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How To Become Simply Creative
How To Become Simply Creative
How To Become Simply Creative
Ebook49 pages25 minutes

How To Become Simply Creative

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Creative thinking has led to innovations that have transformed the world and made some individuals and organisations hugely successful. Many business leaders have placed creativity at the top of the list of qualities that they look for in new employees. Developing your creative thinking skills might therefore help you to find employment, build your career or attract clients and grow your business.

Creativity has been described as a spark or moment of sudden insight or realisation, which enables people to develop new ideas. You might consider creativity to be a rare gift possessed by a talented few, just as some people exhibit natural ability in sports, languages or practical tasks. However, we can each learn such skills, although those of us with less aptitude will need to invest more time and effort to do so. You might also be able to develop your creative thinking skills.

Innovations within areas such as the arts, sciences, technology or business, might be the result of individual effort, or of two or more people working together. Business owners look for creative individuals to employ, but also recognise the value of teamwork. Managers can build and lead teams of people, who when working together are far more creative than they would be on their own. By sharing knowledge, experience and skills, such teams form the foundation for success of many organisations.

A complex mix of thoughts and actions, creativity is associated with activity in the right side of the brain, which increases when you are in an alpha state of mind. You might seek to enter this state through meditation, or by focusing upon the details of something, until you lose awareness of other distractions. However, coping with the realities of daily life, can make it difficult to find a time and place that is conducive to this creative state of mind.

How To Become Simply Creative is a short book, which can be read in less than an hour, but might help you to find a creative process that you could apply in your own life and work. The book looks at the nature of creativity and why some people appear to be more creative than others. It considers how changing the way in which you think about yourself and the world, approach work and organise your life might help you to become more creative.

PublisherPaul Riley
Release dateJul 20, 2019
How To Become Simply Creative

Paul Riley

In the 1960s Paul Riley was the youngest painter to have his work exhibited at the Royal Academy.  He has exhibited at the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour, the Royal Watercolour Society and a number of private galleries. He is author of Flower Painting, Watercolour Landscapes and Watercolour Workshop and established the very successful Coombe Farm Studios Art Centre in Devon.

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    Book preview

    How To Become Simply Creative - Paul Riley


    Creativity has been described as a spark or moment of sudden insight or realisation, which enables people to develop new ideas. You might consider creativity to be a rare gift possessed by a talented few, just as some people exhibit natural ability in sports, languages or practical tasks. However, we can each learn such skills, although those of us with less aptitude will need to invest more time and effort to do so. You might also be able to learn how to develop your creative skills.

    Innovations within areas such as the arts, sciences, technology or business, might be the result of individual effort, or of two or more people working together. Business owners look for creative individuals to employ, but also recognise the value of teamwork. Managers can build and lead teams of people, who when working together are far more creative than they would be on their own. By sharing knowledge, experience and skills, such teams form the foundation for success of many organisations.

    A complex mix of thoughts and actions, creativity is associated with activity in the right side of the brain, which increases when you are in an alpha state of mind. You might seek to enter this state through meditation, or by focusing upon the details of something, until you lose awareness of other distractions. However, coping with the realities of daily life, can make it difficult to find a time and place that is conducive to this creative state of mind.

    How To Become Simply Creative is a short book, which can be read in less than an hour, but might help you to find a creative process that you could apply in your own life. The book looks at the nature of creativity and why some people appear to be more creative than others. It considers how changing the way in which you think about yourself and the world, approach work and organise your life might help you to become more creative. The book also looks at the benefits of practicing creative arts and crafts.

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