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Lover's Smile pt. 2
Lover's Smile pt. 2
Lover's Smile pt. 2
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Lover's Smile pt. 2

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Valentine smiled with relief. He kissed Sindy quickly. She rolled her eyes. The flow of happiness was breaking up. Her feelings were like being released from a burden. She loved the young man as he was. He closed his eyes and smacked her lips, returned with an innocent kiss from her. She also closed her eyes, holding on every second.

Release dateJul 30, 2019
Lover's Smile pt. 2

Frank Spreader

Incurable writer. Creator. Extreme reader. Travel fanatic. Introvert. Friendly coffee junkie. Music ninja. Internet nerd. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Thinker.

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    Lover's Smile pt. 2 - Frank Spreader

    LOVER’S SMILE pt. 2

    by Frank Spreader

    Copyright 2019 Frank Spreader

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite e-book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Author’s note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.


    Blood seeped on Valentine’s back. His face showed bitterness and looked pale. With a burst of energy, he killed his enemies one by one. The burst of gunfire echoed in the bunker.

    Jacopo, his bodyguard, followed Valentine behind his back, hitting opponents who dared to hurt him. He was fast and agile, guarding him towards the outside of the bunker.

    Valentine stopped at door number one. He opened the door quickly while Jacopo turned back to shoot at his opponent. Bang! The anger had made him off guard. The bullet lodged in his chest.

    Signore! shouted Jacopo as he turned to see him fall on the floor. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang! He fired repeatedly on the enemies who had harmed his master until they died, covered in blood, drooped on the floor. He was incredibly angry to see him unconscious. He had indeed been trained. At an early age, he had even taken part in military training in Vietnam. He closed the door and locked it from inside.

    He carried him and put him on a chair. Something fell from his left hand, an object like a remote control with green and red buttons. He picked it up and looked at it for a moment. A light was flashing on it. Signore, arrre you okay? he asked, worried, but Valentine didn’t budge. He panicked when he looked at the screen. Some of Romanov’s men were preparing to destroy this building.

    His mind drifted. He was looking at the small object in his hand. If the object was useless, why did his master hold it? And if that thing brought disaster for him and his master to die in this bunker, well, he would still die because of a bomb blast from the Romanovs. But if he pressed the wrong button, this room could be exploding. The screen showed the Romanov’s troops had planted the explosives on all doors to make sure the Vandal’s heir wouldn’t survive.

    It appeared the indicator was counting down the seconds to the explosion. Only less than one minute the bombs were ready to blow up, destroying them and the victims in the bunker. He panicked and looked at Valentine who had been sinking into an armchair. His head was hanging low, almost hitting the table. He ran to grab his body. Click. He pressed the red button with his hand which tried to hold his head.

    The metal plate came down from the top over the door. CCTV cameras clicked along with all lightings in the bunker. Screechh. He was surprised to see a secret door open. Without wasting time, he lifted him and entered the room. The door closed again. Bwoom! Big explosions echoed throughout the bunker. He felt relieved. Inside the room, he put him on the floor. He looked around the hall filled with walls full of holes on the right and left.

    He suspected there might be a secret weapon. He looked for a way to get out from this room while Valentine still hadn’t regained consciousness. He looked at the remote control again. There was a kind of laser on the top of it. He pointed at each corner of the wall with holes. There was a laser in each hole, the type that was like the AN/SEQ-3 Laser Weapon System which could shoot with high accuracy without being able to be seen with the eyes.

    He lifted him and walked down his head. He walked down carefully on tiptoes and crawled to avoid the contact with the laser beam which caught in the light from the remote control. Arriving at the end of the hall, two aisles were branching left and right. He stayed vigilant because it could have been one of them set up with traps. With the laser from the device, he directed it to the left aisle.

    It was very dark. He directed the laser beam to the right side of the hallway. There were like footprints. He stepped onto the right side. His eyes were staring at any hidden danger. He stopped at the end of the corridor which had an electronic lock fitted and put him on the floor, leaning against the wall. He was surprised after aiming the laser at the electronic lock, absolutely no fingerprints!

    He began searching for the door handle. There was only a torch that went out. His eyes settled on the tip of the prop. There was a knob like a volume knob on the radio. He tried the knob, but the door didn’t open. He tried once more, and this time the door opened. But there was still another door that closed. He lost his temper. Without thinking of the risks that would be incurred, he pressed the green button on the tool.

    Click. Screechh. The door opened. He was incredibly surprised when he saw a familiar figure in the room. The exact figure as his master. He had two masters! Then who was the person he put on the floor?

    Where’s me brovwer?! snapped Vivian at him.

    Brrrother-a? Arrre you…? His words stuck in his throat. His eyes turned towards the floor where Valentine was lying.

    Vivian followed the direction of his gaze. He was so surprised to see him unconscious. Val! he shouted. Panicking to see the condition of his younger brother, he approached and lifted him and took him into the bunker.

    Jacopo trailed him behind with a puzzled expression.

    Vivian put him on the sofa. The Vandals’ family doctor was waiting there. Monitor ‘is condition. If ‘e doesn’t survive, ya and your family won’t survive either. He vented his wrath. His face burned. The atmosphere was charged with tenseness. He looked at him in anger and approached him and hit him without a pause. His face got bruises. The corner of his mouth bled.

    Jacopo didn’t fight him at all.

    Vivian stopped, trying to take a deep breath. "Tom Brad Pitt! Ye’re useless. Ye couldn’t guard even wahn heap of coke. Wot did I tell ya? Keep a mince pie on the bloomin’

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