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New horizons. Europe’s death and the birth of a new world
New horizons. Europe’s death and the birth of a new world
New horizons. Europe’s death and the birth of a new world
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New horizons. Europe’s death and the birth of a new world

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European society - increasingly old, sick and tired - is succumbing. Is it destined to death? In this book, thanks to the intervention of some experts, we will see what are the characteristics of the new society in transformation. What are the new horizons we are about to see. The European continent is in crisis. Europe is transforming. The decrease of the young and the increase of the elderly Europeans is leading to an increase in healthcare spending, a career and financial crisis. At the same time, new migration flows are bringing new diseases and new crime. The western and eastern ones are two worlds that meet but due to the rapidity of this meeting, it risks being a clash in which Europe will be defeated by the high African demography and the economic-financial power of China. Not only is Europe changing: the whole world is changing. Let’s see how and why.
Release dateJul 30, 2019
New horizons. Europe’s death and the birth of a new world

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    Book preview

    New horizons. Europe’s death and the birth of a new world - Danilo Campanella

    Table of Contents


    A changing society.

    Old horizons. Understanding what we left behind to get to know our present.


    Society is already global.

    Cyberpunk technology: cryptocurrencies.


    Demography: the end of the world?

    A Europe of elderly and patients.

    Army in the street: a waste or a resource?

    A right patrimonial against the crisis. Exceptionally.

    The Gospel according to Donald.


    A world of fools?

    A Sane Fool: Aloise Corbaz.

    The meat society.








    Giada Ferioli

    TITOLO | New Horizons - Europe’s death and the birth of a new world

    AUTORE | Danilo Campanella

    ISBN | 9788831632379

    Prima edizione digitale: 2019

    © Tutti i diritti riservati all'Autore.

    Questa opera è pubblicata direttamente dall'autore tramite la piattaforma di selfpublishing Youcanprint e l'autore detiene ogni diritto della stessa in maniera esclusiva. Nessuna parte di questo libro può essere pertanto riprodotta senza il preventivo assenso dell'autore.

    Youcanprint Self-Publishing

    Via Marco Biagi 6, 73100 Lecce

    Qualsiasi distribuzione o fruizione non autorizzata costituisce violazione dei diritti dell’autore e sarà sanzionata civilmente e penalmente secondo quanto previsto dalla legge 633/1941.


    A changing society.

    I am writing this from the point of view of a European, of an Italian who, despite his being provincial par excellence, finds himself growing within a globalized society. Our culture and our traditions are being forgotten, to give way for market trends and other cultures, those of the East, which will prevail (China and Africa) even for demographic reasons only. This is a rapidly changing society. In particular, European society risks dying to make way for something else that will come. We don't really know what. The horizons are still confused. Yet they are getting closer.

    European society - increasingly old, sick and tired - is succumbing. Is it destined to death? In this book, thanks to the intervention of some experts, we will see what are the characteristics of the new society in transformation. What are the new horizons we are about to see. The European continent is in crisis. Europe is transforming. The decrease of the young and the increase of the elderly Europeans is leading to an increase in healthcare spending, a career and financial crisis. At the same time, new migration flows are bringing new diseases and new crime. The western and eastern ones are two worlds that meet but due to the rapidity of this meeting, it risks being a clash in which Europe will be defeated by the high African demography and the economic-financial power of China. Not only is Europe changing: the whole world is changing. Let’s see how and why.

    Old horizons. Understanding what we left behind to get to know our present.

    Our country’s history is made up of lights and shadows. I will try to present both in a series of dossiers that will aim to retrace backwards the past of our Republic, to know it better and to get a cleaner image of all the historical moments and characters that belong in part to the spectrum of the news. This history wants to start with the death of a man whose writings have come true in all their crude absurdity, steeped in harsh considerations on the nature and the destiny of our country. Pier Paolo Pasolini was assassinated at the Ostia hydroscale on the night between November 1 to 2, 1975. Like D'Annunzio and Pirandello, he experimented all the genre of the 20th century creation: novel, theater, cinema, non-fiction, literary criticism and poetry. In his main activities of journalist and writer and even under interview, he did not fail to launch his cutting remarks against the world he saw realized in the West, especially in Italy. His radical judgments against bourgeois, consumerist and post-modern society, that Italy that was leaving the genuine peasant world for the mirages of industrial progress, the dialect for Italian, the simple for the complex and the reality for the ideality, brought him not few antipathies, even those of the Communists of which he had ventured into the party only to understand that they too reflected the same bigoted and moralistic dynamics of the other party forms. Openly gay, this aspect ended up basing his public figure (like the presumed reasons for his death¹). His memory ended up crystallizing on his vices rather than on his intellectual merits as well as on his uncomfortable and caustic analysis. First of all, Pasolini recognized that the Power executes anarchy because it itself is anarchical par excellence: it wants and can afford everything².

    Lousy people have lousy critics, while important people have important critics.

    On July 8, 1974, Pasolini wrote on the columns of Pese sera two of his illustrious detractors with the title Open Letter to Italo Calvino: what I regret:

    Dear Calvin, Maurizio Ferrara says that I regret a golden age, you say that I regret the Italietta: everyone says that I regret something, making this regret a negative value and therefore an easy target (…) Would I regret the Italietta? (…) it is petty-bourgeois, fascist, Christian Democrat; it is provincial and on the edge of history; his culture is a formal and vulgar scholastic humanism. Do you want me to regret all this? (...) On the other hand this Italietta, as for me, is not over (...) I have said and I

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