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My Intuitive Journey: 101 Stories of Intuition
My Intuitive Journey: 101 Stories of Intuition
My Intuitive Journey: 101 Stories of Intuition
Ebook185 pages2 hours

My Intuitive Journey: 101 Stories of Intuition

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You've read about intuition, you believe in it, and yet you hold back from following your intuition because you're not sure what your life will look like when you do.

Henrietta Atkin has followed her intuition daily for the last four years. In this collection of stories, she shares the intuitions that have shaped her own life and how intuition has transformed her daily experience into a magical, mystical journey.

In this book, you'll discover how Henrietta's intuition found a job for her daughter and herself, how she magically finds herself in the right place at the right time, and how she finds shopping bargains at the mall, and saves money and time every day.

Each story ends with a practical intuition tip that allows you to learn more about your own intuition and how you can invite it into your life.

Do you want a life filled with support from the Divine? Do you want to approach each day feeling that the future is incredibly bright and life is only going to get better? Do you want to learn the difference between the voice of your fears and the voice of your heart? Then read this book, and begin your journey.

Henrietta is dedicated to helping people listen to, and trust, their spirits. By sharing how intuition has worked for her, she wants to encourage you to take the risk to follow each intuition as it shows up in your life. Please join her on Facebook at Intuition Daily, her free online newsmagazine.

Release dateJul 23, 2019
My Intuitive Journey: 101 Stories of Intuition

Henrietta Atkin

Henrietta Atkin is a church organist and jazz musician. She earned her master of church music degree in 1999. Her compositions have been published, and she is the author of two children's musicals and two composer workbooks. She is the publisher of the free Facebook news magazine Intuition Daily, a mother of two teenagers, and lives in a suburb of Chicago. Henrietta has been studying intuition for many years, and has taken all three levels of Sonia Choquette's intuitive-training courses. She has taken the final level-teacher training-three times.

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    My Intuitive Journey - Henrietta Atkin


    Four years ago, I quit my full-time job and made following my intuition my number-one priority. I wanted to see where my intuitions would lead me and if they could help me create a life that supported my spirit.

    I was ecstatic to find that intuition showed up in the smallest details of my life. My life unfolded like a rose, in a miraculous way that the logical mind couldn’t figure out. It was occasionally nerve-racking to trust my heart all the time, but it was so worth it!

    Following are stories of how intuition made my daily life magical. I hope these stories will inspire you to follow your intuition daily. Some of the stories are about teeny, tiny intuitions that made my day flow more smoothly. Other stories are about major, life-changing intuitions. In any case, our spirit gives us guidance constantly throughout the day.


    I felt to take a different route home from my exercise today, and I ran into an old friend I hadn’t seen since she had lost her job. She had an interesting story to tell.

    She and her husband used to be in charge of cleaning and maintenance at a local condo building. A new board was voted in, and the new officers decided to use a different maintenance service. My friend was devastated. I remember at the time I urged her to have hope for the future and to consider starting her own maintenance company.

    She said, I was just wondering how you were doing the other day. She then shared that she was doing much better after the surprise of being let go. You told me it would take a year to get on my feet, she said, And you were right.

    Those were words that had just popped out of my mouth at the time. I felt grateful that my intuitive advice to go freelance had been right for her. Now she and her husband are running their own business, and they have never been busier.

    In fact, I learned that they were able to return to cleaning the building they were let go from. After they were let go, an offer was made to purchase the building, and the ownership changed hands. The new management company heard of my friend’s fine reputation and rehired them.

    I felt that because they had not become bitter and had embraced the future, the door had been opened for them to return to their former job, this time as freelance contractors.

    I would never have learned all this good news if I hadn’t taken that different route home.

    INTUITION TIP: If you feel compelled to do something out of your usual routine, do it. Opening to the new invites space in our lives for exciting things to happen.

    You can also just do things you wouldn’t normally do just for the adventure of it. Doing new things breaks you out of your old story and creates a vibration that attracts many good things to you.


    Right after my divorce many years ago, I was quite down about life.

    I couldn’t figure out how I was going to be able to create the family I wanted without a husband.

    I took to spending some time in the library, reading all the positive-thinking books I could find, and journaling. This helped quite a bit.

    Still, emptiness gnawed at my heart. I doubted I would find love again in my life.

    One night I had a dream. I dreamed people were in line, receiving gifts from a young man in his thirties with long brown hair. I noticed some of them. They were clothes, jewels, food, books, and many other desirable objects.

    I began to feel quite upset as I waited in line. Was I going to receive any of these beautiful gifts?

    Finally I got to meet the young man with long brown hair. He looked quite familiar, and I recognized he was Jesus. I was glad to see him, and realized the significance of the meeting.

    But there was nothing in his hands for me. I felt disappointed. But he gave me a beautiful smile. I felt love emanating from him.

    I give you the gift of time, he said. To heal from your divorce.

    His voice was filled with understanding, and he knew everything I was going through.

    When I woke up, I felt calm. Though I wanted the things I saw other people getting in the dream, I realized I didn’t need them.

    Years later, I recognized that the emptiness created by having very little was a fresh start. New ideas dropped into this empty space. They surprised me, but following them, I eventually created a loving family and a new life.

    I did use the time I had to heal. And it turned out that I had all the time I needed to start a new life, even if it wasn’t the timing I wanted.

    INTUITION TIP: Your intuition can speak to you in your dreams.


    I like to take a daily walk in a graveyard near my home. The grounds are beautifully kept, and during the fall, the paths are carpeted with colorful leaves. It is very peaceful there, and I get some of my best creative ideas just by walking quietly.

    I was thinking about family members who had died and about how I missed their presence. Looking up, I saw my brother’s name, William, on one of the gravestones. A few minutes later, I saw the name Oliver, which was my father’s name. Knowing how our beloved family is really only a breath away, I wasn’t surprised, just grateful for the reminder of their closeness to my spirit.

    A different day, I was walking through the graveyard and spotted a gravestone that said Henrietta and William on it. Seeing our two names together reminded me of the poem To Willie and Henrietta by Robert Louis Stevenson.

    If two may read aright

    These rhymes of old delight

    And house and garden play,

    You too, my cousins, and you only, may.

    You in a garden green

    With me were king and queen,

    Were hunter, soldier, tar,

    And all the thousand things that children are.

    Now in the elders’ seat

    We rest with quiet feet,

    And from the window-bay

    We watch the children, our successors, play.

    Time was, the golden head

    Irrevocably said;

    But time which none can bind,

    While flowing fast away, leaves love behind.

    INTUITION TIP: You have to create calm space to sense what your intuitive voice is saying. Taking a walk in a beautiful place is a way to meditate and a sure way to evoke your intuition. And, as I found when thinking about my deceased loved ones, intuition will reassure you as many times as you need.


    If you’re ever feeling blocked in your intuition, prayer is a great way to get a miracle.

    My family and I were driving down to Key West for vacation. As we traveled through Big Pine Key, I mentioned the tiny Key deer who live there. My daughter, Sophia, said, Oh mom, I really want to see one!

    As there are only about four hundred of them in the wild, I didn’t think this was very likely, but I didn’t want to disappoint my daughter. I said, Well, you can pray, Sophia, and ask God to see one.

    I looked in the rearview mirror and saw my daughter close her eyes. We kept a lookout for any animals but saw none, and we soon left Big Pine Key, eagerly anticipating the sights and sounds of Key West.

    In Key West, we met author Judy Blume, who has a bookstore there. Another favorite moment was meeting all the six-toed cats who are descendants of Ernest Hemingway’s cat.

    On our way back a few days later, we had forgotten about the prayer. As we rounded a turn in the road, Sophia screamed, Look, Mom! A Key deer!

    Sure enough, by the side of the road we saw a tiny deer eating grass. We all got out of the car and got close enough to take pictures and a video. It was the perfect end to our vacation.

    INTUITION TIP: Sincere prayer is answered. Sometimes God just gives us a gift because we’re his children and he loves us.

    I’ve never found there to be any conflict between following one’s intuition and religious belief. Following one’s intuition is listening to one’s spirit, and the Holy Spirit speaks through our spirit.

    The above story is an example of the principle of letting go and forgetting. I’ve found this approach works wonders if you want to manifest something. It’s as if you cannot get what you want on the same level that you ask for it. You have to dive deep into another part of your reality, which shows trust. Then the Divine gets to work to bring you what you’ve asked for.


    I was attending a teacher-training seminar taught by Sonia Choquette. She has been my intuition teacher for the last thirty years and is probably the best intuitive in the world. I highly recommend reading her books and taking her courses if you want to live life in a completely different and magical way.

    One of Sonia’s tools to evoke intuition is to say out loud, I live a charmed life.

    This statement is affirmative and magnetic. I find myself saying it when I want to invite some magic into my life.

    As I drove into the parking lot of the hotel where the seminar was, I turned on the car radio, and jazz singer Diana Krall broke out into A Charmed Life.

    I burst out laughing.

    The lyrics of the song (which you can hear on YouTube) are actually a description of what life looks like when you listen to your intuition.

    You live a life full

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