take control but to be honest, the chances of that happening were so few and far between, that in all honesty, I wouldn’t complain about getting any sort of action, anymore...

    I closed the front door and went in search of the out-of-control guy causing a problem on the dance floor.

    He wasn’t difficult to find. He was lying in the middle of the floor, in the shape of a star...

    I had to smile. He was no bigger than River or Alfie and if this wasn’t a Wednesday, he would surely have been trampled to death... What the hell did he think he was doing?

    I walked over to him, Come on, big man. I said, Up you get.

    He looked up to me, batting his eyelashes flirtatiously, Oh, my, he murmured, "It’s you."

    I blinked. Not least because I’d never seen such a beautiful shade of hazel eyes. Trying to ignore how beautiful he was, I focused on the fact that he thought he already knew me. I was pretty sure that he did not... Have we met before? I asked in surprise.

    He shook his head, No, he purred, "But I’ve seen you before and I would love to know you."

    My dick twitched in my pants, quite against my will. He was a twink for fuck’s sake. I didn’t fancy twinks! Never had... In fact, I usually hated the little fuckers... Alfie and River being among the few exceptions, of course.

    I hauled him to his feet and half-dragged, half-supported his weight out to the door. Have you got a lift home? I asked.

    He shook his head and waved his hand in the air in such an affected manner I wanted to laugh, Oh, don’t worry about me, he said airily, I’ll find someone to take me home.

    I didn’t doubt it – but it was late and he was drunk and I didn’t want anyone else taking him home with them and taking advantage of his sweet, trusting nature... I suddenly felt ridiculously protective over him...

    Before I could even start to work out what to do with him, he’d shot out of the door and disappeared. Fuck!

    Has he gone? Seth’s voice crackled over the walkie-talkie.

    Yeah, I snapped, Everything okay, now?

    He confirmed that everything seemed to have settled down, so I stationed myself back at the door.

    It was a chilly night and had started to rain, so the door was shut. I sat down. No one in their right mind was gonna be coming to the club at this late hour... I just hoped the twink had found his way home safely.

    Moments later and I was beginning to wonder. I could hear the loudest voice possible, singing outside...

    It was the most amazing voice I’d ever heard and he was singing ‘Chandelier’ by Sia...

    I had to see who owned the voice. It was fantastic.

    I opened the door and peered out into the darkness. It was hammering it down with rain and kind of difficult to see.

    Whoever it was singing, they were swinging around the lamppost in the most flamboyant manner. I couldn’t keep my eyes off him – holy shit! It was only the twink from the dance floor. Fuck.

    Oi! I yelled, Get yourself back in here before you die of hypothermia!

    He shot back across the road as fast as lightning and grinned up at me. His smile was enough to melt the polar ice caps. I thought you’d never ask. He said as he sat himself down on my chair, crossed his legs effeminately and looked up at me, batting his eyelashes again in a most distracting manner while water dripped off the end of his nose. Goddammit, why was he flirting with me? What’s your name? he purred.

    As hard as I tried to keep an impassive expression, it was impossible when I looked at him. I honestly couldn’t wipe the grin off my face, Buzz. I said.

    He batted his eyelashes at me again, Well, Buzz, he said, his voice all breathy and, dare I admit it? Fucking sexy, it’s a pleasure to meet you, my name is Franz...

    Well of course it was... He couldn’t have had a normal name, could he?

    Chapter 2 – Take me home...


    I couldn’t believe my luck. Nothing this lucky ever happened to me... The planets must have aligned just right tonight or something... I’d been crushing on the bouncer for weeks but I had absolutely no idea how to attract his attention.

    It appeared that getting pissed out of my head and lying in the middle of the dance floor was all it took. Who knew? I couldn’t wait to tell Quentin about all of this – but he’d disappeared off with the muscle-bound Thai guy almost as soon as we arrived and I had no idea where he was right now – although it wasn’t difficult to hazard a guess...

    I was absolutely amazed and delighted when the bouncer appeared above me in all of his muscled glory to collect me – and okay, so he was throwing me out, but what the hell? It was worth it just to lean against his broad chest for a couple of minutes, breathing in his amazing body spray and revelling in his awesome manliness...

    Have you got a lift home? he asked, frowning at me.

    Aw, he even sounded worried about me. How fucking cute was that? I shook my head. Waving my hand in the air dismissively, I smiled, Oh, don’t worry about me – I’ll find someone to take me home. Please take me home with you... No one else is ever gonna offer. No one wants a flaky drama student...

    He ushered me out of the door and closed it behind me. It was throwing it down with rain and I bit my lip as I stood in the shelter of the doorway. What was I supposed to do now? I didn’t really want to wait for everyone else out here – it was cold and I was hardly dressed for the weather. I was only in my skinny jeans and a tee shirt – and, you know, it was late November... Insisting that I look good rather than being sensible and taking a jacket had never been shown to be so obviously stupid.

    Suddenly the situation struck me as funny and I giggled. Well, there was nothing else I could do now than to wait. I wondered about knocking on the door to see if the big badass bouncer would let me back in – but no. He’d just kicked me out. There was no way...

    Well, I sighed, I’d just practice my latest piece of choreography then. I was doing a performing arts degree and I was doing my assignment on Sia, who I absolutely loved. It would keep me relatively warm and I’d get the practice I really needed...

    I started to sing ‘Chandelier’ and decided I should practice my dance moves at the same time.

    Within less than a minute I was totally in the zone and swinging around the lampposts and practicing my moves in the street, singing at the top of my lungs. I wasn’t disturbing anyone – there wasn’t a housing estate in sight and the car park was pretty much empty.

    The door of the club opened and the beautiful badass bouncer was stood there, looking kind of amused – or rather, bemused... Oi! he yelled at me, Get yourself back in here before you die of hypothermia!

    I didn’t need telling twice, I thought you’d never ask, I said flirtatiously, batting my eyelashes at him and trying to look appealing, What’s your name? I was dying to know more about him. He’d been the man of my dreams since I’d first laid eyes on him a couple of months ago when I first came here with the LGBT society from uni.

    He grinned at me and my heart took off at a gallop. Fuck he was handsome... Buzz. He said.

    Buzz? Well that was an unusual name – obviously not his real one. Still, there would be plenty of time to work that one out...

    Well, Buzz, I said, It’s a pleasure to meet you – my name is Franz.

    I wondered what he would think of my very strange name, courtesy of my Grandfather who was also Franz. Although neither of my brothers had really got any better a deal with Eduard and Georg...

    He nodded, Nice name – now how are you getting home?

    I shrugged, I’ll just sit here and wait for my friends if that’s okay with you?

    Buzz frowned and shrugged, Where have you come from? he asked after a minute of silence.

    I blinked, From the uni, I waved my hand in the general direction of the city, I started back in September. I’m a performing arts student.

    His jaw dropped, Fuck – are you only eighteen?

    I stared at him. Did I look like I was only eighteen? Surely not... I shook my head, Actually, no I’m not. I re-took my first year of A Levels. I really wasn’t enjoying the course I was on but I left it too long to swap – so I worked for my dad for a year and then I went back to study drama. And then I took another year out once I’d finished my A2’s. I’m actually twenty-one.

    He nodded. Was that a look of relief on his face? My heart picked up a little, did he actually like me?

    How old do I look? I asked, You’ve made me feel a little paranoid now that I’m a baby-face. I smiled at him.

    He smiled back. My God. He had the cutest smile ever! He shook his head, I was just horrified with myself that I hadn’t ID’d you and your friends.

    I nodded, Well, I can vouch for them all. We’re all legal. I winked at him.

    Seconds later they all appeared, We’re going Franz. Quentin clapped me on the back, The guys are going back to uni and I’m off home – are you coming?

    I shot Buzz a glance, Actually, I’ll uh, find a taxi or something.

    Buzz raised an eyebrow, Really? he asked as they all disappeared without me, You’re not going with them? How on earth are you gonna get home, now?

    I took a deep breath and sent up a silent prayer to any god that might be listening, Actually, I was uh, kind of hoping that I might come home with you?

    Chapter 3 – Sleepover...


    Holy fucking shit. The cute, drunk, performing arts student with the beautiful eyes was totally coming on to me. What the hell was I supposed to do about that?

    Fine. I finally agreed after battling my conscience for what seemed like forever but was probably more like a nanosecond, "You can come back to my place if you like – but be warned, my dog, Zac will probably lick you to death and I have a rule about not sleeping

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