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Kings & Queans: Sibling Rivalry
Kings & Queans: Sibling Rivalry
Kings & Queans: Sibling Rivalry
Ebook39 pages27 minutes

Kings & Queans: Sibling Rivalry

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‘Nothing you can do to stop me. I’ve been planning this for a long time...’

Natalie and Rob are just a few short months away from getting married, but there’s one last hurdle in their way: Natalie’s sister. Becca – Rob’s former girlfriend. The three have arranged a casual meeting in a bar to catch up and has out their issues.

But Becca has a plan, one she’s been stewing on ever since Rob dumped her. Tonight, this wicked sister is going to get revenge for her broken heart – and have some wild fun of her own at the same time...

Kings and Queans is a series charting the reverse cuckold kink – women wanting their partners to sleep with other women. Adults only. Contains explicit scenes of erotica.

PublisherAndrea Martin
Release dateAug 9, 2019
Kings & Queans: Sibling Rivalry

Andrea Martin

I am Andrea Martin, the architect of your deepest desires. I specialize in cheating, cuckolding, and rough sex fantasies. Some of my stories are based on real encounters, others are pure fantasy. (I will leave it up to you to decide which is which!) I believe that marriage is the beginning of a whole new set of fantasies and experiences, and my goal is to make you feel the same way. I'm always open to suggestions, confessions and fantasies from my readers! I aim to publish new material every two weeks. If you like what I write, feel free to get in touch via

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    Kings & Queans - Andrea Martin

    Kings & Queans:

    Sibling Rivalry

    Andrea Martin

    Copyright 2019 Andrea Martin

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition Licence Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author

    ‘I was kind of surprised you came,’ I say. I’m talking louder than usual to be heard over the general noise of the bar – the chatter, clinking glasses, laughter, etc – and my voice is beginning to slur and distort from all the booze we’ve consumed so far tonight.

    My sister’s expressive brown eyes cloud over for a moment – long enough for me to wonder if she’s drifted off somewhere else, somewhere far away from here and now – before she snaps back to reality with a dry smile. She raises an eyebrow at me from across the table. There’s a hell of a lot of unspoken history in that single raised eyebrow. A hell of a lot that she could say right now. In fact, if Becca wanted, she could throw her drink in my face and I wouldn’t blame her for it.

    ‘I was surprised to be invited,’ she says, her tone neutral. She swirls a straw around in her glass, causing the leftover ice cubes to tumble around, unheard in the din of the bar. ‘I hope you didn’t do it just because Mom made you.’

    I shake my head, an emphatic negative. ‘I did it because I love you and I miss you. I really do. I miss us, you and me. We used to be so close. And I know it’s partly my fault-’

    That single eyebrow raises again.

    ‘-Okay, it’s completely my fault, and I’m sorry. I want us to be close again.’ I plead with my eyes across the table, cupping my empty bottle of beer with both hands like a nun at prayer.

    ‘I’m not sure if we’ll ever be as close as we used to,’ Becca says. ‘You know that, right, Natalie?’

    ‘I do, I do. I fucked up what we had. I get that you’re probably still mad at me – and I don’t blame you. Sure, we might not be super-close sisters again, but we could at least try to be friends, right?’

    Becca purses her full red lips in thought. She

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